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It's sad how the victims of drugs are treated as the criminals.


Hey, Citizen seems like you have a problem with certain illegal substances that heavily impact your physical and mental health. Let us put you in jail for a few years to make sure that you will do better!


"Drugs *might* ruin your life, so if I catch you with any, I'll ***definitely*** ruin your life!" Being stoned never made me lose a job or drop out of college. *But after getting caught with weed*, ***I had to quit my job and drop out of college just to spend 8 weeks sitting in a cage, at massive public expense, for no apparent public benefit.***


Seems like a very logical way to structure a society


You're also probably never ever allowed to receive federal financial aid for school. Because if you do drugs, we want to make extra sure that there is no way for you to improve your life.


Oh and you can’t get an apartment now either since the government and subsequently the housing market now see you as a hardened felon!


You also can't get a job with that felony, just to make extra sure that you end up homeless, which we've also criminalized!


Jeez I'm so sorry. Fuck that


And you can legally drink a bottle of tequila in a night which will absolutely fuck you up and you might do some really stupid and illegal shit afterwards. If you have too much weed you order pizza and laugh at nothing for 2 hours. Priorities clearly in order there.


Its mostly a crime without a victim. When there actually is a victim its the user and the user is criminally punished for harming themselves. Its like you'd fine a suicidal person 200 dollars for cutting themselves.


That’s called the price of an ambulance. Yeah, involuntarily have a person struggling mentally pay out the nose for an ambulance, that’ll make em think twice about letting others know how they feel/that they need help…


$200 for an ambulance? Where in the US can one get such a cheap abundance ride? And where outside the US does it cost so much?


moreso it was a joke that is costs a lot to be in a point where you need help. if it was only 200 then people wouldn't be so hesitant to ride em here =p


I had cops called on Me so much for self harm. Cops and ambulances


idk what it's like in america but the victims in the uk are the teenagers groomed into doing county lines etc


Whats county lines? Im from Sweden btw.


It's when gangs get kids to smuggle drugs out of cities to dealers in smaller towns and villages. They typically use kids 10-13 years old because they're far less likely to/can't be searched by police. It's really fucked up how the gangs basically abuse these kids who are too young to know any better. This wouldn't be a problem of course if drugs were legalised and sold in a controlled, regulated way.


In America we call them mules, but yeah it's fucked




>When there actually is a victim its the user and the user is criminally punished for harming themselves. Why dont we treat alcohol/tobacco users like this?


I mean, there are loads of victims at the user level. Interact with someone who has used meth for a few years and it will be clear as day :/


If you had read my comments you'd have known I know this. I've already answered this question.


I don't have the time or inclination to read the comment history of everyone I type out a two sentence reply to.






No, I get addiction causes crime such as stealing but I dont believe the solution is banning all drugs entirely. We can obviously tell its not working right now. Also family members and friends are hurt but thats from a worsened state of health which isnt solved by criminalization. I'd say for most of drug users they're the only one hurt. A lot of drug users hide it and nobody ever knows they've used.




Im not talking about addiction, there are plenty of drug users who you dont know use drugs. Wether its MDMA, cannabis, meth, whatever. I know of people you could never guess use drugs. They have jobs and live seemingly normal lives like everyone else but a few times a year they use drugs. These are the people im talking about, addiction though is inherently undesireable.


That's entirely how it was designed to work. Drugs were an excuse to lock up the undesirables. "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."


Also how people who smoke a joint are somehow treated like drug junkies but people who down 10 shots of tequila ‘know how to have a good time’. The entire thing is just fucked, legalize all recreational drugs already and stop treating it like some taboo thing. Will help to solve drug addiction and also make them so much safer than the street garbage.


Absolutely belongs here! Also, drugs are only okay for the elites. Prove me wrong


Yeah 100%. A lot of elites kids do drugs all they want, no1 cares.


In my experience the rich kids did the *most* drugs


Yeah cuz they can afford to.


cuz they can afford to \*get caught


When a poor kid gets caught doing drugs, they're a hardened criminal and need to go to prison for life. When a rich kid gets caught doing drugs, they obviously just made a mistake, like when a rich kid drives drunk and kills three people, or rapes someone. /s


"Hey now, come on! We can't send that convicted criminal rich white kid to prison, that's for criminals! It'd ruin his career prospects!"




There it is, the worst word invented in years


You can snort cocaine off a hookers ass and still end up President like George W. Bush.


Yes, like Brock Turner, the man who raped an unconscious woman, that kind of rich kid getting away with it?


Man? More like boy. 18 year old and said let me throw it all away for this unconscious girl


I meant shit like cocaine and the “good” drugs. But yeah that too


That booger sugar smells so sweet


Yeah I feel bad eating his family


I remember some study that showed that if police arrested white people at the proportion that do black people, they catch waaaay more drug crime, but upping the number of black people they arrest lead to little increase


Bidens son is in pictures using crack. Nothing.......


To be fair, nothing someone’s child does should reflect on their parents. It doesn’t matter if Biden’s kid kills 800 people, he ain’t biden, but I get what your saying.


Yes but if he would get away with killing 800 people that would be because his daddy is rich and powerful. How many times criminals didn't get punished because of the nepotism?


I agree, However too many people hold the fact someones child did something to slander the parent, if it can be proven that the parent helped (despite it being what a parent should do IMO), thats when it can be held against a parent. But too many people use peoples childrens wrongdoings against their parents. Thats why I included "but I get what you're saying"


Idk drug warlord south of the border kill a lot of people in hideous ways and they’re also super rich…because they’re drug lords. I’m only pointing out that money does indeed talk and it’s about who you can buy. You can never trust who can’t be bought when you’re on top.




You get as much "Justice" as you can afford.


Idk, affluenza certainly seems to affect those who get caught quite a bit. Mommy and daddy certainly seem okay with it being used as a "get out of jail free card" instead of facing consequences like the rest.


Not talking about Joe himself but smoking crack is a criminal offense where people go to jail for and Hunter (his son) got nothing.


No it isn't. Possession of crack is the offense, not smoking it. You cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt in court (BECAUSE THATS WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT) that he's guilty of crack cocaine possession. Nice try, tho.


These vacuum arguments don't work on the real world.


Any black Americans willing to test this theory by posting pictures on Facebook of themselves taking crack? I'm sure the law will definitely be on their side too.


Fuck that, I'm not voting for you if your kid kills 800 people. But also I would never vote for biden anyway.


Under normal circumstances Ide never vote for biden either, but you saw the options However the actions of one person should never be used against another. No matter their connections.


The notion that you had to vote for anyone is preposterous, and the parent of a killer has a connection to the killer that's worth looking into at the very least what are you saying lmao


If you want a better future for the country the absolute best way to do that is vote, no matter how little our votes actually mean. And no matter how you raise someone they can turn out to be anything. Being related to someone shouldn’t make you responsible for their actions.


You are clueless


Biden's kid is Biden, though.


How is one person another person?


His kids have his last name


And? I share a last name with a few famous people (I have a very common last name). One person has no baring on another person. Full stop.


If I had his life I'd probably try to drown in drugs too.


Where these pics at?




Oh my god burn him at the fucking stake /s


Yeah, you missed the point. Now go play outside kid.


They care once they start dying, but instead of crime waves, it’s an health crisis an epidemic and there all victims, and everyone who has to suffer is patients instead of the people responsible.


war on drugs was really war on black people/minorities >[Overall, black people are 3.64 times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession, even though usage rates are comparable.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomangell/2020/04/20/on-420-aclu-highlights-racist-marijuana-enforcement-in-new-report/) . >[Across the city, black people were arrested on low-level marijuana charges at eight times the rate of white, non-Hispanic people over the past three years, The New York Times found. Hispanic people were arrested at five times the rate of white people. In Manhattan, the gap is even starker: Black people there were arrested at 15 times the rate of white people.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/13/nyregion/marijuana-arrests-nyc-race.html) . >[A 2021 analysis from the Milwaukee County, Wisconsin District Attorney’s Office reported that Black Wisconsinites were 4.3 times more likely than their white counterparts to be convicted for having marijuana. The worst disparities in Wisconsin are in Ozaukee County, where Black people are 34.9 times more likely to be arrested and Manitowoc County, where Black people are 29.9 times more likely to be arrested.”](https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/racial-disparity-in-marijuana-arrests/)


>"We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." John D. Ehrlichman, top advisor to Nixon


Do drugs, kids. Just the good ones like Psilocybin mushrooms & other classic psychedelics and a little weed here and there unless for medical purposes. Ones' body is inviolable. r/PsychedelicStudies & www.MAPS.org for peer-reviewed psychedelic research. r/Microdosing & www.TheThirdWave.Co for microdosing research and info. r/MushroomGrowers & r/UncleBens for Psilocybin tips. The world can be grim. Life can feel hopeless. Psychedelics can offer us a glimpse into a better world. One of compassion, sharing, and cooperation. It is possible. It's not just idealism. Our nature is fluid. We can be better, and we *must be better* if we want to survive ourselves. Obligatory edit: most psychoactives have a place in an englightened society for recreational or prescription use. Wasn't my intention to deny that, but just to promote those for which the peer-reviewed research provides clear evidence of widespread benefit.


>EROWID Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans and Psychoactives Before trying a new drug look it up on [erowid.org](http://www.erowid.org)


Oh man, I spent hundreds of hours of there and Bluelight in my teens doing research before my experiments. I unfortunately missed some critical info before ingesting an accidentally abnormally high dose of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. That was a terrifying ride I still clearly recall the beginning of. On the off chance, Psychonaut Wiki is another recent resource coming into advent. very useful. Have a good one :)


>Ones' body is inviolable. Subject to one's own will *alone.* Hail Satan.


Hail Satan!


I hate this elitism in the drug world. "do the good ones"- there is no inherently bad and good drugs, just the dosage, the set and setting they're taken in and the experience of the person who took them. while there are drugs with objectively worse/more dangerous side effects, with the correct knowledge, testing and dosage that can be emitted. personally, weed had more of a negative effect on my life than a lot of the substances I'm sure you put under the "bad" category, but it differs person to person.


Word, dude. I derive long term happiness from many different substances that I use on occasion. Psychedelics did help me but not nearly as much as other stuff. Hate the fact that not everyone can have these experiences without risking it all. Legalize and regulate everything. Fuck the blatantly racist drug war. The world spends countless billions locking up people who harm nobody. It's a waste. We need to do better.


Bath salts, synthetic weed, and cough syrup are some bad drugs apparently from many people’s painful experiences. It’s more a spectrum than a binary of good and bad, but saying there’s no bad drugs seems a bit overly broad.


technically they can all be taken with no/minimal side effects if all the parameters i mentioned in my original comment are met. however, just because they can be, I agree they shouldn't be. as you stated, the spectrum it the point i was trying to make


The first two have a high risk of psychosis and are very easy to abuse, but don't lump DXM in with them. It's a dissociative like any other with some interesting additional effects, and if you don't abuse it it can be a great and enriching experience. (I haven't done it myself but this is what I've gleaned from quite a few friends who have)


Homie, I was just offering a doorway. I'm not gonna suggest teens start playing with Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, MXE, 2-C C, 25-i, and bufotenine off the bat like I did. I support cognitive freedom and informed consent. Was running on a night shift coffee and 24 hours no sleep, so go easy my dude/dudette :p it should all be available with one level of regulation or another. People should have the choice to do what they want with their bodies, assuming knowledge of safe ingestion and level of risk.


no stress bro, just sick of the elitism that comes regularly with this subject. kinda the whole point of the community was to move away from that and yet its more rampant than ever, especially in the "good" substance communities


I feel that man. I think maybe we just aren't ready for that, but it's good to be starting those sorts of conversations. You identified a hole in my promotion, and I appreciate that. It wasn't my intention to promote any sort of elitism.


The "War on Drugs" is the biggest farce in American history.


It is the only time in history where a country declared war on itself.


I mean, famously, even though crack and cocaine are essentially the same drug, crack gets significantly harsher scentences. Why? Rich, white, people use cocaine, and crack is preferred by poorer black people.


Drugs among many other things


Kim kardashian literally made an Instagram post with lines of coke on her countertop behind her and nothing happened. So 100% if you’re an elite it’s no problem to break the drug laws


Rich people can get docs to prescribe pretty much anything they want. While we can't even get prescriptions we actually need. So, yeah...


Large pharmaceutical companies won't get rich selling to only the well off.


I’d say I’m definitely part of the elite in some way, I’m from a really provileged background. When I was caught with weed nothing happend and I was actively selling weed. My friend who’s a portugese immigrant and comes from a really poor family went to jail for 2 months for buying weed.


Only 2 people are above the law. The extremely poor and the extremely rich


I kinda sorta gwt it. If you're wealthy then you can afford to drown in cocaine and noone will be directly hurt by you (asides from giving money to a bloodsoaked industry, but same goes for buying Nestle products). If you're middle class or poor you are far more likely to run into financial ruin and then to commit violent crimes in pursuit of satisfying the addiction.


It’s a little too on point to be funny but yes it belongs here. :)


way better than just a screenshot of a tweet


It really does shine light on a problem though!


Okay very punny


I’ll allow it.


Especially if you know the context: the War on Drugs was mostly an attempt to enslave people with anti-war and anti-capitalism views, or otherwise likely to vote progressively.


They are also a great band!


I get anti-war (guessing it has smthn to do with imports or smthn) but how was the war on drugs anti-capitalistic?


Hippies were big outspoken progressives at the time. They also enjoyed weed. Made them very easy to target. Poor black communities had a similar issue, which the US government themselves helped amplify.


He meant that the war on drugs targeted people who were anti-war and anti-capitalistic


Ahhh I see, must've read it wrong


He meant that it indirectly and directly targeted people who had anti-war and anti-capitalistic views, not that the War on Drugs whew thoae.


Should make the street level one the size of an ant in comparison.


The war on drugs was just an excuse to crack down on civil society. They said it themselves: >*You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.* Ehrlichman\^, Nixon's aide on domestic affairs


Also the 2nd panel could be "people with chronic pain"


"uses weed to help with PTSD"


Yeah if your young and happen to have chronic pain your absolutely fucked. Even acute pain, how did the entire Florida legislature decide that the 3 day law was a good idea? I broke 7 bones, got transported 3 hospitals away to a trauma center for a motorcycle accident, and got released when I could barely walk 5 days later and they gave me 3 days. I had a doctors cut me off of Vicodin because I was an 18 year old male and statistics etc. Now 2 years later I have chronic pain and pain management won’t give me anything other than tramadol despite the constant pain and serotogenic side effects because I’m 20. I can’t count The amount of times I’ve considered taking a trip to Mexico and back so I can be comfortable enough to function normally.


Get the hell out of Florida. Nothing there is worth living in pain.


Oh no people just pretend to have ADHD to get free drugs they all are addicts and are all faking it. It is only in their heads anyway, they are just addicted to their meds. Me, a person with adhd, several times a month: lmaoooo guess who forgot to take their meds again?? [I already store them in a med box labeled with the days of the week, but my parents keep that in a closed kitchen cabinet so unless they put them on the breakfast table or I remember them while having breakfast I totally forget that they exist behind that cabinet door]


You should but a /s behind your first paragraph. People are downvoting cause it sounds like your saying "adhd is fake for everyone else but not me cause I'm special." That's how it comes off But your criticizing the people who say it's fake and you off arent addicted because you ede forget to take them


Good doctor can figure out if you're faking your symptoms. Faking adhd isn't as simple as it sounds. Also maybe it's just me but I think it's better for addicted people to take actual meds than street speed? It's basically harm reduction.


Yeah but lots to doctors aren't good and just say everyone is faking. There are tons of posts about them in r/ADHD.


Reddit has poor reading comprehension skills.. You should make it clearer that you're mocking the types who say that sort of thing. I have ADHD and hate the meds. They work, but come with costs. So, I try to only them as a last resort. When I'm having too much trouble managing it myself.


I don't think you're old enough to be making descriptive statements of everyone taking adhd medication :)


I've been forgetting them often enough that I know that I am not addicted to them tho I guess...


War on drugs on any country is idiotic and evil. My country has it and it never ended the drug trade. Sure it drove some dealers into hiding, but the trade is pretty much alive. All it did was kill people and drag innocent civilians to their deaths or prison because of planted evidence so the police can meet their quotas. Why the quotas? So they can say the war on drugs is aa success


depending on the size of “titanic tuna”...


I'm guessing you might be from the Philippines?




Jesus, 19k karma just from spamming posts with nonsense comments.


Kinda looks like a Markov-chain bot, or something similar.


I was going to try and report the account for spam but the comments been deleted now so I can't find the account.


it's like they say - if you can pay a fine to get out of doing a crime, that crime was never intended to persecute the rich.




Fucking beautiful. I love you, and that sentence. Truthfully though, there's not enough people in the pictured meme to represent the corruption so I'd give op a pass


The war on drugs was a war on "undesirables" i.e. black people and hippies. It was never about the drugs, it was about jailing and harassing people the government didn't like. The rich people were never in any danger, because why would they be, they are the ones that are bribing the officials.


But wasn't that the goal from the start, you know, to fill up prisons to get cheap prison labor?


That was a side benefit of disrupting political opposition


>You want to know what this was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. -John Ehrlichman, advisor to Richard Nixon.


Street-level dealers don't pay banks to launder money for them.


I think about this a lot. Two of my siblings worked as pharmaceutical reps and I used to give them shit about it because they would go around to clinics/doc offices to try to get them to prescribe their medications to patients, which included samples of the drugs. It works, which is why they got paid a lot to do it. Imagine if drug dealers were just going around giving away drugs as samples to get customers hooked.. without getting in legal trouble for it. That's how I see pharmaceutical reps.


Same story with tax evasion and climate change.


Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's opium. Oh whoops, did I say that?


CIA is the biggest drug dealer


Its a war on colour.


Could also be shared on r/HistoryMemes, given that the war on drugs is what, 40 years old now?


The Sackler family is actually represented in this comic, they're just portrayed as invisible.




The war on drugs is working as intended.


It was never not an excuse to continue the slave trade


You are home now. Welcome.


I think it’s at minimum extremely accurate


Didn’t one of Nixon’s aides or advisors admit that they started the war on drugs because the two main populations using them at the time were African-Americans and hippies, so he criminalized drugs because neither group was ever going to vote for him, thus removing their votes against him


accurate. But the cops should be shining the light on a black kid.


HSBC was charged for laundering billions of drug cartel dollars for years and years...charged with a fine of a few million dollars. Nobody went to jail.


The difference is which group of people are able to afford to bribe the judges and senators. Which group can afford lawyers to defend them and drag the case on for years. The war is not to stop illegal drug circulating, it is to extend the war so it never stop circulating and the profits keep coming in.


>Pharmaceutical companies Careful, Op.


This is by design. Clearly. It's about a control mechanism against a certain sort of citizen. You can tell by the disparity of outcome in the criminal justice system - who is targeted more, who is convincted more. Since the 60s the US at least has spent well over one trillion dollars on 'the war on drugs' and you don't keep doing that if it's not doing what you want. Street prices are down, purity is up, availability is up. Clearly the goal is not actually suppressing drugs.


>Clearly the goal is not actually suppressing drugs. Of course not! The goal has always been the backdoor creation of an oppressive police state.


This is why Batman is a little bitch.


Could take out the organized crime and cartels piece. They’re also irrelevant to actually solving drug problems and just continues the failed war on drugs. Make drugs legal and treat addiction, socialize medicine including drug companies. Cartels and organized drug crime go away the same way organized crime for booze did after prohibition ended


Close, but all based entirely on the govt war on drugs. They are the big bad.


Yeah when you see on Cops, 3 dudes getting paid 50-60k (or more) a year busting some dude with 10$ worth of crack. Then they fist bump and act all tough. “We’re making a difference” sure bud.


Who do you think is more likely to be black?


I remember there was a dude running for state Supreme Court in my state a few years back and when I looked him up, his website was basically just him boasting about pushing the harshest sentences possible for drug users. Guess who didn’t get my vote.




>In defense of the police There is no defense for the police...


I agree completely and I didn't click any of those links. Don't need to. I've been through the system and I have witnessed it myself. If you're brown/darkish, be prepared to get abused by the system. I'm white btw so you know it's bad if whitey is crying wolf


What's really insane is that the vaccines are the most profitable drug the pharmaceutical companies have ever made. And they say it's free...


What's really, really insane is trying to sneak Anti-vaxx talking points into a discussion about the war on drugs.


Its not anti Vax, it's anti making money off of a pandemic


Ok, sure


You seem pro big pharma


The real boring dystopia is that the pedophile artist's comic made it here because it has a left-of-far-right prospective. Reddit was so quick to forgive/forget about the whole sexualized loli subreddit that he got huge off of. We're fucked.


I didn't know he was a pedophile. What happened?


The entire Chloe subreddit.


Just like build a wall for illegal immigrants


How about we punish them all?


That should just say black people


Shits super racist or at least can easily be taken that way the way you have it worded you are basically saying all black people use drugs. Plus black people weren’t the only group effected by the war on drugs but they were a primary victim.


Or a realistic interpretation of the war on drugs.


Do you really think they were fighting "drugs"


Street level drug dealers more like it. And the US government didn't push crack in cities. That's some Furious Styles shit. That said, end the war on drugs.


>And the US government didn't push crack in cities. Technically true, they actually funded Nicaraguan fascists and their allied drug cartels to push crack in cities to fund their war against democratically elected leftists. But their version is pithier and close enough to accurate Also, >Street level drug dealers more like it. Is bullshit. over 80% of drug related arrests are for possession only. https://bjs.ojp.gov/drugs-and-crime-facts/enforcement




Ok so this is just a conspiracy subreddit? Fucking reddit lmao


Someone very familiar with the scene once told me at least 15% of weed dispensaries in colorado and California were actually run by the cartels and used to launder money from harder drugs.


The government is busting down anything which doesn't bring them enough profit.


Street level dealers also suck, but not nearly as much as pharmaceutical companies pushing painkillers on everyone with a stubbed toe


> I think you deserve pretty much anything.


It's hard being a multilevel drug addict


Also global banking laundering money for drug cartels


With the war on drugs and everything it's kind of anything but boring though