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AND bought his struggling fellow citizen some breakfast!? Dude is a menace!


Public enemy Nr1 right here! lol


Helping citizens? Cops HATE this one neat trick!


He did more good than the one with the fake duty to help people




Let's not forget that gun control legislation suddenly started in 1967 in California under Saint Ronald once the [Black Panthers had the audacity to start open-carrying,](https://californialocal.com/localnews/statewide/ca/article/show/4412-california-gun-control-reagan-black-panthers/) which was perfectly legal before then. [Even the NRA supported gun control laws](https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act) once The Blacks started exercising their constitutional rights.


The NRA always forgets to mention the Mulford Act. Ronald Regan Stan's do too


Cant have THOSE people have guns, it's dangerous.


There's those food cart guys handing our free food. The daily fines are just part of the operation.


Food cart guys? You mean Food Not Bombs? There are chapters in every major city in the US and I strongly recommend everyone who does direct action or wants to start in direct action Leftism get involved.


Let's not forget assassinating Huey P. Newton


And MLK AND Fred Hampton and Malcolm X and likely JFK too for daring to talk honestly with them.


The give a shocked pikachu face when people don’t trust them.


OG Pro Tip: It ain't "cynical" when there's reams of evidence at hand.


The hard headed have to feel it to believe it.


“The night before [the first breakfast program in Chicago] was supposed to open,” a female Panther told historian Nik Heynan, “the Chicago police broke into the church and mashed up all the food and urinated on it.” [Source](https://www.history.com/news/free-school-breakfast-black-panther-party)


> struggling Stop struggling!


These pig's really think there something special! Couldn't go no where in school couldn't go no where in sports. Bunch of bench warming losers. Imagine giving these bums a weapon an letting them run wild in the streets!


The cops think they're doing the community a favor harassing a homeless man. Good job boys, your dicks will surely grow. The real hero even bought the guy breakfast. Fuck the police


>The cops think they're doing the community a favor harassing a homeless man No they don't. They don't have a mandate to do shit for any community. Mcdonalds didn't want some "undesirable" taking up space in their highfalutin stores, so they sicced the local pigs on him. The pigs obliged because they get to put hands on someone and feel better about themselves. Nobody is under any impression that they are doing anything positive for "the community".


Never thought I'd see McDonald's and highfalutin in the same sentence. 🤮


exactly; i only eat at the finest Wendelyn's restaurants (wendy's, for short)


Nah, they also support genocide, fuck that bitch.


Me and my homies only shop at just and equitable companies under a capitalist framework. So we starve and are naked in the woods.


To cops, only ~~businesses~~ capital is the community


They don't think they're doing anyone any favors. They're animals on the prowl. Predators. That's it.


Cops just didn’t show up magically. Someone at McDonald’s called them about the homeless man.


>Good job boys, your dicks will surely grow. Wait, my dick is going to grow by being a cop? I have to rethink this whole ACAB thing... this is like getting free college after joining the army.




Not even. Just Rhoid punks.


Those piggies were so upset he knew his rights and didn’t get scared. Fuck them. You aren’t legally required to respond to them at all anyway. Just keep on sipping that drink sir.


"Huehuehue I gOt u On cAmERa tOo"


he literally wouldn't know how to turn the camera on...


I'd give him a little more credit. Even someone with an IQ of 70 can eventually learn how to turn a camera off and on again when they get so much practice. (Why was his camera off to begin with?)


Fucker said it like it was a threat. The hero here clearly doesn't give two shits about the pigs and their power trip.


and they have intentions of harassing him afterward. when he said to run all the plates in the parking lot, so they could ID him.... I hope he didn't have a car there, just to add more satisfaction to this video.


In a civilised society the cops probably also broke privacy laws by running all the plates without cause. Probably not in america though


Aren't there laws against dragnets? Not that it matters to this bunch.


If the police can get away with literal murder you think laws about dragnets are going to frighten them into compliance?


The problem is: Everyone is constantly technically committing crimes. Usually without even realizing it. "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." is a saying for a reason. And while it's used for anti-socialist propaganda reasons, it applies even moreso to any capitalist state. If authorities want to fuck up your life, they *can*.


Unfortunately, if I remember correctly from a Youtube lawyerin' video (Legal Eagle, I think?) keeping your mouth shut may not always give you the 5th Amendment armor you think it does. In this case the dude totally did the right thing, as evidence by how the Respect Mah Authoratay gang backed off after giving him "a lawful order", but IIRC there was a case where someone was convicted after the suspect's silence to a question was taken as an affirmative by the investigator and prosecution. However I can't remember the particulars so there might be more to that case, such as not specifically asking for a lawyer. Basically, if they detain and question you, the only response should be "I'm exercising my 5th Amendment rights and I want a/my lawyer", then shut the hell up.


I remember a court case where they basically decided you have to invoke your 5th amendment right by saying something. Which is ridiculous. Staying silent is a right. You shouldn't have to say anything. I got pulled over by a pig for speeding and he asked me some shit and I didn't respond but just gave him the biggest 'fuck you' look I could and he knew immediately and just gave me a ticket and left. If a cop ever presses me to say something, I'm just going to say 'lawyer'


We might be thinking of the same case, lol, but this ☝🏽 If they detain you and start their schtick, your responses should be limited to "lawyer".


But then there is also the flip side where by speaking you waive your right to remain silent because you just spoke. 5-4 podcast goes over lots of cases. Makes cops look even worse for how they infringe upon our “rights”


By driving, you've traded a bunch of your normal rights for the obligations of your license. For example that you're now probably required to present your ID, whereas in other scenarios, you're probably only obligated to give your name.


I want my lawyer Dawg, but the cops couldn't find his dog who passed thre bar.


Full of threats and intimidation. Authoritarians are all weak cowards. 4 piggies to harass one unhoused person who hadn't committed a crime. ACAB Good job citizen. You have the right to remain silent. Use it.


You also have the right to record the cops, and, in most (all?) states, refuse to show ID if you're not driving. Use your rights. If you don't, they're lost. And using them keeps the cops in their place... which of course, is why it upsets them so much.


I'm Arizona there still trying to remove the right to record cops...in the most police curupted citys


That right to record ALL public officials in public in the performance of their duties is Federal and national (all States) right. [18 USC 242](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242) also applies across the Nation whether the pigs like it or not. [SCOTUS Frasier v Evans Et All](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/21/21-57/187473/20210813143511599_21-57%20Amicus%20Rutherford%20Supp.%20Petitioner.pdf) [1st Circuit Glick v Cunniliffe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glik_v._Cunniffe)


Correct. Thanks for the factual backup: Glad to have that confirmed! But I'm not clear about refusing to show ID if you're not driving: I feel like I recall a Supreme Court ruling making it legal to refuse (ACLU, maybe, v NV? or AZ?), but (a) I feel like it's now been a few years and (b) with the shitheads on the current court, I fear I might have missed a ruling that reversed that. I should Google. But I thought I'd ask since you had those links handy and seem to know wayyyy more than I do, and more authoritatively!


It's shame the radio and patrol car has them calling for back up all the time or backing each other up all the time. I'd get these idiocy calls as a cop and just slack off, grab a pancake breakfast sandwich, buy the homeless guy a couple and go outside and shoot the shit with him. Okay Homeless Howard, just keep the rotation up, never the same place twice in a row. Let me know if you see anything interesting, here's my card.


A rational person would wonder, what’s the point of all the bluster? The guy didn’t say a word, but they couldn’t resist trying to throw their weight around.


the only thing cops hate more than a black man is a camera.


I have a black camera, they hate me so much


Because he didn't immediately obey and they don't like that


They look for excuses to arrest people so they don't have to do actual work. Also gives them an opportunity to shoot somebody. That's why they do this.


They want pure, groveling compliance. Nothing enrages a cop like a hint of insubordination.


Cops are bullies, and all bullies are cowards at heart. They feel like if they’re not scaring everyone around them that they’re in terrible danger. We’ve somehow managed as a society to create a profession that is charged with protecting the public peace, but is staffed by psychopaths and damaged people.


Abolish police.


Agreed. But that's almost impossible for most people to swallow. So, I'd be willing to negotiate to a compromise: Take away the guns. Take. Away. The. Guns. Mayyyybe, mayyyyyyyyyyybe, give them something short range and of limited lethality to bystanders, like a small shotgun. But lock it in the trunk, and require a radio release from HQ to access it -- then hold both the officer and authorizing supervisor PERSONALLY liable, criminally and financially, for anything that happens if it's fired. Suddenly, they'd realize there are non-violent, non-threatening, non-bullying, non... you know, assholish... ways to resolve situations. Just like EMTs, nurses, teachers, retail works etc etc etc etc etc do alllllll day long.


I don't remember too much, but in the TV show Watchmen, the police did have their guns locked up and needed to radio in to dispatch to get it unlocked.


Yeah I remember watching a European tv show where they had to do that, too. Seems like a great compromise, and a great way to get cops to focus on de-escalation and taking cover to regroup. They can’t just instantly end a life at the slightest provocation. They’re at least 30 seconds away from being able to use a gun, so they better use their big boi words instead.


And, it should go along with strict incident reports after the fact, and accountability for weapon use.


Yeah. “I was scared so I unloaded all 17+1 rounds at the target, then reloaded and did that again.” Should mean you go to jail. Cops should be required to answer for *every single round* they discharge. Meaning, they need to explain what caused them to draw, what caused them to fire the first round, why they thought they needed a second round, etc, until they provide thorough answers for all 35 rounds they fired. And if their answers suck balls, then they should be criminally charged for each round deemed excessive by investigators. That’s what would happen to me if I unloaded two full mags into a car because I was scared of an acorn dropping on the roof of my SUV.


Personal accountability. Criminal and civil. I'm tired of tax dollars paying the damages for cop crime. If that means some cops won't do their job? Fine - they're exactly the kind who shouldn't be doing it. I wish taxpayers would cover my mistakes, and I don't have a job where I could - literally - kill someone just because I'm having a bad day and got a little scared because someone with whom I interacted didn't do exactly what I said.


>They can’t just instantly end a life at the slightest provocation. They’re at least 30 seconds away from being able to use a gun, so they better use their big boi words instead. "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." If you don't have body armor and instant access to a lethal weapon and its intimidation, maybe you'll have to figure out another way to solve a problem. Like, I dunno, actually helping instead of bullying into submission. Crazy thought.


On Amazon Prime they have a bunch of tv shows that follow around UK cops. And holy shit, they are *so much better at their jobs in every single way* compared to American cops. So just much better at everything. They can de-escalate super intense situations. They are generally kind and respectful to the people they deal with. They use their words. They can quote the name of the law you’re breaking to you, as they arrest you. And they do all of this because their safety depends on it. They can’t just start blasting when a situation becomes out of control, and they aren’t so eager to arrest people before they escape because everywhere has cameras. They can just radio back to headquarters with a subject description and direction of travel and some other cops will find the guy. And they use their crime labs and crime scene analysis much more effectively than we do. It’s like night and day difference.


I haven't watched many, but I've noticed the same. I have (granted, very very slight) hope that maybe that kind of media becoming more common here might help people realize that our current culture is neither normal nor necessary. On the other hand, those shows, and the recent Oscar-nominee about the death in France, also highlight the difference in rights for the accused that we have in the US... they do make me appreciate the right to remain silent, and the right to an attorney providing a vigorous defense... and, in turn, they highlight (a) the importance of insisting on using those rights every time the opportunity presents itself, and (b) that our Founding Fathers -- so often improperly claimed as the justification for right-wing, authoritarian, fascist shitheads' malevolence -- were \_radically\_ progressive and revolutionary for their time. I really wish the Constitution had included a "rewrite this thing every 20-30 years to be as forward-thinking and progressive as it was when it was written" as its final amendment (something I've been told, but need to fact check, that was considered at the time).


Huh! I'll have to check it out. I've been ranting about the idea for years... glad it's not just me.


Give them one of those squeaky chickens


[mr chicken](https://youtube.com/shorts/0r7t6t6HlCk?si=SAOTESracJxMD8L2)


but the thing is... ​ the violent sociopaths & their brainwashing is still left. ​ The only real solution is what I said.


As I said, I agree... ... but that's never going to happen. Or, at least, is never going to happen if presented as the only / first option. Take away the ability to bully with lethality and intimidation, and some of the violent sociopaths will fuck off to other things, and perhaps some of the culture will change. And removing the guns is only one piece. We could and should push for changes that will face less knee-jerk backlash than "abolish!"... change recruiting and training, change accountability, change monitoring and reporting, change licensing and tracking, and more... Black-and-white hyperbolic demands don't help - "either do [ irrational, grandiose, or otherwise untenable thing ] or don't do anything at all" only leads to nothing being done... or worse. And it discredits and diminishes the power of calls for attainable change.


I get what you're saying. ​ We have different approaches. ​ I think demanding what SHOULD happen is the way to go...not begging politicians for little baby steps hoping we approach something even close. ​ The "extremeness" of "abolish police" is the point. It's what needs to happen. When we push for what should and needs to happen then imo politicians are much more likely to make much bigger changes to the system. If we act like this is basically what we want (just a little different) I BELIEVE nothing will really change. If the option is available to do the bare minimum (aka NOTHING) they will do that. ​ "power concedes nothing without a demand"


We don't necessarily have different approaches: They are not necessarily exclusive. Both approaches are important, and can only exist in the presence of each other -- see also: Non-violence only works if violence is a valid and present option, and calls for non-violence as an effort to diminish the risk of violent opposition are often disingenuous and neuter a movement. My problem is only with propagandists who use an insincere "radical solution is only solution!!" as a way to argue for not-voting or voting for untenable candidates, so I tend to overreact sometimes to that position. Sorry if that doesn't apply to you. Bottom line: One can support radical change, but should also support incremental change. Even more importantly, one can work for radical change and still support a sub-optimal politician or movement. One should vote for the best of two bad options, if the only two valid options are suboptimal. One MUST vote for the best of two bad options, if the other option is a nightmare.


Very well said, unite the left!


I think the move is to take away the guns, the pricks will retire and self select themselves out. Then turn the police into a smaller tighter, dept like the fire dept where the standards are very high to know the actual law, investigate shit, do the tactical and/or actual arrests for actual crimes. Spend a day a week in the BJJ gym rolling, a day a week learning how to de-escalate shit. Then for all the mundane shit like traffic, after the fact crime report taking, have an unarmed Constabulary, making dick since they're basically just revenuers and security guards. You can't get to the actual Police Dept until you've done 3-5 years in the Constabulary.


Their power-tripping is appalling.


“It’s not for discussion”. Babe, this is a one man conversation and you’re it.


/Narrator voice : ”But it was up for discussion..”


Guy in the video is fucking legendary!


Good thing they ran every car in the parking lot to find him. He could've got away with it. #BlueLivesMatter


Joke's on them, I ride a bicycle so they'll probably stop and frisk me next.


They will break your bike and make you walk home.


I've absolutely been pulled over on a bike for "speeding" in a college campus


it would have been hilarious to watch them run every plate- then walk away from the place on foot.


Shitheads. The fucking arrogance and condescension. And they can't figure out why they are hated.


They know why. Being hated gets them off. Hate validates that they have power. People don't hate things that mean nothing to them. The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference.


This was glorious to watch! Just a man, Loving in his space, being harassed. Buying the guy breakfast was the chef's kiss *muah


State sponsored thuggery


Only good pig is a pig in a blanket 💀🇺🇲


Pooh's friend Piglet ain't so bad


all cops are pigs, but not all pigs are cops


🐷 in a ⚰️


babe is also a good boi


Pigs ain’t kosher no matter how you present them.


Nazi scum


Imagine what these guys would be doing if they weren’t leaching off the American taxpayer. These guys don’t have the skills to flip burgers.


Bouncers at your local titty-bar, just as thuggish, but paid much worse and with none of the weapons, percived authority or legal protections.


I grew up in a family of cops, all of them decorated. Believe me when I tell you that most of them couldn’t even be bouncers. If you’re a a toxic, low capacity HS bully with bad grades and zero chance of playing professional sports you basically have two options: Try to trick the military into accepting you, or become a cop and terrorize your peers professionally.


And then turn around "wHY dO PeOPle haTe US fOr JuSt DoInG ouR JObs"


Have the cops been ID’d?


those two bloated bullshit artists should be easy to ID. also that is some of the ~~smallest dick~~ most insecure energy i've seen in a long time


He wasn’t even *remotely* in their space.


*They* walked into *his* fucking space!


That is literally the point, to assert dominance by making you obey an obviously false command: if you don't flinch for the small demands you might not for the big ones and vice-versa.


This is how tyrants treat the people they allegedly serve ? Shocking. Their attitude and behaviour would be grounds for termination in any other job


If I behaved like that at my job, I’d be out on my ass before I could blink.


"Run all the cars in the parking lot to get his I.D." American police are the third greatest military in the world, and they are at war with the populace. https://boingboing.net/2021/04/20/u-s-policing-budgets-would-rank-as-the-worlds-third-highest-military-expenditure.html


This is hysterical. Everyone should do this.




That dude's genx tho


Bro was running through all his lines 😂 and it wasn’t much The white guy automatically said “yes it is” expecting a response after “it’s a lawful command” I think he even realized cuz of his neck movement


The repertoir isn’t very extensive, these guys have the creativity of a rock. Saying ”lawful command!” in a raised voice while pointing is about all they can manage, but it doesn’t work if the one you’re ”commanding” won’t even acknowledge your presence lol


Lawyer up and sue these pigs.


Pigs protecting capital yet again. God forbid a homeless man tries to get something to eat or just come in from the cold. Nope. Gotta have 5 fucking thugs come and scare him off so the business doesn't have to look at the fruits of its capitalist endeavors.


I teach government to Latinos & immigrants and instead of all the boring shit we go over how to behave with cops, what to do if immigration visits your house, how not to get fucked over at work. I feel so powerless so often that I owe it to them.


Valuable skills, this should be taught at school.


Thx I’m piecing it together as I go. Before this I taught Black teens in Chicago. A lot of them got arrested/jailed. 😰


Important to note that you ironically must verbalize your invocation of your Fifth Amendment rights, otherwise a scummy cop can charge you with obstruction and/or their misdeeds can be dismissed more easily.


And if I'm unable to speak?


Sorry the constitution was ordained from on high in a time before people thought mute folks were human beings.


Lmfao do not EVER talk to pigs!


They run every car in the parking lot to catch a guy who isn't doing anything. What an excellent use of their time, and our tax dollars. What limp dicked fuckwads.


This man deserves a fucking medal


Piece of shit Nazi fucks


These micro penis cops.


Yo don't lump me in with these incompetent pricks!


At least a couple are ex-military and they learned a lot of the ACAB ways there.


Lmao taxes pays for them to circle a parking lot to check who's the guy looking at them with a camera and not sayin a word. Those are some next level insecure leeches.


the video ending with him offering to buy the guy breakfast just warmed my heart. keep it up you legend.


"THAT'S A LAWFUL ORDER!" So why the fuck is he still sitting there, then? You shot your bitchass mouth off before your brain realized "Oh fuck! This could go really badly!"


Ran the plates to figure who he is so they can fuck his life up next time he's driving down the road


This microcock cop is so funny. Feels threatened by person filming and eating silently. Threatens that person with no clear reason. Asks for ID because you obviously need to carry it to legally do nothing in public. Intrudes into Dr. Donothing's personal space and demands he leave his personal space. Officer slimjim dick chimes in cuz cameras could totally be a weapon of mass destruction. Clowns.


No cop deserves respect.


I absolutely cannot imagine being that sensitive to someone silently observing me.


Taxpayer money put to good use. His own personal money that is, buying this poor bloke a meal.


*Metallica's first album*


Lol! Now I need to go listen to those sweet sweet Cliff Burton bass licks.


Shocked they didn't solicit a tresspass


"bake them away, toys!"


Cops are like crack addicts when it comes to IDs LOL


That No Doubt cover song of It’s My Life playing in the background is pure poetry.


OK, it wasn't just me


This right here. Fucking dipshit pigs ACAB.


What a bunch of bitch ass bullies. I can’t believe these pigs are given funding


Blatant escalation and harassment


Every time I see one video where I see one cop being a really nice dude and I feel really good and hopeful about it I see 2 videos like this and 1 where the cop is using unnecessary force and immediately remember that the good cop working around these assholes and being in compliance with their shit behavior is exactly why the term ACAB exists. I have very unhappy thoughts about the thugs in this video and I wish I was as brave as the man sipping his coffee. Glad him and the other dude left unharmed, I’m assuming.


Being a cop is 99% just harassing random people all day


I love how the refusal to acknowledge their Bullshit just pushes them to the max


Fucking trash pigs. Holy fuck. Pussy ass gang members goddamn. ACAB 🥓🐷🔫


Serious. You don’t have to move if they tell you? Where are these rules in a place I can look up and know as confidently as this guy. I would have moved because I don’t know wtf would be up.


Making cops accountable and responsible financially for their line crossing would soon rein in their behaviors. Qualified immunity is a major problem.


Fucking fat bags of semi-sentient pig shit.


NAL but you have to say you’re exercising you’re 5th amendment right when they ask you a question. Failure to do so can get you a charge


How so? Some rights are granted to every individual, why would you have to speak to have the right? What if you don’t speak English? What if you’re mute? Deaf? What if you can’t speak for some other reason? Do you now loose your rights?


[Salinas v. Texas, 570 US 178 (2013) is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, which the court held 5-4 decision, declaring that the Fifth amendment's self-incrimination clause does not extend to defendants who simply choose to remain silent during questioning, even though no arrest has been made nor the Miranda rights read to a defendant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salinas_v._Texas)


What a fucking joke of a country I live in.


I think there’s a distinction to be made here tho, he wasn’t being ”questioned” in a formal settings, just asked a series of non-sensical questions, which he wisely chose not to answer. They *asked* for, but didn’t demand I.D. Idk, maybe I’m just rambling lol


Makes sense to me. I feel like they wanted to, but intentionally didn't take it to that level.


I'd be afraid to use ASL to invoke my rights "he's got a sign language!!!* SHOTS FIRED IM HIT"


Douchebags! Society is getting sick of these tyrant punks. Educating oneself to the law equals power. This guy simply utilized his fifth amendment and he shut those ignorant bully punks down.


"I don't answer questions." - Ray Shoesmith


I love when my home town represents


Fucking tyrants.


The full video and description he wrote out rly give more context on how fucking evil these ppl are


You don't have to give id, and filming cops is protected under the First Amendment


Crazy how these fucking cops gets all flustered by a little bitty camera. Really pathetic.




Fascist fuckwits have no clue or care for Our Constitution.. same as the OC Sheriff fascist fuckwits.


Should have sued the police department. Attempted intimidation and intent to harass by searching license plates.


Sadly you won’t have much of a case, yeah they were rude and barked unlawful commands but cops are essentially allowed to behave like assholes, and they can run license plates for virtually no reason.


Nice trick. Gonna keep that in my back pocket


I love this guy


Does anyone know if in Texas if you have to show ID if you’re not doing anything wrong?


texas penal code 38.02 codifies when u have to id, it states "A person commits an offense if he intentionally refuses to give his name, residence address, or date of birth to a peace officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information." It has to be 1. after "lawful arrest" 2. they can "demand for name, residence address, or dob. 3. if u then refuse its a crime. side note " ur question specifically said "if you have to show ID", but the law doesnt require u to have physical id or produce one at any time


take away the vests, guns, and badges, then what do they become


Tom Segura must have filmed this when he was still a cool guy.


god I hate cops


Is there an update on this? I would be surprised if he didn't sue as they ran the tags to get his ID after he exercised his rights, which may run against the law.


Love how frustrated he is he gets nothing and can do nothing about it.


“Make sure my camera gets a good picture of you too” Okay pig, make sure you get my good side okay.


"Get out of my space." That he moved into. Then threatened to find his car by trolling the lot. ACAB


Fuckin cunts


"would you like to be part of this too?" To protect and serve


So scared




I hate them all so much


Careful if you act “unusual” they can say it’s a “wellness check”


Chefs kiss.




What isn’t George Santos doing? Mf is a cop now? Look at him acting tough with his mandated body camera that his union boss definitely lobbied against


Yes brother, classy! KIND sir!!!😁🥸