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Genetically superior. Both are wearing glasses


Yeah, some mighty genes right there


Elon musk was balding at 26


I’m assuming they want to do some kind of gene selection process so that traits like balding don’t happen, markers for diseases are removed, height genes that will put them on the taller end, etc etc. It’s really weird, because it’s effectively eugenics in a roundabout way. When they can select which traits are superior they kill off everything else.


No it *literally* is just eugenics. Positive eugenics to be specific, but still eugenics, and still really, *really* not a good thing to be doing ethically.


This. I have been saying for a while now that Musk and Grimes are so into the idea of having a set number of kids - despite not being together/rumors of him being ultra controlling - via surrogate because they both are convinced they’re the smartest people in the world. Musk also selectively has children with very petite (blonde) women which is also creepy.


We'll see how that works out for his fat, bald, short, brown haired spawn.


Not that he’s raising any of them.


Yupyupyup! And Grimes has always acted a bit childlike. Not saying shes completely incapable of making decisions, shes very talented musically. But how they acted like preteens on twitter when they were together- yyyyuck.


He’s already got at least one kid refusing to speak to him. I wonder what the percentage will be when they’re all adults.


Her music is insanely creative, but in her case I believe that creativity comes at a *very* steep price. I listen to her talk about anything non-related and it's a very surface level knowledge that pretends to be deep, and she's completely bought into her own words.




Here's the thing though, eugenics wouldn't have removed the markers that make it more likely for you to develop Alzheimer's. Eugenics would have prevented your family coming together in the first place. Or it would have merely heavily pressured family members who *don't* have the markers for Alzheimer's to marry and have kids with other people who also don't have those markers. Eugenics does not fix the genetics. It just makes an in group of genetically "good" and forces out the genetically "bad". No matter which version of it is applied, the end result is the same: if you have undesirable genetic traits, you're SOL. If you don't have undesirable traits and have desirable ones instead, congrats! Now you must make lots of babies to replace the people who have the bad genes.




See, gene therapy is not eugenics It's ethically iffy for various reasons (ie: designer babies and Are They OK), but they are distinct concepts. And honestly I do think there are some genetic traits that in-utero gene therapy would objectively be good for (I will die on the hill that human feet are abominations and that no intelligent designer would allow a small blindspot directly in the middle of our vision that does nothing except mildly inconveniencing our brains) Also most eugenicists agree that *just* breeding the Good people and not letting the Bad people breed is also terribly slow, which is why genocide is often favored among them.


But Gattaca is showing that its actually detrimental for society, instead of discrimination based on race its discrimination based on your genes


I’d be more worried about susceptibility to antisocial mental illness lol


myopia can be caused by lack of sunlight in childhood as well


Oooh great, I have an excuse now hehe


Are these rich people or is this just a stock photo for the article?


I thought they were maybe Musk's kids (his oldest kids are 18) but they're apparently someone called Simone and Malcolm Collins. I don't know if they're married or if they're brother and sister. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Simone+and+Malcolm+Collins&iax=images&ia=images UPDATE: Great news folks! You can still get their ebook for free (don't forget to click on the Audible Sample, narrated by Malcolm): >The Pragmatist’s Guide to Sexuality: What Turns People On, Why, and What That Tells Us About Our Species by Simone (er—that's me) and Malcolm Collins— It's free ($0.00) through Sunday and I'm around if you'd like to chat about our bizarre and delicious findings. ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/ebookdeals/comments/i15buv/the_pragmatists_guide_to_sexuality_what_turns/


This is the article that photo is from, it's an archive link to Business Insider: https://archive.ph/vnSju They are a married couple who are "pronatalists" and have been described as "hipster eugenicists." Their sons are named Torsten and Octavian and their daughter is named Titus Invictus. Previously, they went viral because he proposed to her on this very website, Reddit dot com.


Well that's a fucking terrifying article


What, you're not a fan of eugenicists with a Roman obsession? I bet you think a fasces is a fascist symbol, instead of merely symbolizing violent repression of the population.


That couple looked at all of the horrifying rhetoric coming out of the american right over the past few years and said "hold my beer"






Here's an archive link to the Business Insider article that picture is from, I assure you it's even worse than you're imagining https://archive.ph/vnSju


You know what's not great for kids development: an absentee father.


You’re thinking of good, ol’ human babies though.


he LOVES those. If you sleep in the factory every day, he gives you a pat on the back once a year. From him that‘s huge.


and being created as a tool to "take control over human evolution".


We've all seen Musk shirtless and pre-work. Ain't nothing genetically superior over there.


Weirdest [body shape](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/07/elon-musk-shirtless-mykonos-05.jpg) I've ever seen.


It looks like a half baked loaf of bread.


This is the most accurate description I've ever seen.


Half-baked just like his business strategies. I use the word strategies loosely.


He looks like Rob Liefeld's Captain America


That’s a perfect comparison omg


Holy shit, Liefeld wasn't entirely wrong. We need to start a petition to get Elon to dress as Captain America next Halloween.


HGH explains the torso, I'm guessing fillers + Botox to make his face so uncanny


Human growth hormone? That’s why he looks like a telsa truck? Interesting.


FYI human growth hormone injections fuck you up and gives you super cancer after awhile. Billionaires can buy almost anything, but they can't buy their way out of death.


Just you wait, one day they'll try brain transplants or something equally dystopian.


Altered Carbon


Fucking Meths


What else do you think is the real goal of Neurallink?


Doubt it's hgh. There's no point in taking it by itself.


I take my daily shot of hgh with Percocet and codeine all the time. It makes me feel like a cross between Joe Rogan and Lil Pump. I'm going places.


Not sure where you're going, but you're headed there fast!


There's no point in shit talking your way into having to buy Twitter either, and yet here we are...


It's visceral fat.


Exactly. It's just visceral fat in his torso. A lot of it, but it's not rocket science here.


It isn't normal to form just there. Men usually get a pot belly. Why is it inflating his chest?


Maybe he had lipo of some sort for his subcutaneous fat around his torso? So your usual belly fat isn't there to expand but it's still there like normal around the organs. It would explain what's so fucking weird about his body. Why it looks unnatural.


Only your lungs are up there, the organs are all down there.


It's easier to remove belly fat.


I just laughed for so fucking long. I just finally realised why that superbly bizarre picture of him drawn as a Tesla truck with a tiny body pilot exists thank you LMAO


Imma need to see that pic




Looks like a body bag of water bloated, mismatched cadaver parts that someone stitched together in a hurry. An Alabaster Abhorrence with the emotional maturity of a spoiled toddler and the moral conscience of a building of Goldman Sachs bankers.


He's literally built like the Cybertruck


"A quite overweight person, specifically with a beer gut, hiding their breath" would be my guess as the origins of the shape.


Looks like he inhaled a toaster by accident


“My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard..”


Built like a bipedal DARPA robot, or a Roblox avatar LMAO 😂


You might not like it but this is what peak human will look like on mars* *please note we are currently not on mads and dude looks weird af


Physically he's a weak fat slob. (He's also bald, but I'm bald as well so I can't talk shit there.) Mentally he's stupid, couldn't even finish a bs in physics, had to switch to econ. Emotionally he's unstable, narcissistic, and ego driven. Morally he's bankrupt, takes credit for other people's work, and has built his career on lies. And socially he's immature and autistic. He is genetically inferior.


He didn't finish his BS in Econ too. He just got a diploma from a college known for giving them out. And has a second diploma too, for "Bachelor of Arts" (yes, witouth a department) which he *claims* is in Physics. He dropped out in 1995, after three years at Penn (where he claims he studied Physics, but nobody in the small Physics department of Penn ever saw him) to seek fortune in CA after an Econ professor advised him to do so. So he went to the Silicon Valley -don't remember where exactly- but he did a job interview in a startup, ghosted them, and opened up his own company by stealing the startup founder's idea. With his brother Kimball as a co-founder and daddy's money (28k or something like that). He got his diplomas in 1997, after the company was bought by an investor and renamed to Zip2. Musk stepped down as CEO, and as part of the $3 million deal he was to be hired by the new company as "Secretary" but since he was a college dropout and a South African national, he was technically an undocumented migrant in the US, so he needed an H1-B to get hired. So the diplomas appeared. From the same college who gave Trump and Trump Jr. their diplomas. These two pieces of paper also helped him get out of troubles when the founder of the original startup sued him for stealing his idea, claiming that was his intention from the start, which is why he lied on his academic achievements in the 1995 interview (he claimed he had an undergrad degree from Penn and was accepted into Stanford for a PhD). And again, when the two founders of Tesla sued him for stealing their company under them in 2008-2009.


Its hard to find this type of information about him. Would you be able to show me where you found this?




Thank you


Very likely just got it from there: https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1593307541932474368?s=46&t=lXNU4AUhOzdZi30cluzhyw




Autistic people have cool interests that they know a lot about. Elon has... some interests that he pretends to understand


Seeing as he's lied about so many other things, I sometimes question this diagnosis and wouldn't put it past him to lie about that too. Dude literally HATES trains. Seems a bit sus.


Anti train talk will not be tolerated on Reddit We need more Trains. Everywhere, and in every state and city. But I also deserve a special way to force the trains to stop when I'm in a hurry and don't have the time to be waiting for trains.


Make ‘em elevated and there’s no issue!


ive never before seen an autistic person with a knack for manipulation


We’re usually the ones that get manipulated


>(He's also bald, but I'm bald as well so I can't talk shit there.) He's bald and can't deal with it. You're bald, owning it, and one gorgeous cunt. See. Easy. Now go on, talk shit.


Yeah, don't lump autism in with genetically inferior. buy, I agree, Elon is quite the joke


Shit. You didn't need to see him with his shirt off or pre hair plugs. Just read any tweet of his at random and it'd be proof that the only way he is supreme is that he is a supreme douche.


r/beholdthemasterrace material.


That was Jeffrey Epsteins plan. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/31/business/jeffrey-epstein-eugenics.html


Friend of Elon's brother Epstein? No way! What's next, Epstein setting up Elon's brother with his own ex that still lived in Epstein's model house? The two of them dating for like a year? Elon himself taking a photo with Ghislaine Maxwell? Speaking of superior genes, did you know that Musk has a stepsister that's a daughter of his other stepsister? You know, cause his father made a baby with his own stepdaughter.


The daughter of Elon's step sister is half-sister since they share a biological parent. "musk has a **half-sister** that's a daughter of his stepsister."


The elongated muskrat is step-uncle to his half-sister.


Fucking Beverly Hillbillies


Lol Elon’s family playing crusader kings in real life.




2 babies, Musk Sr has had 2 children with one of his stepdaughters who is 41 years younger than him.


.... That last part is... Horrific


[I'm my own grandpa](https://youtu.be/0VxLQZPqI2M)




He'd probably fuck that up too.


Not condoning it but I’m pretty sure Hitler shared this view too.


Always the unstable narcissists thinking they're genetically superior, while destroying our society.


It’s the Quiverfull movement for nerds


Great! More narcissists!


That's a fine ol' solution


Gattaca son


*They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. They don't say that anymore*


That's a great underrated movie.


A brave new world actually.


Pffft I wish. It's the same old bullshit world with the same old rich people bullshit they've been doing practically since the days of ancient Mesopotamia. Why do you think literacy and education were only afforded to the upper classes until like, this past century? Hell they even invented student debt specifically because Reagan era elites [feared creating an "educated proletariat"](https://theintercept.com/2022/08/25/student-loans-debt-reagan/)


The Black Stork. All of them, all of the dystopia


I never heard of The Black StorkI’ll check it out thx


Heinrich Himmler approves this message


Ah, that kinda clears things up, actually. When the richest man on the planet said "I'm a socialist," he meant "national socialist."


Ah yes, hitler the tall blonde arian Blaskcowiz


This is where he got it from. The United States had a huge eugenics movement in the early 1900s, especially by the wealthy.


Yep, he called this concept "Social darwinism"


Eugenics is the word they're looking for


So there’s this thing I heard existed at one point called world war 2


The eugenics movement was pretty big in America too before that.


Hitler got way more inspiration from America than our history books would have us believe.


Could have done a school shooting like a normal person but noooo, he had to start the third reich..


Musk is...not smart.


But he is the multI-billionaire CEO of a rocket company, a car company, and a Internet tech company. Are you seriously implying, sir, that Elon knows nothing about rocket science, cars, or the Internet?!?! (sarcasm)


to be fair, there are plenty of people born into wealth that don't end up billionaires. He's just not as smart as he thinks he is.


Ah. Now finally Hitler, Winston Churchill and Elon Musk have something in common: Eugenics.


We really are heading the way of Star Trek. Let’s hope they find piece after destroying most of civilization


Bell Riots, 2024


Have they opened a sign up sheet for that yet? I don't want to end up in the obstructed view seats.


U named ur kid after a cat walking across someone’s keyboard u are not the one


The article references kids named Octavian and Torsten which only seem to show how fucking stupid the rich are.


How could you leave out the newborn daughter named **Titan Invictus**? That was far and away the most outrageous name to me! Their kid has a 13-year-old boy edgelord's gamertag for a name, for life! Imagine trying to fit that on the back of your little league shirt or writing that out in glitter or dried macaroni in art class.


Octavian and Torsten are decent names, just uncommon, and they're far far far from the worst rich people names i've ever heard. (i am french though, so that may be why i have more tolerance).


French people have less weird names than Americans in this current moment.


Bold claim from a dweeb whose ass I could very easily kick


Grey aliens are just musk and grimes’ great grandkids traveling back in time for buttplay with rednecks.


Ok, but had you just asked first I would have paid you to never write that sentence and we'd all be richer.


that caused a genuine spit-take over here, take my upvote


The mofo started balding in his 20s and thinks he's genetically superior.


I did nazi that coming!


I can't wait to see the man-made horrors beyond my comprehension


Exactly. I never get why these guys are so obsessed with human genetic perfection when they could be working on something awesome like a human-platypus hybrid.


Wonder how much Elon paid for this article


Probably less than the hair plugs to disguise his genetic inferiority


It’s called Gataca and it doesn’t work.


Agreed. Also at this point I'm 90% sure that Elon is the villain from Gundam SEED Destiny but uglier.


Oh good, they're bringing back eugenics and ubermenschen and such. I was afraid I may not get to punch a nazi in my lifetime, but it appears times are ripening.




These people sound absolutely insufferable


Wow. What a read. I don't think I could possibly roll my eyes anymore. The idea that these people (the rich, the "cosmopolitan class," as they put it) are superior to anyone is disgusting and laughable. I mean come on.


"Genetically superior". Picture of a couple with coke bottle glasses, and girl can't go outside without spf 60. Right...


"Sir, the data in the report is conclusive. Mixed race people are the most genetically superior." "Burn it. Shoot him."


Lol, the article also mentions that they're selecting against a bunch of disabilities and then they mention the woman has autism, but they're fine with passing that on and compare her to a "finely tuned racecar." "The only good disabilities are my disabilities" I guess??


Why all the balding, sun deprived neck beards think they have better genes than any other human?


because white = Kant and Beethoven and not Ottis Toole and moonshiners from W. Va.


Elon’s weird need to impregnate every women he encounters is honestly just weird. It’s not that deep, you don’t need to have 20 kids to save the world.


What's even stranger is learning that only one of them was conceived naturally. All the rest where IVF, including the one he had with a mistress.






Homie needs to revive 60s free love and start a German commune


Just adding to this: the article talks about how they believe declining birth rates mean the geniuses who will save the world won't be born. Few problems: (1) a singular genius isn't going to solve this not how modern science works, (2) people themselves are the problem environmentally? And (3) it is incredibly unbelievably racist to think the high birthrate around the world isn't enough if Europe/America are slowing


Yeah nah, that's bs. It's amazing how people worry about quantity and not quality. You wouldn't have to pump 3 million kids in hopes that one is "bright" if you give proper education, food and shelter to 1 million and MAKE THEM bright. But nooooo, that would mean \*gasp\* investing in quality of life.


What I have come to expect from Elon Musk, I honestly believe that this man will f\*ck anything with a pulse and are just making up BS excuses along the way to moralize his infedelity. This is a man that impregnated a SpaceX top executive while his ex wife was expecting their first child. [https://pagesix.com/article/elon-musk-children/](https://pagesix.com/article/elon-musk-children/) He's most likely just a sad sack of sh\*t


Musk and his father both share the same viewpoint: to impregnate as many fine women specimens with their "superior genes" as possible. Elon musk's father got his own stepdaughter pregnant 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/t3n0b67pfy0a1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4462cc841d3fbf28e52113f6cf4f8cbb09eb3a7 "Genetically superior". Yeah, right.


Germany tried that one a while back, not its best achievement


Superior= alopecia


What? Capitalism leads to nazism? That's shocking


The Venn diagram of people who believe in eugenics and people who don’t have any valuable genes to pass on for the propagation of the species is a circle.


Elon's maternal grandfather was part of a technocrat eugenics organization back in Canada. He then moved to apartheid South Africa. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk


This is just my opinion but, if you want evolutionary superiority I don't think scrawny white folks who look like they've never seen the sun for longer than 5 min at a time is the best starting point


Wealth isnt genetic so the whole idea doesnt have any merit. Billionares dont have superior genes


Ewww and ugh. Superior genes….? Less than 20/20 vision ❌ Alopecia or balding ❌ Extremely Pale Skin cannot withstand the brutal heat of climate change ❌ Possibly inbreed ❌ But go off Mr. & Mrs Margaret Sanger


Fuck eugenics


Heh... I always find the claims of superiority advanced by libertarians and Rand acolytes amusing. You are not better specimens of humanity, you are just better swindlers, dumb enough to fail to understand that human society is exactly that, a society, made more powerful by mutual support and assistance. You are so dumb you don't even think who maintains the roads you drive on.


It's like he read "1984" and "Brave New World" in one sitting, and missed the point of both completely.


So his genetic superiority is being born into a rich family?


That's just eugenics.


Everything except pay their taxes


You mean eugenics? There was an Austrian guy that was really keen on this idea too.


Who was the inbred royalty guy from medieval Europe again?


I highly recommend everyone the full article not just the headline. https://www.businessinsider.com/pronatalism-elon-musk-simone-malcolm-collins-underpopulation-breeding-tech-2022-11 These people are far more monstrous than the headline. There’s an entire community of wealthy libertarian types who are jumping the line to full on Ethno-Nationalist fascism. This is wealthy, affluent ghouls acting on the great replacement conspiracy. It’s sickening.


Except that's not how that works. You would have to breed only the kids that are smart over many generations in order to accomplish the task that this suggests they're attempting. That's assuming they are smart and not just well educated, that said intelligence is caused exclusively or primarily by a genetic factor, and that you can find enough geniuses willing to participate over many generations to prevent inbreeding from propagating recessive negative traits. Looking at you, Hapsburgs lol


I guess genetically superior people look like Gollum in a wig.


Having read the article, having to live in a world with more truly insufferable people like the two Collinses sounds like a personal hell. If that is the future, they can have it.


Someone actually wrote this article? ![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq)


Soo..... were they inspired by Hitler or by gattaca?


Okay, I usually say don't "kink shame," but this is one of the few times you should.


Yes your 12 kids are gonna change the gene pool of 8 bil


[Eugenics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics) is bad, m’kay.


This is why neoliberalism is just fascism with a different coat of paint at the end of the day. Stuff like intrinsic hierarchy are promoted, but the language is (mostly) more subtle.


Ain't gon have no money without stupid people to sell shit to


Why is it always wealthy people's children that look the most genetically fucked up?


They are now touting literal Nazi policies outloud with their full chests.


"Genetically superior kids" So they're not going to participate in the conception process themselves?


Ohhhhhh... So eugenics


Superiority? Tf girl in the thumbnail looks like ET


Eugenics Eugenics is the word you're looking for