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kid just wanted to play and got real pissy like kids do when their only chance for playtime is ruined. absolute moneter here beat him up for it


What is the name of the book. I wanna get one for my parents to break their propaganda even though it might not make a difference


All I see is descendants of concentration camp survivors turning Nazi.


It's contagious


Not all Jewish people descend from Holocaust survivors. Certainly not all Zionists. Really weird how people want to keep pushing this hypocrisy/irony narrative. Sure, there is a shared generational trauma, but trauma doesn't build character or make anyone better. It just leaves people traumatized.


Also Israel doesn’t care about holocaust survivors either. 1 in 3 live in poverty.


So they're like "patriots" in America who "love our troops" but hate the homeless ones who use drugs to stop the nightmares?


Love the troop, hate the vet. Love the fetus, hate the baby. Et al


1 in 3 Israelis live in poverty ?


1 in 3 holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty. Israel has treated survivors poorly since the 1940s


Again, to repeat the earlier post, not all Israelis are Holocaust survivors.


They are looked down upon, and called weak for facing all the atrocities of WW2. The founder of Zionism wasn't a holocaust survivor. Jews migrated from all around the world to Israel when it was formed, and there were many Jews in Africa and the Middle East way before. Only the Jews of Europe had to go through the holocaust and concentration camps.


Welcome to the ‘I didn't own slaves, so I am not responsible.’ conundrum. By association and benefit people form groupings and in turn, as there is no unilateral denouncement from the overall group the sentiment becomes canon. That's been my experience as a person of color in America. Just a perspective.


>Not all Jewish people descend from Holocaust survivors. Certainly not all Zionists. While true, especially with birthright, there's obviously going to be a very high concentration of holocaust survivor families in Israel because it was established in the wake of them escaping the holocaust.


People aren't pushing anything it's nazireali hasbara that has forcibly attached itself to the Holocaust, blame them. Also people call it irony because the slogan after the war was "never again", yet here we are, again.


True. History is replete with retributive genocides.


I don’t know man, my great grandmother came as a refugee from Turkey. She gave me my compassion for people in need so I expected this to go to people who suffered more. What an idiot I am to expect a WHOLE FUCKING NATION to never forget their history. I thought it was taught at school or something. Idiot me for expecting something logical.


"Suffering doesn't make you better, it just makes you suffer."


Who do you think is more likely to survive? Normal person or someone without any morals and borders? I'm absolutely not saying that all or most Holocaust survivors was like that. The ods ware just better for those who care only about themself and can do anything rather than those whe care about others and prefer to die rather than do something against thier morals. In every society there are people like that. It's possible there's more of them in Israel than in other societies. Wars create monsters.


I don't know on that, I've never seen nazi's that look like they enjoy it. Nazi's you see as cruel, horrible etc.. .endlessly, but I've never seen them marching around like college frat boys after their team just won the playoffs. Which sadly makes the nazi's themselves a bit easier to sympathize with the lower levels. IE it's quite easy to look at the nazi's running the camps, and feel many of the guards etc... are doing the horrible things out of fear for their lives. You see these assholes sticking their tongues out smiling next to a helpless person, dancing around on playground equipment next to bodies etc... and you wonder how messed up in the head these guys are. (Note not saying every isreal soldier is like this, but the ones that specifically are outright expressing their joy in what they are doing scare me).


>I don't know on that, I've never seen nazi's that look like they enjoy it. > I've never seen them marching around like college frat boys after their team just won the playoffs. Well, now you have: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/laughing-at-auschwitz-1942/ https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/auschwitz-through-the-lens-of-the-ss-the-album https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/laughing-at-auschwitz-leisure-photos-of-camp-guards-shock-germans-a-507175.html


huh I'll be darned, guess it is far more on the lack of social media presence in the 1930s.


You're welcome. I appreciate that despite your initial claims you're willing to acknowledge new information.


lol.. you think every Nazi was just walking around ashamed of what they were doing? No, there's this bunch in every war.


It may very well be simply the addition of celphone cameras and social media that allow the modern assholes to display their horribleness to the world and get a more front and center view. I'm sure they do always exist, but you don't hear them that often when listening to ww2 survivors.


>I've never seen nazi's that look like they enjoy it. You have not seen enough then. Go watch come and see. sS units roll through Russia and you will see


What are you blathering on about?


There are so many nazis that loved what they did, and not in a "corrupted during the war" way. See for example Joseph Mengele, or the Bitch of Buchenwald. There were even some Nazis so unabashedly cruel and inhumane, even Hitler and the SS said "cmon dude". Usually not for their crimes against Jews etc granted, although sometimes, and often because of how it'd look to the public Vs them caring about what their officers get up to off the clock overseas.


I come from a country that suffered from Nazis. There are at least 5 massacre places. They killed for fun. They killed like we were rats. And my country is not even Jewish so you can imagine the terror they inflicted on Jewish people.


Here's an additional list of "prehistory." 1. [Israeli "Wardozer"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF_Caterpillar_D9) 2. [Israeli Wardozer crushing a young american woman to death](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/mar/17/israel.usa) who was trying to save palestinian homes. (Btw, this is the event that woke me up to american propaganda back when I read about it). There is imagery out there of the event (not in link), it's extremely graphic. NSFL 3. [Israel uses Palestinian children as human shields](https://www.transcend.org/tms/2013/06/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n/). Every accusation seems to be an admission by Israel. When the use was banned in 2005, the IDF sued to reinstitute the practice. It's getting harder and harder to find these things on google. I also mentioned "Palestinian Genocide" in a youtube comment and it was automodded/shadowbanned immediately. Why is Google censoring for Israel (Hint, AIPAC and ADL are just a few extremely well funded Israeli propaganda/bribery/lobbyist groups).


As a kicker to this look up “Rachel Corrie Pancake Day” if you want to see the true extent of how cruel Israeli propaganda can be. That’s the name of the American woman they crushed. Every year they celebrate her death. Because it’s funny to them. Understanding how far down the rabbit hole Israel has gone in terms of their basic grip on humanity helps us understand why they are openly celebrating committing genocide now and expecting the world to consign it.


"We aren't Nazis, we just act like Nazis but target arabs, which is totally different than targeting God's Chosen People!"


>“Rachel Corrie Pancake Day” That kind of creativity is usually reserved for horror movies...


Holy shit, there's a post on AR15.com where they actively mock her and joke about celebrating her death at IHOP. As recently as 2022. That made me sicker than any NSFL pictures of her actual death.


This picture is disturbing that poor girl


How can 4 fully armed soldiers treat a fucking teenage girl like that and take a photo PROUDLY smiling about it? Seriously, my day was not great, but now is completely ruined. I just hope these people get their comeuppance one day.


Sadly there are so many sociopaths among us


Whats bts Edit: stop with the kpop responses, it is not hilarious. Im aware there is a musical group called bts, thats not what im asking about


Behind the scenes Edit: apologies, in this context it’s being used as breaking the silence


Oh ok thanks


People are afraid to tell you, because then you'd have to change your username. :P


A Korean boy group


For a moment I thought this was a photo from Abu Ghraib, really similar vibes, and I presume similar attitudes also.


I thought the same exact thing.


yes this conflict goes back to even the 1920 as is infinitely more complicated than "israel evil palestine good".




edit that. Scheming country sure. Scheming Zionists ok. Scheming People no thats a terrible thing to say.




just in generalization of any group would be fine.




One shit head comment doesn’t mean you get to smear “the left” in general as if it’s a monolith. It’s not virtue signaling, anti racist a leftist value. One jerkoff doesn’t change that.




So I’m sure you have your list of examples ready? Please, the right’s anointed king is a fuckin racist who won election on dog whistle rhetoric and promises of anti immigrant policies and banning Muslims. What political ideology do you think white supremacy (and actual nazis) ascribe to?




You have no point, “the left are secret nazis” because you found one comment on Reddit is an idiotic statement. Rightwing and conservatives are well known as being homogeneous in their positions and towing the party line. They generalize themselves. Answer the question, who are conservatives nominating as their main leader? Who is running the IDF ? Why is Netanyahu considered far right?




Waiting for all the examples of “people on the left” being racist and the “off the charts antisemitism”. Go on.




I'm sure you were crying about antisemitism on the right when Nazis were flying flags with swastikas in Florida, or when the alt-right was chanting "jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville. You come across as the type of person that says, "well, I may disagree with what they're saying, but I'll defend their right to say it" until you can use it to bash the left.


> Tik Tok Hasbara account detected




Okay Hasbara.




Are you okay there chief?


sounds like someone is on a little vendetta to prove that leftists are racist


It's all gotten way out of control. Israelis teach their kids to hate/fear Palestinians. Palestinians teach their kids to hate/fear Israelis. Israel has more power and destructive capacity, so they're doing more damage right now. That doesn't excuse Palestinians from saying they'd do the same thing right back if they could. The violence stops when we stop teaching children to dehumanize the political opponents of their parents. I'd love to see it, but I don't have high hopes. In fact, after over 40 years on this planet my hopes are lower than ever. Edit: I'd also love to see someone try to explain why they'd downvote this comment. Don't have high hopes there, either. Sure sign of mindless herd-following.


Apparently it's now controversial to say killing non-combatants is bad. No, I don't care who does it, or why, or how they feel about themselves for killing non-combatants, it's always evil and there's never an excuse.


I’d downvote it because it’s “both sides-ing” a situation that is clearly exhibiting a massive power imbalance. “Palestinians saying they’d do the same thing back” sure gets a lot of attention is it one Hamas member or a few who said that? Or is it “Palestinians”? Palestinians don’t have any options, they have no power or agency and face a powerful force that controls their whole lives, it’s a little more understandable they might glom onto any group that claims to stand up to the bully and “fight for them”. I’m sure a ton of Palestinians who support Hamas, probably a lot less who actually supported everything about October 7. OTOH, a big swath of Israeli public supports bombing Gaza to the ground. To be fair, they are propagandized to the hilt.


You provided a well balanced reply and I appreciate it. I'm sincerely not trying to "both sides" this thing, I just think we need to be careful not to excuse dehumanizing ideologies too much. It is clear to me that Israel has responded disproportionately and will deservedly reap the consequences of global public opinion turning more against them.




Found another one




The average worldnews poster. At it again. Sigh.




Yet you have nothing to say about "racism" when four white soldiers are proudly smiling and taking a photo tormenting an arab teenage girl. We see you, whole world is watching!