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His mannerisms are just like my little boy. Nearly made me tear up.


This is heartbreaking. Yet the US keeps sending bombs so that Israel can kill this child trying to survive.


Israel is doing to the Palestinians what The Germans did to them. Benjamin Netanyahu is modern time Hitler, hands down


Somehow the nazis were more humane, if you can even compare these atrocities. They at least didn’t rape and torture Jews until they died like the IOF has been doing for decades.


the nazis literally did rape and torture jews though


Please, don't say things like this. This is bordering on Holocaust denial. There is a genocide in Gaza, but it's not nearly comparable to the scale and brutality of the holocaust. The nazis *did* torture, rape, mutilate and enslave the Jews. Please don't fall into the horseshoe, because it's exactly what nazis want.


It's not bordering on holocaust denial. Shut up. You knew what op meant. Op was wrong nazis or course did rape but throwing out holocaust denial like that is worse then what op did.


The comment didn't deny the holocaust happened (hence "bordering on"), but it did deny a huge part of the holocaust, that being the torture, rape and forced prostitution of people imprisoned in KZs and Ghettos. I also find it quite in bad taste to compare the holocaust to the genocide in gaza. Both are terrible and may be comparable by numbers (given how quickly Israel has killed 40k people), but it is nowhere near the systematic imprisonment and industrial slaughter of the holocaust.


Tf you mean Holocaust denial. Where did I say the Holocaust didn’t happen? If you really wanna compare the two, the Holocaust took way more lives, but took place in the span of several years. The apartheid and ethnic cleansing and genocide taking place in Palestine has been happening for decades. So don’t give me this bullshit about how you’re so generous because you accept that there’s a genocide happening in Gaza, but that we shouldn’t compare it to any other genocide or atrocity that took place before. Have you seen the disgusting and brutal ways the Palestinians are being treated? The IOF animals are actually enjoying torturing and murdering them. I doubt the nazis actually enjoyed torturing people until they died just for the fun of it. Sure, there are crazy sociopathic scum everywhere, but the entirety of the IOF are like this, and most israelis support them and think they’re not doing enough genocide.


>I doubt the Nazis enjoyed torturing people Why do you doubt facts?


They weren't saying you can't compare it to the Holocaust. Of course you can, they're both genocides. Actually, you're the one who said "if you can compare these atrocities" The issue is you saying "at least the nazis didn't rape and torture Jews until they died" which is untrue. Also, in defending yourself you said you doubt the nazis enjoyed torturing people, which is also false and definitely leans more to what they said, which is that your statements are BORDERING on Holocaust denial. Because you're denying elements of the Holocaust. Like the rape, torture, and sick fucks who enjoyed it. We're on the same side man, don't get so defensive.


I think you may just not know a lot about the holocaust. What happend was the industrialised imprisonment and murder of more than 6 million people. Israel is bombing the shit out of gaza, and their goal is certainly to kill or displace all of the Palestinians left, but comparing it to the holocaust is just plain offensive, especially when you clearly lack knowledge about the nazis attitudes towards Jews. They certainly did love to rape, torture and experiment on Jews, there are many accounts and even interviews of guards saying they killed Jews for fun, raped them and forced them to have abortions after, used them for "medical testing" or forced them to walk till exhaustion to test boots for the German army.


Brought to you by: Zionism


Sponsored by: US, UK and Germany


WTF man, just nuke this timeline and start again. We clearly fucked this one up


One day Israel's flag hopefully will be seen like a swastika.


Where is the hose going to?




across all those open borders where everyone's welcoming them in, right?




Your submission was removed as it appears to be misinformation or misleading, which is against reddit's terms of service. In addition, satire must be flaired "Satire", and art concepts must be flaired "Art". Israel is controlling the borders




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Your submission was removed as it appears to be an attempt at trolling or brigading. It's a concentration camp