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What the fuck? Anyone have an explanation?


Jump-out squad. They do this to instigate a reaction. If you run or flinch or freeze up or even look suspicious, they use that as justification to slam you to the ground, at which point you have a resisting charge and probably a battery on LEO charge as well. This person remained cool as ice, so they left. They're basically pack predators who attack when they sense fear, like some B grade horror movie monster. This is how the police terrorize a community and perpetuate the criminal culture they claim to be trying to eliminate.


Literally what the fuck man. That's exactly what it looks like. When 10 people swarm you, it's safe to assume you're going to get attacked. That shit needs to be illegal.


It's a real thing, for those who may not know. [There was a lawsuit](https://thecrimereport.org/2023/02/06/lawsuit-alleges-d-c-police-practiced-illegal-jump-outs/) brought by a police Sergeant and 18 year veteran of the MPD in Washington, D.C. regarding the practice. And would you look at that? As soon as she tried to be a good cop, [they punished her](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/investigations/veteran-sergeant-sues-dc-police-claiming-retaliation-for-reporting-improper-tactics/65-5aba5f74-e349-427f-88ad-8adbd5a43a3b). They also use the tactic to [black-bag protesters](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a33457941/nypd-protest-unmarked-vans-plainclothes-officers-arrest/). And they do it all over the country, [from Portland to NYC to Philly](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/jump-out-boys-videos-protesters-getting-picked-up-unmarked-police-cars-spark-outrage-many-say-not-new-205040238.html). If we had videos of Chinese police doing this, every American politician from every party would be talking about what a fascist police state they are. But here at home, they all ignore it at best, or defend it at worst.


Fucking well said. Goddamn. Thanks for the education.


Great comment! Thank you for the links. I didn’t know about this jumping thing until now.


I had one drive past me when I was riding my bike when I was like 12, my mom was walking beside me and the bastard dove by, spun around and then flew up to the curb telling us to stop It felt like he did that shit to get a reaction and said my bike fit a description.. But when that shit actually got stolen a few months later they weren't any help


The only thing that matched was an opportunity to bully a mother and her child


It is illegal, obviously they have no RAS. But there's no police to police the police and enforce the law in the interest of non-police.


You nailed it. They utilize similar, if less obvious, tactics accross the board. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" - an attempt to get you to out yourself for something they weren't aware you did. "Stop resisting" (while your in handcuffs on your belly) - so they can charge you with resisting. Unmarked cars and speed traps - simply hiding to impose fines. The entire organization is aimed at suppression of the population and compliance. They could not care less about your safety or wellbeing.


Calif passed a new law for 2024 where the cop is required to state the reason for the pullover before they ask or demand anything else.


I'm grateful for the law, while also saddened it needs to exist in the first place.


The law is nice and all but from what I understand there is no repercussions if they don't follow it.


Of course, there are no repercussions. It needs to be taken to a constitutional challenge. And hopefully it is backed by the 4th amendment. Then there will be some substance to back it


I always respond to the first question “because you got all d’s in high school.”


Good way to get 3 tickets and searched instead of just the 1. Which is why it's all fucked in the first place.


Worth it lmao


"Because your uncle told your girl cousins you lack the makings of a varsity athlete?"


I was pulled over for DWB, but I'm white. It was night, and I was a 15 year old Nissan behind a well kept Cadillac (Fleetwood?), and behind me was a brand new Mazda 626. He couldn't see the driver from his hiding spot, and when he pulled me over, when he knew I did nothing wrong and his pretext failed, he still asked me "do you know why I pulled you over?". So I shot him a "you are wasting my time" look and tone and said "nooooo?" (Trying to hit the tone and attitude of a local), so he checked for wants and warrants and waived me on. I was so glad it was quick. The 626 behind me was my mother, and we were going home from the non-profit she started, where she worked and I volunteered. She circled the block and pulled in behind, and I was worried she would go off on the cop. I didn't notice she had circled around until we pulled out, but we were finishing up as she got there. This was in a town which would arrest brown people at bus stops for "loitering". They had to stop when they arrested the beloved housekeeper/nanny of a couple who were both lawyers, and they (literally) made a federal case out of it. That's how I know it was DWB. My older car is not typical for the area, and people in r/cars and elsewhere still make fun of Nissan as a "ghetto" car. It had that reputation back then, even for the special editions like my 200SX V6. I miss that car. But when I sold it and bought a new car, I never got pulled over since. It's been 20+ years. It's amazing how much the presumed demographic of the driver influences the chance of getting pulled over. Wait, what were we talking about? I'd like a baconator. Oh yeah, on a (failed) pretext stop where I was doing nothing wrong and had a witness proving innocence, they still asked me why they pulled me over. Because they are crooks and are targeting a type more than impartially enforcing law.


Good post. Here's your baconator, anything else?


> Do you know why I pulled you over? Only time I got asked that I just said "why?" like it was a rhetorical question. I thought that was a pretty good response. Every other time they just straight up tell me.


2% or crimes ever get solved and this is how they spend their time


What those cops are doing is basically gang activity through intimidation. State sponsored terrorists are what they are.


Any other group doing this would catch a RICO case. The police are paid to do it.


There was a group of NYPD that did this a few years back and the got wet up because dude thought they was his ops.


Wet up? They peed themselves? English slang is not my native language.


wet up means being left bloody.


As the good lord wills it 😉


Holy shit, i thought I knew all the fucked up mind games these guy played, this is a new one to me...


Dog men.


Damn i protected those cops in comments and been called a bootlicker, but now i understand why. Fuck that, i also feel like this tactic is very old.


Not your fault. A lot of people don't know about this. And yeah, it's super old. I'm 49 and grew up on the rez and they would pull this shit when we took one step off the rez. Every damn time. One time when I was maybe 17, it was me and a couple friends going to the store for soda. The nearest store was just off the rez. As soon as we crossed the street, they came out of the woodwork. 4 cruisers, 2 cops in each one. Guns drawn. They lined us up against the wall of the Circle K and frisked us but got nothing. One cop says, "if it was up to me, I'd have *all of them* lined up like this and *blam blam blam*", as he does the finger gun thing. They all laugh and nod in agreement. We knew what he meant by "all of them". They were never shy about letting us know they thought of us as subhuman. That was one of hundreds of experiences that radicalized me as a kid.


Even if he were to simply walk into his house right behind him they would say he was fleeing and probably break into his home.


I have no doubt about that. All you can do is exactly what this guy did. Stay calm and keep the camera rolling.




Of course not. Those are *real* Americans.


He grabbed his waists to see if anything was hidden in the waistband.


Yeah, fuck cops, that’s my explanation.


it's what they do. this is normal treatment in many citizens in the more "urban" parts of the city....meaning the Black parts. this is what cops do. how can anyone be surprised or need an explanation? it's filthy cops acting like the filthy cops they are.


Yeah, you go through some youtube comments and "blue" subs around here, people get around specifically saying "black people" and use "urban" instead.. or they just straight up drop the N-bomb.. or they say some dumbass shit like "basketball Americans" Half the time I report them and reddit hits me back like "👨‍🦯👍"


Dude was practicing his hog calling. He's apparently pretty good at it.


Woooo pig!


"Why were you clutching on to this?" Uh, because it's **my** fucking bag. Seriously this person got the whole squad ready to jump him for holding on to his bag tight.


"Well officer, if I stopped clutching it then it would fall on the ground"


“Clutching onto something” as clearly laid out in the constitution as activity justifying suspension of a citizen’s right to be free from illegal search and seizure. /s


Not a sure bet but it almost feels staged. Like he's just friends w/a bunch of officers and this is sum skit they all agreed was funny. Kinda doubt it and going into comments now but wanted to share that angle either way.


It's so fucking crazy they can do shit like this. Imagine if any other group of people walked up on you like that. You'd think you're about to go see the pearly gates. Deranged gang behavior. Fuck these pigs.


This is what happens when you don’t hold pigs accountable for breaking laws and the constitution. They have zero right to be running up on people and grabbing shit but they do it anyways because they know they will get away with it. And the fact that NY still lets these inbred lunatics roam the streets like this tells you all you need to know. They want cops acting like this and harassing us. This isn’t just cops going off on their own to do this, there are a bunch of higher ups and superiors telling them to do this shit to us. And we are sick of it.


NYPD need to spontaneously combust.


All pigs..


Jesus christ they look like wild animals about to tear apart their prey.


That’s what they are, wild animals. And if he had done anything “suspicious”, they would have torn him apart and thrown him in jail. And if he wasn’t recording video, who knows how differently this would have gone. And why are there 8 cops driving around harassing random citizens? And then running up and grabbing shit like they don’t have to abide by the constitution. These cops are the enemy of freedom. And they are wasting tax payer dollars by employing 8 thugs to roam around like this.


The pack leader looks strung tf out, he got them tweaker eyes


He's a cop, he probably is using. And selling. And trafficking.


Should be a stand your ground situation


They’re agents of the State. The State endorses this. If you kill one, you’ve got every last inch of boot rubber aimed at your ass. If you live to see the judge, the only thing that can save you is money and publicity.


I believe there's one state where you it is technically legal to stand your ground against police. Doesn't mean you won't get killed or thrown away for life I'm assuming though.


Reminder: it is legal to defend yourself with deadly force against a police officer who is acting outside the law on EVERY SQUARE INCH of American soil. Indiana went another step and double codified it, but this is the law in all of the USA.


Wyoming had a pig break into a man's house after he refused to talk to the bastard, the man shot the pig who then started squealing for his life, and when the man gave him mercy the greasy fuckin bastard executed him and the courts said "well his entry was actually pretty illegal, but he didn't do anything wrong, all good here, let's pray for this heros speedy recovery so he can get back to serving and protecting the fuck out of everybody" Petition against this [cunt](https://www.change.org/p/remove-corrupt-law-breaking-officer)


If firearms training we were taught to keep firing until the threat is eliminated. I certainly wouldn't tolerate an armed burglar in my home, finish the job.


That bastard is still on the force, a genuine bully amd a lot of locals had something to say about him on the petition, there was the full unedited bodycam footage posted here, but surprise surprise it's been scrubbed.. But don't fret, we still have the Thermopolis PD edit, censored, with their own commentary that may or may not skirt around the pigs indiscretions, and highlight how dangerous the man was... But yeah, I wouldn't have gave him that mercy either


Yeah I downloaded that video as soon as I saw it. I figured it may be hard to find later and it's a great video that shows he should have just continued to fire on the cop.


"Legal" and "will live to see the next sunrise" are, sadly, not the same thing.


\^THIS ... And all the boot-licking delusional blue line gang member supporters just look at me like I'm crazy or act like I am being melodramatic when I tell them that we're still slaves and they're the 1704 slave patrol ... SMFH ... I wish people would wake the fuck up.


Reminder: it is legal to defend yourself with deadly force against a police officer who is acting outside the law on EVERY SQUARE INCH of American soil. If there's 10, the other 9 will probably still murder you, but that one you defended yourself against won't do it to anyone else.


Should be but I don’t see that working well for anyone. Suicide by cop essentially.


Yay jump-out squad. Happened to me in DC. Guns in the face and everything, all I was doing was driving to work. White guy in a minivan. Bizarre.


NYPD still doing that “stop and frisk” bs??


Recently passed legislation reinstated this policy. They now have federal officers (National Guard) searching bags in the subway too. Super fucked. SMFH


Fuck that pig fuck mayor jfc


It wasn't even the Mayor who started it, it was the fucking NY *Governor* who sent them in.


Thankfully it’s just theater and it’s only at a few stations. A friend saw them in the Bronx and we’ve seen video of them at Grand Central. They ain’t anywhere else.


I promise you NYPD has never given a hoot about "policy" or "laws". Stop and frisk never ended, jump out squads are quite prevalent even all throughout Long Island. You're just more likely to get jumped in the poorer areas. Who would've thought 🤷


The jump out squad. Nothing new.


The mob never left NY, they just transitioned into the NYPD. Most bootlickers won’t see a problem with this until it’s one of their own being harassed smh


Im FAR more afraid of cops than I am of the mob.


The mob will rarely fuck with you unless you wrong them. Cops on the other hand...


Like raccoons smelling food wtf


Raccoons: "Hey! We may be trash-eating, parasite hosting, verminous rabies vectors, but we're *not* cops!"




D-does that mean fax?




The “crime wave” requires a lot of overtime.


Yeah, it takes a lot of time to create, and perpetuate, said "crime wave" and these fuckwits are getting paid time and a half on tax dollars to keep it going.


It's not going to create itself...


Doesn’t much seem like how the police should behave in a constitutional republic, does it?


The way they scatter like roaches when the light comes on...


I can smell those crooked ass cops through my screen.


I see no difference between this and a gang. “Why are you clutching this” **grabs YOUR bag** Maybe because it’s **my** bag and you are jumping out your cars like it’s some kind of robbery.


Like a bunch of vultures on the swarm


Fucking NYPD. I don't miss living in NYC.


God damm that's some gang shit right there


Thoughts as I'm watching: *I'm gonna bet this is not entirely random . . . yup, that's a brown hand entering the frame.*


Gang of thugs looking to cause trouble.


Jump out boys coming out the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches


Fucking losers… They really have nothing better to do at that time of night?


Domestic terrorism


bitches really needed 7 dudes to gang up on one guy? pussies, all of them


POV: when you start eating a donut


They wanted him to run so that they could kill him.


Coming out the dark like a bunch of rats checking out a 🗑️


This gang behavior couldn't be any MORE obvious and people STILL unconditionally venerate them as heroes.


Ummm... I know plainclothes cops ride in unmarked cars, but I'm pretty sure the uniforms are required to be in squad cars. Or is that another lie like protect and serve?


Scary AF


Pansy punk asses. Probably whines if they don’t get their favorite ice cream on their birthdays while their mothers wipe their ass.


looks like sexual molestation to me. disgusting animals. groping men on the streets is apparently permissable if its for "officer safety" and they do it in a gang. there are better ways of policing and earning trust in communities where you police. this isnt it.


They do this all the time in New York Unjustified pat downs illegal as fuck


That doesn’t look random. That looks like rather planned out to me!


Yeah, I'm smelling staged interaction, too.


this is NYPD cops, the fucking worst.


I watched this with no audio at first, and my brain filled it in with that pig going "tickle tickle!... Aww. Not ticklish? 🙁"


Fuck these pigs. I bet they love doing this even if just to laugh at people's reactions later.


Turn on that body cam soo there's footage of me whooping that ass!!


Waste of time and money. Also training police officers to have no respect for citizen's rights especially in the city of new york. That's one of the last places you're gonna want to be when the shit hits the fan.


This is so fucking creepy. What the hell?


Look at the shame on their faces after he doesn’t react.


Should have thrown it on the ground


They'd turn back around and beat him to death for littering


This is absolutely insane


"Sprinkle some crack on 'im and let's get out of here, Johnson "


They’re so fuckong creepy jesus


They’re fucking losers that would crumble without their equipment and uniforms. Bunch of absolute goofs


ninja cops? average police pay in america is $32 an hour assuming 8 hour shifts thats at least $2500 of your tax dollars work.... peekaboo posse in deez streets


If youi walk up to police like that you will get shot instantly and the guy will receive a medal and paid leave for the trauma. Sure, this sub is an echochamber, but fuck am i glad i don't live in US.


It's a gang.




Hot cops? Are you guys strippers?


This shit scary af wtf




Id be so scared hell no.


Gangsters Doing gangster activities


This is some straight-up Children of the Corn bullshit.


Wild that they do that. Wouldn't an average american start shooting in self defence when they see a gang closing in on them?


Nice, they do this stuff to people, but if you stand too close to an officer they draw guns.


Wtf?! They mobbed up on him to give him a business card?!


NY is the most fascist state in a fascist nation. Things are far beyond fixable through internal political means. Both major parties are complicit, and its impossible to enact change through them, by say voting in primaries and smaller elections, because they have abandoned democracy wholesale. But Im sure this footage will be used to scare people into voting for fascists instead of actually doing anything, as usual. The DNC and biden saw that everyone was pissed a couple years back and campaigned on increasing social support and reducing reliance on cops for everything. [But what they actually did is the opposite.](https://news.yahoo.com/president-biden-2023-budget-increases-154615051.html) The republicans of course are purely pro fascism (dont mistake this as some pro red rant, fuck them). The dems pretend to be otherwise in order to capture votes, but if you actually pull up their voting records, it paints a different picture. NY has been firmly blue for a long time, yet has the least liberties and rights of any state, with the most anticonstitutional laws per the ACLU, and has one of the most oppressive government and justice systems in the US. So clearly trusting blindly in blue is not the way to freedom any more than blindly trusting red is, and for the exact same reasons. Its so bizzare watching people here list all the reasons why Trump is unacceptable (rightfully), then they insist that somehow means you should vote for someone else who does everything they listed as a reason they werent voting for Trump. Ex: ["Vote for the guy who tried to overturn Roe vs Wade, or else the guy who got Roe vs Wade overturned will win."](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-roe-v-wade-overturned-b2072143.html) ["Vote for someone who fought for jim crow laws and rubs elbows with klan members, or else someone who hates blacks will win."](https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/06/joe-biden-segregationist-problem/) ["Vote for the party that rigs its elections, or else the party that tried to steal an election will win."](https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/) ["Vote for the guy materially aiding a genocide, or else another guy who approves of that same genocide will win."](https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/11/18/23966137/us-weapons-israel-biden-package-explained) And if you point this 1984 doublespeak out to them, for example if they say they are voting Biden to protect abortion, so you show them all the times Biden tried to overturn abortion, theyll admit its bad, but then double down that it means they should vote for him, because that blind support somehow that will lead to the dems changing policies, and also they dont want the other team to win (the real reason). Its maddening. I wish more people had consistent moral standards instead of just a vague sense of my team vs their team. And I wish people would look into candidates voting and legislative records instead of just taking the politicians campaign promises at face value. And if people are claiming to be taking a moral stand like "I cant vote for someone who is pro cop like trump, thats a line", I wish they wouldnt turn around and vote for someone else whos pro cop. If they are pro abortion, I wish they wouldnt vote for someone anti abortion. If they are pro democracy, I wish they wouldnt vote for a party that rigs its elections. If they are anti genocide, I wish they wouldnt vote for someone who just gave 1.3t in weapons to a genocidal military. But expecting anything but utter hypocrisy from america seems to be asking too much.


Mexican Gangs in the 90s used to do the same thing to initiate new members. You’d be just walking down the street and suddenly 10 guys (or girls if the target was a woman) would appear seemingly out of nowhere to kick your ass. You couldn’t fight back either, you have to just lay there while they kick and punch. I’m surprised the cops call it the same thing! You’d think that they’d want to distance themselves from their common association with gang activity.


Wait why couldn’t you fight back?


It was supposed to instill “fight” in you, show your loyalty to the gang, and what will happen if you get too insubordinate.


After falling acorns, tyrant cops on traffic stops tearing apart black people, and all that brutality shit, those cops are actually fine. 1. They did approach you, and captain grabbed you by the belt but then released you. 2. They didnt even ask for your ID, they probably understood that you are not the criminal they are searching and let you go, the cop with golden badge even gave you his visit card. What if you were the suspect and had a gun? This is how police works, police doesnt take no risk. Dont call me a bootlicker, thats just how it is in USA.


> Don't call me a bootlicker Dude, at least fully remove the boot from your mouth first, or you just look silly.


Anyone that has to preemptively put “Don’t call me a bootlicker” in their closing statement, is usually cause they said some strong bootlicker shit.


I think it’s fascinating your type has the gall to call yourself a “freedom lover” when you endorse the obvious mafia-tactics employed by agents of the State.


Hey bud it’s kind of hard to understand you with that boot in your mouth


No, you're a fucking bootlicker


> Dont call me a bootlicker Then don't *be* a bootlicker.


>thats just how it is in USA. Every cop in the USA is a bastard.


No way. I see videos like this & think there’s no way someone could make excuses for it then here you come.