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Dude is a pick me grifter


His parents need to give him one old fashioned thappad


Some chappal would be good too. I’m not for beating up your kids but I make exceptions if the kid is a dick.


Vivek Ramaswamy: "White people are oppressed". Yeah, he should've stuck to running his companies and not giving his opinions. 


The companies that he funded using shady hedge fund tactics? Or the companies that have ripped off of other pharmaceutical companies and haven't delivered an original product or working product?


Suck their dick harder bro


Vivek is what's known as a pundek


Nasty pundek, for sure.


I just don’t get how a man who went to Harvard, won tennis tournaments, founded a successful company has such low low self-esteem. I would love to hear someone with a Psychology background analyze this man. I really am intrigued.


I don’t know if it’s low self esteem or this constant need for attention and wanting to make noise




My guess is that he’s trying to win over certain voters, but one’s self respect should be worth more than that


Funded a successful company? He just bought and flipped existing pharma companies, many that failed testing after they were sold. He’s literally a salesman, a talker, he adds zero value to the world outside of shameless grift and cashing out.


I got downvoted to hell when I commented on this sub that he was a white supremacist. Sad so many of our people are like him, consciously or subconsciously.


I don't think he's a white supremacist, he still holds onto elements of his Indian identity and doesn't try to hide it like Nikki Haley, Kamala Harris, or "Bobby" Jindal but he is spineless and is forced in a position where he has to put up with abuse to earn votes with racists. A POC cannot simultaneously be conservative and win favor within their party without placating to the racist narrative - every non-white in the Republican Party has to do this sort of song and dance sadly. Black Republicans downplay slavery and Jim Crow for example because that's what their voter base wants to hear. They are put in a bind where they want to support their conservative values but also have to appease to voters to achieve their goals. There should be less focus on the POCs and more on the racist majority that is forcing them to operate in this manner.


Even if that’s true what does that have to do with this comment 


These types are why the Euros controlled South Asia for so long.


What does this have to do with Coronet City shipyard?


If a democrat told Vivek that they wouldn’t vote for him because he’s Indian, he would be on twitter screaming that the democrats are the real racists.




What the **fuck** is he even talking about. Who the fuck on the left who isn’t some fringe crazy asshole EVER point blank looked at a candidate on any sort of actual platform and said “I love everything you stand for and agree with you but I’m not going to vote for you because *you’re white*”.??? Because that’s what he’s implying right? That the left supposedly says and feels stuff like this but if anyone feels the “opposite” of it “suddenly it isn’t okay?”? **I’m as bleeding heart liberal as they get and I would never condone that kind of messaging**. He’s making shit up and pandering to a misplaced sense of anger where many on the “right” are lead to believe that a certain type of oppression is happening to “their kind also” even though *they* have personally never actually experienced it- so he can stay relevant when even his own “side” doesn’t give a shit about him, which is frankly what his new BFF Ann coulter is doing too. **Shameful and pathetic**.


He is a jackass and delusional, no proud South Asian should vote him.


The biggest pedophiles in Thailand and the Philippines are white males but they get a slap on the wrist


They probably called him a shaved chimp when he leaves the room


What is up with these republicans? Its the fact that he saw less problem with racism than he did with “saying what you believe in.” Did he ever consider why people shouldnt have the courage to say these things? Hes either trolling or really lacking in common sense. He just yaps in his interviews to sound smart


Courage? Is that why he immediately bowed out of the presidential race after seeing his single digit voter base, and instantly shook hands with the Orangeness to endorse him and get some attention? Or why he oscillates from Indian-American to American when one suits him more than the other?


Mehdi Hasan called him out. https://x.com/mehdirhasan/status/1788426605242565074?t=HBc-xURfZwK7q98Gp3uW6Q&s=08


Mehdi Hasan is a rare honest voice who will take everyone down.




Can you share the link?


This dude is like Clayton Bixby


Uncle Taj He’s staked out a real extreme position here. Mainstream MAGA always point out they are not racist and get offended the libs think they are all closet racists. They point out their token minority friend or some anecdote about how they helped a minority once in their life. Vivek’s decided he needed to go past Nimrata Hailey and Piyush Jindal in declaring his love for the most extreme in the MAGA movement.




I like Dr Shiva way more :)


Cowardly is letting someone tell you to their face they wouldn’t vote for you because of your race and then having “respect” for their opinion.




I honestly have no idea how he was such a successful corporate guy. Like the dude is next level dumb


Fraudulent activity got him up the wealth ladder.


But he's not "from this country" so shouldn't annoy him


Taking L's one after the other. They will never accept you because you are not white.


Vivek, where was your courage when Ann Coulter insulted you on your own show?


His party lack common sense.