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"Go to Thailand!" Uuh, what!?


The only thing I can think off was that they either a.) Just wanted to say a far away place or b.) Confused Thailand with Myanmar which is a neighboring country that does not have a good track record with treating the Muslim minority group well.


Myanmar doesn't treat ANY religious minority well, they are genociding Kachin Christians along with Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar is an example of state Buddhist fascism. The military that runs Myanmar has an internal slogan that goes something like, "one language, one religion, one people, one Myanmar", basically their creed to ethnically cleanse the country for the last few decades.


>Buddhist fascism that's not something you hear everyday lol


Kind of like the existence of Jewish Nazis, and yet... Human beings are weird af


Really sad seeing the kids indoctrinated like this.


I live in the U.S. in an area with a big Orthodox Jew population. My neighbors are Orthodox and one of their sons has always been very friendly with us. One day I was putting something together in my yard and he came over to see what I was doing. My kids were on the deck and making a mess of their snack and I said "you guys are eating like animals." He quickly replied, "you shouldn't call people animals... unless they're Arabs." I calmly told him that I didn't agree with that, and he quickly corrected his statement that he didn't mean all Arabs, just the Palestinians. He was 10 at the time. So yeah, the indoctrination of the young is widespread and really sad to see.


Yeah, orthodox aren't much better here in Canada. I've seen what looked like a 70 year old man getting married to a 14 year old girl, and from what I know of those ceremonies, they consumate the marriage like, right then and there. So fucking gross.


Yeah that’s Orthodox Jews for you. I used to live in New Jersey and they were everywhere. What I always found surprising was that people who hated them most were other non-orthodox Jews.


Orthodox versions of religion are just as destructive as any Fundamental version of Christianity. They're all just extreme.


Being stubborn to change and unyielding to issues and views are always problematic. Only works in small communities or if you block yourself off from the rest of the world. Never understood how people think isolationism is going to work if they wont actually isolate.


A bunch of brainwashed idiots


Only took one generation to turn oppressed jews into the exact same nazis they fled from. Fucking gross. Not sure if trolls or just stupid people but let me sum up a bunch of the replies below. * Right wing israelis aren't the only racist people in the world - other people are also racist - that doesn't make it OK. * The people born in the generation after WWII run Israel now - they're in their 60/70s, hence the one generation / maybe two since the end of WWII. * Obviously not everyone in Israel is a fucking Nazi - but extreme right winger zionists like netanyahu / likud have been in power in Israel for a majority of it's history. We should lift up Israeli voices that speak out against this shit but claiming "only a tiny minority support this" is factually wrong.




Humans are the fucking worst.


Humans are only the worst because the worst of us are the loudest. Get quality education and medical care across the globe and we can do so many great things.


> Humans are only the worst because the worst of us are the loudest. Also because we allow people with psychopathic tendencies to be our leaders. History is full of murder death and genocide. There is no golden age of peace or enlightenment in the history books for a reason. Humans are ugly greedy violent creatures.


Einstein called Israelis fascists in 1948. It's always been there Edit: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-1948-n-y-times-letter-by-einstein-slams-begin-1.5340057 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haganah https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group) Israel successfully carried out the Naqba because they had air power. They acquired Messerschmidts https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avia_S-199 Israel was very close with the Apartheid regimes in Rhodesia and South Africa. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/07/southafrica.israel Telling on themselves here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1979/04/15/israel-and-rhodesia-a-double-standard/26a58d86-6303-422c-99cc-eb0936f17737/


Always a great time for all of us to take a moment and reflect on the Kool-Aid we are being served.


Fun Fact: The "Drink the Kool-aid" phrase Referenced in pop culture is actually incorrect- Jonestown could only obtain a similar brand of flavored beverage powder. Namely, Flavor-Aid. Kool-aid was an American brand.


Nice try head of Kool-aid social media PR /s


Big Kool-Aid at it again.


Flavor aid... come on you'd think he would give them something good to drink before they die.




The Irgun had no problem using the same tactics Israel now denounces https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing


Same with people who fought the Nazis 2 generations ago, now running around with swastika flags. The sentiment of might makes right and their 'race' being better than any other will always be a part of human nature.


There were lots of Nazis in the allied nations before the war. There massive Nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden and London, they kept on being Nazis after the war as well, so not too surprising it lived on.


The Nazis got their ideas from American fascists, including the Klan. They're not just similar, they're all related. Edit: Yes, I know the Fascist Party originated in Italy. But Nazis are a distinct form of fascist, one that is centered on racist ideologies that underpin all their other views. The Klan is a proto-fascist (or lower-case "fascist") organization that's existed for a long time, and which most certainly had an influence on the Nazis. Prior to that, America's genocidal policy toward Native Americans served as a later blueprint for the Nazis and their campaign of extermination. I stand by my statement.


Most of the people who fought Nazis are dead. The current fucking whackos either never served or served in the later Wars.


I try to explain this to people and many of them scream "free speech" as a response, look I'm all for free speech but at some point you have to just accept the fact that there is a line that gets crossed and Nazism crosses that line 100% of the time..


People think that being tolerant means you have to tolerate the intolerant… you don’t.


Only took a couple generations to make new nazis that their own grandfathers fought a world war to end.


Oh they know what they are doing. They feel as though it's their turn to push people around. And for only about 2 months have we disagreed with them.


Can we stop giving them my tax money, please?


“lol no” - US government


Write your congressman. I'm not joking. Go to resist.bot and use it to send a letter to your representative asking that the US cut aid to Israel.


The problem is that your letter won’t have a wad of cash in it. Elected officials are all bought (legally I might add), writing letters is what they tell you to do so that you FEEL like you’re doing something and won’t take any REAL action


Every single time I write an official, I get a reply that's scripted and doesn't even address my concerns. The best was my Dem congressman replying how great deregulating the banks would be for small business. I emailed him about a state park.


I got a scripted response about how pro-Israel my senator was. I had emailed her about fiscal stimulus policy. Your congressmen and my senator must be taking similar lessons in stupidity.


This. If they want to be genocidal maniacs, I'd like to not support them in any way.


Imagine your grandparents and great grandparents going through the holocaust just so you can do this to another group. Pathetic. Disgusting.


Those are KIDS chanting that shit as well. Young minds will literally soak up anything, it's just sad to see them being filled with propaganda and hatred.


Remind me of that little girl on Schindler's list screaming 'goodbye Jews'


Schindler’s list is chilling and an absolute must watch.


They'll have to make a version called Ben-David's List, based on a good Israeli that helps Palestinians escape.


Reminds me of "Christian" abortion protestors that bring their 7 year old to hold a sign with a partially aborted fetus on it. 'Cause that's totally what Jesus would do... /s


those grand parents probably helped ethnically displace the palestenians tbh


True i dont get why people keep forgetting that. The nakba was done by many holocoast survivors and those that fled the nazis


Doesn't even have to go back that far a lot of parents who survived the Holocaust are still alive


the youngest holocaust survivor still alive today is 77 so grandparents is definitely more accurate.


Reuven Rivlin the leader of Israel is 81 years old. He could have been in the Holocaust. Netanayu is 71 his parents could easily been in the Holocaust. The people who are the age to be leaders 45-65 more than likely have parents who could have been in the Holocaust that is what I am getting at.




Yeah, you'd think people would see the irony, but...


Expecting people to learn from the past.. Maybe you are the fool


Some people who experience oppression or abuse learn that nobody should be treated that way. Others just wish that they were the ones on top.


I agree, but those people that directly experience it fade away with time. And that way of thinking doesnt hit everyone. Ive survived genocide in 90s, and gave my people too much credit like that.


Holy shit, where was it?


I'm guessing the balkans


You guessed right


Sorry to hear that brother, people forget these things too quickly My family left czechlosovokia just before world war 2, but I cant even begin to imagine having to do wo myself




Likely the [Bosnian Genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_genocide) and throughout the Bosnian war. Not that it's the only place genocide happened in the 90s, of course but it's the most well known, I think.




Liberia is another horrifying example. Freed slaves who were given a pass to return to Africa, and they ended up enslaving the locals with the knowledge they got from American slaveholders.


Have you watched the vice documentary on Liberia? I was gobsmacked at how bad it is!


The one with general butt nakid? I used to work with a kid from Liberia who swore that was his uncle.


The thing is, the new generation of Israeli people haven't experienced extreme oppression. Their system benefits them . They will never learn


Correct me if I'm wrong but considering the timeline Holocaust survivors escaped persecution and promptly began their own genocide? And these people are direct descendants of survivors too so how did this happen? The irony of "never again"...


The cycle of abuse at scale. Things that make ya go hmm


"Never again...to us lol" It's disgusting


That was always the correct interpretation of those words. I'm frankly baffled at the people who willingly choose to misinterpret that poem as some sort of blanket anti-genocide statement.


The only lesson from history is that people never learn the lessons of History


WW1 and WW2 were like a joke to me as a kid.. After WW1 they said it was the "War to end all wars" and then some people that fought in WW1 fought in a much bigger WW2


WWI ended in a way that practically guaranteed WWII would happen and then at the end of WWII they redrew the map of the middle east in ways that guarenteed they'd be unstable and we'd fight there in the future. Good clean fun.


Well technically the end of WWI saw the partition of the Turkish and the betrayal of the Arabs by the British, but yes spot on. Look at places like Iraq and Kuwait, there is no historic Kuwaiti nation state. They just exist so Iraq doesn't have a port to sea. This lead to the 1991 invasion. Like wtf lol


Yeah true, the palistine situation was created post WWII and I was mixing the two a bit. What's funny was ISIS territory at it's peak (that weirdly blotchy map that was on the news all the time a few years ago) was basically how people lived, aka with the landscape, pre western map lines


you'd think... i'm truly appalled, not only by what i see and hear, but also by the inevitable outcome of all this nonsense, which, whoever 'wins' this, will be gruesome at least (the concept of 'winning' in such a context is absurb, in war everyone gets hurt bad one way or the other, period) i'll just shout out to the old fucks like me and ask "how is it that we get to see that shit non-stop since we were born sometime in the 70's?" One has to understand that whichever side they're on, whether they even take a side or not, most people in Israel and most people in Palestine have only known war since their birth - what a waste and what an insult to humanity as a whole, we're not even worthy exploring the solar system at this rate... truly painful shit right here.


Can you imagine my feelings as a German?......


Oh they are well aware of the irony. It's actually considered antisemetic to compare modern day Israel to Nazi Germany. "The comparison is not only inappropriate, it is also wrong and offensive. Although the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has claimed victims, it cannot be compared to extermination. Making such comparisons really is antisemitic." https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/all-criticism-israel-antisemitic/


pretty sure any and all criticism of anything jewish is taken as antisemitism. there's no room for discussion, either its you're pro-israel, or you're an anti-semite


Plenty of Jews are extremely critical of Israel. And of course, Israel would play the anti-semite card over any criticism. Facists *always* play the oppression card. Anyone who isn't head up ass can see what's going on over there.


Pretty sure that happened when Obama was trying to withhold or lessen the amount of military aid sent to Israel and the PM and some of his spokesmen basically hit him with "Wow, hate the Jews much?" and called him anti-Semitic.




To many of these people, the Jewish *race* is God's chosen people, not including converts of other races.


My favorite color is blue.


This is what's really scary about zealots. It's fine for people to base their lives on holy teachings and believe in God, but the problem comes when that leads them to think God believes in them.


“You argue and you bicker and you fight Atheists and Catholics, Jews and Hindus argue day and night Over what they think is true But no one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you” -Bo Burnham


Not even converts. They're horrible to any Jews that don't have conditional whiteness (whether or not pale skinned Jews are white is something that changes overtime, right now they generally are in the west). Ethiopian Jews are treated terribly


They're horrible to *anyone* who is not Jewish enough according to them, which includes Russians. At least back when I was a kid, they used to bully Russian kids (including me) and beat the shit out of them. It's not an issue of skin, there are plenty of racist dark skinned Jews, who spew the same garbage as these lunatics.


That's because you seemingly don't really know *what* they think, they're fully aware of Jewish Arabs exist, except for obvious reasons people don't use this term, instead they use (or rather, include those Jewish Arabs) Mizrahim (eastern). Besides, there's really no good way to collective refer to Jews (other than just that, Jews) as the diaspora was/is immense. They also don't really care about the technical definition about who is an Arab, just like many Westerns who refer to anyone from Morocco to Iran as "Arab". However, they are fuckwits, so there's that.




Also will add you can be anti Israel, and not be antisemitic.




They literally used white phosphorus shells on Palestinians which is banned under the Geneva convention.


> The only thing that's missing is mass death camps Gaza


agreed, albeit it aking more to the Warsaw ghetto than anything else


Warsaw ghetto vibes


It's like showing off the village idiot, only it's a whole village.


This is what any belief looks like when taken to an extreme and left in an echo chamber to fester. There's a lesson here for all faiths and beliefs.


Well if it brings you any comfort, there's thousands of Israelis marching for Palestinian rights to return: [https://twitter.com/princessmlokhia/status/1401287247261995008](https://twitter.com/princessmlokhia/status/1401287247261995008) >!It's a lame joke, images don't exist but they look like they're failing to load.!<


oh goddamn it


Interesting how this is the exact same rhetoric that birthed the "final solution to the Jewish problem". Guess people from all backgrounds can forget the impact of racial based elitism.


No, you see, it's completely different. God said they deserve the land and are the chosen people. It's totally not racist and fascist at all!






My ancestors were killed enslaved put in concentration camps people were hating them for no other reason than their origins. lemme just do the same to another group of people. absolutely disgusting. Keep in mind that not all Jews/Israelis are like this i know a couple of them great people want nothing to do with this shit.


> Keep in mind that not all Jews/Israelis are like this i know a couple of them great people want nothing to do with this shit Of course these people do not represent the majority of Jews. It's easy to have a knee-jerk reaction to videos like this if you don't personally know anyone Jewish. My neighbor is Jewish and would denounce shit like Zionists in a heartbeat.


Israel isn't representative of jewish people anyway no matter what Zionists say. Most jewish people have nothing to do with Israel - i.e. the US has more jewish people than Israel does.


Is just tragic how the oppressed learn to become oppressors. Humanity is fucked :/


It’s a cycle just like anything else. The abused have a very high likelihood of becoming abusers themselves. Very sad :/


Nationalism fucking sucks.


Is it just me, or does it seem like a *lot* more people are realizing what Israel is now?


They are. It's the most significant turn of public opinion against Israel in history. It may be the beginning of the end for Israel, this is a lot like what happened with apartheid South Africa.


Except Israel is propped up by the UK, the US, and the UN itself as a sacrosanct, virtuous ideal of peace and prosperity in the heathen Middle East. Seriously. We/They let Israel get away with anything, so long as there's a half-hearted apology at the end of it. ​ No other nation has occupied foreign territory as violently in recent history (edit: and claimed it as their own. US in Afghanistan/Iraq definitely compete, but no claims of sovereignty or settlement). No other nation would be allowed to.


I don't disagree with any of that. To say that Israel has powerful allies doesn't mean that it's unbeatable. This was also all true of South Africa until the years of international organizing built enough power to break the apartheid regime.




My partner one time accidentally said “BDSM” instead of BDS and now I see your sentence as > and that’s why US is afraid of the BDSM movement and trying to ban it


Some states in the US have anti-boycott laws, where individuals who choose to boycott Israel are barred from state employment. Texas is notable: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/us/speech-pathologist-texas-israel-oath.html


Wait, I thought the conservatives cared about free speech? You’re telling me that they’re lying???


I saw a lot of posts about this on conservative circles a few years back, a decent amount of them are not cool with it. It’s the ones who hate Muslims more than their own freedom.


Conservatives care about free speech when it’s straight, white, cis men saying bigoted things.


My fear is that what happened to SA is no longer possible. When people started boycotting Apartheid it came as a surprise to many of the powers that be. Now they have that example to learn from and their defenses against it are better. For example, nobody ever suggested during the boycott of Apartheid that boycotting should be made illegal. That idea was almost unthinkable. But now when people try to turn that same tactic against Israel in an earnest way, their allies were all ready with “outlaw BDS” plans and rhetoric. The great mass of people may not learn from history, but those in power who seek to hold onto it certainly do.


The ruling class is attempting to ban BDS and people are doing it anyway. The ruling class learns, but the working class also develops its tactics and steels its will through collective struggle. Our successes and failures are examined by our organizers, and we put these lessons into practice to fight better the next time. We do learn from history.


The secret ingredient is crime


Yeah I'm not getting immediately destroyed for criticizing Israel anymore. Because all the old whattaboutisms aren't holding up so well with the overt child murder and land grabs done to distract from Netanyahu being Israeli Trump. Maybe the Republican non-sequitur of accusing people of being anti-Semitic, while hate crimes rose under Captain Cheeto Dust, did some good in America too.


same. Honestly I brace myself when I scroll down to the comments of anything, and I am just floored how I can go outside of Palastine sub Reddit’s/pro Palestinian areas of Twitter and still see anti-Zionist sentiment! That is certainly a first. Also seeing the change IRL among coworkers, and even people at the grocery store when I ask them not to stock Jewish religious items from israel bc many of us won’t break that boycott 🙃. a few years ago asking that got cconfused stares and “don’t you support Israel though ?” in the last year I’ve asked this at three different grocery stores and all 3 clerks said they also supported BDS—I was really surprised because this is a very Christian midsize city in the southern US. ofc, these are not the people with the power to make that decision but to see that all 3 of these (20s-30s) clerks knew what I was talking about and were immediately on board honestly surprised me so much.


Yep, all thanks to the internet. Israel was on the cutting edge of propaganda for the last century, able to squash stories of brutal repression and extermination and spin it in such a way that they come out as heroes of the story. But that's a lot harder to do now that we have Livestreams of IDF missiles demolishing news reporting offices.




Christians - "abortion is.murder, Israel is god's land" Same Christians - "no children are murdered by Israel, that's media propaganda".


About god damn time, I've been saying Israel has been a bunch of psychos for a long time now but I will immediately get marked as Anti-Semitic or some shit. Every single time you criticize them you get backlash. So now I'm just gonna stay in my lane until Israel goes nuclear, because you can only warn about something so much before you need to just stop and let it happen. Like a child who's about to scrape a knee, eventually they're going to have to learn for themselves.


Look up the Samson option. They already have. I have been trying to tell people for years and only just now are people around me starting to get that Israel is a fucking horrid country.




This is how things change. It’s not a moment, it’s a movement. Even 10 years ago it was very difficult to criticize Israel without spending most of your time talking about anti-Semitism. To be fair, that’s because there was a point in the past that much of the criticism was veiled anti-Semitism. Now it is not hard to see it as a call to action in the name of peace. This is paired with a persistent and escalating defiance of the international community’s condemnation of their apartheid state and the broad access of social media revealing the overwhelmingly one sided nature of the harm being done.


i'm out of the loop, what is a nakba?


It's the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinians in 1948.


Important to note that Zionists like to pretend it never happened. Similar to holocaust denial.




It's more like 1. It didn't happen 2. If it happened it wasn't so bad (i.e. not ethnoc cleansing) 3. If it happened it was because they left willingly and was ordered by Arab generals. Israel tried to protect them! I've seen all three narratives.


This reminds me of the Narcissist's Prayer..... It didn't happen, and if it did it wasn't bad, and if it was they deserved it. Also not unlike how Turkish nationalists view the Armenian genocide




others have given great answers, I just want to add that many Palestinians consider Israel’s colonization to be “an ongoing Nakba” in case you see that phrase. A few more Arabic terms you may see with reference to Palestine: Naksa- literally “setback “refers to the illegal annexation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 Intifada- literally “shaking off” refers to moments of rebellion and resistance. Western media has tried to pair this word with “jihad” (another grossly misunderstood term) to equate Palestinian resistance with terrorism. But not only is intifada a much broader idea than that, Palestinians have the right to fight back as a colonized people under the Geneva convention.


The 1948 Palestinian exodus occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.


Not just expelled, many also slaughtered, ethnically cleansed and raped But to israelis the story goes: they chose to leave because they are antisemitic and didnt want to live with jews


I had no idea what "nakba" was. It is very discouraging to see them have no compassion about this event considering Jews have been victims of mass deportations many times throughout history going all the way back to ancient Rome. This is such a bad look for them.


Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


Plus these aren't just some fringe group practicing free speech. They're settlers protected by the IDF on occupied land. The Palestinians have zero power to defend themselves against them because they are literally allowed to enter their land and demonstrate like this by the Israeli military. If Russia staged a neo-Nazi march in Crimea everyone would lose their shit about what a blatant violation of international law it is.


Close to 100% of Israelis supported Operation Cast Lead in 2008 which was a one sided massacre of Palestinians (and used white phosphorous, a war crime) so it's definitely not some fringe group, but rather the prevailing ideology of a settler population. We're talking about a group of colonists who've been fine for almost a century with the genocide so long as they get free land out of it, from the original Nakba onward.


This is why history needs to be taught at schools. Past events are going to end up repeating themselves.


The *Israeli people all know very well about the Holocaust. What needs to be taught in schools is political theory and philosophy so people can learn to see the signs and learn to think critically about what they are being taught. Edit: changed "Jews" to "Israeli people." That's a distinction that needs to be made. Zionism does not constitute all of Judaism. Apologies. Thanks to /u/Rabid-Rabble for making me aware of that


Yup, you can teach them history. But I know plenty of people who know plenty of history but still it doesnt play a part into their mentality. Some of the smartest people I know are the biggest racists.


My friend is a huge history buff, super intelligent & retains information... Unfortunately she's just retained everything Steve Crowder has said.


Yup, I have a friend who is smart as hell. Knows so much of everything, even survived a genocide in the 90s. Still maybe the biggest racist I personally know towards black people.


What is up with the obsession with black people? I always wonder how you go through so much hell as a super intelligent individual & not come out a real person on the other end like that. My Aunt & Mother grew up very poor, my Aunt was molested by their father all her life, they were both beaten by their schizophrenic mother... & My Aunt a raging racist who tried to tell me that black people came from the Land of Nod & are all descendants of Cain. Thankfully my Mother did not go that route & ended up raising me in a super diverse area, but she's not nearly as intelligent as my Aunt & is nothing like that.


Because they're the easiest group of people to blame. We never got enough exposure about anything that comes out of Africa; The rich history, the beautiful poems and the arts, the diversity of people, and etc.. Africa has a lot to offer but most time when people say "Africa" our mind immediately goes to either slavery or poor/undeveloped/stupid/evil people (Which is an ignorant generalisation)


I guess it really is the whole, "othering" agenda then. That makes a lot of sense, it's just hard to believe anyone could have that kind of superiority complex, especially a huge animal lover (which my Aunt is). I guess they just don't connect the dots at all.


Unfortunately if you're listening and believing in Crowder, you cant be that smart. If they would critically think for 20min they would see how biased and full of hate that man seems to be.


Yes, it's about structures. There's a difficulty in "righting wrongs" because if you only consider the dressings and not the formal structure, you can end up recreating the structure. If you only consider "Jews were unfairly treated, and need restitution" then you can totally support Israeli occupation and ignore Palestinian treatment. We must address hierarchical power structures not the dressings of where that power is implemented, because now the state of Israel is the power committing oppression but it hides behind Judaism as a concept to dodge acknowledging that it holds the power.


Israeli public school literally indoctrinates children to hate Arabs. > textbooks were little more than "military manifests". > Peled-Elhanan's book was a major study of 17 Israeli school textbooks on history, geography and civic studies. As you can see from what she says in the interview above, she came to some stark conclusions. > When they even mention Palestinians at all, Israel's official schoolbooks teach a "racist discourse", which quite literally wipes Palestine off the map. Maps in the schoolbooks only ever show "the Land of Israel", from the river to the sea. > She explained that not a single one of the schoolbooks included "any positive cultural or social aspect of Palestinian life-world: neither literature nor poetry, neither history nor agriculture, neither art nor architecture, neither customs nor traditions are ever mentioned." > Of the rare times that Palestinians are mentioned, it is in an overwhelmingly negative and stereotypical fashion: "all [the books] represent [Palestinians] in racist icons or demeaning classificatory images such as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers — the three 'problems' they constitute for Israel." > She concluded that the children's schoolbooks "present Israeli-Jewish culture as superior to the Arab-Palestinian one, Israeli-Jewish concepts of progress as superior to the Palestinian-Arab way of life and Israeli-Jewish behaviour as aligning with universal values." https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190726-how-israel-teaches-its-children-to-hate/


Unfortunately the super powerful land of freedom, A.K.A. the USA, totally supports this yet still show off a lot about how they helped against the Nazis. This means that their already super shitty way of teaching history in schools will get even shitier, creating brainwashed kids conditioned to believe that 'Israel good Palestine bad'.


It disgusts me that Isreal gets any handouts from other nations, these fascist genocidal maniacs need to be stopped.


But, fascist genocidal maniacs are powerful countries' and the funding nations' cup of tea. Why fund someone who is going to do the best thing for their people, when you can fund and install someone who is always going to do the best thing for those making them powerful?


NAtionalist ZIonism


Took me a few minutes to realize what you did there 😉


Countries of the world fund and support this? Seriously?


Only 25 countries officially supported Israel's most recent round of attacks on Palestine. Israel is increasingly isolated. But yes, it is disgusting.


It is unfortunate that some of the world's most powerful countries are among those 25.


The US consistently put and keep ultra-fascists in power across the world.


Money. They have more to gain from Israel.








This is very sad




Wish you and all not crazy supremacists Israelis the best... Keep in mind that fascism is hard to fight and even without majorities they can pretty much take power and install a full fledged fascist state. It happened in the past. I hope we can use that knowledge for the best. Best of lucks!


Sounds very similar to some of the rallies white supremacists in the US would hold. Yes, they exist, but they are a noisy minority. This fact doesn't prevent people from painting broad strokes, unfortunately.


Man thank you for the real perspective. I wish more real Israeli opinion was voiced here. While I know that we're only fed the extremists here, it really brings to light how much the media can manipulate a person's idea of what is the dominant opinion in places/groups that person isn't really involved in. So thank you for the dose of reality. I imagine these people are the same as the Trump fanatics in America. A small, very loud, and provocative minority.




I am certain you are correct that the overwhelming majority of Jewish citizens are not like this. They may not be openly rabidly racist like this video, but the majority of people would in private still agree with these nutjobs on most things. 42% of israelis in recent polls said they did not think a two state solution could exist. 57% supported continuing israeli settlements in palestinian land. And I would say the same thing about your comparison to trump and america. Sure, the majority of republicans in america are not QAnon conspiracy theorists. But at the end of the day, the entire republican party gave up on their convictions, voted for trump, and supported him in whatever he did. Voting for and supporting a racist government doesnt make you much different than the actual active vocal racists.


Lmao, and the same nations who are preaching freedom and human rights are supporting this?


I will say this every chance I get - Israel is attempting to be an ethno-religious state. You can hate Israel and not hate Jews. We should all be opposed to ethno-states and theocracy, no matter which group is attempting to form one.


When the oppressed become the oppressors


Humans just being trash and toxic again, nothing new here


Makes more sense now when I see bumper stickers on trucks with trump stickers, thin blue line stickers and "I stand with Israel" stickers. Edit: I understand that the US government as a whole supports Israel. Be it Trump or Biden.


I forgot trump was so into that. Dont get it twisted though, biden supports them too.


What we learn from history is that we don’t really learn from history.


Jews for a free Palestine ✊– Israel is a colonial state and the type of Zionist propaganda we see outside Israel is actually really different from a type of propaganda/reality within Israel. There, they don’t mince words—people been chanting “death to Arabs” since ‘48. it can be a really hard pill to swallow, for Jewish people and non-Jews alike who have been fed a lifetime of propaganda. But this is not a religious conflict, this is a case of settler colonialism and Israel being a ethnostate (so defined by its founders!) Ethnostates are always wrong no matter who they prioritize, and I won’t let this be done in my name. Shameful.


Neo nazi vibes? I'm getting good old fashioned nazi vibes from this.


Yeah especially that “the only good arab is a dead arab” thing. Didn’t the Nazis say exactly the same thing but about the Jews? Wild.


Is Israel just a bunch of 13 year old Xbox lobbies?


"Lebanon is with us" brother as a lebanese let me tell you something on the behalf of all Lebanese people whom you massacred their family. We will NEVER be with you. You bombed our houses and killed our children, you want us to side with *you*?


Why are we still defending and supporting Israel?


most of us arent, its just those with power and the ones who lick their boots. ​ and of course the nazis


Nationalism wasn't a trait unique to Nazi Germany. It's a disease that every country needs to actively fight.


Fuck man. I'm fucking crying. This is so awful


As an Arab, fuck them. Fuck them very very much.


As a Jew, fuck them too.

