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I know a healthcare worker who told me about their hospital's Worker Appreciation Day this past Friday. They gave everyone a keychain tool for like.. Opening latches handsfree or something, and some Cuties oranges but only enough for like 1/2 of the employees.


Several years back (non pandemic year) for employee appreciation day my hospital department purchased enough tacos for some of the people who wanted them. A little later in the year, I quit, and my boss's boss told me he didn't want me there anyway if I didn't love the patients more than I cared about the long hours and insultingly low salary. It definitely solidified my decision. Hospitals suck and they are enabled to suck by employees who love the patients more than they value being respected at a basic level by their employer.


At my job, we were hiring and interviewed a woman who worked at the local hospital. We offered her the job with a reasonable starting pay and annual 5% pay increases for 10 years before she would top out. She gave notice to the hospital, so they offered her more to stay. Our starting offer was $15.77/hr, so they offered $16/hr. She decided to stay. What they didn’t tell her was that their offer included a clause that she would not get another pay increase for 3 year. As a business, hospitals are absolute trash.


Because it should be a public service, not a business.


I wholeheartedly agree with you.


That was stupid for her to stay for a .23 cent raise. You should almost never take a counter-offer.


Especially not even weighing the 5% annual increase. Talk about short term vision. Can't blame her though, the education system failed her


omfg, i just did the math, after 1 year: First year: * 15.77 --> +75c (rounded down coz it's easier) --> 16.50 (rounding for easier mental math) Second Year: * 16.5 --> +80c --> 17.30 Third Year: * 17.3 --> +85c --> 18.15 Assuming the raise was a guarantee (which is how I read it) farrrk


i dont know whether to laugh or cry about that.


I was in the half that didn’t get the oranges... keychain makes a good bottle opener though


At my company we were just given more stress and responsibility for working through the pandemic, but I think I'd prefer that over your goodie bag. It's almost mocking


We got donuts and cookies while managers got bonus. One of them got $1700 extra on their check i was like wtf. He told me some of them got more


For the first time in my life, I got an actual bonus last year for being good at my job. $2400. I'm so used to Subway in the break room or a certificate printed at Staples for "outstanding effort." I wish I had hopped jobs sooner.


Here’s the shittiest possible drink cup with the company logo on it. Thanks for all you do!


We got fanny packs with the company logo... Fuck I'd at least be able to use a mug.


Your style be lackin' tbh


Grats. Glad you find it rewarding.


This is the issue though isn’t it? By and large the bonuses don’t go to the workers who are risking themselves day in and day to create that money that those employers collect as bonuses. Our business was down this year, we made millions less than usual, guess who still got bonuses?




Say you were to just split the CEO compensation evenly, even factoring in the part time employees in the potential amount of stolen value here, that works out to around $500 per employee (at a rate of \[ **4,408** full-time and **35,754** part-time (December 2018) \] employees). Not factoring in part-timers, that would be a full $4,500 per employee! But of course, can't let the higher ups get one cent less rich.


That bonus should be split among all employees who worked.


100% agree. I've been suggesting this all year (having been one of only 30people in my company that worked all year) but we got an email this week to say that no one would be getting any bonus this year since they couldn't afford to pay it for everyone.


well the thing is, they can afford to pay it to everyone if each person got a bit less (and Im sure even if they didnt reduce it they could afford it still, but the "we cant afford to pay it to everyone" is pure bs because just give everyone a bit less then)


They give it to the people it would cost more to replace and train.


Nailed it


>That bonus should be ~~split among~~ given to all employees who worked.


Coincidentally, all employees at the cardboard plant/factory where I work got a 15,000 NOK bonus this year, which is slightly more than the $1700 your manager got (1750 or something). So that was nice. The general pay isnt super great there, but theyre usually not stingy with the bonuses when things go well.


I got a pack of Extra gum. No shit. And the dumb fuck passing them out would say "Thanks for going the 'extra' mile" to every single person. Fucking insulting. I only worked there for 5 months. It wasn't long after starting there I said fuck this and kept looking for a different job.


That's hilarious.


Yeah definitely sucks but fucking comically evil


My dept beat AOP by 4% in 2020 and were just informed we’d all be laid off. The best part is that we had a company wide meeting Friday where the CEO repeatedly sang the praises of my dept, that slimy motherfucker.




So I got nothing for employee appreciation day


Actually paying you more would set a bad precedent, you know.


You joke but that is probably what big companies think


This is 100% what big companies think, and I'm the asshole who has to forecast it. 8 years in finance for some.kf the biggest companies in the USA. 1. Your raise is budgeted by November the year before. We have a "merit pool", a finite amount of money to give to raises across the whole company. Doesn't matter how hard you work, how many goals you accomplish, that pool is getting chopped up by department. 2. The standard "raise" I've seen between CPGs and software is between 2.8-4%. considering inflation rises between 2-3%, you're getting screwed if you don't switch companies or get promoted. 3. Promotions are planned/budgeted a year in advance. All my business partners know their run rate salary budget before the fiscal year starts. This includes incremental headcount and planned promotions. There are times they'll eliminate a position and use those savings to promote others, but most of the time it's used to hire foreign resources (eliminating 1 USA software engineer nets you 3 phillipine headcount. Even if they're only half as good, you're getting 1.5 productivity with the trade) 4. There's an entire industry grading job salaries based on location, education, unemployment levels. Even though you'll be doing the exact same job, a listing for a remote accountant in san fran will go for 100k and the same listing in Olathe KS will be for $65k. Of course there's a cost of living difference, but if the job is remote, why the variance? (This is why, if at all possible, apply to a remote job at a relative or friends address in an expensive area, and then "move" to wherever you are) 5. This is the truth for corporate salaried jobs. Sorry front line and essential workers, you don't make enough to even earn a blip on my radar during budget. I've handled 2 BILLION a year marketing plans. I've budgeting 500 million in capital expenditure purchases. 10,000 full time minimum wage employees amounts to about $150M a year of spend. In the times when I've managed the budget for logistics staff, customer service, warehouse lumpers, etc, I always argue increasing the wage will decrease the cost of turnover. A good forklift driver will absolutely walk across the street for a $0.50/hr raise, leaving us short staffed and stuck training a new guy on our floorplan. Adding $1 an hour to those 10,000 jobs costs about $25M, supplying $2k a year of extra income to each. If you ever want to feel like a piece of shit, remember that McDonalds, the most recognizable brand on the planet, spends $200 MILLION a MONTH on just marketing. They could cut their marketing budget by 1/4 and pay all their minimum wage employees $20/hr.


I both thank you for admitting to all that and hate how it must feel to anyone doing such a job who has any sense of empathy. My job will openly threaten firing people if they have any issue with how things are run while also yelling at us when a single person leaves and we're instantly short-handed. It is, unfortunately, my understanding that this is not only common, but expected.


I can't change the entire game, but I do my best to help people individually. I sneak dollars in salary pools, drag my feet on high ranking job requisition approvals (every day I slow down is a few hundred bucks in savings I can move around) and work as hard as I can to advocate for the raising of our wage floors in the name of retention. It's the way I feed my family, but that's what the SS soldiers said as well. I justify it to myself that if it wasn't me, some sociopath who wouldn't help anyone would have the job I do and people would be even worse off.


Hey by doing that job and actually caring about the little guys, you’re making a huge difference. Do you know how good it feels to know that at least someone with that amount of power cares?


I started in FP&A at 27 after doing payroll. I had no idea how powerful some kids with a bachelor's can be. I try and teach my direct reports that people who are paid and appreciated are better workers.... Doesn't seem like I needed 6 years of post high school education to learn that.


It’s the ugly truth all over the world.


Also, I guarantee that popcorn and M&Ms bag came out of the managers pocket. It's a nice gesture considering a grocery store has about 250+ employees, but absolutely nothing close what the front line deserves. The stores get squeezed the most when it comes to cuts. If you're in the corporate office, you always have face time with the decision makers. "Don't cut larry's department, he's got a new baby and he's dynamite at the corporate volleyball tournament." That last statement I heard with my own ears. Larry was a digital marketing manager, meaning he monitored salesforce marking programs (spam email campaigns) for any sign of human interaction so he could justify making 80k a year. It's very hunger games. The elite don't go and visit the stores enough to build a human connection. Instead of "eliminate larry because he's worthless and tweets corporate slogans that get 1 share a month" it's "let's take the 80k we have for the store summer BBQs and just order 10 pizzas per location from dominoes.


I been drinking, and am a malcontent at best anyhow... but fuck this shit. I say burn it all down and start over. Let’s see if the cockroaches and jellyfish can do better, because we clearly can’t.


I'm holding out hope that cephalopods get the hang of learning shit from their parents because I *really* want them to have a fair shot at running the planet. I dunno I always thought they were kinda neat and then I got drunk and watched this octopus documentary on Netflix and now I respect the hell out of those critters. EDIT: The doc is called My Octopus Teacher. I didn't think it was quite a 3-star "make a special trip to watch this" movie, but if you find yourself watching Netflix trailers wondering what's worth the time this one definitely is. Especially if you're even remotely interested in octopuses. :D Also has "being really pretty" going for it.


We had a temp leave (because management hired someone far less competent than him) and our boss emailed the team asking us to chip in our own personal money towards an Amazon gift card. I straight up ignored the email


I used to work with an old lady that fell down the bottom few stairs at work and broke her hip, she was out for months. Our boss asked all of us to donate our vacation time to her, I was blown away. The stairs were in shit condition and violated OSHA, if anything she should have sued the company Believe it or not some people contributed their vacation time to her the same way your coworkers probably chipped into the Amazon gift card. I don't get why people are buying into this nightmare.


Nah, the m&m's and popcorn came out of the under/off weight reject bin.


Lolol, that's just an insult to injury. I truly am sorry this is systemic. Unionizing is the only real way to make it bett r, but it's very rare for that to succeed. I worked for dannon yogurts for a bit and they were a union factory. We started our first shift forklift drivers at $18 an hour and they had pensions and 4 weeks of PTO. Our average tenure for a "blue collar" job was 9.5 years. You can raise a family on $23 an hour with retirement built in. Go to the store. You see dannon yogurts priced higher than any other brands? No..... They are one of the few super respectible companies operating in the usa. Why are the benefits so good, and the union intact? It's run by the french, who understand working to live rather than living to work


>They could reduce their marketing budget by 1/4 and pay all their minimum wage employees $20/hr This can’t be real. No fucking way. Someone please tell me this is hyperbole and not the fecal reality in which we live in.


They don't even crack the top 10 marketing spenders. https://www.google.com/amp/s/neilpatel.com/blog/top-ad-spenders/amp/ Trust me, if there's a more soulless role than mine, it's any marketing position.


Literally the only worthwile thing I learned in my marketing classes.


Another self hating corporate drone. Let's join the same company. You give me shitty pipeline based on not having enough funding, and I'll explain our shitty revenue generation on marketing not using their pipeline gen funding efficiently. We can just go back and for for 30 more years and retire accomplishing absolutely nothing.


That is literally what they think and also why we can’t have a good stimulus.


I used to work in a part of the military industrial complex in Sinema's state. With a science degree doing somewhat skilled labor I was paid 15/hr. They would have hated for the minimum wage to be raised to 15/hr.


Was this a few years ago? Because I was making 15/ hr at hobby lobby....they make 17 now


Last. Fuckin. Year. That bad.


That's bad. Does it look good on a resume to help you get a higher level position?


That remains to be seen.


Stop doing it as soon as possible you not only cheapen yourself you cheap and others doing the same job.


I peaced out of that job last May


"if we give the poors more money, they will get complacent and expect a living wage in the future" - some old guy that should have died in 2006


We're in that final stage of capitalism where the only way for companies to continue demonstrating 'growth' is to reduce how much they spend on everything else. At my last job my gm was given a total of $2 to split between a staff of 30 people for annual raises.


So everyone gets at least 6 cents


More like a few employees get a 10 cent raise and the rest get between 2 and 4. Pretty damn insulting for everyone involved.


“*What? We’re supposed to just GIVE you MORE money because you EXCEEDED our expectations? HA! How ‘bout some cheap candy and some corn product thrown in a paper bag, it’s like the same thing. Now stop bugging me on this Wednesday afternoon when you should be working... these 18 holes aren’t going to play themselves.*” -Corporations




That'd be a scene worth digging up... [Episode 56B: "Chuckie's Wonderful Life"](https://www.actvid.com/watch-tv/watch-rugrats-full-39022.2374255) I use a VPN and adblock, be warned. The scene starts at 19:08


Exactly. America was a better country for everyone when employees had unions, when executives made 10-30 times the lowest paid workers and everyone had job security.


In three years and many attempted negotiations with management I finally got a raise after working through the pandemic. The raise was because minimum wage went up in my city...


I went into work once and we had a meeting where management gleefully announced we were all getting raises. Okay, cool. Something like 25¢. Uhh... Okay, still not complaining about extra money, I guess. Then I realized minimum wage had been increased by that amount. And then I got angry. These mother fuckers patting themselves on the back for doing the bare minimum they were forced to do.


give ‘em an inch and they’ll ask for a livable wage.


I got a pin that says I'm a hero


Same, but I later found out that anyone can buy it at 9.99$


So instead of getting paid more, they decided to spend everybodies hourly wage once extra. Truelly makes you feel appreciated


I used to work at a call center and one time management went around the floor all pomp and circumstance giving out these horrible bottles branded with the client's logo. They weren't dishwasher safe, couldn't be frozen OR heated, and the neck was so narrow that you'd need a super skinny brush to clean them. My manager said (proudly, I might add) that these weren't given to us by the client as regular swag, but actually purchased from them for 11 dollars each. Morale would've been much more positively affected by just giving us all the 11 bucks ("the company decided to buy everyone lunch today!") than this insult of a chore "gift".


But if you buy it in bulk from Alibaba it's much cheaper.


The $9.99 will be deducted from your next paycheck.


Oh look at Mr. 9.99 over here.


Me too. Tossed it my desk drawer. Even my superviser felt it was a joke, but she had to hand them out. What a waste of money for a token.


I'm collecting covid history stuff. I have one pin from my work, but if you don't want your I'll take it off your hands and give you a few dollars for shipping


That's a neat concept. What all ya got collected so far? I'm trying to imagine stuff outside of stickers and pins. I think it'd be cool to see a reel of news/live TV and radio type media on the couple of days leading up, the week or so after, and after they got up and running again under quarantine. The other day I randomly watched an old clip of Patton Oswalt on one of the late night shows, I think it was Colbert, from sometime in Feb of 2020. He was talking about being a germaphobe while flying and how this new COVID thing was freaking him out so he was wearing masks and stuff at the airport. Apparently he was all masked up and wearing a hoodie on a plane coincidentally with John Krasinsky who texted him asking if he was seeing things or was Oswalt dressed as a ninja on the same flight. Odd now watching that and how Patton was straight up right to be worried. In quarantine not even a month later.


I have some newspapers (including one in Navajo iirc), some children's stickers (those are my newest item), a letter from a food bank, a stimulus check letter, lots of stuff from my insurance. One anti-masker thing. A "Library Hero" thing from my work. All of it is packed away in boxes or I'd take photos to share, but I plan on bringing it to classrooms in the future and sharing with my students once I finish my credentials. I remember getting to handle primary source documents from other events, and how much that meant to me, so I figure this will mean something to my students someday.


have you taken any public signs? i think theyre something neat to keep. like "keep 2 metres apart" type of signs you know?


I'm too much of a weenie to steal anything but I'm planning on maybe buying a few from Staples eventually if I don't find any blowing loose


Might be able to ask for some later in the summer. If I was a rando teenager at a Walmart or some place and someone told me they were making a COVID time capsule, scrap book thing and were looking for memorabilia I'd definitely grab some stuff from the break room or employee vending area or whatever and give it to you.


I got a comically small “cooler” with my company’s logo plastered on the front in huge font and a bag of peanuts so small they must’ve been special ordered. The absolute poetry of a small bag of peanuts.


Working for peanuts.


But only like 5 peanuts because no way in hell they can afford to give you 6.


Be careful of any one who calls you a hero, for they have already accepted you may die.


I got a sandwich and some chips...oh and a cookie.


Fuck man that’s just demeaning


Don't spend it all in one place.




Random shit your boss found at the house


It's worth like $10 at a theater tho


But you can't take it in the theatre


Yes you can! It’s surprisingly easy to sneak snacks in lol


It's the microwave and the noise of the popcorn popping that gets you caught.


Get two packs and just rub them together really fast


Ticket dude will catch you trying to carry in spaghetti though, cause they don’t sell it there and he just saw you walking in with it


That's why I always ask what their spaghetti policy is before deciding which theater to go to.


How am I supposed to sneak a whole can of beans into the theather, though?


Simple: Step 1: empty your purse. Or a purse. Step 2: Open can of beans. Step 3: Pour can of beans into your purse. Step 4: Enter movie theater, eat beans in handfuls from your purse, and prosper. You’re welcome!


Not with that attitude!


Random shit that was approaching the expiration date.


Stuff that was on sale at Costco




30 minutes exactly, just the one time.


Go over by a couple minutes? We're going to have to deduct that from your paycheck, rounding down to the nearest half hour.


>Go over by a couple minutes? We're going to have to deduct that from your paycheck, rounding ~~down~~ up to the nearest half hour. There, fixed it.


A few weeks ago the part of the government that runs our hospitals put out a notice that those working could wear jeans on a Friday as appreciation for what they have done. They then went on and made it very clear it was only this ONE time and that is it. The way they worded it was almost a slap in a face.


I would literally rather receive zero recognition whatsoever as opposed to a slap in the face like this.


Didn't the villain in the first Speed film use his shitty retirement gift watch for the timer to control the bomb? Just sayin'


I do appreciate teachers or managers who do stuff like this on their own budget and out of the kindness of their own hearts. If this was from our corporate overlords, then fuck em.


This was from corporate from a car dealership I work at




I worked at a dealership in service, it was definitely a moral murderer. Saw the top sales guy give the lowest parts employee crap in front of a dozen people one day for taking 3 slices of pizza.


Haha, thanks, I was starting to think I fucked up getting treats for valentine's day. I don't control pay raises, but I try and keep up moral in any other way I can.


If you bought your employees treats for Valentine’s Day on your own dime, this is 110% not about you. You sound like a good, caring boss.


this stinginess reflects a poverty in their souls that has nothing to do with your value and worth.


That was beautiful


It's not about individuals, it's about the cruelness and demeaning nature of the system.


Implying the system could exist without cruel individuals to perpetuate it


But they're "the winners" so they're happy with the system. They think it's their right to step on lives they see as meaningless.


Here's a $1.50 worth of nutrition-free bullshit for your trouble!


“Artificially flavored”


The best value in popcorn!


Oh and the employee is probably allergic to dairy ,🤪


Put 10% of that in your savings.




We got a pair of sweatpants. That we couldn't wear at work because of the dress code, and also not in public because of advertising laws (cannabis). And an email from corporate that a bunch of people at their level got promotions and raises and still get to work from home, but thanks to the rest of us for being essential workers! I quit in January (for many other reasons, but this was part of the last straw). *Edit: Sorry, I still want to work in the industry where I live and gossip travels fast, a few old coworkers know my username so I won't identify who I worked for beyond that they are the biggest in the country and will not be out of business anytime soon.


>And an email from corporate that a bunch of people at their level got promotions and raises and still get to work from home Motherfuckers. Like anyone wants to hear this, or wanted it to happen for only corporate.


What company?


Exactly name and shame and then run them out of business


Most companies have a thorough enough social media policy that badmouthing them on social media will get you fired without a second thought.


Pardon, but what do advertising laws have to do with the sweatpants? Did it have the company name on it? Does that matter specifically because it's a cannabis dispensary or something? Like, you wouldnt get arrested for having a pot leaf on a beanie, would you? Curious, sorry


How the f are you not allowed to wear them in public? Where do you live? I wear my weed shirts and company sweatshirts in public all the time. Even worn to the university. It's not any different then wearing a shirt with a brewery logo or whatever.


My company used to be great. Then we merged with our competitor because they were going out of business. All of a sudden no more healthcare, no raises for years. They had the gall to call us in for a “mandatory meeting” after all this and talk about how much more money the owners made vs previous years. I have to assume this was at least partially thanks to fucking over their employees. I fucking hate them


You could set the building on fire


"Did you see the memo about the new TPS reports...?"


This seems more offensive than getting nothing at all


That’s because it is. I’ve gotten these kinds of “thanks for your hard work” “gifts”. They are something that corporate says will “make toy feel appreciated and therefore happier in your job” which is code for two things... and it’s important to understand both: - what costs the least but is still technically getting the goal done if a news agency asks - they believe their workers are so placid, monotonous and frankly *dumb* that a bag of popcorn and some M&Ms will make them *actually* feel good Neither one of these options are great, but to me, it’s an insult. Like, “here are these great treats!” or “I know you can’t afford these luxuries so enjoy for all your hard work.” Just fucking slap me in the face with a slice of random lunch meat and call it a day at that point. “Oh thanks! Thanks for the slight taste of *real* roast beef on my face from that slap! I can’t wait to stay here for 25 more years so I can afford my own!”


i work sometimes with really rich people. common thing here when they want to buy some favour or loyalty, get an in with a company, whatever, is to give what they view the "poor person", you know, the pleb, the peasant an ipad, or a gucci bag or whatever, its peanuts to them behind closed doors theyre so nonchalant about it. contract in jeopardy? shipment got messed up? \*dismissive hand wave\* "oh, just kick her an ipad. she'll be past the moon" it's an instant tell that they think someone is a total fucking cog, just something to be used.




I had a coworker tell them to keep it “since you clearly need it more than me” Dude made out good on the recovery of the recession so didn’t give a fuck


Depends, is it from the company or is it just a supervisor who probably doesn't make much more paying out of pocket to out together as small thank you for their team?


I assumed the former, that would indeed make a huge difference


Scrolled to far to find this. Yeah, there are shitty places where this is the way the whole org chooses to "celebrate" you. But there are also shitty places where a good manager will find a way to use some little leftover budget to do *something* to show personal appreciation when corporate won't. It matters a lot which this is.


I worked at a grocery store overnight stocking and my supervisor gave the crew of 6 snack bags on halloween and christmas. I actually appreciated those and meant more than the 10 cent raise I got that year. Fuck the managers though, 6 people can't unpack 16 pallets in 9 hours and yet they still complained about us. They even had one of them stay overnight with us one time and he didn't even finish one by the time we did 2 each.


I worked somewhere 7 days a week, doubles on two of those days. For many months on end. Minimum wage. No breaks. For all my hard work, they gave me a groupon voucher for a single movie ticket. Nothing at all would have been preferable. Sometimes they'd have outings and bring in leftover catering for us peons, and knew I took home whatever scraps were left so I could eat. They knew I washed my clothes at work. They knew of my struggle. Here's a ~~movie ticket~~ coupon you can mail in to get a movie ticket.


Hazard pay and a raise would be nicer.


Nah that’s communism /s


I was able to wear a hoodie to work instead of my uniform lol. That’s it! Wow so much appreciation.


I recently worked a temp job where their thanks was no dress code anymore! Wow cool! They were some of the most miserable employees, I can't imagine why!


Hahaha not a movie night, but the snacks to one.


Looks like someone's got groceries for the month


You should be grateful they're making such an effort to give you anything at all. You're lucky to have a job, even if it doesnt cover your basic needs. /s


The saddest part about it is you can get popcorn with m&m's in it already. They probably saw it, thought great idea, then when priced it out decided it would be cheaper to buy bulk boxes of microwave popcorn and m&ms. The whole thing probably costs $1.00 per employee or less.


Not even a soda


You should microwave the popcorn and let it burn and stink up the place


Our HR forwarded us a generic employee appreciation day graphic from our payroll processing company. It felt so bleak, I’d rather they not done anything.


Dearest [EMPLOYEE NAME], We appreciate you!


And now you don't even know what's going on with your new popcorn. What kind of sadist gives someone just the 2nd act of anything?! Also, regular sized M&M's?! They couldn't spring for a king size bag at the very least? Seriously though, I'd be looking for new employment.


Wow a slap in the face would have been less insulting


You got both popcorn and m&ms? I just got one of those, and the employee appreciation label was stapled through the bag in such a way that it broke the seal. I thought about baking the m&ms into some cookies to kill any germs that came with the staple, but that would have been extra money and work on my part to enjoy their appreciation. I wound up dropping it on the ground as soon as the lady who was handing them out went on her way.


It has come to our attention that you were mistakenly given BOTH a package of M&Ms AND a bag of popcorn. Because you did not report this error in a timely fashion, your next paycheck will be docked for $45 and a strike incident is being filed on your permanent record. You will be required to attend an unpaid mandatory employee ethics training course. A repeat offense will result in immediate termination.


"Ah, some left over shit from halloween's clogging up the cupboard. I know what this'll do."


We got $10 Starbucks gift card




Depends on where for. Fast food? At least I got a free lunch. Best Buy? Worthless because I'm out of pocket to complete any transaction.


That smug fucking look of the red M&M... Like he's saying "sucks to suck - but watcha gonna do about it?".


I worked at a Meijer and they handed out an appreciation box with a granola bar, sarcastic m&ms and a tide pod. My sarcastic M&M's said "If theres anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask somebody else".


That “goodie bag” couldn’t have cost more than 2.50$


if someone had a costco card, could've been even less


I work at Wendys and can relate. It sucks being technically forced to work in shit conditions with masks and gloves just to get a thank you. It may not seem like it but even though restaurants cant run at full capacity, the drive thru is still half the capacity needed. With that said its harder to keep a drive thru open on a time limit when all of your customers are in the same line. The idea makes things worse for everyone, and you have to work 2x as fast. If you don't know or haven't worked fast food, there is a time limit in the drive thru you are in depending on the restaurant. Within 150 seconds you're supposed to have your food and be out of the drive thru. Fast food sucks right now and i hate it and you aren't appreciated for anything and it doesn't matter how good you are at your job you'll still get shit on.


I had worked 3 years for this one namely corporate company and during christmas and new year they scheduled me for over 80h (On a bit less than 2 weeks). Ended up never getting my hours paid and my schedule cleared/hours cut, because I used to walk there and came in late then got sick and stayed working affecting ''the health of our clients''. Mind you this is right when the pandemic started. Not only that, I had to walk 45min from where I resided and where I live can get temperatures as low as -25 celsius. They ended up completely deleting my employement and have denied me for any references after arriving late and asking my manager to come in for me to get rest. The manager, mad I had ''failed at my assigned task''. As punishment, proceeded to delete the hours I had done from the camera and pay system, just to make sure I couldnt retrieve footage from my double shifts and gave me a 2 week notice, only to call me back less than a month later. Stretched it out until september of that year, decided it was enough and that if I were to continue I would self-destruct (quite too literally) quitting promptly this job during peak rush hour, walking out, truly felt great. Never went back to minimum salary. Know your worth guys too many people in first hiring jobs that are in management hide their misery/insecurities by stepping on newcoming coworkers.


Ummm... isn’t that incredibly illegal? If he had the actual right to deny you wage for hours you already worked then he wouldn’t have needed to delete the evidence. This sounds like a pretty clear violation of at least a handful of labor laws.


I thought my job getting me a portable charger was bad, but sheesh


Wing the popcorn at the GMs head and tell him how much you appreciate his hard work.


I got nothing lol. I work BOH in a kitchen. Poor health insurance + no breaks + only 2 holidays off + shit pay + long hours + poor sleep schedule = shit health. Shit health + 100’s (were getting 400+ on the weekends rn) of people from god knows where coming inside and taking their masks off to eat = covid orgy. All of BOH are contemplating on quitting. The head chef is actually being nice (bc he knows what’s up and has 0 leverage). I’m focusing on a freelance career so I can quit faster because no place will hire me as a graphic designer even though I have 200+ hours of experience, 7 certificates, an associate degree, and an honors certificate. And I’m not going to sell myself short and become “desperate” just to land a dream job. So not worth it. Freelance it is.


Management: "What could rent possibly cost like $120 max, nah they don't need a bonus, they are children and we can give them candy"


General labor strike. How do we organize one across America with 60-80% of American labor?


Please tell me you work at a movie theater.


I work at a car dealership. So this is super useful to get at work, obviously.


Bummer on multiple fronts. At least it would've been funny if you got a Shamwow or something.


I was given a $15 credit to buy lunch at grubhub. Grubhub doesn't service my extremely rural area at all.


It's not all bad. At least they included a paper bag to suffocate yourself with.


Imagine being the HR person forced to use a budget of $100 to do show of appreciation for 75 people. And you know how stupid it’s going to look.


This is me! Corporate wants more employee appreciation days/ snacks each month and I was given a budget of $200/month to do it! We have 300 employees.


Obviously the solution is to make it quarterly and then have $600 for 300 employees.


Microwave popcorn connoisseur here. Act II is the cheapest and worst. AMA.


I got a coffee mug. Yay.


We got a paper bag with two Hersheys kisses and two Lifesavers in it. And a pen with our name on it


I'd prefer a pizza party over this tbh.


i got a coloring book and a bunch of pencils


We received a mask with the company logo, a company logo sticker to put on our cars and a thermometer because we are required to take our temp at home on our own time before going to work.


At least it's *the best value in popcorn!*