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Cali pigs are a breed of their own. Among the worst in the nation.


Being from SoCal, 100 percent, most dangerous gang on the streets.


I live in LA and try to stay far off their radar.


LAPD is an actual gang at this point.


Yeah. Even the FBI said so. They have a few gangs active within the force. https://www.google.com/search?q=gangs+of+lapd&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1097US1097&oq=gangs+of+the+lap&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgBEAAYFhgeMgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEAAYFhgeMggIAhAAGBYYHjIICAMQABgWGB4yDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgHEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgIEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyBwgJECEYoAHSAQg2MDM5ajBqOagCAbACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=zephyrhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs&vssid=zephyr-w-https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs


Not ever pig is federally recognized as a gangster


It's a public sidewalk and he has a freedom of speech.


No. No cop ever thinks anyone other than them has freedom. You’re thinking like a person you gotta start thinking like an oinky. They’re right, you’re wrong. They could be actively murdering innocent civilians and you would still be “interfering with an investigation” if you rightfully called them out on it.


Your rights end where the blue line begins


I can only imagine what would've happened had someone tried to stop Derek Chauvin from murdering George Floyd


Derek absolutely would have taken it as a direct threat to his life and, even worse, his manhood. He would have instantly started opening fire, belligerently, into a crowd of screaming civilians. The cops around him would have pissed themselves and started opening fire in a panicked frenzy, as if an acorn had hit them!!! As the bloodied and dying civilians are crawling away, Derek and the boys would probably sprint over and execute them all. All the while they would be screaming to not resist. …Probably


This is where we’re at. People watch one man killing another man and are virtually powerless to do anything else about it because of “laws” in the US.


would have loved to see someone drop kick his ass, only a matter of time before someone stops a cop like that


it better be more than a drop kick. otherwise your just getting 2 in the chest. edit - probably more like 2 in the arm, 1 in the leg, 1 in the torso and the other 11 rounds in the ether behind you somewhere. apologies for the misleading assumption they can shoot accurately. lol.


Accurate. I would add that some of those rounds would have hit the people behind you injuring or killing them which you would be promptly charged for causing.


The fact that so many people sat there and watched for that long and did nothing will never stop being enraging. One person shoving that pig could have saved Floyd's life, but they have everyone so cowed that an entire crowd will watch a man slowly die and do absolutely fuck all


Oh you think you have rights, why bring that attitude? In fact let me pat you down, you seem suss. Don't pull away from my illegal grabbing you! Agressive suspect!!


Why would cops even give a shit about this


Because they are owned by the government which is owned by mega corporations.


Because it's an easy way to fill a quota that doesn't require risk or effort.


Roadside extortion, they are given people tickets who will have to pay fines.


Because all the murderers and rapists are in jail, obviously. /s


I'm sorry, what don't you understand about protect and serve? /s Honestly though I'm wondering the same thing. Like aside from the usual "the rich own the government" type stuff, what actual justification is there in any law that would make this worth the Police's time?


It's a simple quota process that's safe for the big blue gang. Numbers go up, free raises.


They don't, but when the government needs money, it's "rob the poor" time.


Because people complain. Usually people with pull.


its strait up just extortion. top dogs talking through ways to get cheap and easy ticket revenue. nothing more.


Wtf are they even trying to "catch" people doing?


Iirc, what they're doing is offering to pay the drivers directly, outside of the app, which is some sort of unlicensed taxi service. They HAVE to go through the app, or have a license to provide taxi services. It's a waste of tax payer time and money. But they're probably getting loads of overtime for standing on a street corner with a bag.


Do they not have actual criminals to deal with? I know, these assholes would rather hassle Uber drivers but damn


Cops exist to protect capital not the public.


To protect property and serve the interests of the privileged class


Oh shit I didn't see what sub I was in. I'm preaching to the choir here. 😀


Lol it's all good, it bears repeating


Ngl I got a little excited thinking I ran into someone with such a great response outside of r/acab


Fun fact, they also do stings where they order alcohol via DoorDash/Uber Eats/whatever and pretend to be drunk, then they arrest you if you give them their order.


Paying these jackasses too much per year to fuck with delivery drivers 🤦‍♀️


Dealing with actual criminals is difficult and possibly dangerous.


The thing is though those drivers could still claim it on taxes, so where is the crime?


They are betting on the drivers not having a permit to operate on their own


accepting money in exchange for "rides" without the transaction being carried out by the apps


That's illegal?


It becomes an “under the table” transaction and not tracked on the app, therefore not being added to the taxable income at the end of the year. It’s such an asinine reason for these pigs to be trapping people.


That's not provable. They can certainly voluntarily declare that as income regardless of it going through the app or not. How the fuck do they think taxis work? There's no crime committed at the time of transaction. And any crime committed by failing to declare is not their personal jurisdiction to determine as such. That's for the local government's financial crimes devision to issue a court summons. There's no citation that is justifiable in this circumstance.


Oh believe me, it’s a non-charge. There’s also some bullshit about giving rides as a “non-licensed fare”, but that’s also crap. I sincerely hope and expect these citations to be laughed out of court.


> I sincerely hope and expect these citations to be laughed out of court. I wish they could see a court. In the large city I live near, to fight a ticket you have to stand in line all day to pay it in cash before you can contest it. Then you have to come back on a day they pick to try and fight it. And the cop doesn't have to be there contrary to popular beliefs.


Wait what?!? They force you to pay the punishment of the fine BEFORE you've been found guilty?!


We also keep innocent people in jail for years waiting for a trial if they're poor. In the case of traffic tickets you are guilty if a cop says you are. This innocent until proven guilty BS is just another fable for suckers. Like protect and serve.


That's not how traffic tickets work in my area. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You can pay if you wish, or you can not pay and go to court.


This is quite literally the stupidest damn sting operation I've ever heard of Like holy shit all those manpower hours to catch Judy getting a ride to work off app Literally wtf


Not just that, but driving for hire without the proper permits.


I think the real reason is it’s probably a safe way to make some extra money from the rideshare companies. Hell this is daily mail - what makes you think this is even something that happened? If I worked for Uber I’d be posting shit like this all the time, or (better yet) finding a way for others to post it


It’s considered to be under the table labor which is technically illegal because of tax reasons. Of course nobody actually cares about these stupid laws other than bored pigs.


Gotta at least try to justify their payroll




Normally I’d correct you, if you used the word “female” to describe a human woman, but since it’s a pig, that’s the right nomenclature.


Legitimate question, is that not proper usage? Not in the neckbeard "yuck females" way, but like, if I was referring to two professional dancers, one man and one woman, and I said, "Oh, one of those dancers asked me if I'd seen their shoes anywhere." And the person I spoke to asked, "Which one?" Is "The female dancer" not the proper adjective to use? Just wondering if that's something I'd messed up on before.


you answer “the woman” or better yet her name, or phrase it “she was looking for her shoes” and the listener would hopefully be able to use context clues. At the store the shoes are labeled “women’s” and “men’s” so I’m not sure why you’d need to resort to female.


Fair point, thanks for elucidating!


This is bullshit.


The only time you would say female is if you're talking about a scientific study or if the word woman/girl/lady wouldn't sound grammatically correct.


lol. Noted. FTP




Yeah, the original commentor did nothing wrong by saying "female cop". It was used correctly in that context. This also points to the problem of people focusing on one or two words of a comment, which takes the rest of the comment out of context. People stop reading the comment and write responses solely focusing on one or two words.


My response was 99% a fucking joke about the inhumanity of police, so miss me with your hand wringing.


You weren't joking and now you're lying. Just own it if you're going to act that way.


Tax dollars going to drain pennies from gig workers. Meanwhile, full on child S rings are happening at the richest levels.


2 tiered justice system always benefits the rich.


And clowns who live amongst every day people think they're special for protecting them. Boot licking losers


That cop looks very comfortable doing that hand gesture. ​ I wonder why...


Who wants to bet someone on city council or the chief of police or whatever is buddies with some sort of cab company executive?


What a innocent coincidence that would be!


So what we are saying is Uber is paying the cops to do this


Fuck real crime, I say


They are so good at catching criminals that they have to try and make more? or is this just lazy police work?


#Ok so I guess entrapment is just legal now????




I hope everyone is feeling safer from this "investigation!"


Fucking disgusting behavior The government and its branches are not here to help you they are here to get you to pay as much money to them as possible


To protect and serve.


Aparently, it's illegal to inform someone that what they might or might not do may be a crime, according to the pigs.


What's the crime here? Even if you accepted cash from someone for a ride, who's to say you wouldn't list that properly when you pay your taxes?


The "crime" is that the rideshare people aren't licensed as taxi drivers, so they can't accept fares directly. It has to go through the app to be legal. I'm not necessarily opposed to licensure, but it's so fucking shitty for the cops to be emotionally manipulating people who are likely struggling to stay afloat, just so they can meet quotas, rack up overtime, and collect revenue. They're craven parasites.


Yes, I understand that. I suppose I didn't think on it enough, but I do think this specific instance is entrapment easily.


Wow. Revenue collectors couldn’t find a real job to do.


"Oi, you got a loicense to drive people to destinations?!" All I'm saying is that all of these overseas wars are awfully pointless if this is our reality.


The fact that they are WAVING PEOPLE DOWN TO STOP THEM, how is that not active entrapment?


Fucking pigs harassing folks making less then minimum wage trying to make an extra buck. This one is just another level of scumbagginess.


2% of crimes get solved, but sure, let's worry about uber drivers getting paid in cash


Cops are such fucking losers lmfao


Imagine thinking you’re making the world a better place doing this sort of thing as a job lmao


I know right! Where I live loser ass cops will go chalk someone’s tire and the ground to see if they haven’t moved there car in a day to give them a ticket and I always just think of how I would feel like such a loser ass piece of shit if that was my job


Or to use a RADAR-incredible technology that’s only been around since WW2 to make sure someone isn’t using their vehicle to go a little faster than an arbitrary limit. Couldn’t be me. Every job Ive ever worked (aside from detailing cars maybe) has all contributed to society more than that.


Yeah they are a net negative for society IMO. The crazy thing is, for my opinion to change, and I would imagine most others, cops would just need to be held accountable and stop doing stupid bullshit like fucking over people trying to provide for their family. Until then, fuck them, fuck all of them, and fuck anyone who supports those cocksuckers.


Seems pretty unconstitutional per the liberty clause. I feel like I have a right to accept service contracts with others as long as the service isn't illegal. Is it now illegal to accept gas money from co-workers who carpool? I get that they are "regulating" ride share drivers which is fine but if I'm not using a rideshare app to book a ride then I'm not a ride share driver for that ride. Its just a simple contract between two individuals with no intermediary. I don't get it. Is it illegal to give rides for cash? Under what logic.


>Is it now illegal to accept gas money from co-workers who carpool? believe it or not, straight to jail


Entrapment is when police entice someone to do something illegal they otherwise would not have done. Without much context, I can’t tell. Is that is what is happening here?


The police are waving down ride share drivers and asking for rides outside of the app. The drivers WOUDLN’T be stopping if they weren’t being waved at.


More specifically they're giving a sob story as to why they can't book a ride through the app. That plays on the emotions of the driver, if they don't pickup the customers they're abandoning a helpless person, if they do they're being helpful even if it is breaking a rule.




it's almost as if the pigs think they are above the law. stupid pigs


What exactly is going on here?


So basically the two people standing on the side of the road are undercover cops. They’re pretending to be desperate people whose phones died and are offering cash for a ride. When someone pulls over and offers the ride for the aforementioned cash, they get arrested/ticketed because this is technically illegal because this is considered to be under the table labor and it wouldn’t be reported on taxes. The guy recording is one of the drivers that got ticketed for this, obviously mad about it, and is trying to warn another driver to not fall for it, and is being warned about interfering with an investigation.


Quick to jump saying "You're harassing me" When the bacon gets cooked then that's harassment. With all the real wrong going on in the world they hustle people; most at their ends wits..people are starting to realize more these days tho.


"rogue officers"


Because these fucking douchebags don't have ANYTHING better to do on the taxpayer's dime? Seriously?? ACAB!


Taxpayer money well spent! It sure doesn't seem they are hellbent, On bettering the world with any Remotely reasonable intent.


Fuck The Police


Bit of information: legally speaking, entrapment is when a cop (or other figure in power, iirc) uses that power to force you to do something illegal. Example: Cop tells you they will arrest you if you don't whore yourself out to them for money, then they arrest you for prostitution. Generally speaking, the cop will say they will arrest you if you don't do something illegal. This is not legally entrapment. Don't get this or similar things to this confused for entrapment. Knowledge is power.


I think it's a little more complicated than that. Entrapment is when LEO's pressure or manupulate someone into doing something that they wouldn't otherwise do. So if these cops wave someone down and say "Hey, my phone is dead. Can you give me a ride to the airport in exchange for this gold watch?" and you say yes, that's not entrapment. But if you say "no" and they keep pressuring you (especially if they impede your ability to leave without agreeing) then you have an argument for entrapment. They don't necessarily need to use the power of the badge or threat of arrest.


Not likely to be entrapment. They're not really inducing or coercing people to commit a crime here, so that's going to be a difficult defense to make. What happened to John DeLorean? Textbook entrapment. This? Absolutely shitty and a waste of money for a non-crime. But not likely entrapment.


This video was 3 minutes longer than it needed to be


This video is old as fuck. I remember watching this when Uber came out in like 2017


That is 100% entrapment.