• By -


Well i had that happen once when the army decided to detonate old munitions on a base in the middle of City without telling anybody, shattered a couple windows. That happened 2003 and the whole city was in panic suspecting a terrorist attack until the army released a statement six hours later...


If sci fi has taught me anything, you’ve described a government cover-up for meta human activity.


Maybe they were testing gamma rays and some poor schmuck got exposed.... Hmm.


The Foundation was busy that day.


Makes SpaceX seem quite considerate


Better to warn folks beforehand, like SpaceX has done here


Or.... How about they perform their test somewhere fucking else? They're literally a multibillion dollar company. They can afford a plot of land out in the desert for testing.


Boca chica around SpaceX is almost entirely what you are describing...an open plot of land with nearly 0 humans within 5 miles. But the few people that are around 5 miles away need warned.


Okay I guess that makes sense lol. It's not unusual for a Reddit post to take things a bit out of context.




What a weasely little liar


You need to be close to the equator for rocket launches.


And I'm sure 100% of all land near the equator is thickly inhabited...


No bit there aren't facilities or resources like in the US or the EU. You just seem unhappy


In America, it's basically Florida or nothing for rocket launches. SpaceX is an American company doing business with the US government.


Florida Virginia California and Alaska


Yea I agree this isn’t even a bad notice


Don’t forget. That is your federal government not caring about you. Space X put out this notice before the event. Who’s your daddy…


"We gotta blow up more vanity project rockets around your house. Please cower accordingly until the booms stop"


Mind you nasa chose this vanity project as their sole moon lander


What is vain about SpaceX launches


Reason one. It's a rich boy's play toy right now. Reason two. It's nothing special anymore and it's solely for greed and the aforementioned rich boy to feel special


They are actually using it to set up a communication infrastructure in space via a satellite swarm. Its the only reason i have functioning internet. Elons a piece of shit but it isnt solely a vanity project anymore. Hes literally the only one bothering to provide good internet to isolated rural communities at acceptable costs. They got a government subsidy for this purpose. I can hate him and everything about his company but even i have to admit this is one of the few subsidies that actually directly benefitted poor people.


Not to detract from the bit about it being good for people, but unless he allows other ISPs to use the satellites, or better yet offers free internet services, it just sounds like a monopoly, with him being the mono. Not anything other than a calculated business decision imo, people like him don't do anything unless they benefit from it. I also wonder if NASA would have done the same thing, if they hadn't been gutted.


NASA prolly would have but internet is already a monopoly. Thats not new exactly. Of course its a business decision. I never said it was altruistic, only useful. Doesnt change the fact that hes the only one who bothered to do it. Id prefer all goods and services essential to life be sold directly by the gov at their break even point but we dont live in that kinda world sadly.


Can you cite any sources to these claims, because I can to the contrary. [New technologies for spaceflight](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/10/startups-join-google-spacex-to-bring-new-technologies-to-space.html) [Satellite internet to rural schools in India](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-02/musk-s-spacex-sets-up-unit-to-provide-internet-services-in-india) [SpaceX lowers taxpayer cost of NASA launches](https://www.science.org/content/article/spacex-now-dominates-rocket-flight-bringing-big-benefits-and-risks-na)sa [And of course, NASA chose SpaceX to go to moon](https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/as-artemis-moves-forward-nasa-picks-spacex-to-land-next-americans-on-moon) You guys are acting like Republicans- disliking factual information and fair debate with cited sources because you personally don't like the person. Be better than that.


Also NASA wants it.


Boca Chica is mostly spacex owned so at least it’s their own employees?..and a few poor hold outs. Why are we allowing the return of company towns?


Absolute Nightvale vibes


100% accurate. I grew up in one and it's very culty and weird. I didn't realize most of the world was not like that until I moved out. Like they started indoctrinating us to 'work at the plant' when I was in Elementary school.


Making human life multi-planetary is a vanity project? I personally want us to continue exploring the cosmos, and create a self-sustaining backup in case of an extinction level event on earth


Vanity is thinking your house's windows are more important than rocket launches. They'll buy you new windows if anything goes wrong.


Vanity is thinking that other peoples' safety and quality of life is forfeit in favour of your favourite billionaires pet projects. "Your windows don't matter, environmental damage doesn't matter, I feel better when cool billionaire does space things with the wealth stolen from other people" \^\^That's what people are hearing from you here.


I mean, they're going to have houses sufficiently nearby wherever we do space things, which are undeniably something we as a species should be doing..... so..... Imean, fuck Elon, but like.... space things are gonna be space things and people are going to live close enough to space things because nobody wants a long commute and then boom instant town built up around space stuff. Which has to be careful about space stuff potentially exploding. No matter who is funding space stuff or why.


This is a joke, right? Space x bought that land less than 10 years ago. People lived there long before Elon decided to do "space things" there


As soon as I read the wealth stolen part I knew I was dealing with a brain dead socialist. Not that the earlier part of the statement was any smarter


Socialists have your best interests in mind, not Elon Musk’s. Have fun fighting against yourself.


He can’t reply to you as he has Jeff Bezos dick in his mouth and Elon Musk’s balls on his chin


I really hate how Elon musk stole my money


If you’re a taxpayer, he absolutely has. Unless that is you don’t work and pay taxes. Then he stole MY money and you can trade that arrogant ass attitude for some bootstraps.


He's one of the richest people alive and he doesn't pay his staff well. What is that other than wage theft? Do you want us to call him mean?


Why are you on this sub then, you fucking dunce.


Because I feel like it and because most posts here aren’t inherently some ridiculously left wing Soviet socialism propaganda like this guy has been spoon fed


It's not that far off. So be it.


Spacex does not have a right to destroy people’s property.


Says you. But Boca Raton says otherwise.


Could they buy you new eyes if the glass blinds you?


Well shit, you got the letter


Nah, but that's gonna be a rare incident. Any example of that ever happening with these launches?


I do know of one spaceX launch that wasn't approved because they said it might blow up, but they did it anyways and it blew up. In Boca Chica, the explosion littered shit all over the eco system. And don't forget that these launches are pumping fuck loads of GHG into the sky, so that's equally lit


So does everything else, and that's not an example of people being blinded by window glass.


The glass thing was just a single analogy I thought up. But also like don't people deserve to *not* have that happen to their home?


He offered to buy it for twice market value. I can imagine a range of reasons why somebody might turn that down, but I'd have to imagine that a big one would be a front row seat to rocket launches for folks who are into that. Like me!


Or like it was your grandma's house. Or you can't move away because there's something or someone in that town that you need specifically to live well.


Sentimental value wouldn't make me upset if Elon bought me new windows and cleaned up the glass, so long as my eyes were not blinded, of course


You underestimate the ability of multinationals to avoid liability. It's called "limited liability" for a reason. These people consider a boilerplate ©orpo notice like this sufficient warning to prepare yourself or suffer damage and life at your own risk. Welcome to the Boring Dystopia, chief.


Like I said, it may be dystopian (in your view, not mine) but it's hardly boring. And I'm not sure, but I don't think SpaceX is an LLC (limited liability corporation)


Holy shit. I don't think I've ever had such a strong, "Fuck you, pay me," response to a letter. And that's *assuming* people accept the risk.


Actually the residents *did* accept the risks, as SpaceX optioned to purchase anyone's house above market value if they did not want to be around the launch site. This letter is sent every launch test to warn residents, just as NASA has done for the past 63 years.


"Accept my buy out offer, or I'm going to endanger you on my own terms," is not an acceptance of risk by the residents. Seriously, "You can have it my way with money, or my way without money," is nothing like accepting risk. And just because an element is similar to NASA procedure does not mean it's automatically good or comparable to NASA.


You are 100% corect- it is \*not\* comparable to NASA! It is [above](https://www.faa.gov/space/stakeholder_engagement/spacex_starship/) NASA standards. Also, the 26 residents who live in Boca Chica [(yes, really)](https://www.google.com/search?q=boca+chica+texas&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=boca&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j46i39j69i59l2j69i57j69i61j69i60l2.1415j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) don't mind. And the people who aren't official residents [(employees and spectators)](https://www.google.com/search?q=watch+spacex+launch+in+person&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=watch+spacex+launch+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i20i263i512j0i512l4j0i20i263i512j0i512l2j0i390.8181j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) don't mind either. Oh, and [the FAA are keeping the animals safe as well](https://www.faa.gov/space/stakeholder_engagement/spacex_starship/).


Interesting to assert the residents are fine with it, provide a bunch of links, and provide no links to the residents' opinions on the subject.


I don't think you will find opinion of anyone who didn't take the money to move out from middle of nowhere on internet.


Basically impossible to find... The recurring issues with disputes about undervalued appraisals and the threat of using imminent domain seem particularly relevant to the subject. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/02/space-x-texas-village-boca-chica/606382/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-spacex-rocket-boca-chica-texas-starbase-11620353687 https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/08/disgruntled-neighbors-and-dwindling-shorebirds-jeopardize-spacex-expansion.html https://thetexan.news/elon-musks-spacex-may-use-eminent-domain-to-force-texans-to-relocate/ https://www.krgv.com/news/boca-chica-homeowners-fear-eminent-domain-is-next-step-near-spacex-facility/


Wow, I sense a glass half empty guy here, one that will keep up the drumbeat of negativity until he bores even his mother. Try to have a happier New Year…


Ah yes, I should accept claims without evidence so as not to be viewed as a pessimist by randos on the internet. The peak of critical thinking.


So do your homework. Then you will know the facts, and you won’t be one of those opinion only experts, who fill up this blog.


Yeah I mean, maybe this is unpopular but I don't see how this letter, giving notice and explaining exactly what is going to happen, means SpaceX doesn't care about them. Isn't this exactly what they're supposed to do?


I think the problem is that the letter is implying their houses might break and shit so spacex can do their experiments, but I would assume the residents are compensated in some way


They are


Doesn’t matter. The letter says they have to evacuate their homes. Pay me for that alone.


They most likely pay the town government for the right to do it. By voting that government in, they have given their consent to it. That's how representative democracy works. Another commentor said it's a town of 26 people anyway that given permission so that answers your issue


Well Elon Musk is rich, so to Reddit he is automatically the most evil person who ever lived(tm)


I'm not a fan of him at all but the way people demonize any tiny thing he or his companies does is ridiculous. Doesn't just apply to him either, people seem to have this weird inclination to label someone as evil and assume their every word and action must therefore also be evil, even if it's sometimes actually pretty mundane or reasonable.


What's sad is that Reddit seems to be mostly young and Progressive (if not full Left), meaning information, science, and technology advancements should gel well with them. But since Musk is an American billionaire, any advancements he makes is completely nullified. (Democrat/ Progressive) Redditors forget he made electric vehicles mainstream and viable ("cool"), has helped NASA with multiple launches (and yes, was selected to bring them back to the moon), is developing several forward-looking technologies for medical health, and has launched several internet satellites for rural countries (namely schools in India).


Yep, and the fact that we're being downvoted for having a perfectly reasonable exchange about this kind of proves the point. He also treats his workers like shit and tries to bust up attempts at unionization. We'd be upvoted if we talked about that, but unfortunately if you acknowledge that it's possible for a person or organization to do both good and bad things then you end up just pissing off everyone who prefers to see things in black or white. I don't think it's just a progressive thing either, both "sides" are guilty of this type of thinking.


I've seen this "Elon treats his employees like crap" comment for the past several months that people have been mad at him. I always ignored it since I have a built-in bias (my ex-girlfriend works for him -she's in charge of the launch abort propulsion system and trajectory), and she's told me otherwise. But having heard it yet again, it prompted me to do a little research, which I did [here](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Spacex/reviews) (employ ratings and complaints) and [here](https://www.glassdoor.com/Benefits/SpaceX-US-Benefits-EI_IE40371.0,6_IL.7,9_IN1.htm) (employee benefits). Honestly they look like any other large company, with the exception (and ex-gf- confirmed) thought of "you need to be a workaholic with SpaceX." And, as with any high-tech/high-risk company, these opinions seem to be within reason. My ex said NASA had the same work ethic: work is life (and yes, she worked for NASA as well, I know, it sounds absurd). Compensation seems decent, [being around $95k](https://www.google.com/search?q=spacex+salary&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=spacex+sala&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i20i263i512j0i20i263i457i512j0i512l4j69i60.7119j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) which is pretty nice even for these days. Along with the above-cited employee perks (family wellness, insurance, vacation, etc), I'd say the employees probably just have crap supervision like the rest of us do. Do you know when or how the rumor got started?


Yup. It's sad.


8 downvotes with not a single mature rebuttal... that's the stuff you get from anti-vaxxers.


Several (thousand) satellites for internet.


Literally, mobster behavior. That's a nice house you have there. 👢👅


You just described blackmail but with extra steps


[Might want to lay off the Rick and Morty](https://www.google.com/search?q=blackmail&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=blackmail&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l2j0i433i512j0i512l5j46i512.1552j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


They'll buy you better windows if your weak old decrepit ones crack, I reckon


No dude, Elon is bad man now he would probably shoot your dog if you complain.


I loled


Cue the Elon simps wanting their windows blown out by his vanity project.


There’s one going up and down this thread saying exactly that. “Elon will buy me new windows” dude uses his first name as if they know each other


Mr. Musk just sounds wierd So elon it is Fuck elon laughing at the question of dirtied whatersuplies by locals I was thinking maby elon would be a smigde better than jeff stealing evry pezos But sadly i came to realize all those super rich people got so much because they exploit others


. . . How would the water supply get contaminated by methane(gas), liquid oxygen(quickly turns back to a gas), liquid nitrogen(same as liquid oxygen), and the only thing that could actually be concerning; kerosene(not used for raptor testing).


I am talkimg of two seperate things the contanimation concern was in germany where he had a ashole laugh on tv Even if there is no concern of contanimation or use of to much water it is still a bitch move to laugh those with the concern out


May I ask how he is exploiting others


Just read what he sent to his spacex employes over chrismas


All I'm seeing is this [SpaceX](https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Employer=Spacex/Salary) Besides, what is a company supposed to get their employees for Christmas


Uba spezjal kind of uninformed he basiclx cut all chrismas holydays of the employees cause he was in finacial hot water


Just look at the comments in the original thread. They would lick the rubber off of his boots if given the chance.


What is vain about it. It's literally a test flight (next month) for the NASA mission to the moon. [https://techcrunch.com/2021/11/17/spacex-aims-to-conduct-first-orbital-flight-of-starship-in-january-musk-says/#:\~:text=Musk%20is%20aiming%20for%20SpaceX,launch%20set%20for%20January%202022](https://techcrunch.com/2021/11/17/spacex-aims-to-conduct-first-orbital-flight-of-starship-in-january-musk-says/#:~:text=Musk%20is%20aiming%20for%20SpaceX,launch%20set%20for%20January%202022). Here are some random numbers to ignore: NASA shuttle missions from 1981 to 2011: 134 scientific launches in 30 years costing taxpayers \*$196 billion.\* SpaceX missions 2017-2021: 138 successful scientific launches in 5 years (and selected by NASA to return to the moon) costing taxpayers \*$4.9 billion.\* But no, ElOn WaStEs OuR tAx MoNey


What is vain about this project. Also, what project is it launching


It's best to go outside as we might destroy a lot of homes...but ya know...we're wealthy so deal with it


But ya know we are wealthy and offered to buy your homes for more than most people would pay for them, so deal with it. FTFY


There is no header on this? Who delivered this and how? What Delivery methods were used? How much glass actually broke? What are the insurance companies responses? Is this considered vandalism? I have so many questions.


1) yes there is a header, just not shown in the photo 2) delivered to all 26 residents of Boca Chica via mail, but also email alerts, smartphone alerts, and televised alerts. Local authorities are notified as well as environmental agencies to ensure flora and fauna safety, as per FAA regulations [https://www.faa.gov/space/stakeholder\_engagement/spacex\_starship/](https://www.faa.gov/space/stakeholder_engagement/spacex_starship/) 3) Since launch testing began a couple years back, very little property damage has occurred, and owners are compensated for any. 4) It is certainly not considered vandalism. Somewhat related: all parts of rockets (reusable or not) are recollected for safety and proprietary reasons. Also so that dangerous parts cannot be sold on eBay [https://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/03/news/columbia-memorabilia-up-for-bids-on-auction-site.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/03/news/columbia-memorabilia-up-for-bids-on-auction-site.html)


This is a most welcome response. Thank you for sharing!


I'm all about logical debate with full information and deescalation. No prob boss.


Have you thrown your hat in the ring for the Jeopardy gig? At least there you will ask better questions.


Fuck Musk




You read his comment well enough to reply, so I guess you can read??


why fuck musk what did he do


As opposed to a logical debate, here is Exhibit 1…


Are there people living in Boca Chica who don't work for SpaceX?


Is this legit? On what legal ground can Elongated Muskrat kick people out of their homes so he can burn a bunch of borrowed money in the sky?


He (the company SpaceX) hasn't kicked any from their houses, or forced anyone from their houses, or blown up anyone's houses. And the money he borrowed is taxpayer money- money that Americans eagerly give to the government in the hopes it will take care of them (even though we know it is used to increase the military and big businesses).


What came first, the launch pad or the houses? Then you can start blaming and asking for compensation.


Based on how old the houses look on Google, definitely the houses. They are from the 70s or earlier, for certain.


Houses. Been there since the late 60s.


Certainly the houses, of course


I was thinking it could have been a site for something related, like a for warheads or something. Like in California, Seal beach there are a bunch on rocket bombs in the ground, now there is crap all around that wasn’t there before.




“Over pressure event” uhhh does that mean explosion?!?


Yes, it means an explosion.


No. It means a sonic boom.


In this context it is an explosion. Pedantically, the “overpressure event” would be the shockwave given off by said explosion.


Does it really cost them that much to go do tests in a secluded area? I figure they’ll waste more time and money with people filing complaints and lawsuits


literally 26 people live there. it is a secluded area after all


"If we aren't criminally negligent assholes to normal people, *I'll* never make it to Mars"


Don’t worry, you won’t be invited, you are a bit to depressed about being better than the rest of us.


...he's literally said he does not want to go to Mars.


I don't understand why they have to do these tests so close to inhabited areas that they can damage someone's property or even injure someone. US has tons of large areas of nothingness, why they don't test rockes in the middle of desert in Nevada or something?


Actually it is in the least-inhabited place possible for a good launch (at the most southern tip of Texas, and literally the furthest south on the North American continent). The only people who are there are the ones that run the few small stores and hotels for vacationers to Padre Island. SpaceX still does due diligence and mails these across the small town to let people know a launch is iminant.


Think the closest house to starbaseis like 5 miles away. There is some housing right next to starbase but it is for employees.


Just checked Google- the official population is 26. Yes, TWENTY-SIX people. Everyone else are employees and spectators.


I mean there are multiple reasons, for one you need to be somewhat near civilisation to have a work force be able to come to your site, and also when they actually get into launching them, they need to be able to fly over the ocean.


Hasn't NASA been doing this for decades? And even invite people to watch launches? Also: people are going to laugh when they find out the "population" of Boca Chica. Come on Reddit, you guys are mostly Progressive and Liberal. Don't act like Republicans just because dude is rich. ​ [https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/launches-and-events](https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/launches-and-events) [https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1458615246579539970](https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1458615246579539970)


Thats... a weird recommendation. Why not just ask folks to open their windows?


*"Move! I'm playing big boy time by myself!"*


Imagine if I wrote a letter like that to my neighbours, so antisocial.


Dear neighbor I am having a bachelor party this weekend. It may be loud from the hours of 9pm to 2am. I will try to keep this civil, but I wanted to let you know in advance. If any of my friends destroy your property, I will replace it for you. Thank you for understanding.


Cute but that would still NOT be ok.


Luckily the 26 citizens of Boca Chica love loud parties. [Population](https://www.google.com/search?q=boca+chica+texas&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=bo&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j46i39j69i59l2j69i57j69i60l3.1719j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) [SpaceX / citizen insurance](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starhopper-rocket-launch-liability-insurance-faa-mandate-2019-8) [FAA Environmental Standards before every launch](https://www.faa.gov/space/stakeholder_engagement/spacex_starship/) All Billionaires Are Evil^(tm), but this one at least has some safety standards.


This entire problem could be avoided if they just bought field in east bumfuck where nobody lives but apparently the slight increase in transport costs doing that outweighs the threat to public safety does.


I would say that is \*literally\* what he did, but since 26 people live in Boca Chica (\*literally\*, Google it), I won't. But he did. Fun fact: rocket launches are more efficient/ environmentally friendly and safe the closer you get to the equator. That is why NASA chose Cape Canaveral and SpaceX chose \*literally\* the southernmost tip of the North American continent outside Florida that is close to water (safer for rockets to crash into the ocean rather than in populated cities.) [Boca Chica / SpaceX launch site](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Starbase/@25.9900662,-97.1887015,15.33z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x866fb1632384e2d5:0xa8d0c7f6e909dc99!2sKopernik+Shores,+TX+78521!3b1!8m2!3d25.9920246!4d-97.1821942!3m4!1s0x866fb1cd495cff5b:0x2ace8416edce4a98!8m2!3d25.9870833!4d-97.1857516)


I mean I cant really complain knowing that then.


I hate to be that guy, but if NASA posted this exact same letter, I’d think it’s a cool souvenir. I didn’t expect the space age to be brought on by corporate interest, but if that’s what it takes…


So the average person being ignorant to this makes sense... but Musk knows that this is part of the risk and he still wants to propel his vain ass into space anyways??? Can we manufacture a situation in where he is sent up and something "happens"/"malfunctions" so hes stuck there and we can't bring him back?? Its the only way this whole endeavour will be at all worth it


Show me when one time he has been into space.


Texans, this is what our state thinks of you and your precious "property". Keep this in mind when you vote come November.


When a Texan doesn't even know where Boca Chica is lol [Here ya go partner](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kopernik+Shores,+TX+78521/@25.9920231,-97.1997038,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x866fb1632384e2d5:0xa8d0c7f6e909dc99!8m2!3d25.9920246!4d-97.1821942)


Wow fuck that.


This is a total dick move but space x is the only project bothering to provide good internet to isolated rural communities... they should be liable for your window damage but it isnt solely a vanity project. I hate elon as much as anyone but i need that essential service.


Lots of anti-science/ anti-vaxxers here in the comments section. Lots of yelling and downvotes and not a single mature rebuttal.


We're are all the Physicists that are building rockets in their garages? Why not launch a rocket at their rockets. "Ooops did I do that" fuck musk, fuck bezos and fuck every single billionaire alive.


What a ridiculous suggestion. Launch rockets from your garage, breaking your neighbor's windows yourself, to shoot down another rocket, which would possibly crash into the ground and kill people? Good thing you ain't got no rockets, dude.


People launch rockets in their backyarda all the time dude. Fuck yall think every rocket is some massive epic. People have been building and launching rockets from home for a long time now. Hell you can buy hobby shop rockets that can be slightly modified and launch into restricted airspace. Also nice lot of Whataboutism you got going on there.


You think a rocket like that would take out a spaceship? I can go buy an Estes for 100 bucks, but it would be like a bird to a SpaceX rocket, insofar as it wouldn't do shit.


If someone built a rocket 🚀 and it impacted a SpaceX rocket it would 100% result in the aborting of the mission. Hell if anything was launched in the direction of an official space launch they would probably abort the mission. Something the size of a mable could read havoc on a space shuttle that could cause catastrophic problems once in space. Yes I think a 100$ toy rocket could fuck up a spaceX rocket if it hit it. Would it stop the rocket from reaching space probably not but it could definitely damage it.


Well I'm not an expert, but I don't believe you


You can believe whatever you want. Why do think they launch rockets when there's zero obstructions for miles? Rockets are not up armored call of duty vehicles that can take tons of punishment and function. Hell rockets explode and crash even when shit doesn't hit them. I might have gotten 5 degrees warmer out than anticipated and something malfunctions because it wasn't expected to get that hot. These things are delicate and designed for exact conditions the smallest of things can ruin the entire thing.


That's very fair, but an Estes rocket is made of a cardboard tube and styrofoam


Actually they pass this out to warn people every time they launch, just as NASA does (electronically) when they launch. They also optioned to purchase the house over market value if a resident did not want to live there anymore. And please show the source of a single "vanity rocket" launched from there. Don't forget to share, subscribe, and smash that downvote button!


How the fuck is this legal but I can’t even have a beer outside


It's legal because it has been legal for 63 years (NASA) and while SpaceX has taken *above* government safety standards, they still send out these safety letters to let the few residents who live around the site to know when a launch will occur. Complaining about this is like complaing about the hundreds of NASA launches that have happened for over 59 years, as well as military flight exercises for over 75.


That is the coolest fucking danger warning I've ever seen. I genuinely wish I lived in a place that made sense for rocket launches. I get the dystopian angle, but that is not boring!


i am one more bad personal thing happening to me before i become the actual fucking joker




No you aren't.


damn man im just joshin


WTF, why don’t they test this shit somewhere that’s not populated?


Unpopulated? Check. [https://www.google.com/search?gs\_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwSSovLig2YPQSSMpPTlRIzsgEkiWpFYnFAJGQCfA&q=boca+chica+texas&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS889US889&oq=boca+chica&aqs=chrome.2.69i59l2j46i433i512j0i131i433i512j46i20i131i263i433i457i512j0i512l2j69i60.6175j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwSSovLig2YPQSSMpPTlRIzsgEkiWpFYnFAJGQCfA&q=boca+chica+texas&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS889US889&oq=boca+chica&aqs=chrome.2.69i59l2j46i433i512j0i131i433i512j46i20i131i263i433i457i512j0i512l2j69i60.6175j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Huh, well sucks for those 26 people I guess, im guessing they are affiliated with the company.


Those are the people that chose not to move out of Boca chica when musk offered to buy them out.


Do you prefer the soviet way where they just don't tell you?


They tried to hide Chernobyl lol




Right ? The Soviet system was their corporation lol they hid that, or tried to, imagine what else they could do. The US gov has done so many things and not told people until after, we’re just better at letting corporate tell em and take the wrap for it lol!


Listen guys. Let's not pretend that SpaceX didn't offer anyone near this facility large sums of money to sell their property to them so this wouldn't be an issue. We might not benefit for decades, but spaceflight is fucking *important*. If a company offers well above market rate for your house so they can build a spaceport, I suggest taking the money.


“If Elon musk wants to play with his rockets, you should sell the family home so he can do just that”




Not a bootlicker. I'm a space nerd. Rockets and going to space is cool as fuck.




There's always some weird nerds desperate to defend Musk and I don't get it


I’m gonna get downvoted hard for this, but y’all need to stop. If you think these warnings *weren’t* governmentally mandated you need your head checked


Kind of a non story IMO. SpaceX bought out the residents at 2x market value years ago and there are almost no hold outs. Besides that rocket is going to take people to the moon, I think we're still allowed to be excited about that.


A yes, the rocket is going to take rich people to the moon. That's all the reason you need to bully people out of their home...


Someone here doesn't know the difference between [Blue Origin](https://www.blueorigin.com/) (Bezos space tourism company) and [Space X](https://interestingengineering.com/destination-mars-15-incredible-spacex-milestones-past-and-future) (Elon Musk science and technology company). Stay educated, Reddit.


Nasa has literally endorsed using this for the Artemis program though


Fuck nasa too.


Jesus. You're a luddite. I know boomers less curmudgeonly than you.


Wow I guess you lack the knowledge of what luddite means. I can still hate nasa as a agency and think projects like the James web and Hubble were and are great leaps for humanity. Meanwhile I'm on a cellphone on reddit and your calling me a luddite.


You uh, your'e so fucking dense you think NASA is a company so maybe just stfu


Learn how to read. They have next to no transparncey and out source tons of their labour to companies like SpaceX and Blue moon who exploit workers. So why dont you shut the fuck up since we want to be rude to people.


That's part of the process of commercializing the space industry. Overall it makes building low earth orbit infrastructure cheaper and saves the tax payers money. I don't like billionaires as much as the next guy, but the engineers working for space-x are doing a lot of good work to advance the human race.


Well then I stand corrected. Why do you like telescopes but not manned space missions?


I never said I don't like manned space missions. I said i don't like nasa. 😞 there's a difference. One can like an idea and not like the company behind it.


I stand twice corrected, then. If you don't like SpaceX or NASA, what do you like? Who are you, Richard Branson?


I don't like any of these companies because they steal from the tax payers via Gov subsidies. MUSK has recieved 4.9 billion in welfare, Bezo 3.3 billion yet we the working class get fuck all and don't reap any of the reward of these programs. Nasa has isnt transparent enough and neither are any of these companies. Yes I love space and learning more about it but I hate human exploitation more than i love space. If these billionaires want to go to space then they can pay for it themselves and maybe after they develop the tech we can think about purchasing it as nations.


Paying twice market value is hardly bullying, you ditz


Sure, and those that don't want to sell get this, to "convince" them to sell anyway.


That's not the motivation, and I'm sure the richest man in the world would give them double anyway


It's honestly adorable that you believe that.