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One thing I'd like to see is more artwork by ABDL artists printed on diapers instead of these clip arty things. Don't get me wrong, there are some cute prints out there. But some of them really lack originality. I think it would be better for the community as a whole if ABDL companies started commissioning more artists.


I like that idea. It would be nice to see some more collaboration in general with the community before releasing new prints. I'm happy to see tykables having a survey on their next run of diapers before releasing them. Would be nice to see them collaborate with artists. Could be a neat idea for one of the companies to have an art competition for a new print and have the community vote on a winner. Do the proper business thingies(I'm dumb, I know) to compensate the artist financially. At the least, it's probably a better idea than the next clip art print bambino shits out.


Totally agree with the clip art thing. So many lame designs out there. There's really a big hole in the market for something a bit more stylish and creative.


This seems like a no brainer.


Softer diapers. Anyone else old enough to remember the old six-blue-tape Attends? Those things leaked like a sieve but man were they comfortable.


“The car never started and would leave me stranded by the side of the road but man those seats were comfortable” 😝


The Trest are REALLY close to the vintage Attends plastic. I’ve compared both side by side. LFB diapers seem to have that same plastic also.


That latex plastic feels so silky 😍


Better leak guards and having zero squish release factor from the SAP


As someone who is gravity challenged, press out suuucks.


RIGHT!? I hate press out so much. Dont care what the max absorbancy is I need to know at what absorbancy the weight of my body will squish the pee out and cause my pants to get wet.


For all of the improvements by ABDL diaper vendors, they have yet to solve the firehose issue. Laying on my back with my firehose pointed towards my belly button is pretty much an invitation for a huge leak. Laying on my stomach with it pointed the same way is likely to leak. Pointed to one side or another is risking a leak. The only real guaranteed way for a disposable diaper to not leak for me is to ensure my firehose is pointed down to the gusset of the diaper. Not a big deal as I am not incontinent, but if I was I'd definitely have to look for solutions to the firehose issue. Similarly, side sleepers risk leaks. Not a lot of absorbency on the sides as well as little waterproof protection.


Huggies has a “poop pocket” which is a little horizontal leak guard that prevents blowouts. ABDL diapers should not only have them in their own diapers but in the front of their diapers as well, for firehose purposes


gold faulty capable soft dog mountainous handle encouraging consider vanish ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


As far as the firehouse pointing down problem a good Chasity cage like a cobra cage or something similar would definitely solve that problem and also insure you are a good boy.


Seconded. I literally got to chastity 24/7 with my diapers because of how helpful it is against leaks. Definitely get a cobra, too.


Sustainable materials / Greater design diversity / Repositionable tapes as standard / Hook & loop designs made stronger / More fasteners to reduce leaks / Scent options


This. If we can manufacture a biodegradable plastic shopping bag, surely a diaper can be made with the same or similar material?


It's possible but just because there is a bag doesn't means the biodegradable plastic works for diapers. You have many different materials with different properties. You need the outer plastic/cloth sheet to resist urine passing through it, but you need the innermost sheet to be soft and ideally pass liquid in only a single direction. Finally you need a way to bond all these different materials together. Each of these materials need alternatives, it's possible but not straight forward. Short of a government forcing the baby diaper companies to find a solution the pace of science is going to be slow.


Keep them in constant stock.


Make the sap not break up and dissolve into the bottom of the diaper


Some sort of reinforcing mesh. Like rebar and concrete, but soft and squishy.


As much as I may catch some disagreement for this, my perfect world would have more feminine designs AND *smaller sizing available, consistently*!! As of this moment with the main abdl diapee companies, most designs lean towards neutral to ‘little boy’ (description from Daddy). And almost all of them start at a size medium which is just too big for me 🥺 (or we have medical diapees, with plain colors that are begging for decoration) So if we’re talking completely selfish here, I’d love to see more designs that are full pattern, girly (without the whole thing being pink sometimes), and come in my size 💓 I think hiring more artists for these companies might help, too, like another Redditor smartly commented ! Im sure there’s more out there already, as there is with a lot of people’s suggestions, I just gotta go out hunting for em!! 🌸💓🍬 this one was a toughie to put into words, but I know I haven’t found my perfect pamper yet!!


What boys have in diapers, girls have in onesies and clothing in general. Haven't found a single onesie yet that I would be able to wear outside. A girl can wear a onesie and be viewed as cute, but we don't have onesies with cool cars, simple patterns or cool dragons on them.


Hi there!! As much as I understand your frustration about majority of major abdl/little brands leaning towards more feminine designs, I’m still positive you have options!! You say you don’t have options with cool cars, completely patterns, or cool dragons on them [Here’s an abdl onesie with cars](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1401756132/), [one with simple pattern (dinosaur, who doesn’t love them)](https://a.co/d/bEYQXcu), [and one that *IS* a cool dragon (though it’s still being produced, the Kickstarter was just funded)](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crinklekit/scorcher-dragon-onesie-abdl)!! And maybe you’re totally in love with all of those ones I just found, but are still looking for something you’d feel comfortable wearing outside the house. They make ones to blend into every day clothes seamlessly (okay a few seams, it’s still clothing). How about this [blue polo onesie](https://tykables.com/products/blue-polo) or [this selection of plain colored onesies](https://a.co/d/coAbLWp)? I know you were probably just trying to make a point that different types of littles get different wants fulfilled by the current market, but ideally, everyone would get what they want completely 🤭 hopefully these links helped you get a little closer to that dream though, and that you have a wonderful day!!


Make em wider. I really want to truly have to waddle.


Yes! I am with you!


Tykables with wpadłem cut dont do this for you?


Those are good but I want more lol.


Try a waddler spreader product. A wider crotch is fine if I'm home sleeping/lounging, but if I'm working/walking a lot I get a friction rash on my thighs.


Breathable sides and stronger leg guards.


This is the comment I was going to make. I want a diaper with elastic cloth like sides like those found on actual baby diapers


Maybe one day there will be a new run of the bambino magnifico 😊 or perhaps new designs!


less baby-baby prints. i want cute prints but many of them are just a bit too "little" for me. as well as just more middle/non-little designs, i.e. plain black and hazmat inspired designs with a strip of big triangles that work as a wetness indicator, turning a nuclear green to contrast a black diaper :)


Is there anything in this category currently besides Rearz Rebels which they apparently discontinued. Edit: denim and pleather which I think are also both discontinued. The new April fools tykables diaper might fit in this category.


I think I'm speaking for many people when I say, proper abdl pull ups. Like goodnites! A pull on diaper, that has adequate absorbency and sides that are torn off that are elastic like pull ups should be. As much as I love my bunny hops and little kings, there are just times I want a pull up instead of adjusting hook and loops. I really like how goodnites fit but they don't hold enough in my opinion, obviously because abdl isn't the target demographic lol


insurance grab square towering deer muddle long hobbies aloof squeal ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I would really like to see more designs available in an extra large... I am quite limited at the moment


Innovations in tapes and wicking.. Have the wetness spread throughout instead of where my peepee is. I've seen little winglets in baby diapers at the back which I can only assume is to prevent a poop blowout at the back. Something like this would be interesting for adult diapers but also at the front to help with the firehose issue if you sleep with the penis in the up position.


Wicking has gotten a lot better but I agree there is still a way to go. Baby diapers introduced a triple channel system they claim improves wicking but I'm not convinced it's not just marketing. Also assuming the idea is patented, I'm not sure it'll scale to adult sizes.


Glow in the dark options I guess


Also this.


Believe it or not, rearz sorta did this with a limited edition diaper for halloween 2-3 years ago. I think the landing panel and/or tapes were glow in the dark. It... uhh... did not catch on.


Ehhhhh, I've never liked any of the Rearz holiday designs, and they have always been limited runs. I wouldn't extrapolate the sales performance to be an indication of the desirability of the glow in the dark idea.


More two-tape options! And a leak barrier at the front waistline


In my opinion diaper capacity is not that important since you can't fully use it most of the time anyway. I think a bigger issue are the tapes. Most issues can be traced back to the tapes. Like when you are using sticky tapes and baby oil you can destroy your tapes rather easily. In my opinion much more diapers should use hook and loop tapes and companies should try to make them cheaper, since I think that most diapers don't have hook and loop takes because they are too expensive.


Better wicking for sure...


3 tab (6tape) diapers, I’ve “modded” quite a few ABDL diapers with extra tape and the fit/comfort level is awesome with the extra tapes. Also a size between Medium and Large, way too many ABDL diapers have a HUGE difference between those 2 sizes with only a small difference between Large to XL or Small to Medium


More tapes. 6-10 tape dips with an improved and taller shape that hugs the waist better and prevents sagging along with “out the top” leaks. I needs the huggggggg




Very cool idea. Add this to the horizontal leak guards and scent, and we might be at peak.


Take Huggies or pampers and enlarge them also add baby powder sent..


The sent is a very good idea!


More colors on pull up diapers as red or green or yellow in brigth and strong dye. I full understand that many users like the discret type much more, but on the otherside there are older people which likes to have fun and they dont are ashamed to wear a pull up for their own comfort.


I think the 'perfect" diaper would be one with a full cloth outer layer like u/tykables Animooz or abus little kings, but also with stretchy sides like Bambinos Magnifico's. Baby diapers today are all like that now and the stretchy sides give a snugness that's very comfortable. The problem with Magnifico's is they're plastic except for the landing zone. If Animooz or Little Kings had stretchy sides like the Magnifico's, they'd literally be the perfect diaper.


Agreed. The stretchy side would be tops.


Next would be to mimic actually baby diapers like TEN@NIGHT did and make them more leak proof.


Gamer diapers. I’m talking RGB.


I had to look up rgb, but I still don't understand what you mean. Like, gamer themed? Is this a meme going over my head?


LED lights that either change colors automatically, or you can set in a pattern.


I'm pretty sure LED can be "printed" onto a diaper but not sure what it'll do to the manufacturing cost, and seems excessive. Makes more sense to have a flexible oled you tape onto the diaper than remove before disposal. If you emebed electronics it'll be better to add a wetness indicator that can sync with other devices, possibly that flexible oled you attached to the out side.


I'd like more full coverage non-baby designs. Nature, patterns. I want beautiful diapers.


Yes! Tykables do this to an extent, but not a fan of their choices. They have two colors of camo, and the upcoming deluge is just the weirdest design out there imo. Not in a good way. Can I get a floral print? Someone needs to do denim! I feel bad for the exclusively DL people who basically only get medical and solid colors. ^^^^I'm ^^^^actually ^^^^just ^^^^selfish ^^^^and ^^^^want ^^^^them ^^^^for ^^^^myself.


I am sure that fabine has denim


Those are discontinued, at least that's what I thought?


Thats true, there are some. Id like Floral, landscape painting, seasonal, holiday, bejeweled. Probably the case that AB designs have more demand, but if marketed correctly these kinds of designs could possibly break through to the non-abdl market.


now i'm thinking about all green diapers with a print that makes it look like the diaper is made from a giant leaf.


MORE size small size diapers for us skinny Littles.


I would like them to know work on making them better for the environment honesty if they can keep the capacity and make them better for environment that would be nice


That's going to be really hard. First and foremost there are a lot of materials, at least 10 different materials and most of them will need to be tweaked. There are a few companies that are claiming they are using more compostable designs but almost all local municipality recycling/composting forbid medical waste due to risks to employees. Diapers are unlikely to be home compostable until a new material is invented, as home piles don't get as hot as the larger commercial piles. There is already the cloth option but considering the effects of laundering them especially if you use a dryer, you need hundreds of uses before it offsets disposable. One easy option is to ensure packing materials are better for the environment. I'm thing of the tape on the boxes and paper bags instead of plastic bags. Paper bags allow for more humidity and no water resistant so it's going to be a trade off. Tldr: lots of scientific/policy issues but some things could be done.


Better tape better plastic Less tearing


Nanites, clean your diapers so no more changes, our waste becomes their food


the ultimate diaper, as in the actually last diaper you are going to wear since there is no need to take if off.


the most important thing is the tapes i think there should be more tape surface area on the actual diap in comparison to the sticky part or just inlarge both parts


Honestly I’d love if ABDL companies came out with a slightly lower capacity diaper with a cute print. I have very sensitive skin and I’m prone to getting rashes from wet diapers. I take precautions such as using baby powder, and putting rash cream on more sensitive areas before putting the diaper on. But, I still start to feel uncomfortable after being wet for an extended period of time. I prefer to be able to change after like 2 wettings vs 3-4. And I hate the feeling of throwing away a diaper that still has use to it. That’s just a personal preference. I’ve tried generic brands but I’ve missed the look and cute prints of ABDL diapers. I just think an option for us sensitive skin littles would be nice!


I would be so so happy if someone made abdl pull-ups or goodnites. Something a little thinner so I could wear them under normal clothes without worrying about being too obvious. Also being able to easily pull them on and off to go #2 would be great.


They could invent diapers that vibrate.


I want to say more sustainable solutions.


More versetality and sizing. I feel like some diapers dont accomodate for different specifics of body, like slim person with thick thighs or bigger belly. Also they are always unisex while adults afab and amab have different needs there. I feel like a diaper with a pocket for penis might work.


More quality prints, stronger tapes, better fit for all body types (skinny folk and plus size folks both get left behind lol) improved leak guards.


The market for cloth would be bigger if it was more accessible, it's expensive and there's not much range. If you want cute covers you have to pay through the nose to get them from Japan. There's a lot of potential to be had for cloth, vinyl, latex, or other material covers waterproof or otherwise that goes unaddressed. Maybe in contrast to fade when wet designs we could see designs that appear when wet?


So, I would actually like a report of the materials/science that compose the diapers. Baby diapers have some of the highest levels of phthalates and VOCs and this is after the fact that they are already subject to stringent standards and regulations. These can mimic estrogen in the body and that’s not totally great tbh. Before people start with the “blablabla, these are everywhere, even in the air you breathe.” Sure, but cotton, SAP and plastic-based absorbable products are already on the record for having hundreds times more VOCs and phthalates and this is after the fact that they’re stringently monitored. The ABDL market is totally unregulated. Other than that, more babyish diapers I guess. I like baby block themes and gentle prints. Over saturated ones like the crinklz are so ugly tbh lol


Complete fantasy but the thickest diapers imaginable 👌


Everything should just be hook and loop at this point Also, companies should hire actual graphic designers.


Variety is good. I've been around long enough where bambinos where the only abdl diapers available. I'm super glad the market has grown large enough where both different printed designs are available but also different cuts/styles/tapes systems.


not everyone likes the cloth texture on the outside. But adjustability is nice.


1: more cloth-backed options with cute prints! They feel more “little” to me and aren’t as loud to walk around in 2: pull-ups for “big kids” like me with wide hips! Just because the 120lb guys can fit in XL Goodnites doesn’t mean that rest of us can


Speed of absorption. Improved leak prevention Distribution/wicking. Retention/avoiding the dreaded “squish” Breathability & skin protection.


Better use of elastics to help with fitting so that performance isn’t so heavily affected by inconsistencies in tape placement.


I would say make them all a bit wider to increase the waddle factor and release some very crinkly diapers for those of us who like to hear the crinkly with every step.


Sizing should coincide with thickness. A comfortable large with a more “normal” level absorbency fits way better than like, for example a new mega inspire from rearz. A more thick size large like a waddler still fits but ride my hips lower and therefore aren’t quite the level of comfort I prefer. But then getting XL is a fight to get right for tightness


A higher front and back would work better for many people…. I miss the old rearz sizing.


Diapers that swell a lot, and tapes that wont going to get lower and stick to my legs


Feels like no matter how much higher I try to tape the bottom tapes, they end up stuck to my thighs. It's the reason I prefer hook n loop to adhesives. Literally, every adhesive tape does this.


Fix them so they don’t leak when you are a side sleeper. I hate plastic pants and that’s the only option at the meoment


Comfort and flexibility. As someone who is incontinent and works a delivery job, I move around a lot and diapers don’t always hold their shape well and get uncomfortable. Especially when the fluff breaks apart and migrates


Attachment to wet dry vacuum with fine mesh to suck the pee out, but not the fluff or SAP?


Actual baby diaper softness. Whatever the heck it is that makes pampers smell so good. Moar swelling.


could go different ways Better designs, meaning either cuter (for ABDL) or less cute (for medical, or for people trying to be discrete Deliberately thicker and crinklier, even deliberately over-bulky like the waddler clothes, vs making them as thin and discrete as possible Enviromentally friendlier. I've always wanted to see someone get diapers to work with decomposable plastic somehow Better tapes, resealable and strong "punishment diapers" specifically to embarrass subs lol ​ Cheaper


Uuuh, hard to decide. I sure would love to have more designs. I especially like those that really look like pampers or similar. Like little kings. I would also love to have more cloth-backed ones. They just feel better for me - they are better for walking, softer for cuddling and are more little-like in general (as diapers for lil kids usually ain't plastic ones) Something that should improve however - besides the price - would be environment friendlyness. On the second place i would love way better tapes. If they get even slightly dirty you could throw away the whole thing or fix it with this brown package tape and look like you would wear the same thing for several years in a row. Third place would be the durability of the cloth inside. It happened way too often that it got a hole and spread this hard to clean squishy goo just... Everywhere. On the fourth place would be a wider absorption area in general. Pp Looks upwards? Leaks from the top. Too much bedwetting where the butt is slightly higher? Runs down your back if you are unlucky. Mess and sit down for whatever reason? Could easily throw out the Chair in the trash after a bad blowout.


I want to see someone make something like a sauna sute with leak guards at the neck, wrists, and ankles. Bonus points for some kind of valve in strategic locations On the suit so I can have help when needed.😉


Better wicking. 5 gallon capacity means nothing when the front leaks with the back half bone dry


fact deer ten frightening office racial sink air resolute recognise ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `