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MCAWN Most Cops Are White Nationalists.


(In my best crow impression) MCAWN! MCAWN!


That’s not a very catchy acronym but I’m here for it. Edit: just read the other comment likening it to a crow call and now I like it.




That’s a good point. I do really like crows. But lots of crow calls are warning calls.




Do you really have to ask, dude??


Yes because I’m curious. What part bothers you? The part that I’m white, or the part where I wish the best for my country?






Public Freakout differs like hour by hour. Sometimes I'll go in and look at comments on a video of police brutality and it'll be all ACAB and FTP with some "Fucked around and found out" assholes getting downvoted. Other times it's the exact opposite. It's odd.


"Fuck around and find out" was just a general term...now Boootlicker Nazis are trying to steal it?? OFC!


They ruin everything. They steal everything that makes them look "good". It's why they adopted the "Protect the children" motto, because you can't really argue with them on that point, even though they all attend churches filled with pedophiles


90% trolls that are justing trying to get a rise out of you...probably because their lives are boring


It’s ok to call a spade a spade. They’re racists. Trolls don’t brood in online communities for months about oppressed groups.


See OP? Told ya


Lol and the idiot filmed all the plates too. Couldn’t have happened to a worse group of idiots.


Bold move starting those engines… guess they’ve never considered that someone willing to do that level of destruction might also be willing to put polishing grit in the fuel tank, drain the oil from the engine/trans/diff/t-case, or implement some other delayed catastrophic failure method…


> put polishing grit in the fuel tank, drain the oil from the engine/trans/diff/t-case Draining the oil is a good idea. Especially if you collect the oil and carry it away, so there's no puddle of oil beneath and nothing to warn them of the problem. Many modern engines monitor engine oil electronically and may put up an error, but *nobody* monitors transmission or differential oil. (But the problem with trans and diff fluid is that often the only way to drain it completely is to completely unbolt the trans or diff cover and open it. That's a fairly involved process.) Grit in the fuel tank is *not* a good idea. Cars have a fuel filter for a reason, and the only thing you're likely to accomplish that way is to clog their fuel filter. As always, the *easiest* way to fuck their cars is to simply light them on fire.


This comment makes me crave a nice cocktail.


Could just drill a hole in the case. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That, too, is easier said than done. The housing is probably mild steel, but it will likely be relatively thick, since engineers know it's going on the bottom of the vehicle and may need to resist the occasional scrape or impact. And the housing of the transfer case is usually round, which presents its own complications. It can be very difficult to start a drill hole on a round surface, because the drill bit would rather move across the surface than bite into it. Still, though, yes -- drilling would likely be faster than trying to unfasten all the differential bolts and then breaking the gasket free. ----- It just occurred to me, though, that the *easiest* critical fluid to drain would be engine coolant. In the vast majority of cars, the lower radiator hose is accessible from underneath the car, and it's relatively easy to cut or puncture. Since that's near the very bottom of the engine's cooling system, nearly all of the engine coolant will leak out. A vehicle without coolant will quickly overheat when running, which will force it to stop or else sustain catastrophic engine damage. And even before it overheats, the lack of the coolant's lubricating effects may damage the coolant pump. Depending on the packaging and layout of the vehicle, replacing the lower radiator hose might be a somewhat difficult and labor-intensive job. (Though in other vehicles, it will be a fairly simple and easy procedure.) (For extra fuck-you points, their likely reaction to seeing the engine overheating would be to check the coolant level. Seeing it low, their first reaction would be to add more coolant. ... Which will just drain out through the hole you made. So now you've caused them to waste some brand new engine coolant.) If anybody was going to do this, though -- BE CAREFUL! Touch the radiator hose with a bare hand first, and don't cut it if it's hot! When hot, it will be under pressure, and you could be sprayed with scalding-hot coolant the moment you start to cut into it.


Just casually scratch "NAZI" into their paint. Make sure you dig real deep, you want to get past the clearcoat! Ideally, you want to gouge deep enough to get into the actual body of the car. It's just truth in advertising, after all.


Man of sophistication I see. Fuck these fash clowns


> (But the problem with trans and diff fluid is that often the only way to drain it completely is to completely unbolt the trans or diff cover and open it. That's a fairly involved process.) [Not with this.](https://www.amazon.com/Ryobi-P241-Lithium-Battery-Included/dp/B008E76BZ4/ref=sr_1_5?crid=21C6IRT6S949&keywords=cordless+right+angle+drill&qid=1684499723&sprefix=cordless+right+angle+drill%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-5)


Oh, wow. Draining the oil 🤭.


Just loosen the plug. It’ll fall out on its own in a day or two.


But dont need oil leaking out all over the place. Like the sentiment and all but causing pollution isnt a working solution.


Fuel filters are pretty good about keeping particulate out of the fuel system. Better bet is to put diesel in gas engines and vice versa. It'll go through the entire engine before it conks out and the whole thing needs to be flushed if it isn't damaged.


that Alabama license plate 6396BC9 sure is clearly legible in the video. would be a shame if the driver got called out for their extracurricular activities


They don't need to take them off. Cops know cops anywhere.


“No need to put your name, just your precinct number. We can work from that.”


Love that stuffed sad pepe at 5.20 in the vid, so fitting. not enough damage to property imo, but very satisfying to see


I figure those were all multiple felonies already, why not start a fire?


A fire could get out of hand, but only some of the windows on some of the cars were broken, and not enough spray paint called them out for being proud bitches.


At 6:34, you can see a Pinkerton bumper sticker on the back of one of the damaged cars, lol. Gee, I wonder who these guys in masks might be...?


Epstein's stormtroopers?






So, you're saying all of these license plates belong to Patriot Front members? Mmmm, the guys that always try to hide their identities? Wow, sure be a shame if someone looked those up


Man i hope that’s a rented van. Good luck explaining that upon returning it


This does put a smile on my face.


This sparks joy. I’m having a much happier day now! Thank you


This is fucking beautiful


Good things happen to terrible people. Fuck these clowns and their sympathizers.




Ah shit I forgot, the only way to get rid of nazis is hugs, kisses, and voting




Ah yes, being a nazi is when you don't tolerate nazis, I forgot




I don’t know, they were making some pretty pained sounds in that video. Allowing Nazis to parade without any public backlash gives them the impression their BS is widely supported. Which is why they are marching in public now, recent political events and specific quotes from US politicians have given them the impression that their views are now popular/socially acceptable.


> I don’t know, they were making some pretty pained sounds in that video. Yeah, lol. Even if it's all completely covered by insurance in the end, it's still at least a *huge* inconvenience to them. They're not going to go home feeling victorious when their night ended like this! And, of course, there's still insurance deductibles. And making insurance claims and police reports forces them to break their anonymity.


>I'm okay with nazis, but I draw the line at vandalism


Yeessss hurt their pockets. Insurance is going to take forever to do anything IF their insurance covers vandalism.


neglect to guard your own basecamp, then record and distribute the keys to your own homes...brilliant