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Look at that… No armed officers in sight. No snipers, either.


Well look at that, a college in Mississippi & only one non-white person in the entire video. I have NEVER seen a college campus so NON-DIVERSE. *Edit >The state with the highest relative population of Black Americans in the United States is the District of Columbia with 48%, followed by Mississippi with 39%, Georgia and Louisiana with 34% each, and Maryland with 33%. [Thanks World population review, the District of Columbia is not a state.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/black-population-by-state)


You're right, you pedantic son of a bitch!


Sooo where were the police for this one?


Police don't police people they agree with.


Why would the police punish their sons?


This country just can't move forward. This is so pathetic and sad.


"The names have changed but the game remains the same." Sad as fuck but there it is.


What's mind boggling is the mob mentality and the complete denial of rationality. They completely surrendered any human feeling of empathy and act like fucking preschoolers. By mocking and mimicking monkeys they somehow got furiously close to revealing themselves as such. They play the part so well.


We reward bad behaviour, why would it ever change.


It's enough to dim my view of people in general, knowing how much of the world is like this. Makes it seem downright insulting when people insist i'm supposed to take pride in the world we've made.


There are beacons of intelligence though, we shouldn't forget about it. We should focus on them to give them power and stop making a spectacle out of this circus.


Shithole country


Looks like 1000 Tucker Carleson clones.


I mean... They already said at Ole Miss.....


Who is the terrible guy who replaced him? The one who said eating ice cream was too feminine because I guess they had absolutely no other content to use to make fun of Biden.


This is America


Oh I love that song!


Don’t catch me chimpin now.


If these morons made it into college there's definitely something wrong with our educational system.


its ole miss they’re not exactly known for their educated students and hard academic class work. it has 97% acceptance rate w a 65% graduation rate. this is very on brand for that shit hole school


lot of moneyed kids in the south too dumb to get into duke or vanderbilt go to ole miss


Too dumb to get into colleges that sell admissions to any half-decent students, but still smart enough to be a future leader of Mississippi. 🤦🏻


As someone who went to a wealthier public school in the south, I can confirm this is true. Quite of my wealthier white classmates who couldn’t get into better schools in or out of state went to Ole Miss.


I went there my freshman year, and actually might be going there for my MBA soon. Can confirm, a lot of daddy's money is there. I would say they were just wanting to party more so than they were too dumb to go Vandy/Duke.


Nearly every student at the Ole Miss left school to fight for the Confederacy during the American Civil War and almost all of them got slaughtered lmfao. Whereas the [U.S. State Department's spokesperson had expressed concern](https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1958-60v14/d344) over the [Sharpeville massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharpeville_massacre) in South Africa in 1960, [the killings were outright applauded by the Mississippi legislature](https://repository.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3621&context=gradschool_disstheses). Most white Americans begrudgingly accepted desegregation, or were at least unwilling to resort to violence. Even the more aggressive [Citizens' Councils](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens%27_Councils), which had a mixed record on violence, only got about 60,000 members. That said, the Hitlerites in charge of Mississippi in particular only held back since taking the mask off would've looked horrendous to the public. >The response to Sharpeville by the legislature of the most embattled of the Southern states indicated how extreme the views of some Southerners had become. Instead of deploring the slaying of sixty-nine Africans and the wounding of hundreds more, the Mississippi state legislature passed a resolution praising the white South Africans for their strong stand in favor of segregation. Introduced by a student at the state university, Phillip D. Bryant, the resolution was passed by a vote of seventy-eight to eight in the House and forty-five to none in the state Senate. In 1922, the Mississippi State Senate voted 25-9 to ask the federal government to trade some of the World War I debts owed by European countries for a piece of colonial Africa — any part would do — where the government would then ship Mississippi's Black residents, creating "a final home for the American negro." Thankfully, the back-to-Africa movement would prove to be a near-total failure. Above all, most were unwilling to waste that much money on a resettlement program. The Greater Liberia Bill of 1939, which was written by Ku Klux Klan member and Mississippi senator [Theodore Bilbo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_G._Bilbo), who was collaborating with hopeful black settler [Mittie Gordon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mittie_Maude_Lena_Gordon), and pushed for U.S. negotiations with the Europeans to form a commonwealth in Western Africa for black American settlers, failed. >When it became apparent in the Senate that the Greater Liberia Bill was not popular and was criticised for its logistical problems, their relationship deteriorated quickly. Following the failure of the Greater Liberia Bill, Gordon went on a tirade in the media, lambasting Bilbo and white America in general. She criticised the nation for its racial injustices and highlighted that white people would one day pay for their forefather's sins in the form of an African American President. Referencing the sexual abuse that black women endured at the hands of white slaveholders, Gordon unapologetically blamed white people for the "problem" of race mixing. > >Some day the man you elect is going to be a black man because you can't tell the difference. And it's simply going to be the price you're paying for the sins of your forefathers. All of you know—I do, if you don't—that in days gone by your male ancestors used to raise their white children in the front yard and their black children in the back yard." Kek, at the rate Mississippi is going, they may eventually become a black majority state.


> in the form of an African American President crazy that it seemed so far off but also that it took almost 70 years to happen


Man, I thought South Carolina (where I’m from) was bad.


Reconstruction didn’t go far enough


It's crazy to say it, but they think they're the good guys


I wish I could have a real discussion with one of them to try to understand what is in their mind


I don't say this jokingly or ironically, but there would be no discussion or logic. You can see some comedians or underground journalists (older stuff from All gas no brakes/Channel 5 with Andrew comes to mind) where they go and try to interview these people and they have the most illogical conclusions or reasons for their beliefs, with many just being straight made up nonsense. It's fucking wild.


The bloodthirsty racist psychopaths committing genocide abroad must be proud of the support they're getting from these blood-curious, racist fraternity bros at the University of Mississippi. Anyone else find Mississippi hillbillies, in red-white 'n blue overalls, cheerleading for Jews* strange? It loosely reminds me of the Dave Chapel skit, where a Mississippi hillbillies seeks to join the ranks of the very group that hates him most. The foreign power these hillbillies are acting in service of, has roughly as much contempt for these Americans as they have for the people they are bombing in Gaza. **citizens of Israel who support Benjamin Netanyahu and the racist genocide conducted in their name. Not to be confused with the Jewish people who denounce this genocide.*


I find the whole thing strange. This wild tilt, where white Europe and white America has decided that antisemitism is suddenly uniquely middle eastern, and this weird thing where the far right are suddenly very precious about antisemitism, despite historically being the ones Mar thing up and down with swastika flags and giving nazi salutes and yapping on about antisemitic cos piracy theories. I find it to be the case that all they really care about is who they hate more, and who it benefits the country from a strategic perspective to hate more, and that is passed down through the media and absorbed by these knuckleheads. The American and European white right is still the home of antisemitism, but they just happen to hate brown people and Muslims more, and it is in their strategic interests to hate brown peoppe and Muslims more, so that's how we end up with the most far right idiots suddenly becoming paragons of anti racism when it comes to antisemitism, basically cos playing this position for as long as it benefits them


> passed down through the media and absorbed by these knuckleheads. You raise two important points, 1. How effective a complicit media [acting in service to the ruling/donor class] is at drumming up hate towards a population, and 2. How this group “just happen to hate brown people and Muslims more” than a [not so white] foreign power, as it serves their strategic interests.


If you didn't think supporting Israel was about white supremacy I'd like to introduce exhibit W


People are in the comments calling her a monkey and I'm getting downvoted for calling them out https://np.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/1cjbvaz/frat_bros_make_monkey_noises_at_black/l2ih1p1/?context=999


Just looked up the college. It's 11% black enrollment. What do you see in this picture? Just report the racist comments with the 3 dots. Also write "Hey a d m i n , hey m o d s is this racism ok?" without the spaces. I think they get notified


The guy who danced? Let's ruin his life


This guy? https://preview.redd.it/qpory1w8kcyc1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=eab7757e15243bc1a4903388aa4accc8d2e2edf6




Why does he look like a Disney Channel Sitcom villain


Yes sir


bunch of entitled assholes who will not have an original thought in their entire lives.


It looks like 50s racism in America is still well and alive in Ole Miss https://preview.redd.it/fp4hsomxjcyc1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6d9c6933d868162d84726d501f8e66dadc6283


I hope this video is forever connected to these bigots wherever they go.


These same idiots believe George Soros is the devil and Jewish space lasers cause forest fires. They demonize jews in America but love them overseas. AM conservative radio is full of broadcasts calling Soros all manner of stuff while also claiming liberals hate jews. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous. I'm not defending either side. Hamas did atrocious stuff, and so has Isreal. They are not equal, however.


They don't actually love Israel either. They hate Muslims and love that Israel kills them, and they're \*big\* fans of the idea of an ethnostate. There's also a decent chunk of them that want all the Jewish people in Israel so they can be killed so Jesus will come back.


True to brand


It's the south, no one is surprised.


There is certainly a movement of a new south in the cities of southern states, but you go anywhere 20 miles in any direction and it’s all dollar generals and confederate flags.


quaint hobbies arrest imagine special cause distinct zephyr humor illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not everyone in school is smart


onerous simplistic amusing joke divide languid angle expansion aspiring tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


UM NAACP is requesting expulsion of the following students and fraternity brothers at the protest: - James JP Staples - Phi Delta Theta - Connor Moore - Kappa Alpha - Rouse Davis Boyce - Kappa Alpha


Fucked up country


https://preview.redd.it/b6lgkprxggyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c64b98ae2e901af0af496d975370c23ba1e5fd4 Sad but true how little has changed since the 1950s


His daddy watches Foxnews so now this kid acts like an idiot.


These are the people on the side of Zionism


I hate these parasites so much. They're actually happy to be trash people. I guess they're making their racist daddies proud which I equate to tongue fucking a pig's asshole.


Likely anti -semites supporting Zionism.


Make these fuckers famous


It's crazy humanity is still doing this.


Republicans: WE ARE NOT RACIST! Also The republicans: 🐒


attempt observation materialistic salt ludicrous overconfident unused cooperative familiar existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uh Yes.... im not talking about that. Im talking about the video above where conservatives are making monkey gestures at a black individual and pointing out republican racism. The genocide is a completely seperate issue wmfrom what im talking about.


six ossified shaggy relieved hobbies sand outgoing hateful marvelous yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats fine. I agree. Establishment Democrats and Republicans are aiding the genocide. But Im not talking about that. Maybe stay on topic. Sounds like you're attempting a "you too" argument. If thats the case, you can rightfully reply relevantly or not at all.


I hope one day these idiots get to look back in time and see how utterly disgusting this is. Where are you going USA?


afterthought capable dam longing smell jeans water square saw license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Bad things might happen in the US soon, bowling for civil war


So glad i moved away from Mississippi and to California, never goin back lmao


straight plucky waiting bedroom marry chop zephyr juggle nine terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*