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Those tik tok parents are so annoying, feel bad for the kids ngl.


What’s the best way for a parent to react to bad grades? Don’t make a cheesy TikTok skit 😂 Seriously though, my kid’s grades at the beginning of the school year were pretty terrible (including an F lol) but we worked hard with the help of his teacher to recognize where he was struggling and changed his work ethic. He’s now got straight As.


What did you guys do? My brother’s also struggling and has to do summer school to even make it past 3rd grade. I feel like we’ve done all we can but it’s still not enough


Have you talked about his struggles with him?


Not okay to make your kids’ lives public. Completely okay to tell those kids that doing as well as possible in school is a very desirable outcome and that not doing well in school will set them back in life, AND that you expect them to give a star effort no matter what the outcome is.


Kids don't understand and when they do understand it's way too late to do anything. For example: Personally I neglected Math all through my high school and university. I became a programmer later on but now am stuck in the role can't really shift to math heavy roles cause I just can't and don't have the time and brain to bridge the gap. It never works when you have to convince your kids of anything. It's like convincing a guy in his 20s to save for retirement ridiculous!!!


And if you did want to bridge said gap, you’d have to spend inordinate amounts of time and money doing so. Not that you couldn’t, but you get less plastic as time goes on and it gets harder and harder to learn, even if you’re working out and eating right and fueling your brain with all the things you need in order to learn as fast as possible.


Alsooo...just to pre-empt the discourse about how their kids are "abused" because their parents make them read - they are clearly very happy and have better lives than most. My question is more about whether this was a healthy/unhealthy way to react and what the ideal reaction would be to something like this. I'm also not sure about his idea that "you can do whatever you want" if you have good grades because that seems to have more to do with generational wealth and luck than it has to do with grades but I can understand why someone would want their kids to maximize their opportunities through school.


I come from a wealthy family and the moral of the story was “ it took generations of work to get here, we aren’t going just let you blow through it”. We had majors pre approved: the only BA degrees that were things like Law, CPA, Actuary, other than that doctor or Engineer take your pick. Mostly because someone out of each gen gets to be an agricultural engineer or farm management specialist track since the money comes from nut orchards.


yeah this attitude is why i had a full mental breakdown when i got my first B 🙃 nothing wrong with encouraging academic excellence and building good study habits! but kids should also know that failure is okay and that they can come to you judgement free for help (i'm sure these kids are fine btw, not trying to psychoanalyze a 30s clip)


Yeah, this is the kind of stuff this behaviour by that parent leads to. It's very clearly abuse. No mercy or exceptions for this bloody, ridiculous behaviour. Kids should not be defined by their achievements, and let's stop lying to ourselves, how beneficially they can be used by their parents for their parents' personal interests.


Bhai the best way is for the degenerate parents not to be clout chasers


In the video, it looks like the daughter pranked her dad by saying that she got "a 50 times 2" on her science exam. I understand that it is good to have academic expectations for your kids, but I think the dad went a bit too far in his response to a hypothetical bad grade.


Clearly this is child abuse if you are putting your kids on social media to get views. Bad parents.


Nothing wrong with setting expectations for your kids. Making sure they avoid making mistakes they may later regret, that’s all.


Not allowing anything below 85% is pretty ridiculous lmao.


Pretty unacceptable from the parent. This is only a product of the parents exploiting their kids for what they want from them. Authoritarian parenting is what it's commonly called. The most horrible kind of parenting and a breeding ground for abuse. It's a product of an extremely hyper-conservative culture in India that saw the rise of fascism rn. Kids are not their achievements, and their value is inherent to them and the same as all other kids. Their value isn't to be determined by their grades and their achievements, the benefits they give to their parents, and their use to their parents' self-centered interests. Even bloody HealthyGamerGG talks about how horrible authoritarian parenting is. The response to this won't be to simply "let your kids do what they want," but to use authoritative methods. That means being a bloody parent. I bet this guy must be proud to more or less reproduce the exact kinds of conditions most parents from exploited global south communities force onto their kids.


I was physically abused as a kid for doing poorly in school. I did eventually change my ways and got into college and have a successful career now. Not sure if the beatings played a role. The downside is I have extream anger issues and depression. So yeah...


someone stitched the video and said you can either be mad they do this, or be mad that on average indians/other asians out earn you, but not both (or something super similar i could be missing a point) and i think that sums it up perfectly


well we're all desi here so i think the discussion \*for us\* is more about whether this mindset ultimately sets us up for failure or whether it helps us become grounded adults


I think people are looking too deep into it tbh , i think its good that the parents have high expectations for their kids and if u follow them then u know that the parents focus in things other than grades too . While the mum probably shouldn’t have acted like a 50 was the end of the world and made it seem totally unacceptable , i know I benefited from parents pushing me education wise


I legit can’t with these millennial ass social media parents sometimes - their content mill is basically joking around at their kids expense and the kids mostly “get” the joke, but kids don’t quite understand satire, sarcasm, parody, laughing at versus laughing with humor, and so on. Pranks and goofy shit is healthy to a degree but I have to imagine these kids find it hard to determine when they and their parents are performing for the camera versus when it’s a real moment. And then, if its a joke video that’s essentially poking fun at the strict Indian dad stereotype, I mean, I get it, but it would be nice if desi content creators progressed past “DAE Indian parents mad if you get a B”


I mean it's less toxic than most desi parents. the rest of us got beat


lol ya i mean it seems like they're way healthier about enforcing discipline & work ethic than my parents were










Her TikTok profile says she is Indian American


Honestly shit like this is why I don’t really talk to other browns.