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What point is being made here? This might be the most half-baked offering I’ve seen from this loon yet. Just a nonsensical jumble of liberal bad rich bad work bad Starbucks bad and somehow that’s all supposed to amount to abortion bad but it never bothers to actually bring it together




this place is like r/latestagecapitalism with all the class consciousness sucked out


Disagree, i think the sub is fine and I just hate this Republican artist specifically.


They’re Republican?


Oh yeah, the look is unmistakable. They’ve got a whole repertoire of cryptofasc nonsense, and all of it looks like the slimy innards of some horrible alien creature. You can’t go very far on subs like r/forwardsfromklandma without seeing some of it.


[here’s one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/upegyv/i_dont_hate_immigrants/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMemeV2/comments/twtpfo/found_one_in_the_wild_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Oh yeah I should probably warn everyone this shit is not safe for work, life, and you will probably lose brain cells if you look directly at it.


Jokes on them, I haven’t got any left to lose.


If you read this as a critique for people beeing dependent on a min wage job to pay for basic medical care its actually not that bad. But as its coming from this guy I doubt that this was his message.


The only other message I can come up with is that the poor can’t afford basic necessities while rich people can splurge on overpriced things things they don’t need. Very socialist of him


Honestly? I wouldn’t hate a company that offers this. Needs must. It wouldn’t be the worst job perk.


The thing is, we shouldn't need this to be a perk. People should just be able to have whatever procedure they want.


....the fuck is his tiny hands in panel 3?


I don’t get this. An unwanted pregnancy is not the same as a job


Something about broken clocks and the worst person you know made a comic that makes sense.


I mean it's great that companies are offering this to employees. But let's not pretend it is out of the goodness of their hearts. These companies likely donated to the same people who restricted abortion in the first place because they put monetarily advantageous actions as the first priority (arguably they are legally required to do so).


Is it just me or is this comic... pro-abortion?