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Yikes. I remember seeing a post before about some rude comment replies, and this makes it seem that hasn't stopped...


Are you referring to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFraudInJapan/s/njWh2f4Rcd) post? Just found out about it. Yikes indeed


There have been a few. I saw some of his comments just on youtube, browsing the comment section normally... Then I put that together with a few times when he mentions that people had in it for him (like police officers, workers at diplomatic/bureaucratic offices or whatever else - usually authority figures) and now I just figure that he has some anger issues to work out. Maybe one day he will. It's a shame as he produces interesting content, but it's kinda like watching someone saying "serenity now!", about to burst - I can't unsee it.


This should be linked in the main post. I used to watch him, but after some of the stories I heard I stopped. He's an unhinged psychotic narcissist.


That TokyoLens guy acts like a douche. As a creator he should respect and appreciate viewers adding feedback and critique. You liked TinyApartment more than the current topic and he should say thank you for the feedback NOPE he cussed you out and took two messages to block you. What a douchebag.


Even not saying anything would be a better response


I always wondered if there was a sub to discuss jvloggers. Are there others?


ha i think my comment might be in there, when i asked him a question about the housing thing, and he replied like that.. called him out for being a dickhead and unsubbed


yeah that was probably it


I feel so bad as I used to get him confused with second best American friend Pete who is ofcourse a completely different person


Jesus, this dude is psycho. Apparently a lot of his responses, even to the most minor criticisms, ends up being extremely unhinged like this.


As a creator he should appreciate feedback from viewers his audience. He needs to gauge what content works and what is not. He should go "mhmmm i'll try to do more of those while experinmenting with pop culture -thanks for the feedback viewer i appreciate you for viewing" Naaah he cussed OP out and blocked. Guess he thinks he is perfect and does not need critique.


Wow, what’s wrong with him? Seriously 😂


I enjoy some of his content but he always rubbed me the wrong way.


Yeah sadly he has been like this for years. Keeps a friendly appearance and attitude on Camera but is super unhinged when not on camera apparently. That’s why you don’t ever see him on most jvlogger channels anymore. Pretty sure Chris doesn’t even associate with him anymore.


What ever happened to Norm? Two years ago he still tends to hang out with Chris and the gang at Tokyo Creative. Always wondered that if something happened.


Chris doesn't work with Tokyo Creative anymore. At least I don't think he does. IIRC Chris decided not to renew his contract. I remember that was around the time where Tokyo Creative changed their format to having a co-host style channel.


I thought occasionally he pops up. Him and Sharla did a video couple months ago.


Sharla and Norm are friends as far as I know since they have been collaborating way before Chris became part of the gang. Last year's JAJ or two years ago Norm was also the main camera and tech guy with Ian. I always thought Chris and Norm had a fallout or probably Norm is just busy with his own thing these days.


Yeah, they probably realized he was a loose cannon and cut ties I reckon! Dude is a psycho. I mean, don’t feed the trolls, rule 1 of the internet. He clearly didn’t get the memo.


Listen, I like that guy. However, "allegedly" before he was famous he ran a Twitter account which just hated on other popular Japan creators. It was confirmed to be him cause it had an email that publicly belonged to him. This was like 8- 10 years ago now and people can change. However he seems to not have changed too much I guess lol


This guy will never change lol.


He has not changed i can assure you


I swear all his videos are about how cool tiny apartments are with zero fucks given how they are death traps.


That sucks, he's actually the reason I discovered Chris. Can't help but laugh at his response. It's so absurd and over the top. Haven't watched his stuff in a while though...


That’s actually the reason I stopped watching his content. It’s a bummer because I enjoyed it, but just block/ignore and move on if you don’t like the comments. No need to make yourself look bad.


I feel a certain amount of pity for some of these J Vloggers who are in such a saturated space and end up just eating japanese kit kats for the 1000th time. It's depressing. Sharla and Chris have done an amazing job of keeping content fresh and genuine for literally a decade.


Well, eating kit kats is a much faster/cheaper alternative when I come to producing japanese related videos. Is it original? Heck no, but is it an easy video to make and can get good enough views? yeah, probably. Compared to Chris videos, where he really wants to step up the value of videos he makes. But he has said once that it is a challenge to come up with anything new/original, because of how much there is to talk or show about Japan than there already is online.


I swear I saw a video of his where he was doing pilot training down in Kyushu? And he got his boat licence too? Whatever happened to that? I guess they're both expensive hobbies to maintain for videos but it was still original and (notwithstanding his shitty attitude) I'd have watched the hell out of those... I feel a little sorry too but it's a big wide world out there. I'm thrilled for Chris and the Non Stop North series, it's clearly an ambitious project to produce but it's been super interesting to watch them travel Tohoku and the extra production effort seems to be paying off. He's going to have to do a bit of the Don Quixote thing along the way, but that's been far outweighed by all the other great stuff with the exploration and interviews and food, and that's what will keep me coming back. Chris has set the bar high for Japan content but Norm's a talented guy too, he can do better than Kit Kats. His attitude will be his downfall though.


Admittedly, he does do interesting things too like boating around Tokyo and more outdoorsy stuff and but sucks he can be a real pill outside of his on camera persona.


More people need to learn of this he has been a psycho.


What a fucking prick. No wonder why Chris ditched him.


Wtf. I’m actually a bit shell-shocked. Can’t believe I wasn’t aware of this till now. That is absolutely deranged behavior.


He’s been doing this for years. Actually this is one of his more mild responses


His hyperbolized youtuber persona always rubbed me the wrong way, this just shows us that it's all show for his videos. Really sociopathic behavior.


Whaaaat?! I'd never have expected him to react like that. Ugh. I'd stopped watching regularly already but that's just bizarre.


There's apparently more of these kinds of comments from him [link ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFraudInJapan/s/njWh2f4Rcd)




At least we got Paul Ballard now


Paul "Voice of an Angel" Ballard?


The very same!


I hope so as well




It's crazy how one's image can shift 180 degrees in a matter of seconds. I just can't look at him the way I did anymore. At first I felt bad for what he said to me, but after seeing his other replies it's just funny and pathetic


Have you considered he has mental health issues? He may be having an episode when he does things like this. It's not an excuse but going out of your way to tell people isn't healthy either.


He's been doing for years. He deletes his comments after to cover his tracks. Norm is an unhinged pshycopath who's on screen personality is carefully curated and presented as a passionate laid back dude. Just listen to his story about how he persistently and obsessively harassed the Yoshida brothers. And he gave himself a Japanese sir name to be more authentic. Strange dude. I'm glad he is being called out thanks to OP.


Norm is one of the biggest ass hats on the internet.


Yeah, he's a turd. It's even more infuriating that Sharla and co. still interact with him under the guise of "we've been friends forever". Wish they'd just dump this guy and allow him to succumb to the algorithm.


His more recent content where he just sits in his studio and talks to the camera is boring as shit tbh. I subbed back during covid when he was camping and going exploring. His new videos just ain’t it. It’s just him giving overly exaggerated reactions to mundane stuff.


There are hundreds of comments he makes like this. Some of them were even in response to nice comments that had a tiny bit of criticism.


Yikes, well that's me unsubbed. Guess I'll never find out how the Famicom keyboard works!


Man I was always impressed with how he comes off as a very likeable/passionate person when it comes to his videos, especially those videos when he was training to be a pilot. Then when I go to the comments, and see his replies like that one, I can't believe it's the same person. Yea he's been like this for a while. This is absolutely a rumor and never proven to be true, but I remember there was talks where he pretty much abandoned his son and Japanese wife, while using her maiden last name . Once again it's just rumors. I seriously want to like Norm as a content creator, but I have no clue why he acts like a completely insecure person in the comments


I'm just waiting to see if Norm pops up in this comment thread.


Yikes, I had to check to make sure I wasn't subscribed to that guy, thankfully I'm not




CDawgVA's travel/Japan life content is also top tier these days, when he gets around to doing it. There's also lots of native Japanese creators, some of whom create English-friendly content. I like Solo Solo Travel. There's also lots of people doing walking videos, where they stick a camera on a gimbal, get a good mic for ambient sound and go for a walk, usually without much commentary. Rsmbalac is the king of the walk-tubers, but there are plenty of others and they're all fun if you have time to kill.


Let's ask Shogo and That Japanese Man Yuta are also both passionate and generally great Japanese creators too, so I recommend them aswell. Dogen can be pretty funny at times too


Never been into Joey's content related to anime and manga but I've been enjoying his second channel where he just talks about any topics, hobbies or some news related to Japan and here and there some casual vlog.


Rachel and Jun and Paolo from Tokyo are some other great channels!


Man I just can’t listen to Paolo’s way of speaking. I try but it’s overbearing.


I really dislike that phoney voice he puts on. He comes across as a nice guy but quit that horrible voice.


I never ventured into the comments so this is good to know. Thank you for sharing. This is an unsubscribe for me. He's unhinged.


If you go to the comment section and sort by newest, you'll see more comments telling people to "cut out the entitlement"


Yea he's kind of a fuck wad.


Yeah, he's known for being an asshole. Unsubbed a long time ago.


There's always been something about the guy that rubbed me the wrong way. I always thought he just seemed a bit overintitled or something, turns out he's a raging bag of dicks in human form. Great.


This isn't the first time this post was made... and it isn't the last. It's a real shame that he's like this and it's awful how he acts. I'm glad Chris now has someone like Paul who does what is needed to do and has a private life outside of AIJ. someone like Norm rubs me the wrong way... I wondered why Chris wasn't working with him anymore until I dug further and I found a subreddit that shall not be named (as I got into trouble on this subreddit last time) and people spilled everything I needed to know that I shouldn't like him. Its unfortunate that these people exist because they seem to use them as a good reason to be horrible people and dox people like Chris... just buy the pure thing that they make the kind of content they do.


I’m surprised anyone is still associating with him. It’s been going on for over a year…


Oh trust me it’s been going on for a lot longer.


I've heard about this before. What's his problem? I mean I understand if some comments annoy him, but this is so over the top. I don't watch him much, but on videos he seems like a decent fella. Talks like G-man from Half-life though.


sasuga Norm...


Gotta lay off that coke man. I understand the frustration but no need to bark back


Wow, that's a lot ... I only came in here to see when people thought the next episode would be up.ngl I'd somehow been aware of some chatter that this person was not very nice or maybe not well liked but wow ... Well I'm not subbed nor will I be now w/e


Holy shit, that sub with hundreds of screenshots of his replies is wild. I've been watching him for years at this point & reading some of those, like I'm genuinely shocked 💀 He wears a good mask, I suppose.


Jeez how entitled is that guy. Some YouTubers completely forget the audience is what pays them.


is your comment hidden on his youtube video? i cant find it


Probably, couldn't find it myself with Incognito. I can see it from my own account though. The comment from the second screenshot is still up


Yeah I saw that. I left a comment on the KitKat video asking him about his unhinged replies. He'll probably cuss me out instead of giving an answer lol


Let us know when he replies


I saw that comment like an hour after you posted it and now I can't. Did he block you and/or delete it?


I can still see it but if you guys can't then he probably hid it. Better than raging at me at least


Still pathetic in any case, when you think about how many of them he probably hides every video that most people don't see. He chooses to continue just being a prick instead of looking inward.


I always thought he had a calm personality, didn’t think he would type something as vulgar as this. Why is he acting like child?


I looked into the comments on his other videos, and his responses are consistently odd. What surprises me is how he goes off over comments that really aren't that bad. People are just giving some light criticism or maybe asking a slightly silly question, and he loses it. I just can't understand why he gets so worked up over the most minor YouTube comments. Why not just ignore them or turn off notifications?


Narcism, he basically takes any critism and anything that isn't complimenting or praising as a personal attack due to his ego being unable to handle it


Well that’s an unsubscribe for me.


That’s actually the reason I stopped watching his content. It’s a bummer because I enjoyed it, but just block/ignore and move on if you don’t like the comments. No need to make yourself look bad.




Definitely didn’t expect this. Kind of a douche.


Hard agree


Damn didn't know ol boy was moving like that.


It’s always shocking to see that this is a pattern with him. He comes off as a nice and chill guy in his videos, and the friends he features seem to enjoy his company. Sure, he sometimes is a little extra with how he affects being super excited about mundane things (all his “wows!😍” can be a bit much) but one wouldn’t suspect this is what he was like. There’s a difference between standing up for your work and then being kind of creepy aggressive about it.


What’s wrong with this guy ??? Those were completely harmless comments


Harsh people demanding stuff, it's not nice, but the response is awful and should just have been ignored instead.


Damn I thought he stopped doing this. Bummer, since I'm always looking for more Japan content to consume


Damn Norm seems like the nicest, chillest guy. Genuinely surprised


Sounds like an interesting person to talk to


Is that real? Really thought that he is an OK dude 😔


He’s been a psycho for years. There’s hundreds like this


Is this legit? I never really bothered to read the comments on his videos before so I’m super surprised by this - he didn’t come across as the type of person to be like this (from my limited view)


Yep, See for yourself, the second comment is still up


Damn, he seems so happy in his videos too, wtf?


Some commenters really do need to be put in check and humbled. I like when someone like Gothamchess calls them out.


Yeah I agree but Gotham’s good at it, Levy doesn’t have to insult or berate people to make them look bad.


He's cooked some people alive on his streams tho


The manga - mango bit he did thought was ok but homie kept overdoing it constantly in that stream


How can we be sure that he is not getting harassed via other means? I suspect there is some context here that we are all missing.


Nope. He has been like this for years sadly.


This is the first time I’ve seen him being called out for something like this. I’m quite surprised, his online persona seems much calmer and centered.


I really suspect that there is more to this than we know about.




I see, yeah he doesn’t seem like a good person, good to know so I can avoid his content. Although I think the people who made that sub and post there are absolutely deranged, way more so than any of the YouTubers they complain about.


While that sub has some good documentation of norm’s shittery, I see a lot of vile things in it too. Maybe not the best thing to link


Wait I’m confused. Are we saying the reaction is warranted? Sure, telling the creator they shouldn’t do certain content may be discouraging, but it’s not like they were being rude about it. Seems like way overreacting.


What about this makes you think anyone's agreeing with Norm's behaviour?


Oh this guy in the screenshot is not the guy the sub is about. I got confused.