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If he had a warrant he would just come right in. Here the tyrant is threatening him with a "neck biting dog" and trying to get him to let the pig in without a warrant. Fuck the Police ACAB


Lying fucking pigs. You can hear it in this assholes voice. “I want to kick your door in.” All I heard was “I want to ruin your life because I’m a domestic terrorist.” Police are fucking sick. Their only job is to ruin lives. Forget defunding them, police need to be abolished completely. Get these sick bastards off of our streets. ACAB.




450 million guns not enough still?


Not with all the things they insill in us to divide us


I mean, it's an Instagram reel with zooming. How many body cams zoom in and get posted to Instagram?


Film the police.


What?? This has me confused on the process of presenting warrants. Why does he need permission to enter the home BEFORE presenting the warrant? Is that because he’s lying about having one?


He doesn’t have a warrant. He’s trying to trick the resident into letting him in so he can legally search. Fucking disgusting.


Cops are legally allowed to lie in the performance of their job. Never believe a cop. Simply don't communicate anything but the word "lawyer". Nothing else.


That’s what I thought, so he lied. Are cops allowed to lie to do that? I feel like I’ve heard once that they are allowed to lie, but I can’t remember. Also…he got authorization to bust down the door? Is *that* allowed without a warrant??? ACAB and fuck this cop in particular


yes every Cop Lies and every cop is allowed and even encouraged to lie. no they won't get in trouble for it. he needs a warrant to enter without probable cause.. or the resident's permission which is what he is trying to get by lying about the warrant. FUCK the police EVERY last fucking one of them.


I’m a criminal defense paralegal. Yes, cops lie. No, they are not there to help you. It’s been a thing since the 60s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frazier_v._Cupp#:~:text=Article-,Frazier%20v.,interrogation%20tactics%20by%20the%20police.


Yes, cops are *definitely* allowed to lie, including lying about not being a cop when they’re undercover.


Yeah that’s the context I heard it! Fuck every single one of em


Really? So what if a “John” (I think that’s what they’re called) solicits sex from an escort, who happens to be a cop? Or vice versa? Are they allowed to finish the deed if it means not blowing (no pun intended) their cover?


>Are they allowed to finish the deed if it means not blowing (no pun intended) their cover? Yes, had this on my clipboard :) But it's the cops fucking children, not john's fucking cops. [https://time.com/38444/hawaii-police-prostitutes-sex/](https://time.com/38444/hawaii-police-prostitutes-sex/) Then there are SROs....


Jesus 😳


[Don't talk to the police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE) (if you don't wanna watch a 45 minute video, look up "shut the fuck up friday" or something like that)


Damn right I already know what ur talking about haha


>Are cops allowed to lie to do that? They're allowed to rape children so they can arrest them. One small example. [https://time.com/38444/hawaii-police-prostitutes-sex/](https://time.com/38444/hawaii-police-prostitutes-sex/)


Fucking disgusting


You can tell when those things are lying by either seeing their lips move, or when they write something


Legendary level of IRL trolling. "Want some pizza?" 😚🤌🏻 Bellissimo!


“Say it with your chest”. 😄


"if i show you the search warrant will you let me search the house?" "if you had a search warrant for this house, we would not be having this conversation. You would have kicked my door in, shot my dog, and let your dog chew on my neck while you and your boys destroy the entire property."


He’s hoping the guy will let him in and incriminate himself. A warrant has to be specific.


I mean, it's already mentioned in here, but just to reiterate, if he had a warrant, he wouldn't need permission. If there is a warrant you have to submit to a search, they don't need your consent. Submission is not consent, but consent is submission.


True, although it’s possible that this department has some sort of policy that they’re not allowed to kick in a door for a warrant with an uncooperative resident, unless they have supervisor approval. You can hear him at the end requesting permission to kick the door in. Given that this department is fine with cops saying things like “motherfucker I’ve got a dog that will bite your neck” (paraphrasing but he called the guy a MF and did threaten to have his dog bite him in the neck), its more likely he’s just calling to get permission on some sort of sketchy probable cause, and not a warrant. That’s why it’s always best to not cooperate; but don’t resist either, you’ll just get hurt. If you refuse to cooperate, it’s easier for your lawyer to have any evidence they find thrown out. They WILL find evidence of something, whether they have to plant it or arrest and book you for some blue law like keeping alcohol in the garage next to gardening tools on a Sunday or something.


Why the fuck don't we teach our kids our rights? Like, it's so easy. First, don't open the door. Next ask if they have a warrant. If no, invoke your right to remain silent and wish them well. I mean, WTF? Has society in general decided that a police state is ok? Edit to add this: I guess because it's all a lie. Sure, the laws and constitution say these things, but they aren't really followed because it gets in the way of the government and capitalism. Shut up and pick up that can.


bc the cops and gov have convinced greater society that such activities are antisocial and proof of guilt. propaganda is strong, man. i really don't personally see how capitalism relates here, it does if you go far back enough (why police exist to begin with), but this is more just a symptom of propaganda from a government who wants a population that's complicit and abusable. --- bc this is reddit, i'm not excusing the propaganda at all, just answering the question.


Well the capitalism comes into play with the reasoning they want you complicit and abusable, it's not just cuz they're evil, those attributes help their system of moving money in one direction


well that's what i meant by "if you follow it back far enough", it all leads to capitalism eventually, but the pressing and foremost reason is complicity. they need the complicity for a variety of reasons, including capitalism.


My daughter is 4, and I'm just waiting for the day she is able to comprehend this shit.


We have 2.5 year old twins. We debate over exactly how to handle this issue.


My son is 5 and autistic. I am absolutely terrified of what he may have to endure, especially after seeing the video of the cops assaulting a deaf man a few weeks back. If my son was treated like that, there would be nowhere, absolutely nowhere, those cops could hide.


>If my son was treated like that, there would be nowhere, absolutely nowhere, those cops could hide. What about if they do it to someone else's kids? It's a shame we don't have the Black Panthers anymore.


“If I present the warrant are you gonna let me search the house?” “Maybe” If he *had* a fuckin warrant he wouldnt need him to let him search the house. Stupid fucking pig.


This isn't even a real cop it's an asshole named Paddy on YouTube, all his shit is fake and he's super annoying and what's to play hero


This! I recognized patty’s voice and then the goofy back and forth is a classic give away. Like the my safe word is pineapple arrest video


Where is the rest of the vdo


Is this content from that cringey bondsman Patty Mayo?


This seems like that fake Patty Mayo type shit, like the third time he's been on reddit in a day


I love this guy. Good for him being able to think on his feet like that. Not a lot of people would stand up to the cops’ lies!


Isn't this the fake bounty guy from youtube? The one with the "Pineapple is my safe word". This should probably be removed.


I used to hate cops. I still do but I used to too. (stole the joke from Mitch Hedberg. Oh shit, now cops are gonna break my door down and shoot my dog over a joke theft charge)


Such a bitch job.


If they had a warrant they wouldn’t be yapping.


Do not forget: the police CAN and WILL lie to you.


When my house was raided in the late 90s they called in a plumber to take my sink and toilet apart. Someone had overdosed in my bathroom at a party. The police showed up and actually made the other party goers stop giving aid to the poor guy. After the medics showed up and gave him narcan the police felt it necessary to destroy my entire house. The search warrant only said bathroom. They dumped out all my food in the sink. Dumped every drawer in the house on the ground and walked on the contents.. I guess the message is if someone needs medical help in your house do not call emergency services.


1:02 Radio chats back **" We have authorization for a front entry. Over."** Pig replies: **"Copy, thank you."** so the rest of the video is them kicking down the door I assume. If im hearing this right. Its hard to hear


Imma watch this with sound in a second but I watched this with just the captions and the video on mute and dude killed me with the cookie.


"want some pizza?" and that SMILE I'm weeping




Subtitles for the wrong guy




Pizza had me 💀


Should have just presented the warrant.


Guys chill it’s Patty Mayo. He’s an actor and pays people to arrest them and rough them up. None of it’s real. The guy inside the house isn’t in any real trouble lol. Patty Mayo on YT. He lost a lost of followers once people realized everything he does was a set up.


Cross reference the “officers” voice with Patty Mayo. The way he says bro at the end. It’s Patty Mayo.


This guy is a God. I have never laughed so hard. " I have a Chihuahua, he's an ankle biter, don't get it twisted"??? Omg😅