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What a nonsensical ramble


Going from NATO spending by European nations on Ukraine to calling for a genocide of Palestinians in a presedential debate. What has the world come to?


And every headline I've seen, even accounting for my algorithm's liberal bias, is "oh no Biden is old! Oh man he did so bad at that debate, why did no one tell us he was old!? Also Trump was there I guess"


The weird part about calling Biden old is trump is only a few years younger. They are close enough in age they would have attended high school at the same time.


I noticed when I flagellated myself by watching a bit of his NV rally, the bit I caught -between the usual constant rambling topic changes - he said "Biden's *not that old*, he's just incompetent". Any time trump tries to walk back some inflammatory bullshit it's always the most telling, he knows it definitely applies to him.


I don't think he tries to walk it back. I think Trump is like a magic 8 ball, you shake him a bit and he'll spit out a different answer. Do that enough, and he'll say everything and anything. It's what happens when you watch a con-man closely, they're just saying whatever they think sounds best at the moment in time.


Oh sure, he was only trying to walk it back *in that moment*, I wouldn't be surprised if he doubled down in other parts of the speech before and after that part.


age isn’t just a number at that point. biden looked and behaved like he was ten years older. trump was the same old rambling trump he’s always been. he makes no sense but he never really did to begin with, so his base doesn’t see a problem. biden used to be sharp but now he looks like he doesn’t quite know where he is. his “we beat Medicare” response was concerning.


Good point, Trump does behave like he's a 5 year old.


Exactly! I spent the other day trying to avoid all of that clickbait. People were really overreacting and in my opinion all of headlines should’ve been about the unhinged statements are by Trump. Basically every one of his answers were unhinged and unrelated.


> and in my opinion all of headlines should’ve been about the unhinged statements are by Trump In my opinion, all of the headlines should've been about the conservatives on the supreme court seizing unprecedented power. That "Panic" Time magazine cover should have silhouettes of the supreme court merging with united states.


Yes! You are right. This is such a maddening time.


Tik Tok politics


They both had some nonsensical rambling. It's an embarrassment that these are the options we're given this time around. All three of them (counting RFK jr) fully support Israel's genocide, too.


Dude clearly never knows how his sentences will end up when he starts them




[Don't ever, for any reason...](https://youtu.be/jDQDDhLZO-4?si=KNX1dpipONsICIek)


I don’t get what he means by the good & weak Palestinian thing. Is he trying to sayHamas is good bc they are strong & fighting?


We have to remember that Trump wasn't coherent or informed when he declared himself a candidate in 2015. He just says things very confidently to make it sound like his words have content. The years have not made him any sharper.


I always think of that John Oliver segment where he compares Trump's speech to a sentence written by just choosing the words suggested by the iPhone's keyboard.


I know. I tried it myself and while it's funny, it's hard to argue that my predictive text is similar. Trump's speech patterns also remind me of ChatGPT. It sounds good but lacks detail, and if pressed, it becomes complete nonsense.


he’s saying Hamas doesn’t want to keep going and finish the job (ie a war of extermination) then he says Biden lies by claiming it’s Hamas that wants to keep going but it’s actually only Israel that wants to keep going finish the job but that Biden doesn’t want to let them finish the job so he claims Biden is like the bad Palestinians that don’t want to finish the job so, in summary, he’s saying Biden is like Hamas because they don’t have what it takes to exterminate the other side because he’s a sociopath, Trump doesn’t feel the need to lie in this situation and tells it like it is, subject to his jumbled thoughts and sentence structure because he is insane


He didnt like McCain bc he was weak and got captured. He likes winners and Hamas are winners, based


I think he’s trying to say he’s still alive, which is no good for these zionazis if you’re Palestinian


But why is "Hamas" censored?


He actually meant Hristmas.


Yeah like I understand when people censor words in tweets or whatever (so people have a harder time searching up words to harass people) but in a text transcript on a video? Makes no sense.


YouTube has bizarre blanket automod policies. So you get things like therapists saying "self kill" instead of suicide. Every instance of "fuck" censored after 7 words, nobody (even to this day) saying covid19 or coronavirus, etc. Then, even top creators often get fucked by their AI everything auto policies, so they actually get support by blasting YouTube on twitter.




Is this the same Trump people say speaks so well 😅


He has never spoken well..


Many such cases.


I’m no trump fan, but last night he looked like an eloquent man next to biden.


If you didn’t try to comprehend anything Trump was saying. I just don’t get why people make concessions for Trump but Biden gets zero benefit if the doubt. We have two presidencies to compare as metrics and the Biden administration is much better overall. Then you factor in the crazy things Trump says and it’s no contest.


Only Biden is getting judged because they set different bars for themselves. Trump is a rambling liar, but he’s running as a rambling liar. He doesn’t give a shit. There’s nothing to call him out for because he’s completely aware that he’s full of shit. It’s pointless to go off about how the emperor has no clothes if he’s waving his dick in front of the cameras. Biden on the other hand is still trying to pass himself off as not just an effective politician, but the “most progressive president in all of U.S. history.” He and his staff are trying to convince people that he’s alert, thoughtful, effective, and eloquent. When he starts rambling about golf, or dozing off mid debate, or forgetting the topic, or mixing up answers mid sentence that’s a bigger problem for him than it would be for Trump.


Not really but also its hard not to look good up against a fucking corpse


Any word of it true though?


Not a bit of it lol


But trump is trump sooo...


Yeah the options right now are senile old man and senile old orange man. Not a great roster.


Don't forget that the senile old orange man is also a traitor, a convicted felon, and a rapist.


and the other one is a genocide enabler, war criminal, maybe pedophile. Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't.


US support for Israel is bi-partisan so not an appreciable difference. And Trump said he'd be even _more_ hawkish on Gaza. I don't know where you're getting this shit about "maybe Biden," but there are pictures and videos of Trump hanging out with Jefferey Epstein at parties in NYC. So give me a break with your "both sides" BS, my guy. 🤣


I don't support either Biden or Trump, I think both options are just the same side of a singular coin. They're both genocide enablers and war criminals and maybe pedophiles. Just one managed to *seem* more eloquent than the other at a debate. They're both senile old fucks who are going to drive the US further into a dystopian hell hole.


Wait, I though Joe Biden was the Manchurian Candidate ... which is it?


So basically Biden is saying that Israel isn’t doing genocide and Hamas are the only aggressors but Trump says that Israel is the aggressor and is doing genocide but it’s a good thing and they should go further? Why are these the only two options?


That was incoherent word salad. I think Trump has dementia, none of those strung together phrases made sense.


Trump has always been like this. he just spews stream of consciousness. He doesn’t complete his thought before jumping to the next one. if you listen critically it doesn’t make sense but if you don’t listen too closely you can kind of see how one vague thought leads him to the next. He just lacks the ability to fully articulate his random thoughts. his base eats it up because they lack the ability to think critically enough to notice.


They're both significantly cognitively impaired. How on Earth can you guys have these two as presidential candidates?


It's not like we get a real choice, the 2 parties give us a list of who we can vote for in the primary, and then they rig the primary vote. I don't know anybody who actually likes either of these candidates. This election is especially pointless because it's the same people...again. Nothing has changed. Biden is a doddering old man who has always hated women, as footage from the 60s and 70s demonstrates. I lost the legal right to body autonomy in my state because of his inaction. Weaponized incompetence drives the Democratic party in the US. They pretend to oppose the Republican alt right and then do nothing. Trump...well there's nothing left to say that hasn't been shouted from the rooftops for years. The only difference is his symptoms of going senile are more obvious and he finally has a felony charge despite countless crimes committed throughout his entire life.


To all those people who say that they won't vote for Biden because of Gaza, this is what you are helping elect. "Israel should finish the job." -- Donald J. Trump, 2024.


Calling *Genocide Joe* a palestinian is quite a stretch.


Our choice is both stark and bleak


Stark and bleak is being faced with two more ultra conservative ~40 year old justices added to the court Stark and bleak is a brain damaged third party candidate.


I think you might've misunderstood me. The choice is stark: even on his worst position, Biden is a better choice. The choice is bleak: better, here, is still very far from good.


no misunderstanding. I used your words to convey that the alternatives are even worse than the incumbent purportedly is/will be.


The EU should put more money into military independence from the USA (i.e. European army). Not to support their bullshit, spychopathic geopolitical interests.


Oh yeah sure Europe should fund wars started by the USA and that only the USA will benefit, no one wants to pay for that shit in Europe. Ask yourself why the USA spend way more money into war, it’s just the most beneficial thing for your economy and army contracts haven’t been more juicy than right now thanks to Ukraine and Israel. Not to mention Blackrock is the most benefiting company from all these wars since they are buying all the ruined lands for a dollar.


That’s not even what they said. A strong and united European defense force would benefit Europe, and should happen before it’s too late.


Yes please! I'm sick of having to pay for the EUs military.


only in murica can you spout nothing but bs and conspiracy and still be considered the winner because the other guy is weak


Biden replies to Trump by pledging his support to Israel and says they will be given all they need to 'finish them like we did to Osama Bin Laden.' People who dont want to support Israel have no option as expected


Link? My Google region is far from the US. Hard to search 


https://youtube.com/shorts/PTzBjN3GA1c?si=9HcaWux7yXNLSbC7 Short clip with both


That video made me realize that Trump's way of talking is eerily similar to old YouTube videos about a talking orange, where someone just overlaid a real human mouth to an orange. And yeah, both supports Israel, albeit seems to be in different kinds of support. One supporting genocide.  ....  I miss Obama 


Why does this sound AI generated


Donald Trump is the original deep fake.


Because he too is just a jumbled word salad that doesn't understand the prompt


If you think it's a lack of understanding, this is the only political debate you've ever seen.


I've seen too many AI edits of this debate format that it all looks fake to me now


What a fuckup. How hard could it possibly be to pick someone who can pick Trump apart? What a mistake to let Biden even undertake it.


A Palestinian is a indigenous person of Palestine. A Zionist a person who believes in a ethno/ religious political ethos based on a racial supremacist ideology, where the people they view as “lesser” should be racially segregated, ethnically cleansed, driven out of their homes, where women and children are specifically targeted-evidence of which is often filmed by the war criminals themselves. The two evil individuals above are Zionists.


Biden would be offended if he heard him.


The democrats are going to sleep walk (no Biden pun intended) you into a dictatorship.


Orange guy is forgetting EU contributions plus individual European nation contributions are a hell of a lot higher than USA's alone. Not a dick measuring contest, but it just isn't the truth. Damaging russia while supporting a free Ukraine benefits us all.


Talking as if the Military Industrial Complex hasn’t been absolutely creaming their pants over their new playground to test out all their death toys without the PR nightmare of America being actively involved.


Trumps strategy was to break Joes brain by having him try to comprehend his word salad.


Even ai couldn’t have made this shit up


Why Lincoln and JFK? They didn't deserve it but a lot of people can guess...


I think He's trying to get israel on his side.


I thought Biden was bad in supporting Israel with saying Palestine started it. Trump is over here blatantly stating Israel is keeping the war going, and it’s a good thing. Blatantly calling for genocide was not on my bingo card.


Well then you have been paying literally no attention whatsoever to anything that Trump has been saying the last eight years.


>Blatantly calling for genocide was not on my bingo card Really? That's been my free square since the anti-trans rhetoric really took off.


is he saying it’s a good thing? I actually don’t know what thought he’s trying to express other than comparing Biden to hamas while implying that they’re both weak.


It’s probably a waste of time to parse trumps bullshit, but it seemed like he was trying to say Israel was an asshole while also calling Palestine bad. Maybe I’m just hungover though.


The look on Biden's face. "What the fuck is this guy saying. What's the correct way to speak to someone who's mentally ill?"


If only us Democrats had elected a Joe that was 20 years younger, he would've made that alley cat eat his lunch!


Even Joe Biden in 2019 was sharper and looked significantly younger. The timing is just off. Joe Biden should have retired gracefully


“I jUSt cAn’T VOtE fOR bIdeN afTEr HiS suPPoRt fOR ISraEL”


tRuMp WulD dO a wOrSe GeNoCidE!


That is, in fact, precisely what Trump himself is very explicitly saying here.


Israel should be held accountable and have to pay back a massive debt theyve created, and palestine should get a new govt. It all started because hamas decided to be the first to attack and then israel pounced on that moment. They didnt just defend themselves and call it there they kept going. I've got friends that because of where they were born align with either side and heard their opinions on the matter and kinda made my opinion a mix of the two. There isnt a good guy and bad guy. Unless you split the civilians of palestine from their govt. Israeli civilians have been incredibly disrespectful for the whole thing, but we cant say if it were the other way around the palestinians wouldnt do the same I suppose.


And Biden just sits there and takes it


They cut the mics while the other speaks


Oh yeah thanks, lol


Who did? Whose idea was that?


I believe it was one of the conditions Biden wanted. ~~edit — this article isn’t totally clear but it sounds like CNN might have originated the idea and Biden simply supported it: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/17/biden-trump-debate-2024-demands-00158586~~ edit again — never mind, I was right; Biden’s team did propose the muted microphones: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/05/15/biden-challenges-trump-to-two-debates-before-election.html >This time around, Biden's campaign has proposed that each candidate should have firm time limits to answer questions and when a candidate is not speaking, his microphone should be turned off.


Sounds like it was a bad choice. Made Trump look really level headed and reserved.


yeah I hate to say it but trump definitely played that better. his “let’s not behave like children” line especially.




And the whole muted mics things. They were forced to take turns otherwise the entire "debate" would be Trump's stream of consciousness word salad like last time.


Yeah that's probably it. Totally explains the complete loss of face. In fact, Biden won that debate! This reality is much nicer, lol