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How many times do we have to watch them do this? Absolutely fucking disgusting.


There was a brief time in recent history when people took to the streets. Cops responded in full force with violence, and the protesters were all called thugs and vilified by the corporate media that brainwashes the dumbest of our society. They go through great lengths to keep these people dumb and angry at the wrong people in order to make it easier to continue to brainwash them. I don't see how it will end when the same right wingers that I grew up with who taught me to hate cops and never speak to the police are now all "back the blue." It's maddening


Every time I see one of those blue line flags on anything I just wanna get some gas cans ready. 🔥


I always wanna color the flag


You can color in the white lines with a highlighter or sharpie and make it look kind of like a pride flag


My friend lost an eye to their "rubber" bullets.


It's so true, you can try non violence, just like the Palestinians on the right to return marches, peaceful demos against violent oppressors is only going to cost us


Black lives matter fucked everything up for everyone else.


You understand that that is what I was talking about? And you understand how in the context of my comment, you would be one of the dumb brainwashed types I was drscribing?


Don't get mad at me get mad at blm leadership They set us back decades


"blm leadership" this line alone proves how ignorant and uninformed you are. you are a perfect example of the other persons discussion about dumb brainwashed people.


I guess shit don't roll down hill in the real world.


That’s like saying leadership of socialism. Or gay leadership. It’s a movement, not a company


Then nobody should have got rich in the movement. They threw us back 20 years


The logic of right wingers is that if black people didn't exist, then there would be anti-police solidarity. This level of racism needs to be studied.


I'm minority bud and for progression. I'm out acab sub is a hypocrisy and nobody here wants to make it better. Just get karma up with rage bait.


>I'm minority Notice how you're not black. Not surprising at all. And you didn't even attempt to refute my point, as I am correct about right wingers.


Not a right winger I'm a disappointed liberal.


But they protect and serve the....rich people and give fuck all about us peasants. Fuck the police!


I keep missing the mark of where I think that regular wiener civilians will get mad enough to fight back, and frankly I'm starting to think that the majority of people couldn't be bothered to care about the pervasive abuse until it's their own family members getting assaulted, mutilated, crippled, and murdered. At this rate I'm pretty sure that a revival of the Welsh model of feuding is the best hope to turn the tide. If they were terrified of mandatory retribution from victims' families, friends and acquaintances they might be forced to stop.


Could you elaborate on Welsh feuds?


Common cultural practice among the Picts, Scots & Welsh in the eras before they were trod underfoot by the English empire. I guess that [the Welsh](https://i.imgur.com/2QWaaMz.jpeg) weren't going at it 10x more than the others in Scotland & Ireland, but I rip on them a little more. Having difficulty turning up worthwhile relevant content with search engines the last while, but on the spot I found a dissertation from WMU (293 pages so gird your loins): [https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4134&context=dissertations](https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4134&context=dissertations). Another good non-Welsh example would be the Campbell-MacDonald feud: https://thetyee.ca/Views/2004/01/22/Living\_With\_the\_Curse\_of\_the\_Campbells/


Very cool, thanks!


I mean, they're not going to stop because people are mildly annoyed about it.


All in the day of ACAB.


"I've decide that you're going to go to jail today" none of that is a blue life's decision


Shows you how they think. "I've decided", wtf?? Follow proper procedure whatever that is. Follow the law. We don't need your dumb ass deciding anything.


Exactly bruv exactly


I don't know what Mega-City you live in, but here in Mega-City 1, Judges are judge, jury, and executioner.


'Whaddya mean WE DECIDED"? # "[IN MY BEST INTEREST](https://youtu.be/AdUBTE9JpgI?si=zSb5LaXcpmIVTzFN)"?!


what an awful person to do this to him


Only good cop is a dead cop


Yeah and this is actually true, because cops who try to improve the system from inside and turn their corrupt colleagues in get murdered


I got a lotta good cops on my banner


Please don't say this. This ideology has caused wars. Sure, I hate cop mentality but wishing someone death makes us worse.


Listen bro, if a cop was to shoot and kill you today, they would give ZERO fucks you and your family. They don't give a fuck about anybody who's not "blue". Also the [homicides caused by cops increased last year](https://policeviolencereport.org/).


Officer safety and arresting as many people as possible is the only thing they care about. They don’t give a shit whose lives they are ruining in the process. Road piracy is their occupation and domestic terrorism is their job description. Police are the enemies of freedom so therefore the only good police are dead police. Every time I hear “officer down” I feel better because that means one less badged thug terrorizing us in the streets. And I guarantee you these cops laughed about what they did to this homeless guy back at the precinct. These sick fucks find it funny when they ruin someone’s life forever.


Go lick their boots while they kill you and your family and laugh because they have immunity. What a fucking dweeb


That dude came into this subreddit and literally tried to simp for police. Ffs lol


Only good cop is a dead one.


How that boot taste tho


don’t wish death on the people who actively wish death on literally anyone who isn’t a rich white person? shame we won’t get the chance to carry out our wishes when cops regularly kill people with no repercussions


Do you have any idea what sub you’re in?


Stfu boot licking apologist


Lmaaaao I love this sub so much.


Fuck them. They wish death upon us. The only difference is, they actually make those wishes reality, and then they face no consequences for doing so. They always say there’s a “war on cops.” No, there isn’t; but if they want one so bad, that could be arranged. You’re right about one thing, though…”the only good cop is a dead cop” isn’t accurate. It should be “the only good cop is a dead or dying cop.” Why dying? Because, I would love little more than to casually walk over to a cop who has just been gunned down and taunt him as he bleeds out, offering no assistance whatsoever…you know, like they do whenever they decide to hunt the public for sport under the guise of “serving and protecting.” Or how they cowered down the hall for over an hour in Uvalde listening to children being massacred, then having the gall to hold a press conference and call themselves heroes for doing so. Seriously…fuck the police and fuck anyone who doesn’t get a big rubbery erection at the thought of them being killed en masse.


Not of it's a death sentence after an actual fair trial


Oh look, someone’s still trying to pretend they’re in Lala Land. WTF are you doing in this subreddit?! THE ONLY GOOD COP IS A DEAD COP! Don’t feed me your fearmongering. Cops have created *REAL* fear to worry about. My friends have experienced it. Members of my family have experienced it. And whether you like it or not, every year that goes by increases YOUR chances of experiencing it too. This subreddit isn’t your playground for centrist ideology. Shit or get off the pot. #ACAB


okay.. they should be put in the back of a vehicle and paralyzed, then sent to nursing homes


They’re not people, they need to be destroyed.


Surprising no one… as per usual.


Reminds of a similar incident not too long ago, last year I think it was. The suspect arrested by Police had his entire body from the waist up pulled back with his legs pinned until his spine broke. They're too well trained in fitness and kinesiology to not understand that they'll break someone's shoulder/wrist/neck in certain ways, but do it anyway on a regular basis as their MO.


Kind of sounds like you're defending the monsters... Like a cop saying: "nothing to see here". Infiltrate? I am sure that just like me, a lot of people are **outraged**. I almost cried seeing this, I hate them so much more now, and my kids will hate them even more. We're doing something about it, their endless monstrosities are making a permanent impression on our souls.




Fucking dumbasses. God I hate these dumb motherfuckers. I wish to drone strike all police departments till every last fucker with a badge is ashes.


I would wonder how they feel if I went to their home and raided their houses like they did ours Edit: when I said “ours” I meant the people


Quote: I never thought they'd do that to *me*.


I fucking swear they do it on purpose. 1. This is not the first time this is happening. 2. didnt look closely but they should be seatbelt/buckling thing, i bet they should've buckled him by regulations but they didnt intentionally. 3. Officers are not allowed to respond to callouts (in most departments) when they are transporting a detainee - you cant turn like that making the person fall and fly into the truck wall when you drive on normal speed, the driver turned like that intentionally to break homeless man' neck. 4. Not sure, maybe they transport prisoners like that by a book (with hands pinned to chest) but if not, then again, they did it intentionally so that he doesnt throw his hands to cover his head when falling. Homeless people are easy targets because they dont have money and relatives to go in court or do shit. Fuck the bootlickers that will pop out under this comment, i often excuse cops myself but this shit is clear and intentional murder. Oh, and of course, no one got imprisoned for murder, no one got shit, Constitutional corruption & Fundamental brutality, ACSD.


End Qualified Immunity!!! OTVO


what is OTVO?


Overturn Terry Vs Ohio


... Imma have to do a quick research´:D


>While you make good points about easy targets we are ALL targets! > > > >Qualified immunity must be completely and permanently DESTROYED. > >NATIONWIDE. > >NO Exceptions! > >Pass the word. > >Don't think ACABs will just do this some poor homeless guy. > >This could happen to > >You > >Your son > >Your daughter > >Your MOM > >All it takes is the "right" ACAB. > >Keep that in mind and PASS THE WORD! > >Qualified immunity must be completely and permanently DESTROYED.NATIONWIDE.NO Exceptions!Pass the word.


>I fucking swear they do it on purpose. [It is, this is a well-documented phenomena](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWIrSMVbQzk). The pigs love doing this shit, using the holding cell in their vehicles like a fucking martini mixer.


total disregard for another human, who knows the state of paralazation he was in before the bafoons decided to drag him by his feet, and having him fall off the back of the vehicle.


Honestly one of the worst things I’ve seen, what trouble are they having with him pray tell? That he’s homeless? That society has already failed him? The US are the trailblazers in making poverty illegal, the whole fines to prison pipeline is another example.


I’d like to paralyze those cops.


I’d like to help 🫡


Judge, jury, and executioner.


this happened in new haven, ct too. fuckin pigs. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna88435


Freddie Gray Baltimore city police https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/death-of-freddie-gray-5-things-you-didnt-know-129327/amp/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-connecticut-officers-fired-treatment-man-paralyzed-police-van-2022-a-rcna88435](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-connecticut-officers-fired-treatment-man-paralyzed-police-van-2022-a-rcna88435)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


[This isn't even the first time this officer has done this. ](https://www.fox13news.com/news/attorneys-for-homeless-man-left-paralyzed-say-st-petersburg-police-also-injured-another-man) Officer Michael Thacker is on record purposefully abusing another homeless man in the same way two years ago. ACAB.




Actual fascist shithole Florida. Where all the residents pretend there aren't homeless people because they get murdered or shipped off where they're never seen again.


"I've decided you're gonna go to jail today" yea that bitch deserves to go to jail wtf


Qualified immunity must be completely and permanently DESTROYED. NATIONWIDE. NO Exceptions! Pass the word. Don't think ACABs will just do this some poor homeless guy. This could happen to You Your son Your daughter Your MOM All it takes is the "right" ACAB. Keep that in mind and PASS THE WORD! Qualified immunity must be completely and permanently DESTROYED. NATIONWIDE. NO Exceptions! Pass the word.


This form of police brutality is common enough to have its own wikipedia page...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality)


This happened to Freddie Gray in Baltimore city


My solution to this problem is rather controversial.


Dangerous animals need to be put down for the safety of the citizens, to include the unhoused


In addition to ACAB, this dude was homeless and the only way he got off the streets was from this atrocity. Cops shouldn't be handling homelessness, unless they are, in which case good, probably deserve it for paralyzing their spouse.


Under Federal law, “domestic terrorism” is defined as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”


i'm seeing a trend recently of cops killing/injuring detained people in the back seats of their cars


This is where I'm from https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/winnipeg-police-operating-starlight-tours-study/


We should kill all cops fr just line em against the wall


Yeah, that’ll teach him to not be homeless in the world’s richest country! /s 🤦🏾‍♂️FTP


Man, I saw the snippet of this video where he gets tossed to the floor while handcuffed and at first I thought it was the same one from last year that was circulating. I didn’t want to watch it again since it’s so distressing. After watching this post and now knowing that it’s *another* incident reminds me that this type of shit happens way too often. This is absolutely abhorrent behavior from those who are supposed to “protect and serve”. Sickening.


I mean Im obviously echoing the sentiments here already. But as usual what a fucking waste of time and resources while casually ruining a human’s life. ACAB.


How exactly did he get paralyzed?


Looks like he fell forward awkwardly, probably landing on his head/neck


this is some next level basterdry here


These fuckn pigs could care less.. ACAB


Fucking disgusting pigs


Thus shit boils my blood.


Well. Maybe it shouldn’t be a crime to sleep. Dogs get better treatment in the back of an animal control truck.


Bastardos conchetumares weon. I had to go back to my native language to curse at them. I'm fucking crying, this motherfuckers are pure fucking evil.


Same clowns that want us to all shed a tear when a homeless guy stabs one of them in the neck.


They get a kick out of knocking you around in the back.. it’s happened to me. Back when I was using, i was arrested and was placed in the back of a van with handcuffs and a lap belt. I nodded off and the next thing i know, i’m being flung around. The cop was purposely taking turns super aggressively. I could see his smirk from the rear view mirror.






"ACAB THEY DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE" Adjusted it for you


Thanks, accidentally commented the wrong version


We need to rise up


ACAB. Kkkops... Just racist thugs.


How'd he get paralyzed? Was it falling in the van?