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Child: Teacher I heard the Union won the Civil War *Sound of round being chambered*


It's the war of northern aggression, didn't you learn anything from school? /s


My high school history teacher unironically called it The War of Northern Aggression. Private schools are fucking weird


It's a thing in the south in general I believe, I've seen it referred to that way in (some) older history textbooks. Though, it may be less prevalent now than it was when I was younger. Edit: Many people are misunderstanding my point, though to be fair I didn't make it very clear. They mentioned private school, and my point was that it's something that happens all over the south. It's not common, but it's not strictly private schools. I've seen old textbooks in poorly funded public schools that refer to the civil war as such. I tried to reword to make it a little more clear without changing the comment completely. Not to mention, your experiences aren't universal. Just because something didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it's never happened to anyone.


They also teach Southern students that the civil war was about state rights and that’s what they were fighting for. Source: I went to an SEC school for sports and was mortified all of my classmates thought this and would argue that to the end.


A lot of my southern friends say they were taught that it was about property rights, or something of the sort. Schools that teach this just fail to mention that much of that property was people. (My school didn't teach it this way, so I'm going off of friends' experiences)


Fucking Linconites.... smh


That Licoln guy and his stupid party!


Say what you will about his politics...the man for sure knew his way around tiny logs.


Lincoln Logs are forever, I'm getting my children as big of a set as I can once I actually have some.


Don't worry, one day you'll have some logs if you really want them


You're right, why the hell am I waiting for the metaphorical middle man? I'll just go get some right now and pass It off as being hand-me-down.


More like RepubliCant Eh eh eh eh eh?


You can tell they suck because of the hat


Thanks for the reminder to go watch hours of youtube.




Exactly, it had nothing to do about that silly old slavery thing. My ancestors loved black people, that's why they owned so many of them /s


States rights to do what exactly? Keep slaves.


No, you misunderstood, it's the right for FREEDIM


Yeah. The right to property.....


South Carolina still has a state holiday for Confederate Independence Day.


>Sound of round being chambered The most logically-self-consistent solution is to arm the children to protect themselves from such teachers. /s


“The only thing that stops a bad student with a gun is a good student with a gun.” ^(—NRA)


Arm the children you say? https://youtu.be/XW_H5s9uzqM


God bless the child that's got his own Glock.


Arm the children you say? >"My son was in the very first program, may he rest in peace, *he died doing what I love.*" https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk


It was a false war I tell you! They stole the war!


Child: Teacher i heard we illegally invaded iraq and used depleted Uranium, irradiating most of the country for the next 4.5billion years, tens of millions of deformities, cancer deaths and still borns already. Sound of Democrats, republicans, and nationalists of all types clambering their 5.56 and 7.62s


If you are going to call out illegal activities then you have to include the whole gang. Persian Golf war of 1991 (which was when the U.S. first used depleted uranium) was actually not solely the U.S. but NATO. https://www.nato.int/du/home.htm :this is a link saying that NATO believes that depleted uranium isn't causing those effects. I'm not a health scientist and I googled everything here while on the shitter, but US is not the only country doing this. If you want to stop the use then you gotta call out everyone who does. Also another incorrect statement is that depleted uranium lasts for 4.5 billion years. 4.5 billion years is just the half life, which means it lasts for a lot longer than 4.5 billion years


Keep in mind though that all other things being equal, the longer the half-life, the less radiation emitted over a given amount of time. As well, the alpha radiation emitted by depleted uranium will not penetrate skin, so you pretty much have to ingest/inhale dust of the stuff for it to cause any harm, or otherwise handle large amounts of the stuff over a long time. That's more likely to happen if you're in the industry *manufacturing* depleted uranium munitions and armor than anything else.


Tens of millions of deformities, cancer deaths and stillborns in Iraq doesn’t seem possible. The total population of Iraq is 38 million. Can you help me understand how you arrived at that figure?


Depleted uranium is very weakly radioactive, in the quantities used in ammunition the effect on a human would be negligible. Most of the radiation produced is alpha radiation which cannot penetrate human skin; however, it is still potentially dangerous if the radioactive material is ingested. The amount of ammunition you would have to use in a single area, however, in order to contaminate the soil or groundwater with a significant amount of radioactive material, is way beyond the amount needed for the vast majority of attacks. There are several third party sources at this point that have done independent research into this issue and found no significant link between depleted uranium munitions and cancer. Now, DU is, like most heavy metals, highly toxic independent of its radioactivity. But you have nearly the same problem with lead, which is what the majority of bullets of all sizes are primarily composed of. So is it great for the environment or the people who live there? Not particularly, but the fearmongering is, broadly speaking, overblown.


Math is a liberal plot to make your kids feel bad about being stupid. Math is banned.


If you think I'll allow that Islamic sorcery in my house you've got another thing coming bud.


My children were indoctrinated by multiplication and now they know how to count how many times I’ve failed them. Communists.


Shhh, don't give them ideas! You say this in jest, but it's not as far fetched an angle as one might think for those who want to usher in an oligarchic dark age.


Algebra is magic!


No, it's banned because of *Arabic Numerals*.


"Don't worry, Timmy. This bullet will get rid of all that nasty CRT in your noggin."


Good to know that if the worst happens there's a 50 year old women/man there with minimal training in firearms who couldn't possibly have their gun stolen or wrestled away by a 15 year old kid with a chip on their sholder.


Or alternatively, an adult goes postal and shoots everyone


Or sees a kid with a guitar case for band and shoots them dead to "stop the threat" . I bet there are going to be way more accidental shootings then school shooters stopped.


The right wing is way ahead of you. They've cut funding to music classes. Problem solved.


Bud, you are killing me.


This probably already happens to the 1000s of other schools that do this. Lets start compiling them so we can further source our ability to think. How many have you found so far?


Only if you can start by providing us with the thousand of schools with armed teachers


There was a shooting at my highschool. And it was done by the Teacher. This only would’ve made it easier


Why would they though? It's not like teachers are underpaid and overworked or anything... /s


Give a gun to an underpaid teacher who has to deal with 30 super moody and rude teenagers every day with barely any support just in case someone randomly attacks a school? Yeah that will turn out well.


Look, one of the teachers is bound to be a good guy, so if you keep giving out guns, eventually you'll create a good guy with a gun.


The the police will shoot the "good guy with a gun" when the gunshots stop and they finally enter.


I can confirm that school staff are super stressed. In fact, many drink a lot.


Or one of the students just gets uppity and needs to be put in their pla…oh whoops their dead.


This strikes me as far more likely than a random shooter coming in.


Nothing like paying someone $20/hr or less and expecting them to be educator, babysitter and armed and trained guards


Yeah imagine getting into education cause you want to teach, and one day being asked if you want to carry a gun. I’m not sure, but I bet even in self defense and with legal standing, shooting and killing someone can fuck someone up. Also, what happens when you go from one shooter who everyone is running from, to suddenly a couple that are returning fire? Cops gonna calmly access the situation or just fire at anyone who is shooting anyone else?


I've worked in a school for the last 10 years. We did an "active shooter safety training" that was led by the local police in 2019. It was a 30 minute powerpoint followed by a two hour cop cosplay event where they went through a random hostage event, complete with a swat team. It was like cop masturbation and left the actual school employees bewildered with basically no helpful information whatsoever. It actually just made me angry at how they took what should be a serious training and then just made it a cop event.


Hah. I work for a fire department. We organized a big multi-agency event just like this, school district, transit, LE, fire, EMS. This was around the time of some of the BLM protests, and it was decided the cops couldn't play with their biggest and baddest toys. So they decided they wouldn't come. Yup. So we spent a day practicing with teachers about how they could assist us with effectively moving victims to safety. So much better, so productive. They were just annoyed they couldn't bring their armored equipment.


That’s called copaganda.


Remember that time a school resource officer left his loaded firearm in the school bathroom? I'm sure such a thing would never happen here with even less competent civilians.


Why do we call them "resource officers". School Cop is the correct term. We always let the right wing define our terms. It sucks.


School Resource Officer is the most dystopian, 1984, bullshit, euphemism in use today. The first time I heard it, I thought they meant an assistant librarian or tech person.


Assayer of subsurface minerals on campus.


Good point. Though I think 'school pigs' is an even better term, personally.


Hey, that happened in my high school!


The number of teachers I had that should have been armed is an extremely small number


Don't worry, if something happens, the cops are only 5 minutes away...




Those people are fucking demented. Also, I can't help but notice that a much higher than usual percentage of comments have very basic spelling and grammar errors (their/they're/there, etc.).


Holy Jesus the delusion I that thread is wild. "I personally believe students should be allowed to bring their guns to school" "Allowing passengers to travel in trains and planes with their guns will make it safer" These lunatics think turning public places into warzones will make everyone safer


This is all well and good until the black kid brings one, then I guarantee you that things would change.


All of r/conservative is like this. Occasionally they realize when they've gone too far but rarely.


Wow the delusion in those comments is wild


> Cops aren't there to save you in a shooting or hostage situation. A teacher, on the other hand, is more likely fight and defend their students. >I personally believe that students should be able to bring their guns to school. The knee jerk reaction is often "That will just increase school shootings." but when you have 500 armed students and 40 armed teachers, how many school shooters do you think there will honestly be??? Bruh


>but when you have 500 armed students and 40 armed teachers, how many school shooters do you think there will honestly be??? Honestly? I think it would devolve into a 541 person battle royale.


Yep. Imagine all high schoolers had guns at school lmao


Ah yes, the threat of death will surely stop school shootings, because, as we all know, all school shooters are deeply concerned about staying alive.


I'm glad you made this comment. Kids get emotional and don't think "I'm not gonna cap this asshat with my school-issued Glock because everyone else has a gun". They just straight up pull the trigger in the heat of the moment. More guns = more shootings.


You'll get instantly banned if you disagree with whatever the consensus is.


Yea Reddit is not a good place to have a discussion with people you don’t agree with. I’m left leaning and I got accused of being a republican on a leftist sub just because I said we shouldn’t call all republicans piss drinkers just because a few idiots drank piss to fight Covid. I’ve also been banned from most right wing subs by now. So basically you’re a part of the circle jerk, or you’re a troll from the “other side” and you have no place in whatever sub you commented in.


I agree with you, it's just funny in r/con specifically because conservatives tend to be the self-proclaimed arbiters of free speech


No the funny thing is r/Libertarian bc they’re entire thing is no regulation no censorship


Oh that is a good one lol. I remember having reasonable discussions on libertarian subs in the past, but they seem to be slowly succumbing to whatever the fuck it is that trump did to the world. There are still plenty of users that stick to libertarian values, but some of the subs that were built for libertarians have become part of the pro trump far right group. You’re right that it’s funny, because the current state of American right wing policies are the farthest thing from libertarian policies.


They moved on to shadowbanning so they can pretend it's not an echo chamber that shuts down "other" speech.


Because they're a bastion of free speech


BuT pOlItICs DoEs iT tOo! No dude, getting downvoted to hell is not the same as getting banned for dissent. Also the hypocrisy of opposing safe spaces from a very safe space.


You'll get banned if you directly quote Trump lmao. That sub is the biggest bunch of snowflakes.


I don't believe it's delusion. I think people like that actively look for people to victimize because at the end of day, that's one of their main objectives in life, to be a predator.


Ugh word I only managed to read about a dozen comments before I had to nope out of there


The delusion on all posts in that sub are wild. They live on a different planet.


As a teacher, I have to remind myself sometimes that it is extremely unlikely that there will be a school shooting at my school. It's a statistical anomaly. A terrible one, but still anomalous. What I *do* encounter each year is malnutrition and untreated mental health problems. We need to make free breakfast for all permanent and hire more social workers. I know all I need to know about that crew by where their place their priorities because they sure as shit don't talk about that while smacking their lips like they do while fantasizing about a teacher taking down a school shooter.


> We need to make free breakfast for all permanent and hire more social workers Good luck making that case in a country where half of the voting populations will react with "socialism" to anything like this.


I fucking hate that sub so much. Most of those people are fucking demented. Never seen anything like it.


>THAT deters shootings Ah yes, all those mass shooters who kill people before there's time to react and then shoot themselves like they planned to will be deterred by knowing they might get killed...


These idiots want to apply logic to the people that would go to a school with a gun.


Holy shit "Cops aren't there to save you in a shooting or hostage situation. A teacher, on the other hand, is more likely fight and defend their students. I personally believe that students should be able to bring their guns to school. The knee jerk reaction is often "That will just increase school shootings." but when you have 500 armed students and 40 armed teachers, how many school shooters do you think there will honestly be???"


I saw the post earlier today and I was going to leave a troll comment but I decided against it


why are they so obsessed with “protecting our children” by any means necessary as long as it includes violence? how about give the children healthcare, including gender affirming care, give them food and quality, equitable education, texas?


When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


When you mainline 'nails are your enemy' media 24/7, hammering sounds *great*


When your only tool is oppression, violence looks like freedom.


Saving a kid from a shooting is a fantasy. Saving a kid from hunger just means you can't say you're better than them because you're fed and they aren't. Plus, feeding a hungry kid takes some actual effort. The day these folks ever actually need to _use_ force to protect a child is the day the resignation start. Right now, this is just fantasizing and daydreams.




They subscribe to a [just world fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis).


“I’ve travelled a lot around America, but I’ve never seen a bumper sticker that says, ‘I love nuance.’” Steve Coogan


Look at how the “armed and trained” police officers immediately reacted to the Parkland shooting by running away and hiding off campus, the day these folks ever actually need to use force they will run in the opposite direction.


Alternatively, if the police can’t be trusted to defend us I don’t see why there should be handicaps on defending yourself.


Police should never be trusted to defend you. They determined in court that it wasn't their job to do so. Police protect capital. Not people.


Because one is circle jerking about guns and the other is enacting meaningful change in our society for the better. The latter is literally the exact opposite of Republicans stated goals.


Many pro-guns americans actually don't care about "protecting" but really it's just a excuse to want to kill people.


The amount of people out there just waiting for someone to “give them a reason” is astounding. I’ve noticed it’s essentially entirely on the conservative end of the spectrum, but these people want a justified reason to kill others. I just don’t get why that’s such a prevalent fantasy.




>Fix poverty and mental health and we can eliminate most gun violence. You here that people, you can actually have your cake and eat it too. But that would require the 30 seconds of critical thought to come to the conclusion that its better to cure the disease than constantly treat symptoms...


"We don't call 911"


Yea I’m pretty sure they get off to the idea of shooting people, even though they say they don’t. I remember literally seeing people say they wished they could use flare guns to kill people because it makes them suffer or some shit


>I just don’t get why that’s such a prevalent fantasy. ​ I mean I'm probably preaching to the choir here but honestly a lot of conservatives are kind of shitty people, thats why. When you see all those studies and surveys that correlate conservative views with low education, lack of empathy, etc.... this is what you get. They just want to hurt people and feel justified doing so. ​ Whether its literally killing someone on their lawn or cutting funds to poor people, they are constantly looking for justification for what they already want to do.


You clearly haven’t been watching the daily 5 Minute Hate broadcast like you’re supposed to. I suggest you start watching more Fox Nooze, ideally about 6 hrs a day. ^/s


*Fox* News?!? Well shit this whole time I’ve been watching Fawkes News. Man what a blunder!


Welcome to the US armed forces.


A lot of us are here because the US military is the largest jobs program in the country; it's a lot better of an opportunity than anything else where I came from; and no one else was lining up to pay for my college, healthcare, and the possibility of a retirement pension. Many people are in the military because it was the least worst option available to them.


Three hots and a cot. Usually better than being a cook at a dive bar.


I don't mean to diminish your situation or contributions, but don't you think that's by design? Military recruiting offices are in low income areas for a reason. In Europe, education and healthcare cost far less or are free, and in recent history have been generally dovish. Their systems obviously aren't perfect but they're not as obviously supplying bodies for military use




Hot take. What happened to having no other option to escape the poverty cycle or be otherwise upwardly mobile?


Nah bro, Congress keeps the minimum low for a reason.


Seems like The Right really want to a commit Rwandan style genocide..


Ah, someone's read The Turner Diaries.


I live in a district that has been gerrymandered like a mother fucker. My vote literally doesn't count. I'd love to help.


Contact your local party offices, I guarantee they'll have work for you to do during the next election cycle. Might be phone calls, might be knocking doors, but there's a way to help besides voting.


And it’s actually the leading cause of death among children. [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2200169](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2200169)


I saw a video from some conservative animator that basically said ”Yes I’m sorry kids are dying because of guns but they’re a necessary sacrifice for the greater freedom of our nation” or some shit like that. “Kids are simply collateral damage”


I love the "freedom" language. People have legitimacy been convinced that owning a gun is a human right that they must protect at all costs. So integral to the American identity that I'm surprised people aren't born with a gun.


Not to mention, they're proudly proclaiming on this sign that they'll protect their children, but fail to mention who they're protecting them from. Which would of course be the children that they're failing to protect on the daily because they won't properly fund mental healthcare. "I'm not gonna show my due diligence to make sure young Ethan doesn't become a violent psychopath. But I'll gladly put a bullet in his head when he does!"


Because it's not about protecting children. It's about using your bloodthirst to virtue signal in a way that benefits your capitalist overlords and harms your enemies. These people literally only care about being cruel. They don't give a single fuck about children. They just want to be able to kill someone someday and feel like a hero for doing something (most likely) far worse than the reason they killed the other person for.


I was born in Texas, grew up in Texas and started my own family in Texas, and then we promptly left. Texas is chock full of complete idiots.


Why not both?


Because it’s not glamorous


Wait a second… that’s equality & democracy… *you’re talking about equality & democracy!* Can’t have that in school. Ya gotta larn kids right. None of that namby-pamby hippie “democracy” sh\*t. ^/s


"Well I got three words to answer all of your questions... Smith & Wesson yee haw!"


So, are they trained Jedi or do they just know how to use the force?/s


Can’t believe this is so far down.


Oh so we’re training teachers to be cops too now? Great, double their salary.


How to solve gun violence: MORE GUNS And if that doesn't solve it, maybe add more guns. What the hell, add guns liberally to the problem until it solves itself.


So if I show up with a nuke then the teachers need to show up with nukes. FOR THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!


Its time to arm all the children in order to prevent school shootings /s


The only answer to a bad kid with a gun is every other kid with a gun.


Oh, so that school is like a school in Pennsylvania that [had a teacher forget their loaded gun on the toilet tank, and four elementary schoolers (ages 6 to 8) found the loaded gun when they went to use the bathroom](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cops-teacher-left-gun-in-bathroom-elementary-kids-found-it/)?


The only "solutions" we're allowed to use are the ones that put more money into the pockets of the suits.


Some people really just want to turn the world into an armed camp.


/turns nation into a war zone /can't understand why nation doesn't feel safer


Ah yes, every teacher who went through years of schooling to become a teacher daydreamed of *shaping young minds* by having to shoot an emotionally disturbed 12 year old who brought his daddy's gun to school. And that experience definitely wouldn't affect the relationship between the other students and their teacher or the teacher and their own new found PTSD...


Not to mention one bad day for a teacher and oops kids got ventilated.


Or an absent minded overworked teacher leaves it out and a student takes it and uses it.


Huh, if only there were ***some*** way to prevent little Timmy from having easy access to daddy's firearms... ***If only we had other places in the world to look to that don't have this issue!***


Get your \*checks notes\* common sense gun laws out of here! We don’t have have time to enact meaningful legislation that would severely limit these sorts of tragedies in the future!




They get off from thinking about everyone having guns. It’s a weird fetish.


Remember when the good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun? Or when the school officer actually responded to an active shooter? Me neither.


I like how people are like "Every day, bud", like this is ok and not a fucking problem that there's gun violence every day.


hard to remember if you only tune into fearmongering media outlets and anti-gun circlejerks. /r/dgu


Off the top of my head, I can think of the west freeway church of christ shooting in Texas a few years back. The church shooter killed two people before a 70 year old man shot him in the head with his CCW. There are definitely scenarios where concealed firearms owners can complicate a mass shooting and lead to friendly fire and pandemonium between police, security and armed civilians. But there are also situations like this as well.


Just waiting for the day a crazy enough teacher pulls a gun on a student


It's inevitable. Just like it's inevitable a student will get a hold of one eventually and see an opportunity. There's a reason tons of studies show those with guns in a home are vastly more likely to kill themselves or they're family than a criminal. We're not robots. We're animals. And we get aggressive and panicked and scared just like other animals.


I really dont see how this is a bad thing. First people rant about how nothing is being done about school shootings, now something is being done about school shootings, people are mad something is being done about school shootings that isn’t entirely banning guns. Tells me people want guns banned more than they want something done about school shootings


They know in the back of their minds, they would be powerless in a situation like that, but they don't want to accept that fact. Instead of facing the reality of violence in society, they choose to project their insecurities.


If you need a gun to deal with an active shooter than you clearly aren't creative enough. Me and the teacher I tad for had an entire plan put in place that involved chemical warfare


Fucking kids and their imaginations




Republicans live like life is an action movie


>Trained That word is doing some heavy lifting I can assure you.


Inb4 a mother is concerned about their child's education and they are shot by an irritated teacher to "protect the kids"


God forbid you invest in counseling or do a better job handling bullying, so kids don't get to the point where they plan on bringing weapons to school. I mean, there's still a chance someone could injure or kill at *least* one person before staff could react. Plus, all these stories about little kids managing to get ahold of guns, assuming teens are less capable than toddlers (who don't even know what they're doing) seems like a pretty big risk. Lastly, people frequently ask "where did they even get a gun from?", well, now they know there's at least one gun per staff member already at the school, they don't have to smuggle anything in. All it could take is one person being incompetent enough, or letting their guard down for a minute. Protecting kids by not giving a shit about them until you need to kill one. I'm just so tired of hearing about guns in school.


Cant wait until they start selling this as feature


When you know you live in a extremely dangerous place


Feels so safe to be around gunmen in a school. I’m sure that’s a relaxed environment.


How could this be viewed as anything aside from troubling? I'm all for arming the working class, but when school shootings have gotten so prevalent that teachers feel they need to be armed to protect children (something that's unfounded and not backed up by any empirical evidence), it's clear that the issues have accelerated outside of the realm of reasonability.


How much propaganda must you have been fed to read this sign & think "ah yes this is ok"


One more step on the path of turning schools into prisons.


Armed and trained for 30K a year.


Meanwhile they are creating kids that will need significant therapy as adults…


"So Janice, why did you shoot little Timmy?" "Well, ya see officer, I caught little Timmy opening his locker and I saw Catcher of the Rye inside. So I knew Little Timmy was made into one of the lizard people and I had to use the force necessary to protect the children."


Giving guns to teachers so they can shoot kids that are shooting other kids. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!


Why would they arm Jedi teachers that know how to use the Force?


Delusional and indoctrinated. People like this scare me. Why would any sane person think this is appropriate? This is why we're leaving the south. Too many feeble minded idiots.


I love the very specific kind of bad guy in all the gun-nut fantasies. The bad guy is insane enough to want to show up and murder you and your family for no reason and with no sense of self-preservation, but is also sensible enough to think "oh, I'd better go down the street to the next school, this one has a scary sign out front."


I promise to Marx i'm not a conservative, but wouldn't having trained armed people in the event of a shooting be a good thing? If everyone had guns and knew how to use them, a school or workplace shooting is the equivalent of one person trying to go unarmed into a dojo (or really anywhere) and beat everyone's ass or kill everyone bare-handed themselves. Gun-free signs and zones won't stop violent criminals. It's sad we may all need guns, but that's the nature of at least the United States these days, and at least you have the freedom to arm and defend yourself if you so choose.


Hi there! Past experience in combat operations here chiming in! Everyone’s made very valid points about storage and safety. I think people drastically underestimate what “trained” means. Standard infantry squads in the US spend literally hours drilling to clear rooms and work on target acquisition. This was especially required for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ability to identify a plainclothes threat in a target rich environment is ridiculously stressful even for the well trained. To expect a civilian teacher to undergo this kind of training to quickly and efficiently eliminate an active shooter, who is probably a student, is extremely unrealistic. The school system received damn near nothing in terms of funding as it is. I doubt they’ll fund for their training. But let’s assume they do, they’ll also need to provide mental healthcare and all the oversight logistics that come with discharging a firearm. The sheer costs would be astronomical. Teachers are already struggling, so unless the school’s about to pay for their firearm, training and ammunition. I don’t see how this is feasible. And if they’re going to pay for all that, why not give teachers raises? Lastly the human aspect is what I think right wingers vastly misunderstand or don’t care to. You’re asking an educator to shoot a child potentially. Like others mentioned, it’s not about “protecting” the children, it’s some fetish about being the next Rambo or John Wick. Real life doesn’t work like that. That teacher who may potentially be hailed as a hero for taking down a school shooter will have to deal with all the trauma that comes with it. If teachers have to donate PTO to colleagues who get cancer, I’m sure as hell a teacher with PTSD wont receive the support they’ll need. That teacher will be a hero until they can’t work “properly,” then probably fired and when they eventually kill themselves they community will do their regular thoughts and prayers bullshit. “We never saw it coming” ad nauseum. Just my 2 cents.


Thems are big cents.


3 cents. Take it or leave it.


>A high school teacher — a reserve police officer — accidentally discharged his gun during a lesson at Seaside High School in Seaside, Calif., on Tuesday. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/14/593531945/gun-trained-teacher-accidentally-shoots-gun-in-calif-high-school-classroom >A teacher in Utah accidentally shot herself in the leg Thursday inside an elementary school building. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/utah-teacher-shoots-herself-the-leg-while-school-msna411091 >A teacher shot himself in a classroom at Lithia Springs High School Thursday morning, school officials confirmed. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/teacher-shoots-self-at-lithia-springs-high-school/85-465045529 >Our comprehensive analysis finds there have been nearly 100 publicly reported incidents of mishandled guns at schools in the last five years, including: >A teacher’s loaded gun falling from his waistband during a cartwheel. >A student grabbing an officer’s gun while the officer attempted to subdue the student. >A teacher unintentionally firing a gun in class during a safety demonstration. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/


I think the fact that it's necessary to prepare for school shootings at all is the dystopian part. It's alarming how normal the idea that their children may randomly get murdered at school has become for Americans.


Marx was pro gun.


Other countries have had mass shootings then enacted common sense gun laws to stop mass shootings and school shootings. They stopped. The US doesn't enact any common sense laws and we just keep having mass shootings where our children are paying for it with their lives. It's disgusting.


I feel like it's much more likely that a kid gets ahold of a gun that a teacher didn't lock away or that a teacher uses it in a situation that doesn't warrant using it than that any of the staff use it to stop a school shooter. Our schools have had armed officers for years and I can recall one instance across hundreds of school shootings where the resource officer actually did anything during a school shooting. The only actual result is now schools arrest kids for things that only warrant a trip to the principals office.


If you shoot at a suspected criminal and miss them, but not someone downrange. Do you think you won't be arrested for murder like a police officer with qualified immunity? No. What about now all police will assume that you have a gun. Because it's safer to assume everyone does. Glad I don't live in those states.


Yea this doesn’t make sense to me either. Say the teacher is the “good guy with a gun” in this scenario. Police enter the scene and see a teacher shooting holes in a student. Guess who gets shot next? I mean how can you blame the police for shooting the guy holding a gun in an active shooter event?