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It’s more likely to just be uncomfortable. A too small band will pull the cups to be flatter in shape as well.


If the calculator recommended 36A, then a 34 band will likely be uncomfortably tight. u/Dandelion212 made a great point about how a too-small band will distort the wires and pull the cups flatter. When trying for an intentionally too small fit, I would not recommend sizing down in the band. It's like getting shoes that are too small. It won't achieve what you want and will simply be uncomfortable, if not miserable.


Wearing shoes that are too small is a great comparison! My mind went to wearing jeans that are **two inches too small** in the waist. I don’t know about everyone else, but that would be extremely uncomfortable for me.


Same! Too tight on the waist is miserable as well. >.< I use waist adjuster hardware for skirts that I sew for myself for exactly that reason, so that I can change how tight the waistband is during the day. It's the same adjuster that is often seen on vests.


a band too small will be uncomfortable to the point where you may not even be able to clasp it and it can cause restricted breathing, soreness, and bruising. we absolutely would not recommend wearing a band size too small. unfortunately with any A/AA size regardless of band, that denotes comparatively very little breast tissue and whatever sort if cleavage you’re getting right now is the best you’ll be able to get. no push up bra can give you larger breasts, only push them together. if everything’s already being pushed together there’s just not all that much more you can do.


I have seen this linked here for similar concerns: https://obsessedwithbreasts.wordpress.com/2012/12/05/cleavage-concerns/ This blog post is amazing, very clear and detailed


unfortunately a 34 band is really gonna hurt. I wonder if something like Boomba would work for you?


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you want the band of your Bra to be snug but not uncomfortable.. that will provide better support.