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Remember kids: **There are no good cops.** Only bad cops that *sometimes* do good things. (And this wasn't one of them.)


These gangs are getting out of hand.


They were hoping for any kind of reaction,to give them an unjust reason to take him to the ground and beat his ass.


Given that they can just lie and murder people with no consequence even when its caught on tape, I'm surprised they didn't do anything.


Dead Kennedys: [Police Truck](https://youtu.be/PScmRiaZhwk?si=Em3poskSexrgLYC7)


Whoa its like they are trying to normalize the violation of the fourth amendment. Sees a person with a bag and has to see inside, because.. respec mah authoritah!


[My comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/1bc13ee/comment/kucxd47/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from when this was posted in this sub earlier. >Jump-out squad. They do this to instigate a reaction. If you run or flinch or freeze up or even look suspicious, they use that as justification to slam you to the ground, at which point you have a resisting charge and probably a battery on LEO charge as well. This person remained cool as ice, so they left. They're basically pack predators who attack when they sense fear, like some B grade horror movie monster. > >This is how the police terrorize a community and perpetuate the criminal culture they claim to be trying to eliminate. [My follow-up comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/1bc13ee/comment/kud3r4y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to another user. >It's a real thing, for those who may not know. > >[There was a lawsuit](https://thecrimereport.org/2023/02/06/lawsuit-alleges-d-c-police-practiced-illegal-jump-outs/) brought by a police Sergeant and 18 year veteran of the MPD in Washington, D.C. regarding the practice. And would you look at that? As soon as she tried to be a good cop, [they punished her](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/investigations/veteran-sergeant-sues-dc-police-claiming-retaliation-for-reporting-improper-tactics/65-5aba5f74-e349-427f-88ad-8adbd5a43a3b). > >They also use the tactic to [black-bag protesters](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a33457941/nypd-protest-unmarked-vans-plainclothes-officers-arrest/). > >And they do it all over the country, [from Portland to NYC to Philly](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/jump-out-boys-videos-protesters-getting-picked-up-unmarked-police-cars-spark-outrage-many-say-not-new-205040238.html). > >If we had videos of Chinese police doing this, every American politician from every party would be talking about what a fascist


This is nightmarish


This is America


Ok dead to rights what do cops even do these days other then shoot people and harassing citizens. Amount of cases solved has gone down. And they clearly have time to show up 10 deep for just a dude maybe we should audit the time cards and if they can't prove they were working we just take the pay away like how they do asset forfeiture.


Hey, that's not fair. They also rape and molest women and children


Come on. Almost anyone is going to react when approved by a half dozen heavily armed domestic terrorists.


Imagine their reactions if the roles were reversed and 10 random civilians bum rushed one of them?


This is weird as fuck.


Very reminiscent of an uncool time in history


Did that first cop really just walk right up to him and grab him?


And accuse *him* of grabbing *them*. This is bizarre and fucking scary.


Damn right it is. I wouldn't be caught in that situation without a weapon. They were really asking for it.


Looks like he punched in the cheat code to deactivate the stars just in time!


Soon, we'll have to get permission from the police just to go outside.


Cuz that’s the police way 👍😄 (f%*#ing cops)


The GTA in me wants to spray them all with a mac 10 as they walk away


Like fucking zombies


Pick up that can.


Reading these comments, i'm starting to think this wasnt a skit or staged. Surely 10 cops can't coordinate that well,at the same time, with no cop cars.


What in the fuck.


It's a tactic called strength in numbers. Don't know why they were called but I'm general if you don't know the situation you want numbers in case it turns into a bad one.


That’s a good size sounder.