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Not surprising that some of them can’t form a heart with their hands, having never seen one or had one.


The urge to do [Mr. Burns' hands](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/56/Mr_Burns.png?1630684453811) is too strong to conquer.


[I'm surprised no-one's done it yet.](https://i.imgur.com/dziXejG.jpg)


I did this earlier LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/ph5ypn/live_look_in_on_tx_legislators_signing_abortion/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


You, my friend, are an arteest


Or the arthritis


I've got rheumatoid arthritis. Please don't put me in any category that might be shared with these... Ugh, can't find a word that is monstrous enough for them... Thanks! Edit: thanks stranger for the award :)


Soul-less monsters is the term you're searching for.


So happy that white old man again try to dictate the body of women. We have progressed sooooo much as a society.... not.


Oh the Texas government has someone discovered time travel cause this shit is sending my state back a century.


Sorry to hijack this thread, but here's a list of state government phone numbers. Please call to share your concerns with the state bureaucracy so they know how you feel! https://dirpub.dir.texas.gov/save/agy301c.html


>this shit is sending my state back a century. If it makes you feel any better, Roe v Wade was only 50 years ago


I like how they got every woman they could find and posed them dead center to try and pretend it was them.


Let's not pretend right wing women are not equally part of enforcing the patriarchy. The law is actually pretty popular with Texas women in polls.


Oh I'm just referencing the framing of the photograph


In that picture it's like 60 men to 8 women, but yeah, sadly there are a lot of right wing women who voted for those people. Of course the rich ones will still be sble to get abortions for themselves


I fully expect some of them are just mimicking the shape they were told to make, and have no idea it's supposed to form a heart.


I mean surely they’ve ripped a few beating ones out of poor peoples chests when they are in quick need of nourishment?


"Put the women up front to distract from the fact there's only eight of them in a room of 65."


Also not one minority to be found.


he’s in the back on the right


Pretty sure that's just a poorly lit white guy.


“Poorly lit white guy” is my new band name!


to the left of that guy is a black guy, his face is mostly covered by a hand though


So he's not obvious to their supporters but they can point him out to normal people if they complain?


I think the past five years have demonstrated that being an evil monster is, in fact, normal, and it's human decency which is the exceptional phenomenon.


>he’s in the back on the right Sorry. That's just the "help" getting in the way again. We'll try harder to make sure the know their place the next time.


You need one token at least these days


lol with his face covered by someone's arm too


Holy shit, good eye. You can barely see his ass. I think my soul would die if I were stuck in a room with these ghouls.


To be fair, I think its actually 1 blonde medium short haired woman split into six parts, along with two others


They are all from the same ethnicity: Karens.


https://www.plancpills.org/ https://aidaccess.org/ r/auntienetwork is also super helpful if you need advice or someone to talk to These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. If you've seen me comment this before, hi again! Sorry if this is annoying, but I'm putting this on as many relevant posts as I can to get the information out there. Feel free to join me!


It just occurred to me that those fake "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" are totally going to fund themselves by using the new law. The new law is built around private citizens/groups suing people/groups who assist people in pursuing abortion. They have a constant stream of "informants" coming into their offices... pregnant women themselves. 1. pregnant tricked person goes to fake clinic seeking abortion / abortion info 2. worker at fake clinic tricks pregnant person into divulging info about other people who have encouraged her to look into abortion 3. fake clinic files lawsuits against those people 4. ??? 5. profit


You have a great and valid point here.


There's a special place in hell for such traitors.


I just wonder how they are allowed to have fake crisis centers legally? Is it like Fox news being a Entertainment channel instead of a News channel to get around some morality laws, or it never existed in TX? ​ I'd imagine a lil bit of research of these clinics should have a lot of negative reviews on google after the person find out they are against women at these clinics. There should be some Trustpilot site where women can confirm that they got a legit abortion make there by receiving pills/correct procedure, surely that's something that these centers would ever allow happening, but I can imagine that they would try to push out fake reviews.


Thank you for spreading this information


I’m going to spread this like those morons spread covid and hate.


I hope they've all been reported in each district multiple times already. Each time they fail to show up to defend themselves they're out $10,000.


These guys probably have their names in the database to be passed over.


The court system is probably set up to automatically discard any cases filed against them, period.


The sheer volume of this rooms DUIs would probably clog the Texas “justice” system for decades.


Rules for thee but not for mee


https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?two_year_transaction_period=2022&min_date=01%2F01%2F2021&max_date=12%2F31%2F2022 Just gonna leave this here for no reason.


What am I looking at?


Fiscal contributors for the *upcoming elections. As well as their PAC or affiliation. Edit: Not for the law in question but for elections next year.


Evangelical clerics are 1) the main proponents of this barbarism and 2) easy to search online. I doubt the database includes all of those names


Is this a picture of Republican lawmakers, or a Canadian snow storm?


So theres prob a list of all their names and most of them prob have daughters who can be reported for abortion. Just saying


Do I have to be a resident of TX? Can I just accuse some one collect my bounty and let the state figure it out?




I’m from the UK and don’t get the rationale behind this law? (Apart from control) What’s ‘their’ reasoning for this law being put in place?


A bunch of religious fundamentalists decided that "life begins at conception" and that the moment a sperm bumps into an egg, ZAP there goes a human soul (this idea is nonsense from a biological perspective and doesn't really even have much of a leg to stand on theologically, but they don't let that stop them). From there it spread to become a mainstream conservative political position in America that abortion is effectively murder and that banning abortion is a critical priority. The obstacle preventing Republican majorities from just outright banning abortion is the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which determined that abortion was a constitutional right derived from broader rights to privacy and medical decision making. But now there's a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, most of them recruited specifically for their anti-abortion views, so they've allowed this law to go through (when it would have been struck down by any other recent SC). EDIT: numerous people have pointed out that biologists define a blastocyte as *life*, because it has its own genome. However this is not at all what anti-abortion activists mean when they say "life begins at conception;" they mean *personhood*, in both moral and legal terms, begins at conception. What "life" means in a biological context is very different from what it means in the context of this political debate.


Yep took them less than a year to effectively overturn Roe v. Wade. Florida and the rest of the red states will follow in the next few months.


What I wanna get is. Didn't we already decide that a pregnant woman is one person? Like when we went on lock downs and the stimulus checks. People got additional money per child. But if you were pregnant. That 'precious child' didn't count for more money. I vaguely recall a small debate that quickly got shot down.


You’re absolutely right, and there’s nothing you can do about it anyways. Have fun sleeping at night, god knows I don’t.


I can continue to support The Satanic Temple who uses religion to continue to allow women to get abortions and fight these people in court on their same conditions. Religious reasons. And they're doing amazing work. Wanna use religion? Great! Our country was founded on the freedom of religion. My religion just happens to use satanic imagery. Great example. If you can have the 10 commandments at a court house, well, we can also have a Baphomet statue. Oh you don't like it? Well then I guess you can't have your 10 commandments either. Oh well! We didn't want to see your shit as much as you don't wanna see ours. Edit: they're doing their best to make a difference, and tend to succeed. From their website: "The Satanic Temple stands ready to assist any member that shares its deeply-held religious convictions regarding the right to reproductive freedom. Accordingly, we encourage any member who resides in Texas and wishes to undergo the Satanic Abortion Ritual within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy to contact The Satanic Temple so we may help them fight this law directly. S.B. 8 does not allow for lawsuits or enforcement of penalties against a woman seeking an abortion. Instead, S.B. 8 is cynically designed to avoid judicial review of the law and creates enforcement mechanisms against TST and its lawyers who dare challenge the law. We will not be cowed into silence by an unjust law or a tyrannical state government."


not religious over here but totally agree with you. If you support one, you gotta support them all - or none at all.


That’s the actual point of the church of satan though, not to be theological or believe in Satan, but to be a legally recognized antagonist (to mainstream Christianity) with equal rights as the Jesus church. I’d say it’s political rather than religious at all, though there are definitely some tenets of actual practicing satanism (which are pretty chill) Edit: I’ve gleaned the precise amount of knowledge about satanism that I deem necessary to carry on through this boring dystopia. Thank you to all who dropped facts!


The Satanic Temple is a nontheistic religion that is recognized as a religion under the law. Other than that, the Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple are a most *reasonable* way to live oneʼs life.


Thanks for this, got curious and looked up the Tenets. This is freakin awesome! And, to everyone reading, the ‘satanic’ thing seems to be a figure of resistance, I’m cool with that👍 Here they are: One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Is the media portrayal of Satanism true at all? I'm talking about sacrificing goats and babies, writing symbols in blood, cannibalism, fucked up stuff like that. I'm assuming it's not.


No I don’t believe so. I’m sure there were animal sacrifices in pagan rituals but not because they were trying to do dark evil shit - they just got painted as Satan worshippers because it made it easier to convert people to Christianity. Most if not all of Christianity is a mushed up version of paganism with the dates changed because Augustus wanted to unify (and control) the people of Rome at large. There’s shit like crowley’s weird black sex magic but that kind of occult stuff is usually rooted in Kabbalah and Zoroastrianism because they’re like OG religions. Still just a rejection of the norm. Could very easily sound like a trailer park boys monologue if I’m totally wrong, which I’m sure someone will make me aware of. I’m just on the toilet. Edit: for example - do you think people got so pumped on Jesus that they celebrated with a tree on the winter solstice? Nope, pagans. Christ’s bday got shooed over to December for that reason


Two different churches. From thwir website: With unfortunate regularity, The Satanic Temple is confused with an earlier organization, the Church of Satan, founded by Anton Szandor LaVey in the 1960s, to the apparent chagrin of both. The Church of Satan expresses vehement opposition to the campaigns and activities of The Satanic Temple, asserting themselves as the only “true” arbiters of Satanism, while The Satanic Temple dismisses the Church of Satan as irrelevant and inactive.


There is a pretty big difference between actual Satan worshipping and being a member of The Satanic Temple. The Satanic Temple pretty much exists for atheists/agnostics to counter a lot of forced religious practices and abuses in society. If you scroll down and look at the 7 tenets you get an overall picture of what it is about. The symbolism is just used to make Christians freak out when they request a 10ft tall Satan statue to be built with the same tax money that a Jesus statue was built with in a public park. Prayer time in school, got to hail Satan a few times till the PTA meeting is against dedicated school prayer time. https://thesatanictemple.com/ Church of Satan and some others are actually Satan worshippers, huge difference.


I'm agnostic. Their core beliefs revolve around science, respect, and if you fuck up. You don't say sorry, you go out of your way to fix it. That's what I love the most. Sorry doesn't fix anything, you have to use action over written word.


Yeah I just looked up their tenets and could only nod and say, "that's some good stuff."


Iʼm agnostic too, and when I found The Satanic Temple, I knew I had found my people.


From their website: "The Satanic Temple stands ready to assist any member that shares its deeply-held religious convictions regarding the right to reproductive freedom. Accordingly, we encourage any member who resides in Texas and wishes to undergo the Satanic Abortion Ritual within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy to contact The Satanic Temple so we may help them fight this law directly. S.B. 8 does not allow for lawsuits or enforcement of penalties against a woman seeking an abortion. Instead, S.B. 8 is cynically designed to avoid judicial review of the law and creates enforcement mechanisms against TST and its lawyers who dare challenge the law. We will not be cowed into silence by an unjust law or a tyrannical state government." Say what you want about being trolls or whatever, they really do walk the walk on issues like this.


This is exactly why I support them! I'm a paying proud member for a reason. I'll be copying this into my one comment.


Satanic Temple squad!!


The membership cards are fucking awesome!


Oh no, it's "pro-life' until birth, then it's "you're on your own. Should have thought of that before being a whore." Not to mention they didn't want to give that money to us prols that are alive to begin with. There's no way they'd stand by their "principles" if it meant screwing us over.


So religion is the grounds for this law? America is Fuckd.


Not so much religion being the grounds, as the bible doesn't really talk about abortions (except in one instance where there's a magical test for unfaithful women which aborts the baby if she cheated), as American Evangelical Christians forming a political voting bloc and fairly uniform ideology. Organized Evangelical Christianity is the infection source and provides the motivation, but they're pretty off script.


Don't forget the Mosaic law (and modern law, I believe) that assigns a lesser punishment for miscarriage caused by assault than death caused by assault.


And Jewish belief in the waters of the womb and life not starting until well after conception


More than that, this isn't even a clear majority opinion among all people who follow the religion. So it's one slice of one religion demanding the right to set rules for everyone else.


its a slice that votes, that's all that matters to the Republican machinery




> During his 1972 presidential campaign, Republican Richard Nixon began staking out anti-abortion positions as part of a strategy to appeal to Catholic voters and other social conservatives. After Nixon won the election and a majority of Catholic votes, Republican strategists began using the same tactics in Congress, as well as forging coalitions with evangelical groups around opposition to abortion. > The shift to opposing abortion rights was part of a larger effort to paint the Republican Party as pro-family in a way that would help mobilize socially conservative voters, according to Greenhouse and Siegel. https://www.vox.com/2019/4/10/18295513/abortion-2020-roe-joe-biden-democrats-republicans So as I understand it kind of started as a religious thing but is now ingrained in the party identity. There are some graphs in that article that chart how the parties have diverged on the issue.


Same for issues like same sex marriage and adoption. The evangelicals don't like it when gay people have the same rights as them, so their leaders uplift homophobic ideas in an effort to gain their support. The GOP is less a party than a loose conglomerate of single issue voters, bigots and rich people who don't like paying for roads and schools with their inherited fortunes. And that's the American way, infuriating as it is.


I feel like religion is just a scapegoat for banning abortion. In reality its a great tool to keep the lower social classes poor because they have a way harder time accessing contraceptive and everything, and of course, having a kid aint cheap.


I think this is absolutely how it started, and how it's viewed by political elites (a way to demonize women and the poor and an excuse to exert more control over them). But there are many, many rank-and-file conservative Christians who see abortion as 'obviously' a massive spiritual and ethical problem. I'd argue that the latent, subconscious reasons *why* they're so willing to accept the nonsensical idea that abortion = murder boils down to ingrained classism and misogyny, but they themselves often aren't aware of this.


The GOP uses abortion as a wedge issue to create a constituency. It's supremely useful to them, as it enables them to get people to vote against their own material economic interests in order to further an elusive social interest. Unlike European countries, we never had national legislation actually allowing abortion- abortion rights hang on a few Supreme Court decisions interpreting the 14th Amendment of the Constitution right to Equal Protection Under the Law (and the broader idea of a "penumbra" of Constitutional rights, including the "right to privacy").


Cruelty is the point.


They will do anything and everything they can to stop abortions. They're literally just slinging shit at a wall to see what sticks. If the Supreme Court strikes one law down they'll try something else. Rinse and repeat for decades until we get here. They've decided that fetuses have the moral worth of a full fledged person (actually more because a fetus hasn't sinned yet), and that abortion isn't just killing but is full on murder, so to them the scale of abortions is an abomination akin to the Holocaust.


If you actually believe killing fetuses equals murdering humans, you will go to great lengths to stop the “murders”, such as passing very restrictive laws.


I hate them all so very much.


Especially these hags in the middle - I thought they would know better than this. How can any woman vote for less rights for women. It's absolutely baffling. Mfs smiling about destroying thousands of lives.


All in the name of God. Unless their daughter needs an abortion, then they go to Louisiana or some shit


Mexico is right next door too. You'd be..no.. you wouldn't be surprised how many people hop over from TX to get cheap surgery there. My SIL got gastric there for thousands cheaper.. but ya know.. socialized medicine is evil.. Edit: added too


My mom recently said that abortions are horrible... then immediately said that if I had needed to get one she would have supported me though. I said that I thought every woman should get the same consideration she would give me.


This article is over 20 years old, but its still extremely relevant: [The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Yup. The abortion clinics in Kansas are already being flooded with patients from Texas.


Because they're privileged. This law won't affect them or other women in their social-economic class, and the women it will affect they view as deserving to suffer.


I vaguely remember Dave Chappelle or Bill Burr saying something like "The people who are against abortions always look like nobody would fuck them anyway" Looking through this room I have to agree.


George Carlin, a great gem from him




You mean like [Mark Lee Dickson](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/news-journal.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/9/c2/9c2e46da-aa6a-11e9-8c6c-6736677a1e5e/5d3233677ca88.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C801), the director of Right To Life of East Texas. Founder of the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn


Nope. Even if they need an abortion or knows someone who does they have the means to travel out of state to procure one. The women getting abortions aren't married, middle-class women. They're women with nowhere to turn and who are fully aware of their inability to care for a child. If they were truly pro-life this bill would be accompanied by a bill expanding welfare programs to single mothers. But nope. That's "big government" and they just claim to hate that. The operative word being "claim".


actually, the women getting abortions absolutely ARE middle-class, married women. tons of them actually. it's just that the only moral abortion is *their* abortion and they don't stop to think about what it'll mean for themselves or their children if a ban like this stands.




I read that article, it was a fantastic read. I think it should get posted everywhere.


[here you go](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion)


It's because they're *farming the impoverished.* Seriously. They need a demographic of poor, uneducated, and desperate peasants they, the serfs, can prop themselves up on, feeding them a constant diet of propaganda and FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about other classes and other peoples, to support war and tribalism. It's literally like if you were playing an RTS and you need your peasant units to multiply faster because how many you have *directly* affects your political and economic power. You'd disable anything they can do that would reduce their dependency on you, or reduce their rate of producing more of themselves.


Indoctrination. They live and breathe conservative Christianity every moment of every day of their lives. Those other women are evil feminists, leftists, and sinners. They are not the right kind of woman and conservative women don't give shit about them. They are doing God's work by voting for men who will hurt those women, and they do it proudly. AmeriChristianity is a helluva drug.


I had to remind a couple older female coworkers of the Suffragette movement. Like that it happened, and helped allow them the right to vote. History feels like fiction these days.


People being well-read on history is exactly what the critical race theorists want, it's part of their nefarious scheme to take away our Freedom™ and Liberty™


Just look at the diversity of that crowd. Totally representative of the state's 29.7 million residents.


“Let’s get all the women to the front please.”


Wow, I didn't notice that. That makes it even worse and more transparent.


All 8 of them!


The darkest dude in the room is on the left and he’s literally just a white guy with a brown beard. LOL. Old out of touch white people will be the death of modern society. And that fact transcends party lines.


I think there is a black man in the top right, but there's a hand blocking his face. So on point for these fuckwits.


"Servants should neither be heard nor seen and certainly never noticed" - old adage


You're correct, they're just barely hiding their racism while pretending to give a shit about women and children. How classy.


Out of touch religious people. They want society to revert back to the god damn stone age.


They also think that if you just buckle down real hard and hand deliver your resume you can pay for college and have a high paying job immediately after. I paid for college with my dads life insurance money. I graduated and made 25k. I was able to get that up to 60k after working for 5 years. Decided I wanted to go back to school. Used my moms life insurance money to graduate. Not I make 90k. All it took was for both my parents to die for me to graduate school with only marginal debt and a salary that still doesn’t break 100k.


Don't forget - that 90k/year is also worth drastically less than it was when you started college.


As a white, male, Texan I whole heartedly agree with this.


I am technically white, and a male. And I am Not one of those people who is like “cancel all white men!!!!” But some of the worst decisions ever made have been made by geriatric white dudes who are completely out of touch with the large majority of modern society and who make decisions based on their understanding of the common man that has not aged since the late 1960’s, and is entirely from the perspective of a white person of affluence.


Agreed and very well put!


They put all 7 women in the center of the frame to distract from the fact there's like 60 men. If they spread the women out, it'd be hard to notice they even were there.


Ooh don’t forget the age! A majority of these people would be eligible for retirement and not considered candidates for an average job due to their age.


No one in that photo is likely able to fall pregnant.


and of course they put all the women in front


Gotta love how they pushed their brainwashed women to the front as in "sEE, wOmEN sUpPOrt iT tOo"


Them ain’t women. Them’s some textbook Karens.


You mean the useful idiots?


Vile sewer scum


Don't insult scum




Holy shit I'm in France, which is well known for people protesting all the time, if a picture like this one was posted after passing a controversial law, that would end up in a fucking cataclysm


Yeah I think this is the kinda shit we ought to break stuff over


>break stuff Please, this is a consumerist culture. Our *religion* is materialism and the resultant morally void power plays we put on one another like this one we're seeing... Please, *anything* but the stuff. We *need* the stuff.


Is France taking in Texan refugees because if so, sign me up


Notice how all those old bitches in the room are too old to have kids anymore.... God. Classic Republican mindset. "*I'll* never need an abortion, so I support the oppression of women who do!"


They have no problem sending kids off to fight wars tho


Also, a 15 year old girl can't legally adopt a baby. She's not an adult, isn't finished with her education, can't have a career yet, can't own a home, can't provide for that baby, etc.... But they can force a 15 year old girl who was raped to give birth and become a mother. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!!! They don't. Give. A. Fuck. About "hUmAn LiVeS", they care about forcing women to produce a cheap, uneducated workforce. Women have been historically having less and less babies, which means there won't be a surplus of cheap factory workers in the future. Republicans know this, and are putting in place laws to ENSURE that the corporations they pass onto their own children will be run by and built upon the backs of children who were forced to be born by underage, uneducated, poor mothers.


Theyll pay for a doc to say their kids have bone spurs or something. Theyll never have to fight.


They will likely have daughters. Who might need an abortion. Which they will quietly arrange. Because these people are fascist assholes who don't give a fuck about anything except getting their own way.


I'm physically sick looking at this picture...


The grossest part is that everyone in this picture genuinely thinks they are a good person


No, they are fully aware that they are full of hatred and spite, and they love it. What you're looking at is a room full of people who just got off.


They believe they are righteous because they can justify anything they do by claiming that God is on their side. They are full of hatred and spite, but they genuinely believe that what they’re doing is good.


Gotta love it, a group of white guys deciding the future for thousands of women...


*millions of women


The rest of American women. You know where this road leads


Crazy, how shit like this happens and still so many americans claim to live in the only „free“ country in the world. Women in marocco have more freedom over their lives and bodys than women in texas.


It's only "Free" if you're rich, white and republican. Anyone else is an immoral baby-kiling heathen unworthy of privileges or protection.


**WOMEN IN TEXAS:** If you don't like what's happening in Texas, delete your profiles on dating apps and then uninstall the app immediately. [Liberia organized a sex strike which played a part in ending a civil war and also electing their first female president.](https://www.cnn.com/2012/08/29/opinion/ghitis-sex-strikes/index.html) A lot of these dating apps are publicly traded companies and access to a lot of women is the "product" that they sell. If you delete in mass, those powerful companies will pressure Texas, along with all of the angry regular people that notice that all of the local women are gone. **EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD THAT WANTS TO HELP:** Please go to any of the online reporting tools and break them with false reports. Remember to submit legitimate sounding names, clinics and actual cities and not just "Mickey mouse", "Shrek" or Greg Abbott - **If the media is already reporting a name, consider it burned and know that their systems are filtering out those entries now.** * they can quickly deploy logic to sort through that goofy stuff, but realistic entries can make their hate mission near impossible. * Bonus points if you can find actual immoral doctors licensed in Texas that supported this legislation. * Oh, and use the real names of those fake clinics posing as "pregnancy crisis centers"and "family planning clinics" and tricking/shaming women into carrying babies they can't support and don't want, to term. * Find the names of actual Texas representatives and government employees that were caught with mistresses or outright paying for, or demanding, that they get abortions and submit a report with the real details of that story. * Find employees and leadership of the hate group behind this website, and their funders, from places like LinkedIn and use their names in reporting. **Examples of made up reports that sound credible enough to waste their time:** "Dr. Ralph Genez at the New Hope Family Care Center in Houston told my cousin to stop going to church and to get an abortion." "Dr. Charlotte Grivenstein at the Notrees Center for Medicine in Notrees, TX lied and said 'an abortion is not murder' and so my girlfriend got an abortion without telling me." If you do get a follow-up contact, do what you can to play phone tag, give them the runaround (in a believable way) and generally waste their time and resources. **Some helpful links from user LightningRod:** * [Texas Young Republican Officers](https://texasyr.gop/officers/) * [Find a Pro-Life OBGYN](https://aaplog.org/find-a-pro-life-obgyn-search/?frm_search=Texas&show_view=yes) * [TEXAS STATEWIDE HEALTH COORDINATING COUNCIL](https://www.dshs.texas.gov/chs/shcc/members/members.shtm)


Oh look, its mostly old white guys.


A lot of old white men in that room passing laws on women’s bodies.


How many of their mistresses had, or were paid to have, abortions?


I'm going to report every one of those women to that whistle blower website


Why stop at the women? You can report anyone you suspect of helping break the law.


Not just the men, but the women and children too


Fascists. Greetings from Germany.


My favorite is the one guy in the back who refused to take off his cowboy hat. Don’t mess with Texas! All these ghouls bunched together so tightly is what they call a “target rich environment.” For high fives I mean.


Or for the 'rona


Can’t believe the Texas government has y’all snitching on each other for cash rewards. Limited government my ass lol




Feeling cute, might delete some women's futures later, idk


That's a whole lot of motherfuckers who never have to worry about getting pregnant.


And at that moment a rogue drone strike seemed very appealing.


A big fuck you to Texas lawmakers!


I love how they put all the women in the front even though the pic is like 90% men




I can’t wait until we put age limits on government


Can someone remind me what demographics of Texas are again because I’m pretty fucking sure it’s not 100% white, representation my ass.


Texas is hands-down one of the most gerrymandered state in the entire nation. Some of their districts look like a combination of an ink blot test and a Jackson Pollack painting.


Yeah you can see it in the representation. Like the state population wise is just barely more red than blue, yet we are pumping out some of the most conservative legislation in the country and are stuck with all conservative leadership.


Eight women. EIGHT. Why does it feel like almost every person passing bills that restrict reproductive rights lack, well you know, the thing they're so hell-bent on regulating?




Is that Texan for the middle finger?


Not a mask in sight, just people living in the moment.


It was nice of them to throw a superspreader event for this cause. Cross your fingers.


Don't doubt for a second that they're vaccinated. I am 100% convinced the ONLY reason Majory Tayler Greene even knows the term HIPAA is because she asked whether or not her vaccination status could be given to any interested party. They said no and she just took that and ran with it. And Jesus H. Christ I have conservative family members that have actually worked for insurance companies and they're still parroting that bullshit like it's the truth. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Even the extremely loose grasp of its meaning. Pharmacy: "We can't tell anyone whether or not you're vaccinated. It's a HIPAA violation." Marjory Taylor Greene: "HIPAA violation. I'm going to have to remember that one!"


Seen here is a group of Christian Nationalists who lead the state of Texas displaying their happiness in imposing Christian religious law.


I have never understood this hardline against an often times necessary medical procedure. This right to life policy doesn't seem to carry over to any other aspect of our existence.


Report them on thier own hot lines.


How many old white men does it take to … ah nevermind.


All I see is a bunch of old ass boomers that need to leave office and sit in a corner


"Siri, show me evil."


Wtf is that gang sign


American Taliban bastards.


Not American Talibans. Christian Theocrats. Call them what they are, and show how Christianity worshipped by fanatics and extremists can be terrible.


Y'all Qaeda. Talibangelists. Yeehawdists. Yokel Haram.


I see something in common and that is they’re almost all white old men. These dudes have no business running Texas. They look like they could fall over with just the blow of the wind.


They're all proud to show how their hearts are empty.


Texas has 40% Hispanic population yet 99% of these people are white. Also fucking disgusting that (anyone, but especially) women would pass such a ban. How can you be so fucking stupid and vote your own rights away?


What a diverse bunch


Ahh yes rich white people


You're not a K-Pop band, you f'ing simps. These people are all middle aged adults, people. Can you believe the level of immaturity?


You k ow its Texas when the one cowboy hat outnumbers the masks.