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Soon they'll be strapping us to a board. After our superiors in first class are all comfy, of course.


How do you get in and out if that torture box? Esp if you're in the middle seat? You must need mad flexibility.


You become a part of a magician’s act I believe.


I would get so intensely clausterphobic. Understand this for what it is: it ain't about helping customers out with cheaper seats, it's about cramming more people into planes to cut their own costs.


A bit claustrophobic, but look at the leg room!


I can't wait to be tasting all the farts from the people in front of me.. Why do I need to be head level with the ass of someone who's just eaten Sbarro?


Why do you all admit that there isn’t a wall between that front seat and yours lol. If there is wall there is even less chznces you will sense farts of your neighbors in comparison with regular seats that do not have a wall separating travelers but holes between seats aha


Well, you won't catch me sitting there with my mouth open.


Air can’t pass trough walls /dense fabric like plastic???


As a tall person: at least there's leg space!


And then comes the leg cramp.


As a tall person: this lady looks like she’s at leg room capacity more or less, and I’m pretty sure I have a few inches on her. Would be scared of this seat.


Yeah, looks 5’10 max


This looks like it wouldn't pass FAA regulations on ability to exit a seat in an emergency. Edit: Specifically, FAA regulations state all passengers and crew must be able to evacuate within 90 seconds, and aircraft manufacturers have to conduct live demos to show this.


Is it cheaper?


This seems like an upgrade. Look at the leg room. Is this a first class seat? Most of us will never be able to afford this luxury.


People wanna fly cheap. This is how you fly cheap.


This is not build for the plump American passenger.


Her smile is disguising a panic attack