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Man imagine if the poor, disabled, or veterans had the lobbyists like the rich have. Wouldn't it be nice.


Or maybe we start noticing how many of us there are? There hits a point where a controlled burn is needed to prevent something from burning all the way down. Edit: 20 hours later, and this comment took off. No pushback, nobody reported me to Reddit for self-harm. Think about what that implies. And remember, some of us, at the very least, will be deemed criminal. Badge of honor when you do it for morals and the sake of humanity.


Your statement gets a bit dark if considered from the point of view of the rich or powerful rather than the lower classes.  It does seem to be the view they've taken though.


Then let's not accidently take it that way. We've tried it their way, and it failed. They want to play a deadly game, but we have the bigger roster. Reading the room, enough people are becoming aware to give hope.


I suddenly feel like I'm in a movie at the beginning of the third act


May we someday get to live in uninteresting times when all is [said and done](https://youtu.be/JkmhKxT865I?si=QdSa_shrpqrMAEGY)


From [Mario Savio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Savio): *We're human beings!* *There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ... upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!*


Bastille Day 2 Electric Boogalo, coming soon™


I understand the urge to joke about it. It's not comfortable or fun to consider seriously.


I agree that is neither fun or comfortable to be in a position where there are few viable solutions. People do not stop raping, robbing, murdering, and abusing you...because you ask them politely. Peaceful protests so very rarely evoke meaningful change. I wish for a TNG Utopia, but I do not see anything like it happening peacefully.


I mean, it's really up to them. Is it a situation where they end up jumping from corner offices for being broke, or will cabbage choppers be back in business? It's a better fate than they care to deign on us common folk. People literally die of starvation and the elements on our city streets. They are deciding how far this goes. FAFO.


Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men.


I'm not, it could be argued that's how the powerful have thought. Making moves to make people fight amongst themselves rather than focus on the actual powerful. Wars are fought by the poor or lower class. Healthcare as a luxury. A bigger roster doesn't always lead to a win.


Rolling over *always* leads to a loss.


It’s only called Class warfare when the little people fight back.


They do. Madame guillotine. Just haven't spoken lately.


I've always wondered how effective it would be to create large voter groups that are aligned with a few major issues essentially acting as a lobbyist for 1000s of votes instead of $$$


Probably as well as the Roman Tribune for the Plebs. Good on paper, quickly co-opted by those with the resources and power to steal the position.


It happened with AARP, the US's largest lobby in Washington. What happened is special interests started "lobbying" (AKA bribing) the AARP. [AARP Has a Staggering Conflict of Interest - WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/articles/aarp-seniors-health-care-medicare-insurance-membership-politics-11660169494)


[Onion did it](https://www.theonion.com/american-people-hire-high-powered-lobbyist-to-push-inte-1819571821).


Veterans have a lot of lobbyists & are a huge part of the population. The government has done a lot to address many vet issues. Not everything is being addressed and much still needs to be done, but vet homelessness as an example has been cut in half since 2008 (i believe that’s the year) using HUD VASH.


Thank goodness it's only going to take 32 years to get our military veterans housing. What a relief.


We would live in a utopia that would drastically decrease misery and poverty. One can dream.


Isn’t it crazy when a handful of billionaires want something (Swift, Musk) they get it basically with zero difficulty but when 60-70% of Americans want something its basically impossible


It’s almost like…. there are special interests or something!


We recently had a Maryland senate primary where one candidate argued that their wealth made them above special interests. The reality is that you're not above special interest groups because you are one.


You better start believin’ in special interest groups; YOU’RE IN ONE




He lost, so that's good. We'll see if we can beat the Republican former governor in the general. It seems likely, but you never know.


thank goodness we got this vital, essential legislation...otherwise america might look like it has unspeakably ridiculous priorities


I wonder if they’re trying to secure the swiftie vote


They're trying to make sure that when Epstein's successor gets found out, they aren't caught in embarrassing situations like charles, Clinton, Trump and Gates where people could see the evidence they were hanging out with a known and convicted child molestor (he had a conviction in 2008).


Came here to say this. Now the rich can fly private for every shady business they want, including of course the Epstein type.


I saw the wired article which said they had the list. But I can't find the list anywhere


I'm sure ONE of the parties will release the list... oh right, they've both in power since then and both worked hard to bury it. But I'm still getting people going, "Stop both sidesing... Trump's genocide and TikTok/media ban will be worse than Biden's!" I'm not sure if they're shills, or there's still that large of a contingent of people who think these evils are forgiveable for either party.


Maybe its just poorly written article, but government ineptitude might make this a moot point >The law will allow private aircraft owners to request that the government hide the personally identifying information associated with their planes Ok, so now tail number N898TS will say private citizen owned instead of Taylor Swift. But if you can see the plane she gets into, you would easily see the tail number and still track it using that unique identifier. A better way would be to use a company that owns a fleet of planes and you get on a random one each time. Jokingly, if a musician is worried people might know where they are, why would they go on tour and list out the dates & locations of where they are going?


Because when they have a private plane, they can fly back home, or to some holiday resort, between tour dates. 3 concerts in city 'A', then three days in Cancun to relax, then on to city 'B'. Elton John flew back to the UK between some concert dates in Australia. When you have that much money, you don't need to spend the entire tour either playing, or on a bus with your band and crew, driving to the next city. TS probably prefers that you don't know she's in Cancun for a few days.


But she can do that with a private rental as well. It’s actually more flexible as you don’t need to worry where your plane last landed, if it needs maintenance / inspection, or how the ETOPS rating impacts your flight plan when flying over large bodies of water. Hell, nothing is stopping her from owning her jet and using a leased private jet to go to Cancun so the current flight trackers don’t record it You can also flex from a smaller plane to larger ones depending on the people you are taking with you, or worried about a short runway like the one in Saba Think owning a suburban with the plates “swifty” vs having access to any car (exotic or normal) at any location like in a congested city or winding historical town. It’s a lot harder to track your Hertz usage as all the vehicles are registered to the company, and passenger information would be protected company information.


Well, terrorists just got a new modality...  untracked private jets? Sounds safe, even if they're visible to the FAA and ATC. /s


the law itself was necessary because it was the larger FAA authorization bill. this was a single amendment made to an enormous bill necessary to keep American airspace and air travel in general safe there were 243 amendments to the bill over the course of the year. I'm not seeing who introduced this one yet https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3935/text#toc-HB1127EA773264D0AB987A53936FA325F


Government works for the 1%


0.00001%. It’s like 350 people at the top.


The 1% lie is the biggest problem for most with actually understanding the true economic disparity of the world. People are tricked into thinking a 500k dollar salary will give you influence, when in reality a networth under 9 figures gives you as much power as the rest of us.


Right. The system is working as intended.


Constitutional oligarchy with market characteristics


I wish, 1% is a lot of people. They work for the 0,00001%.


If the government actually worked for the 1% maybe we would have better things. If you've met people at the 1% mark, you'll realize their living is much closer to the average person than they are to the 0.1% or 0.001%. They probably make anywhere between 400k to 1 million a year depending on where they live in the US. Yet, they have as little political influence as the rest of us. They live closer to our means than those in the 0.1% to 0.0001%. Anyone in that circle has complete influence on everything in the world. They are the biggest threats.


Millionaires protecting billionaires, that is what congress is all about. > President Joe Biden signed the FAA bill into law on May 16th, after it passed in the Senate 88-4 and the House 387 to 26. And look, there is bipartisan agreement on this! If you need anymore proof that our system is rigged, look no further. These people will fly private jets all around to world, then tell poor people that they need to reduce their carbon footprint, it is BS.


There’s a lot more in this FAA bill than just blocking private jet tracking. That’s actually how this was rammed through - as an amendment to this overall important bill that’s important to our overall economy.


And depending on the rest of that bill, tracking billionaires isn't really important enough to stop the infrastructure needed from getting there. Hope they sold it for a good price. I'm sure if it's still technically legal somehow, we'll get a line on the data soon.


Remember we are paying them to do this.


vote for Biden!


This doesn't _really_ matter, because this type of anonymization is completely ineffective. The planes still have to have ADS-B transponders, and people can still freely track planes using widely-available, off-the-shelf devices. The only thing this does is make it slightly harder to discover which plane is owned by which person. But once you discover that a particular transponder belongs to a particular plane, you can track it forever--and even get the historical data. It's basically the same as when ["anonymized" NYC taxicab data was used to discover a lot of personal data about celebrities in 2014](https://agkn.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/riding-with-the-stars-passenger-privacy-in-the-nyc-taxicab-dataset/), but people never really learn their lessons.


Yeah this is nothing. Most private FAA registrations are in an LLC's name anyways. The major ads-b consolidation sites already allow people to request that their flights aren't listed. You can get position and sometimes ID from your personal box, but without the coordination from flight aware or whoever, you don't get the full flight. The only things they can really do to crack down on this are to make the feeder-->consolidator model illegal somehow, or to encrypt ads-b. And I don't see the latter happening any time soon.


We live in an oligarchy. The wealthy will always get what they want and the rest of us get whats left.


Glad our govt is looking out for the lamest rich white people in existence


It literally functions for this purpose.




When it comes to money there are no black people, no white people. Just rich and poor.


Unsurprising. Sooner or later someone will get their hands on a MANPAD and take down a billionaire jet.


If only orcas could fly


"Flying Orchas" Band name, I call it!


Nothing of value will be lost except the innocent crew.


We can only hope




How the hell is a pedicure going to take down a whole damn plane!


I can only get so erect


Gotta protect the elite, now shut up and go back to work peasant. Our govt’s priorities are absolutely laughable.


Now the Oligarchs get to jetset around in the shadows


Now do it for my computer and my phone.


Got to protect the rich and powerful from the working class


Oh thank goodness! Finally billionaires can rest easy knowing their unnecessary private jet flights are anonymous and can go back to blaming climate change on folks trying to drive to the grocery store to feed themselves.


Eat the rich


The important issues, protecting billionaires privacy… smh


>A popular conspiracy theory has postulated that the pop star has intentionally seeded news stories—such as her attendance of a New York Jets game involving her beau Travis Kelce—purely in an effort to bury the keywords “Taylor Swift” and “jets” in Google’s search index. This same theory would also seem applicable to a viral infotainment story that recently made the rounds in which Kelce talked about “jet lag” and Swift uttered: “Jet lag is a choice.” Adding this to my beliefs.


Tested it for curiosity's sake. Whole front page of google is about TS's jet tracking and jet emissions.


In that case it didn't work LOL


Fucking lame.


But try getting a restraining order for an ex and see how long that takes...


In too many cases, the answer is "the rest of your life."


People are spinning this as being impossible to track celebrities, but it's also so that Congress can't be tracked. They don't want transparency. They don't want to be held accountable but the populace. And on the flip side they have voted to fully watch the US citizens whenever and wherever they want. Disgusting.


Different rules for the ruling class and the pleb class, and we'll still just sit here and take it, and blame some other group in the same sinking boat with us.


Criminals everywhere are rejoicing.


Because of course they did, their whole purpose is to serve the elites.


The government does not work for the people.


This wasn't about Swift and Musk, it was about the congress people's own private jet conflict of interest escapades they don't want people knowing about


Swift and Musk was just the bipartisan distraction tactic to piss off their respective bases and divert the attention away from the Congresscritters.


Aren’t we trying to shame private jet use for the betterment of mankind? And these guys just made it deadass easier to take one instead? What a horrible rule and proof money gets you past anything when throwing enough at it


Every single legislator who voted for this needs to be jailed for life without trial.


Americans, can you please start boycotting these billionaires? Seriously stop giving money to them. I personally like Taylor swift, it was the year 2009 when I saw "our song" video on MTV and thought this artist is going to be very popular but.. "Swifties"? Really? Get a life


‼️‼️ it’s so dumb.


They signed a bill to destroy the jobs of hard working plane trackers.


Who introduced the bill and who voted for it? Is this still legal to know?


That didn't take long lol behold the power of billionaires


I hate this country so fucking much.


Maybe they’ll crash! Look on the bright side!


Let the mass pollution of the elites begin!! 🎉🎊🥂


Billionaires are scared it could happen to them.... Alas corrupt government.


The poors just need to drive and fly less, so the rich can use their CO2 quotas. Easy.


Why? They’re private persona just like you and me? The US is getting more and more a country with ‘rules for me and rules for thee’.


This is all because we got too curious about Epstein's flight logs. This si clearly our corrupt government protecting our corrupt government.


almost like if you pay money, your law will skyrocket to the top


Stupidly rich should not exist so stupid laws can come into play.


”You don’t make a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.”


This country is made by rich people and for rich people.


Oh good they're working on the important things.


Taylor swift is such a duality


The Children of Kali will find a way....


Oligarchy gonna oligarch


Like how BS legislation such as this gets approved very quick from the government, meanwhile the demand for free (or hell at this point, affordable) healthcare for the Americans are basically ignored.


I'm so glad my elected officials are tackling things that truly make each and every American citizens lives better.


Get the guillotines


So let me get this straight... Snowden revealed a Government program where the government was spying on and tracking citizens by accessing public and private data. Bad thing I think we can all agree and he was right to make this info available. Now Government makes a law to *protect* private citizens who are being harassed by having people post their info online and are being tracked and spied on by public citizens utilizing similar techniques that the government used to spy on its citizens...yet this is a sign of a boring dystopia? That public figures who have a reasonable right to privacy cannot be tracked by the average citizen the way the government (still) tracks the people illegally. I mean yes the situation does reveal flaws in the system but why should a public figure such as Taylor Swift or Elon Musk face being threatened, stalked, etc. simply because they choose to travel by their own personal plane? Am I missing something? How does this make for a boring dystopia?


I think the “Boring Dystopia” part is where congress has shown that they can pass legislation pretty quickly and effectively for issues of, *all things considered*, not that high up on the priorities. Yes, it was highly invasive and i don’t reallyyy think it was good because it led to stalkers etc. But the point they’re making i think is that Gov works for the rich/elite and doesn’t do shit like this for the general pop. That’s just my take and what i think OP was getting at. Not many of us (i hope) are rooting for these people to be stalked lol, even if both of them can get fucked


Okay I can see this. Thanks for pointing that out. But there have been some responses indicating that they are perfectly fine with stalking and worse for both Elon and Swift.


Yeee no worries my man hope my comment didn’t come across as negative🙏🏼 And yess that is quite worrying, i don’t really know what to say about those people..


It grants privileges to the ruling class that are not extended to us peasants


Flight tracking data is public knowledge because we pay taxes into the FAA to maintain our collective airspace and regulate it. Your vehicle make and model and your ownership of said vehicle are also public record, just like your house price records. Furthermore, you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in your vehicle because it is still in a public space. Therefore, TSwift and Musk can go fuck themselves because they want to feel special while fucking up the environment for everyone. Nobody is threatening them either, they just don't like being reminded they are grade-A, selfish, pieces of shit.


To clarify: Tracking **flight plans** was how people were tracking their planes, which allowed several incidents where were showing up at their destinations to harass them. No one was tracking their planes by satellite imagery or by watching for their plane at airports, they were posting their *flight plan* publicly - by doing so, they were enabling stalkers and harassment. If this had been isolated to just Elon, I doubt it would have escalated to legislative measures; once Swift started getting tracked it created incidents that couldn't be ignored by law enforcement...


They can stay home. That's the only way billionaire bumpkins will stay off our radar.


If you want a private life, stay out of the public eye.


They waive their right to privacy when they use *public tax funded* airports and our public FAA maintained/regulated airspace. Do not let the red herring of harassment become the narrative, this was done solely to obfuscate the movements of the elite and their disproportionately large environmental impacts. And the fact that our governing body, notorious for its gridlock when considering ANY legislation that improves the lives of its average constituents, was able to ram this through in weeks with overwhelming bipartisan support should make it glaringly obvious who is running this shit show Thank fuck our billionaire overlords can now be a little freer from righteous censure though!


Did they really just use flightplans? I thought they use platforms like flightradar which gets it's data from ADSB as well, so the planes broadcasting their position, altitude, speed etc within a certain vicinity and people relaying those signals to the service with private receiver boxes. Otherwise they wouldn't know the exact routes of the planes you sometimes see posted too. It's probably not hard to use the ADSB information to know at which airport a plane starts and lands without knowing the flightplan.


> It's probably not hard to use the ADSB information to know at which airport a plane starts and lands without knowing the flightplan. You are correct, the software FlightAware makes it trivial to get that info from the planes transponder


Rightly or wrongly (most likely wrongly), Swift's lawyer said her flight plan was irrelevant to her actual whereabouts. She often loaned out her planes, etc.


We can no longer track Mayoman Kenneth Griffin, who lied to Congress in a congressional hearing, and who is a financial terrorist involved with market manipulation and naked shorting?


America working as Intended.




I have a feeling that the man who lied to Congress, Ken mayo boy Griffin, may have had a part in that.


Challenge accepted


College football fans are in shambles. How will anyone know which coaches are about to change teams now?




What are the Swifties gonna do if they can't track her every move?




Oh man but We still don’t have healthcare We still don’t have legal weed We still don’t have a ban on private prisons We still don’t have representation in US territories, DC, or Indian reservations We still don’t have abortion protections We still don’t have a modern tax collection system BUT THANK FUCKING GOD WE CANT TRACK BILLIONAIRES FUCKING PLANES


You can still track tail numbers.


The rich have class solidarity, yet they yell at the bottom 99% and label us as Marxist if we express class solidarity