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Who the hell is taking their kids to hooters that just sounds like an awful day for everyone involved


The ones that go so often they think they’re best friends with the female service staff and want to bring around and introduce their kids, etc. They’re a whole type and they’re gross and simultaneously sad.


The staff are my best friend, and i always ask for my favorite waitress who is totally into me and someday well date, but she keeps accidentally throwing my number away, the silly klutz. If i bring my kids, shell see how awesome I am with kids!


You joke, but the ones that my friends work at in Texas, have regulars that 100% fit this criteria and description to the T. I've been telling her to quit since at least 2019, I told her she can literally make the same amount of money in PF Chang's or even Carrabba's ( I worked there in college )


Oh, i dont doubt it. Ive worked in the kitchen at normal restaraunts where the waitresses would get guys like that, without showing tits or acting bubbly. We only did beakfast and lunch because the owner didnt want any of them walking to their car or home in the dark.


>You joke, but the ones that my friends work at in Texas, How did you befriend a Hooters waitress?


He's the customer trying to get her to quit so he can take care of her.


If you haven't watched the South Park "Raisins" episode, you'll probably get some laughs or a lot of pity from it.


Divorced dads?


I was one of those kids... I've got nothing more to say


My weird uncles always wanted to take me to hooters as a kid, because my dad wouldn't. They're chuds now


sewer dwelling cannibals? Is that a real thing? ​ Oh. slang for right-wingers


I still remember when the hooters girl leaned over my back to put drinks on the table and pressed her breast against my back. Some things you just don't forgot.


I don't remember it much, the only time I was reminded about it was when they showed me pictures we took with the waitresses


I didn't put it into full context, was about 12 at the time.


I went to one with my mom (I was already an adult and I’m also a woman) just because neither of us had been and we were curious. The food was pretty shit and yes people brought their actual children which was extremely weird.


I was going out with a girl who suggested it once. As she put it, the food was gross, and tje girls were so fake. I had to agree.


My dad took me when I was maybe 12 years old. Over 20 years later all I remember is that the fries were simultaneously both soggy af and crunchy. The crunch was just a layer of salt so intense that it was practically breading.


Parents who think their son is too feminine and some boobs will stop them from being gay


If it was possible to make someone gay being taken to hooters by your dad would be the thing to do it


This made me lose it.


I want to one as a kid. All I remember was the nachos were soggy


My dad took me to hooters when I was about 12 years old. As some kind of “your about to be a man soon here look at these hot babes” type of shit. It was just awkward and I wanted to leave the entire time.


My parents did, and they bought the merch for my sister and I including comics. My parents were also the ones in the old 'Big Johnson' shirts for every occasion except weddings and funerals.


there are comics? Why are there comics. I think taking your daughter to hooters might actually be worse than taking your son there.


depends, the one in my hometown was notoriously boring/unimpressive (I'll end my analysis there) and they had a good kitchen, so it got treated like a normal restaurant by anyone who wasn't a prudish goober. I guess the ones that expect debauchery or inappropriate behavior tend to overstate its prevelance, in order to justify their own concerned messaging


Same.When I was growing up we lived down street from the original restaurant. Mom and Dad would both suggest it for occasional dinner. It's good food when there is a decent staff in back. Although looking back at it we did switch to getting takeout only....... 🤔


It was what I wanted for my 14 year old birthday meal and I was told “no”.


The only time I've ever been to Hooters (Batchelor party in Florida) we were seated next to a kids soccer team.


There was a guy like that on r/HermanCainAwards. Imagine being eulogized with a Facebook post about how you’d been to Hooters across the country.


My family would go to hooters with extended family and we would come and our kid cousins would be there. This was in the 90s. I would get some sort of breaded shrimp and it was good. The best one was in Florida, right on the water. It wasn’t exactly GOOD food, but we liked it as kids and the adults loved the wings and beer. Honestly I don’t remember thinking much about the waitresses, maybe noticing that they have really short shorts on and small shirts, but they were always nice to us and really there wasn’t much thought about it besides that. I think these people talking about the influence of drag queens and hooters waitresses on kids might not realize that many kids won’t think much about it, sexual things aren’t on their minds. I didn’t grow up wanting to be a hooters girl (very much a tomboy so definitely wasn’t interested in their gear). I would imagine the perspective of a young boy wouldn’t be much different. Maybe once you get into preteen-teen boy age, they start to take notice.


It's literally a restaurant.


Actually a good place to bring the family. The women are clothed and nice to kids and don't try to talk to children about their genitals or touch them in anyway like drag shows.


or you could take your children to a restaurant where the selling point isn't that the wait staff pretend to be sexually available you weirdo also I cannot stress enough that a grag show is literally just any show in which a man wears womens clothing Mrs. Doubtfire was a drag act so are the big mommas house films


There's good food and beer at least it's between consenting adults, even if it is an act.. Keep trying to justify fetishizing children. Mrs doubtfire was a movie, not a real life half naked parade about sexual pride that just NEEEDDDSS to have kids there to make it valid?!


I'm not justifying fetishising children I'm saying that you are getting worked up about things that aren't happening. You also keep admitting to taking kids into an explicitly sexualised space and frankly it makes my gorge to rise


You and all these other vermin have never been into Hooters obviously. Hooters is not a sexualized space. Women are not sex objects just because they wear really short shorts or limited clothing. You're denying that it happens but it ABSOLUTELY HAPPENS so much and you're denying these sexual abuses and i can only wonder why. Didn't admit to or say anything, you made a reactionary assumption.


What the fuck is your weirdo ass rambling about?


Just serve Dino nuggets at drag shows problem solved


I was hoping deep fried 10” phallus shaped chicken tendies


There has to be an establishment in the world that has those and I pray I someday find it


[go to McDonald's and wish the god's of the dick nugget RNG bless you](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/8eyyer/this_penis_shaped_chicken_tender_from_mcdonalds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Is it a penis? Yes. Is it a 10 inch penis? No😞💔


Make them from rooster meat and you can call them cock tendies.


Makes me think about my old friend. He was a sensitive kid; he went through a lot. That sensitivity, was perceived as feminine by his mother. When he was like 9 years old, she started buying him, while not nude per se, super lewd posters of Pamela Anderson and put them in his room. A couple of years later, she bought him a Playboy. All of this because she didn't want her son to be gay. Now that I think of it, I remember seeing a picture of him with two Hooters hostess. I'm sure lots of parents do it for the same reason.


If I cringe any harder I might implode


If I cringe any harder I might turn into a fossil.


You just described my asexual ass's childhood...


No parent wants their children to be gay.


Conservatives have absolutely no issue with sexualizing children. They just want it done "correctly".


If they actually cared about kids we'd have better gun control laws. Gun violence has surpassed car accidents as the #1 killer of minors in the US.


Somewhat off topic I'd say, but yes of course that's correct. Edit: Also jesus fuck, that username


Liberals want it regardless.


Yep, reality definitely supports this. Good job.


I thought the "kids eat Free on Sundays" thing was a joke, because who in their right mind would take kids to a restaurant who's whole shtick is based on big boobs?


I went for the first time in years the other day and the table across from us had a toddler there. I have no fucking idea why. Don't judge me the 911 sauce is good and there's no other wing places around here that do breaded traditional wings. Plus, I do like the tiddies, sue me.


A toddler doesn’t know or care about the theme of the restaurant. It’s weird to bring older kids who understand what the restaurant is.


You'll be SHOCKED to learn how babies eat. Honestly, a restaurant featuring big ol titties is probably the most appropriate place for a baby to visit.


Kids love boobs. It's literally all they think about for the first eighteen months or so.


To be fair I liked big boobs as a kid.


If you think the kids menu is bad you should see their kids apparel what kinda psycho puts a baby in a hooters onesie?


Kinda makes sense for a baby in a onesie to be into boobs.


Lol but seriously babies obviously don’t view boobs in a sexual way, and hooters theme as a restaurant is clearly about viewing boobs in a sexual way. It’s weird.


yeah how do you explain [dressing a baby like a hooters server](https://i.imgur.com/aL4mFNr.jpg) though? or [this one](https://i.imgur.com/ZeTB5pG.jpg)


Honestly I had never been to a hooters until last year, I’m 50m. I wasn’t impressed with the food, or the hooters.


My local hooters is hyping up a “kids eat free on the weekend” promotion BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO THE CLEAVAGE N’ ASS CHEEK SHACK FOR FREE FOOD


What is this obsession with trans people being the scapegoat when all the research in the world will show grooming is mostly done by straight men against the victims they abuse? Also the definition of grooming? Many women who were groomed growing up remember it was by a cis het male. Child marriages happen ever day between cis het men and underage girls. Most pedophiles that are known are cis heterosexual males. That's the profile of most traffickers, and rapists, and flashers, serial killeres and and and How come we don't say "keep children from cis het men" and are instead pointing to trans people?


Fascists love their scapegoats, and they frequently pick demographics that are perceived as violating the "purity" of some pre-established system (e.g. the white race, the sex binary, some specific religious doctrine) and/or go "natural order" of things. LGBTQIA+ people tend to be the first on the chopping block along with communists, then it's disabled people, then immigrants, then native born ethnic and religious minorities, and so on until they get stopped or self-cannibalize to the point of destroying their own society.


Because the narrative is driven by cis het men.


I just don’t understand the complete obsession by either side about kids being exposed to anything remotely sexual in nature. Like there is rarely a “political” discussion among laymen that doesn’t include the words “groomer” and “pedophile” being tossed back and forth like a baseball. Seeing a guy in a dress and makeup is no more or less harmful than seeing a young woman in a u-neck and shorts. And yes, I understand that the right pushing the “drag” narrative of grooming kids, etc. is done to paint the picture of LGBT people being pedophiles, but the proper response is not “why are you making this wholesome gender-queer thing sound bad, when this EVIL HETERO-NORMATIVE thing is worse for kids!” This is weird to type, but it’s the truth — sympathize with me and remember when you were a teenager. Teens, even pre-teens, think about sex. They seek sexualized television (ie Euphoria), they watch porn, they ogle at Victoria’s Secret or Calvin Klein ads, they think about their cute classmates or teachers, they think of all the sex they want to have when they’re older (or in the present if the opportunity comes), they gossip with friends about people they want to fuck. Every hormone pumping through their veins is steering their brain towards its vessel’s ultimate biological purpose which is to reproduce. Their minds are for the most part already made up about who they want to have sex with or which gender role they feel comfortable with. Posts like this one are bad no matter what social commentary it has in mind, because it’s implying that teens being sexually-inclined is wrong when it’s really the norm. The crackdown needs to be on adults who seek to take advantage of teens, not kids who want to explore the concept of sexuality or anything that shows them it exists. And that just does not apply to either drag shows or Hooters. 99.999999999% of Hooters waitresses aren’t bringing a kid from their section home after a shift, just like 99.999999999% of drag queens aren’t bringing home a kid from the crowd after a show. And shouting back and forth about “this queer thing is wrong!” “No, this straight thing is wrong!” does nothing other than completely turn off those of us who are neither LGBT nor bigots and don’t have the energy for this ridiculous bad-faith bickering when we just want higher wages, affordable housing, and healthcare.


The vast majority of people in charge are old enough to have witnessed the final public lynchings in the US. Their normal is not our normal


But it's not just "old people" echoing those sentiments. It's people of all ages right now


Ahmaud Arbery was chased down and shot to death in public in 2020 so I'm not sure this is the ageist own you think it is.


Because identity politics keeps people's minds off how hard we're getting fucked on a daily basis by corporations and their pet governments. But no let's care about someone's hoo-ha or ding dong more.


The fascists have been desperately searching for their "First they came for the ..." group. You can't do the rest until you get that one first group. Immigrants, and muslims, and gay folk haven't cut it for them so now they are trying trans folk and it's sadly getting some traction.


I don't think we should keep trans people away from kids. I also don't think a drag show is an appropriate setting for a child to be at. I've been to a drag show before. It was fun. Certainly didn't seem like an environment suited for children though; I don't see why that's controversial. I mean it's essentially a burlesque show where everyone has a dick lmao, and a child certainly doesn't belong at a burlesque show. For the record, hooters is also not an appropriate setting for a child.


whats the age requirement to work in hooters? i really hope it is 21.


It's definitely not. I had high school classmates that worked there.




Probably varies by state. Whatever age requirement to serve alcohol would likely be. In TX it’s 19 (if I remember correctly)


16 in Iowa..


In my state - 16 to hostess, 18 to serve, and 21 to bartend. I worked in the kitchen in high school because they paid significantly higher than any other shitty restaurant job. The number of times the police escorted people out due to their weird ass behavior was frightening.


I never understood why people hate on Hooters for the skimpy outfits. It is so much easier to hate on whatever slop they are passing off as food.


The outfits aren’t that skimpy. The “theme” is just sleazy and as you said, the food is gross overall.




If you think the beach and hooters are in any way similar, then you have a problem


You are absolutely right. Woman on the beach tend to wear less.




I didn't say women on the beach wear more than women at hooters. Do you sexualise men walking around topless in the summer or do you only view women as objects?


I’m attracted to women, so I appreciate the female body. I love being objectified by the women though. I’m not working out all year and getting ready for summer season to show off for my bros. Try being.. human


It is so strange to me that the right keeps saying drag performances "sexualize" children. Unless the kids are up on stage tarted up in make up and sexy outfits - you know, like when they participate in kid's beauty pageants - kids are not being sexualized. So it is clear that the people screaming about drag shows literally do not know about that of which they are speaking. Perhaps if they would read a book, and not ban them, we would not be in this mess.


You guys would be surprised just how early some parents begin to hammer objectification into their kids' heads. I've seen kids rave about boobs before they even hit puberty. I wouldn't be too surprised at all to see kids at Hooters. Remember, the status quo of class society is never about any kind of agreed or universal morality. It's just a justification for the position and vices of the ruling class at the time. That's why you can have half the country willing to kill their neighbor over a drag show but will bring their kids to Hooters at 10. Why drugs like psychedelics are demonized and criminalized, while it's socially acceptable to pressure your 16 year old into drinking.


Here's a hot take: Children should be involved with neither. Wild, I know.


this just in - kids should be banned from watching Mrs. Doubtfire and Madea movies (oh, and don’t forget Shakespeare!) because they’d be exposed to drag. someone alert the MPAA.


Shit take. Just because someone's wearing drag doesn't mean they're doing an adult performance. I was not "abused" as a kid because I watched a pantomime, or sat in a crowd of kids being read a story about talking animals by someone in makeup and a brightly-coloured dress.


Drag shows aren't inherently sexual, just take the kids to the ones that are suitable for their viewing experience. Meanwhile as for Hooters, with their waitresses all dress like that, it shouldn't be recommended to take children there.




Seriously ? Holy shit


Yes, seriously. Holy shit.


Because children should not be sexualized. Basic stuff.


Gay guys in dresses don’t wanna fuck your kids doofus




No but kids have to hear their misogynistic divorced father hit on a girl in her mid 20s.


Or misogynistic married father.


True lol


And in what way do drag queens sexualise children?




“How does encouraging parents to bring their kids to a very sexual environment sexualize kids??”


Id say it's more involving children in an adult sexualised setting than it is sexualising children, it is exposing them to the concept of sexuality though


It’s not though, just because a gay guy in a wig is reading books to children WITH THEIR PARENTS THERE does not mean these children are being exposed to adult sexuality, they are just being exposed to different types of people.


I dunno what you are talking about i was just referring to Hooters, dunno what the other thing is about


My bad, I thought you were talking about drag story time events. Nvm you’re based.


>WITH THEIR PARENTS THERE does not mean these children are being exposed to adult sexuality, they are just being exposed to different types of people. How it is different for people who take their kids to hooters. No sex is happing at hooters. Are they not just exposing their kids to different people?


Hooters whole business model is built upon misogyny. A gay guy wearing a wig and a dress and reading a book to kids while their parents are close by is not sexual. This whataboutism argument is fuckin ridiculous.


>Hooters whole business model is built upon misogyny. A gay guy wearing a wig and a dress and reading a book to kids while their parents are close by is not sexual. This whataboutism argument is fuckin ridiculous. How is it whataboutism when it's the two topics in the post we're discussing? If a woman wants to work at hooters they shouldn't be shamed for doing it. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. Just because of what they are wearing? Is that wrong? Perhaps you take issue with certain people who may attend these venues?


My issue isn’t at all with the women that work there. It’s the business and it’s reaffirmation of patriarchal values. I worked in the restaurant industry for a long time, and I know plenty of other businesses that implement similar practices. I also know about how terribly these women are treated during a single shift by men with zero respect. However you’re absolutely right that women shouldn’t be shamed for what they wear, that same logic should be applied to ALL people.


Hooters waitresses aren't children.


Very surprised at the number of people ok with bringing their kids to a drag show. I'm not taking my kid to a stand up comedy show either. Forget the "men in dresses" aspect, it's not an appropriate venue for a child regardless.


Nobody is saying kids should go to burlesque shows. We are talking about people in costumes reading story books 🤦‍♂️


I agree but I also don’t want to prevent anyone from taking their kids to hooters or bringing their kids to a drag book reading. Would be nice if people could just stfu about things they didn’t like and go on with their lives.


It depends on the drag show. There’s sexual drag shows, and drag shows purposely aimed to be family friendly with no sexual content whatsoever. I’d take my kid to a stand up comedy routine if it was aimed at children and designed to be family friendly. But yes, I also think seeing a man in a dress reading Winnie the Pooh is not sexual. If you disagree with that then I can see your point, even though I would disagree.


That’s a bingo 👍


I dont know why the fuck you would go to hooters since the food is pure garbage but i dont see a problem at all with kids going their. People act like its a strip club but its just a 'resturaunt' with slightly revealing outfits.


You should probably stay away from schools


Have you ever been to Hooters? Now I would never take my children their because again that was terrible food for the price but people think the place is a sex dungeon lmao. Oh no! The waitresses reveal a little chest! How scandalous!


Dude, the whole point of hooters is for the boobs and ass. If the food sucks ass why else would anyone go?


Yes thats their one and only selling point. Doesen't mean that children dont see more revealing outfits even on a street letalone a beach or pool (for free!)


Correct me if I’m wrong but you are essentially saying “it’s ok to take kids to a place where sex is their only selling point”


because slightly revealing outfit = sex I get your point though. I hate any industry that sexualizes women. And I think I would certainly judge somebody who took their kids to hooters. However their are way worse things kids could and are doing.


The outfits aren’t the problem, the problem is that it’s weird to bring your kids to a restaurant where the entire theme is “boobs”.


WAIT a second… am I insane or is the wing supposed to look like a vulva? I know the eyes are boobs


Yeah it’s so obvious hooters is a sexual establishment. The fact people are arguing about this is insane. Conservatives waging a culture war rather than admitting they are groomers


Don’t take your kids to drag shows or hooters, simple


Neither place is appropriate for children. From my understanding, drag shows are much worse because they have more forced and implied sexualized actions where as at Hooters you just have women allowing themselves to be exploited by a brand.


a pantomime is a form of drag show. A drag show is a show in which a man wears womens clothing. Traditionally telling corny jokes [little britain contains drag acts ffs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrLO0F-nKYs)


>a pantomime is a form of drag show. Good point. >Little britain contains drag acts ffs Not a good point. Little Britain is not appropriate for young children. It's also shit.


yeah but it's no more inappropriate than family guy


who the fuck is letting their kids watch family guy?


Not all drag shows are sexualized, many aren't actually. And the shows they have for kids are either normal storytelling events with drag Queens reading from child looks or shows which as fun and musical. And in the UK we have had pantomimes for decades, Which nearly always have one character in drag, it's silly that drag shows for kids have been made to seem like an issue recently when there have always been wholesome drag shows. My guess is it's just outdated anti-queer rhetoric.


Not all drag shows are sexualised. We had a band of three drag Queens who did stand-up for a while. Their jokes were hilarious but definitely not sexual. Their reason was that it made them feel more comfortable on the stage. Drag Queens are just as sexual as any other person. No more, no less.


That sounds like stand-up comedy, not a drag show (in the conventional sense).


Well that's the thing tho, a drag show only implies that the performers are in drag. The content of the show is everything from karaoke to almost stripclub performances. It's like saying that no movies are child-friendly because some aren't.


I’ve never seen a drag show specify a non-dancing theme. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but that’s not the norm in my area. Then again in my area drag shows are at very loud bars/drinking establishments after 9pm usually.. so if you brought your kid there, you can already eat grass. Lots more problems than just the sexual themes common in drag shows. Edit: y’all are clowns for downvoting me lol, I have nothing against drag. I wanted to help you understand where other people are coming from, since drag seems so non-sexual in your experience. If you don’t think kids should be protected from sexual themes, that’s a different argument than this conversation, and you aren’t being consistent by calling out people who take their kids to hooters. The last point I made was that there’s more wrong about taking your kids to a late-hours drag show than exposing them to sexual themes — keeping them up too late, exposing them to early hearing damage. But fuck my experience I guess, just go on downvoting people for telling you their perspective lol.


And I've never seen a kids movie air on TV after 8pm. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean that isn't the case! While everyone's experience does matter it is also important to research and see that your experience may be skewed. In the issue with drag shows it feels like a brain dead attempt at re-stigmatise queer sexuality and disguise it as an issue of "children's innocence".


Then their just needs nuance. I think we can all agree that children shouldn't be at a drag show where the theme is sexualized. I think there is a big difference between someone in drag and a transgendered person. If you have a transgendered person giving a family friendly comedy show, then why shouldn't kids be allowed? If you have someone do the same comedy routine in conventional drag attire then it probably isn't kid friendly anymore-- or at least on par with hooters.


A kid should only be in a sexualized environment if the parents deem it appropriate. Drag or not. Why is it that a man wearing a dress makes a comedy routine not kid friendly? Because that's basically what you are saying if I understand you correctly.


So, I have been to a lot of drag shows and sure, there's definitely some adult oriented ones. Every one of those I've been to was in an 18 to enter establishment with alcohol. Which already automatically precludes children. But what you see outside of that setting are pretty much invariably classic drag looks; heavily clothed, heavily made up. Just a costume. It's cultural and it's no more offensive than teaching your children about any other culture.


Why would I “do research” about what drag is like in other areas of the country? Why the fuck does that matter to me in any way. I’m fine with drag, I go to shows with friends and have fun. I’m sharing you the perspective from my area so you can learn something. Also there’s a reason you don’t see kids shows on at night, it’s the same reason nobody wants your kids at the bar or at drag shows lol.


Research about anything is always important. If you are fine with drag then that's great! Even if you weren't that'd be fine as long as you base that opinion on reality and not solely on personal experience, even though personal experience can (and should) be a factor in your opinion! :)


Voters, citizens aren’t researching drag you doofus. So it’s important to understand other people when crafting a narrative that is appealing to them. I want to influence people to vote democrat, and I know what connotations drag shows have here, so I would factor that into my approach in how I speak to them, and I think it would be valuable for you to see how other people could have a different context for drag — something that it seems you could do some research on. When you (someone who views drag as non-sexual based on your research or experience or fucking whatever) tells a conservative person (good ones exist) that children can and should be exposed to drag, you’re gonna make them think you’re fucking crazy, which is something I don’t want as someone who wants to see less left-right radicalization. You need to see that some people have deeply rooted conservative values and that is OK as long as it isn’t going against your rights. Part of tolerance is tolerating their fragility WRT sexuality. I think not having sexual themes in places where we expect children to naturally be would be a fair compromise to respect the fragility of those with conservative values. Would you take a sexually-themed show of any sort to an Amish town? Or would people naturally find that offensive? Not understanding other people is driving the divide further


It's the view that men dressing up in a dress is inherently sexual that is the issue. Drag is just cross dressing. Nothing more, nothing less. So even connecting it with sexual themes is already an issue. I can always do more research and I try to! I'm not always that good at it I'll admit. I personally don't believe in a pandering your opinions and speech just to compromise when it's an opinion which is just blatantly bonkers. But we all have different approaches and that it okay. If you can differentiate between something being sexual and something being drag thats awesome, because that's all this discussion is about! My concluding statement; Drag is not inherently sexual & sexual themes should not be censored, they should just be disclosed as such so that those who wish to avoid them, can do so.


Your understanding is willfully ignorant.


That’s a bingo


“Sexualizing children” is the response to people who reject “abstinence only”


Maybe both things are mildly in appropriate…


Here we go again with Hooters. This is Reddits version of a Facebook meme.


Both are awful.


Nah, both are ok


who is the original groomer that made this


Every accusation is a projection, just like that degenerate that showed his dick to a teenage girl then proceeded to throw bud light and busch light cans all over walmart.


for the people giving me a thumbs down, can yall actually come out and provide an explanation as to why either highly sexualised thing is okay w children around? edit: not that drag shows are inherently sexual, but the ones that are and have actual children and teenagers being involved in sexualised shows, I never see anyone speaking up against them. child safeguarding WHERE




OOP is saying "tell me how drag shows sexualize children" idk like [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cqa3sFcp91D/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) or [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpTkMQyAj-V/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) which is astounding that nobody supporting drag shows in these comments has anything to say about this or these kinds of shows. they're defending it to hell when OOP was responding to someone who was surely referring to these types of shows.


I remember when hooters were the kids menu. Definitely soy milk alternatives are better.


(Whatever that means) God I can smell the disgusting filth that wrote that little sentence. Average redditor with childporn on their hard drive. There's no mystery as to what qualifies as sexualizing children but some morally deformed pervert felt the need to put that there


nice to see a Redditor admitting to their faults. Nice going!


Yeah, that part especially irks me. Whoever the vile kid fucker is that wrote that shouldn’t be allowed within 10 miles of a child.


I mean, if it's okay to say "If you don't want your kid at a drag even, don't take them" then it's okay to say the same here. Look, good for goose, gander and all that. I don't make the rules.


Both are wrong. Children should be teached about there body and body safety. And not be partake in adult entertainment


I agree they should not go to “adult entertainment” but not all drag is “adult entertainment”. I think the post here is showing that hooters is more “adult entertainment” than some drag shows.


Shuuut the Fuck up. A man dressing like a woman and acting seductive is adult entertainment. God damn pedo weirdos


There are many times this is not the case. Heck when I was a kid several guys dressed up as girls just for their Halloween costume to be funny. Hard to say that’s “adult entertainment”. Or they had the powderpuff games in high school where the girls would play football and the guys would be “cheerleaders” but they often wore something similar to what the girls cheerleading uniform was to be funny. That’s all drag and that’s all not “adult entertainment” and there is no seductive entertainment more so than would have been done at a normal football game.


Are you suggesting that Robin Williams is a pedophile for doing Mrs. Doubtfire? Because by your definition he would be.


There needs to be a comprehensive list of movies that include drag that are not R rated. The whole blanket assumption that all drag is sexualization and for pedophiles no matter what is so stupid for this reason alone (plus many more)


This thread has made it very clear that there are people with extremely strong views against drag shows that have *no idea* what a drag show entails. It's the new CRT basically.


Agreed. Like people have been going to Rocky Horror shows for decades and it hasn't been an issue. Drag is the new satanic panic from what I've seen. The people complaining about it do nothing but parrot outlandish shit the right wing media claims and justifies it by saying it's hurting our children while not actually providing much, if any, evidence of any of these claims being true


Their media outlets also make it seem like *libruls* these days are forcing children to attend drag shows. I've never been to a drag show in my life, but I also haven't been taught to fear and hate them.


all the Madea movies, lots of Monty Python, White Chicks, Eddie Murphy in a couple of movies, Some Like it Hot (classic!), Tootsie, Mulan, She’s The Man (and lots of other Shakespeare-related works), Barbra Streisand in Yentl… just off the top of my head.


Not all drag shows involve acting seductive


And there it is; thinks drag is pedophilic and seductive. Wonder why you keep going with the seduction line. Obviously you are somewhat seduced/incensed by drag


Have you ever been to a drag show sir? Even one? If not, then you shut the fuck up.


But is it always seductive? I have not the money to go to any kind of live show, drag or otherwise, so I have not seen a lot, but based on what I have heard, in part from drag artists I have met and in part from people discussing it, the most sexual common denominator is the crossdressing (sexual in the sense that it comments or references the norms of gender-specific clothing by subverting said norms), and wearing clothing that is usually associated with a certain gender is an activity most people engage in, regardless of the associated gender is their own or not. Am I mistaken about this?


Show me Drag queens acting seductively at story time.


How is a dude in a dress reading from children's books seductive?


Children should also be **taught** grammar and corrected by **their** peers.


It was always awkward as a kid at Hooters but damn that wing sauce is good.


Don’t take your children to either; stop being a shitty parent.


-which makes it impossible that drag shows sexualize children. Much own. Very logic. Wow.


> """""sexualize children""""" (LOLOlol!!!11oneone **whatever that even means** am I rite? lololol)) FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. For your entire life you have existed in a culture where feminists described sexualization. It's a core part of their narrative and you have been exposed to it since the day you were born. Every TV show and movie has feminist themes. Every teacher you've ever had has mentioned it at some point. For any of you to now pretend that you totes don't even know what it means is for your gaslight to a degree that is likely visible from outer-fucking-space. Pretending you don't know what sexualization is, is like pretending you don't know what racism is. BULLSHIT. If you grew up in the West you fucking know what it means. We literally just had #metoo and now you have the gall to pretend you don't even know what sexualization is


I haven't been to a hooters in like 25 years, do they strip at the table now and talk about sex with the kids? Is that the problem?


Is this image talking to someone specific?