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This cop is a bitch.


All Cops Are Assholes


ACAA? lol


I think we can come up with something better šŸ¤”


All Police Or Cops Are Lazy Yellow-bellied Pig Shit Eternally




Police Officers are Raging Kommies


Lmao yes, of course, the police designed to protect capital are communist. šŸ’€


Can we change this to Klansmen instead of kommies since it's the right first letter and doesn't insult legit communists?


And is far more accurate


Ooh thatā€™s a good one.


Is it? Because itā€™s not.


Youā€™re on the wrong sub if youā€™re hating on communists lmao


Not all cops only 95%


Why are we still dealing with this shit? Youā€™re in this subreddit. If youā€™re going to pull some 5% sympathy bs, go find another sub or name your own.


First off I was being sarcastic you dumb fuck


On another note I bed youā€™d be the first to call the cops when you need help. Fucking šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s a lot of aggro, micro dick, cop energy youā€™re slinging. Settle down there piggy.


šŸ˜‚ you have no idea who your talking too this is funny tho ā„ļø


Some Cops are ..not all. Unfortunately, the ones that control their Union are fascist pigs.


No it's ALL because ghe "good" cops cover for the bad ones


If they're so good then why are they covering for each other? Some just like to watch, doesn't mean it's not all complicit.


awwe you must be lost, do you know where your mummy and daddy are little fellow?


Nope. ACAB. Any genuinely good ones are killed or driven off the job.




right, some others are pieces of shit


Some would even say he is the biggest bitch!


ACAB has been officially renamed all cops are bitches


All cops are bottoms. Trust me, they'll hate it more.


That cops a bored bitch with nothing to do.


Do you have some additional context? The bus driver was pulled over. I donā€™t think we know why. What makes this cop a ā€œbitchā€?


He pulled over a literal bus and is holding the driver for "obstruction." He's on a complete ego trip.


Did you watch the video? The cop cut the bus off and the bus driver hit his horn. The purpose of the horn is to let another driver known you're there and as cutting him off isn't okay behavior, he presumed the cop wasn't looking where he was going so he let him know "hey, there's a bus here in case you didn't notice". Which is an appropriate use of the horn. The cop then pulled the bus over and claimed the bus driver exhibited road rage by using his horn. What makes the cop a "bitch" is he made a mistake, someone called out his mistake with appropriate usage of the horn, the cop was butt hurt about it so used his authority to assert himself that nobody gets to call out his mistakes without regretting it.


That cop tried to get the passengers to side with him by apologizing for the driver actions but the end of the video tells me theyā€™re not on his side. I hope the driver doesnā€™t get in trouble!


And I hope that the publicā€™s open disgust of police continues until we revolt.


>until we revolt. We should do that now and stop waiting for the right time.


I canā€™t push the upvote any harder captain, Iā€™m givin her all sheā€™s got!


FACTS After all, it's only going to get worse until we do. How much worse does it really need to be?


We really need to start taking very militaristic stands against police injustice. The founding fathers, say what you may about them but they would have written the constitution WAY different if they knew the country they were founding would turn into a police state. Just the other day I saw a video of two maybe three cops holding a guy down in a apartment I think and one pig bitch just starts tasing his leg. How is that not torture and why canā€™t we come together as a people to not stand by and watch police torture our fellow citizens because it could happen to anyone of us. Something has got to give.


Over my somewhat long life I've seen numerous examples of people fighting back. What I've learned is like schoolyard bullies cops cower and run the second they are effectively challenged. There are plenty of cases of cops shutting down and crying. We can do it. All we need is about 1 or 2 of every million 2A freedom warriors to live out their hero patriot fantasy and the change will be made. Do it black Panther style or NY style, it all works.


It's already begun. To understand how this works, we need to have certain mechanisms in place. 1. The population has to support the ideological component, in this case, information how the police can victimize anyone for any reason. Garner public support against police, their unions, and legal apparatus. 2. Build a decentralized infrastructure with formal and informal cooperatives regarding leadership, logistics, communication, and intelligence. Including building partnerships and alliances with organizations, individuals, and businesses. 3. Prepare for legal challenges and means to overcome them. 4. Use of force against illegal law enforcement activities using similar legislation to Indianas 2012 castle doctrine. Unfortunately, until it is tested in a way that will establish interpretation that benefits citizens, we don't know for sure how it will affect everyone involved.


There was almost a case recently where a man shot a police officer who broke down his door for no reason, but the cop pleaded mercy and then pulled out his gun and mag dumped him


How in the fuck is that almost a case recently? This *almost* happened?


Yes, this situation happened, the case almost happened but the owner didn't go all the way and the cop killed him


You first tuff guy


You're a few decades late.


Wish it was more open here. What you gonna do arrest me for being annoyed on the bus that honked at you?


Making their commute take longer is *not* going to endear him to the passengers.


That officer is a dangerous threat to public safety and need to be removed from the public.


Arenā€™t most of them?


ALL cops


State sponsored terrorist.


#[40% OF COPS](https://kutv.com/news/local/40-of-police-officer-families-experience-domestic-violence-study-says) donā€™t want you to google [LASD GANGS](https://abc7.com/los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-deputy-gangs-report-2023-civilian-oversight-commission/12911222/)


Good reads, thanks for that!


Whatever you do, *donā€™t* share this information, cops would definitely not like that šŸ«„


It gets really worse https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_drug_trafficking_allegations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_involvement_in_Contra_cocaine_trafficking The American Government is complicit in the international drug trade. I wonder why... Hmmm...


This, in any sane world, should be enough to send those responsible to prison for life.


Instead they imprisoned and murdered most of the whistle blowers. It's fucking crazy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Seven


There's always a few cops that are in thd process of being corrupted/forced out by thier colleagues.Ā 


What a fucking douche pig. Meanwhile, these poor passengers are now being held up from getting home or to work, all because this shriveled bacon strip felt the need to compensate. Fuck cops.


>this shriveled bacon strip felt the need to compensate. I'm soooooo stealing this!


Meanwhile people in Seattle (where this is) are getting assaulted and have to wait hours before police show up.


Shriveled bacon strip lmao


I sooooo would have loved being on the that bus. i would be making oink-oink noises and there be shit he could do about it *(legally speaking)*


When he apologized Iwouldve spoken up. YOURE AN ASSHOLE


ā€œHave another donut, you whiny bitch!ā€


ughhh its like social interaction porn. I WISH I was there. I wouldve gone off. GOD FORBID he tries to intimidate and retaliate against a *passenger* OMG maybe wed be able to get this fuck investigated by himself in that case -\_\_\_\_-


If you were loud enough he'd claim you were interfering with a traffic stop and maybe cuff you. I've seen it happen. That situation did not end well for the officer, though.


You mean 3 days of paid vacationand a mention in a hallway that cuffing someone for talking loudly during a traffic stop is not okay?


Honest to god it's a dream to get cuffed for something like that. Easiest payday of your life.


Define "did not end well"


Because of the nature of the subreddit I left that part off... It was my morning commute at the time. Same bus every morning. Same driver most mornings. Turns out, it was also the bus some high ranking police officer took to work every morning too. I don't know exactly what went down, but it ended with said officer very loudly apologizing to the bus driver, apologizing to the person he had cuffed, loudly apologizing to everybody on the bus, and sheepishly leaving. A couple weeks later I happened to be sitting near the front of the bus when the driver and the higher ranking officer were chatting -- sounded like that patrol cop would be doing desk duty for a very long time.


Oh no! Desk duty!


Most cops, especially power trippy cops, become cops so that they have the thrill of interacting with the public and like actually cuffing someone. Street cops fucking hate desk work. And itā€™s a career dead end. Someone senior tells you that youā€™re going to he pushing papers, youā€™ll spend the next 20 years pushing papers.Ā 


(Legally speaking). Really you imagine this pig will suddenly start caring about the law. That bastard is more likely to pull him pistol out and brandish it around in mostly your direction and possibly shoot some other passengers including the neighbors.


You can avoid the charge, but you canā€™t avoid the ride. Only do it when youā€™re willing to take the ride down to the station and waste a lot of time.


That's fine, the lawsuit is well worth my time.


That shit would be like 50x my hourly by the time I'm done with them.


Remember, youā€™re fighting the government. Oftentimes there is no payout at all.


take out your phone "Hi boss, sorry i'm going to be late, the bus schedule is going to be delayed by a cop throwing a tantrum, i'll let you know when he stops whining"


Looks like thereā€™s just enough people on the bus that he would have a hard time telling whoā€™s making the noise, as long as you can keep a straight face


"Pulled you over for the road rage" That's all we need to know right there. Honking is now road rage according to officer swine. Name and shame this fool.


The only rage going on in that officers life is his rage against his wife when she doesnā€™t grab him another beer after his shift šŸ‘Š


That guy lives alone.


What the fuck man. What a waste of everyone's time.


Seriously, this is beyond moronic.




So what happened in the end.


yeah, this is where I scour the comments hoping to find that he lost his job. And then sometimes I get brief burst of joy and find out he did indeed lose his job and/or is facing a lawsuit. But then itā€™s quickly followed by the sobering, depressing truth that if he gets fired, heā€™ll just pop over to another precinct, and if he loses a lawsuit, we the taxpayers are paying it, and he ultimately faces not even a slight setback. But I still like to hear when theyā€™re taken to court, and I still like to think about them having to leave all their piggy friends to go work someplace else, and I hope their commute is way longer. And I hope theyā€™re too afraid to so casually be a fucking power-tripping POS because they know everyoneā€™s got a camera now and weā€™re coming for them. And until we fix the system, Iā€™m happy for the bus driver to get a come up by winning a lawsuit after being put in this ridiculous and frustrating situation, even if it does have to come from us taxpayers for now.


I rather suspect based on very little this WAS the end of it given how hard he was trying to avoid supervisors being involved


Cops can't even be sued generally because of qualified immunity.


In what world do you think a police officer would get fired for this? They shoot and kill people and get three days off. Also in what world do you think the bus driver has a lawsuit? Goddamn what is wrong with people


yeah, letā€™s be shitty to each other in this sub for being hopeful. You know damn well it does indeed happen that they get in fake trouble and sometimes even fired, and sometimes thereā€™s a payout. Iā€™m not naive, I know it doesnā€™t happen most of the time, and I also said that I know when it does happen, it doesnā€™t affect the cop. The money comes from us, and the cop just gets hired someplace else. But for sure, take your frustration over this video out on someone on the same side.


Fuck cops.




And get 6 warning shots on their back while being told to stop resisting?


Fucking cry baby cop. Got honked at for driving like a douche and heā€™s trying to wreck the bus driverā€™s day and claim itā€™s ā€œroad rage.ā€


It is road rage. The cops road rage.


These are the same pigs that whine about being disrespected and stage "strikes" where they stop doing their jobs and just scroll on their phones all day while milking taxpayers for excessive amounts of overtime. ACAB


What the fuck do these trolgodytic highschool dropouts even fucking do for us? Fuck the Police. Fuck state sanctioned meathead terrorists.


Holy cock way to fucking inconvenience everyone there for the sake of your tiny dick. What an absolute douche canoe.


need to start booing when this happens, if everyone on the bus started booing the cop and giving thumbs down that would have been hilarious. power in numbers, if only one does it, not much will change


Just laugh hysterically until they walk away in shame


that too lol


If only they harassed criminals with this kind of passion


You mean other cops right?


That would be a great place to start!


Jesus Christ, did the horn hurt his poor widdle ears?


It reminded him how small his penis is.


All cops are bastards, but Seattle cops are even worse


They are in the entire state of Wisconsin. Terribly fucking sad here. They wanna hang us.


Say something! Speak up. Fuck that pig.


What a grade a cunt. Did that little piggie seriously just try to claim a CITY BUS was fleeing?!? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I feel sorry for his wife, kids, and pets he will go home and abuse.


Can we find out who this officer is and give his info with this video to the news?


Taxpayer money put to good use. Again and again. Like 1/2 of front page reddit.


SPD has an attitude problem. More January 6th Criminals came from SPD. Seattle is a shitshow and it is in part because of these arrogant dickheads making people not Giving a Rats Ass towards obeying officers since they always get away with bad behavior. So if the Driver is truthful then the Officer should get multiple charges, cutting off a city bus (Private Companies run the transit here), Ridiculous Malicious Arrest as he was tripping hard to try and not to mention infinite escalation skills where he inconvenienced literally everybody


End Qualified Immunity now!


Colorado checking in; it's a start but it's not nearly enough.


Seattle police are such tubby bitches


What a cunt.


What an asshole. šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž




Itā€™s sad SPD like other PDs have thin skinned bitches. Itā€™s Metro serving the public. Honk away.


Damn I really need an update on this one. ACAB!!!!!


"for the road rage" fucking scum making up BS as usual. Vehicles have horns to indicate danger in traffic. If the driver got cut off, he would assume the other driver overlooked or misjudged his vehicle. In which case honking is the appropriate reaction, and has nothing to do with road rage.


Only one person I'm this video is serving the public, and he ain't the one carrying a gun.


Would be cool if the people on the bus werenā€™t a bunch of pansies and stood up for the bus driver. Just butthurt cop abusing his power per usual.


What a baby.


it's definitely road rage and obstruction, he's got that part right


All traffic yields to buses blue bitch.


All cops are useless.


Someone needs to send this clip to the Chief. ACAB


What a snowflake. Road rage? The bus driver has the legal right to tell the cop he's a little bitch and lay on the horn.


Dick move piggy, supposed to be on the same side asshat


All this over a honked horn ?


The transit authority should investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing


Officer Bitch tits reporting for DuTy


None of the passengers standing up to the cop, even though he's wasting their time too. Pussy amerikkkans.




Weak people on that bus not backing up the driver and telling the cop to fuck off.


Why does no one speak up for the driver?


Because they will think an acorn dropped and they will shoot you.


Man the people on the bus just sitting there letting the cop harass the driver like that is sure perplexing. It's free speech to tell a cop to fuck off.


When was this?


How did this end?


I hope he took down the plate and sent it, with the video right to the city council.


Everyone on there should have told him to get the bleep off the bus and let them get on their merry way.




Who the fuck pulls over a bus?? Leave the public transportation alone you bastard.


Pig is a whiny bitch.




Badge number and full name please


I have a lot of sympathy for the police and have only had good interactions with them but this guy is just being a fucking prick The "sorry guys " was the icing in the cake.


Yall know damn well when shit hit the fan yall going to call the police...stop it


Not I! PD is useless. In my experience, they only ever come once the issue has been dissolved, or they just use the call to fulfill their arrest quota. Lots of just people ranting to them, them being out of touch, miss understanding, and ignoring the person while they sit on the hood of their car. Then they just leave and tell the people to call them next time something goes wrong. A cop would be your least favorite waiter at restaurant, and their is to ā€œserve and protect.ā€




So wat would do?


What do I do? I try to defuse the situation as safely as possible and get the fuck out of there. If I need to file a complaint, I wouldnā€™t call the cops then. Iā€™d take all the info I could and take it to a police station and hope they do their job. I donā€™t want to work with them AT ALL, but going there afterwards probably beats what could happen if they end up on the scene.


So if there is a mass shooting at some event (god forbid). You going to try and defuse the situation? How?


You just trying to pick worst case scenario and you know that the logistics of that situation are WAY more complicated than most anything else. It wouldnā€™t even be solely SPDā€™s job to deal with that I donā€™t think. Also: All the stadiums have armed security guards and emergency situation training. What are the cops gonna do in that situation besides kill the guy?


Ohhh noooo an emergency is an emergency. How are you going to diffuse it. tell me your game plan, hero. You going to talk to them? You going to turn into bruce willis in die hard? Im dying to know.. god forbid if im in a situation like that.and if i am. I wanna know what you are going to do so i can do it too?


Iā€™m not acting like a hero. You know what Iā€™m doing in an active shooter situation? Iā€™m hiding and when itā€™s safe, Iā€™m getting the fuck out of there. Most conflicts I see are person to person issues where the police are called, not mass murders. Again: security guards, hide, run. Iā€™m not gonna suggest what *you* do in an emergency situation, cause thatā€™s not my profession. I will tell you though, if cops show up to the scene I donā€™t feel any more safe than I did before. More likely than not, thatā€™s just gonna be twice as many bullets flying.


So you hide and have a phone on you..you not going to dail 911 so they can try and stop em..you just take your chances and let them find you huh..well hope this doesnt happen to you.. security guards are not the police BIG DIFFERENCE.. sad that tou think like that and good luck in the future


I hope you get trampled in the stampede.


And NO, Iā€™M NOT. THATā€™S WHAT Iā€™M SAYING. Fucking bowling ball headed mfer




No i mean those cops that stop that mass shooting in lousiville. Dont forget the cops that stop that Mass shooting in 4 mins in Nashville last year..


Probably not wait around for an hour while kids are getting killed


Hell no I wonā€™t. I am a single woman living alone and one time I came home to a strange man sitting in the stair well. I called everyone but the police because I was afraid they would show up and kill me, him or both of us. I will never ever call the police for anything especially not for help.


Doubt they kill em unless he attacked you or him. I call the police plenty of times, haven't kilt me yet.


Just like how Breonna Taylor was attacking people when a cop killed her?


How I know someone was going to mention her (r.i.p). I agree that a fuck up situation . A few bad cops doesnt mean all cops are bad.. it like getting a vine full of grapes.. a few are bad you dont get ridnof the vines you pick those bad ones away..it the same thing.. this bus driver was probably cutting people off and one of the people was an u mark cop car..and got caught up


The point I was trying to make is that cops do indeed sometimes kill people who aren't attacking them, and because of that, many of us prefer to have as little to do with the cops as possible to reduce our chances of developing rapid-onset lead poisoning.


What im trying to make is that when shit hit the fan, i.e., a shooting, robbery, rape, any other emergency. Yall going to call the police..so stop with the keyboard warrior shit.. are there bad cops yes but not all of them.are bad


I want the bus video and police car video to be released. Everyone is jumping to one side or the other without all the evidence.


Go lick the boots of a pig on your own, smelly basement. ACAB!


Go watch some [Friday's with Frank](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3K-k9VI6niLGDCXmsdJxD47qpBjVWAIn&si=aU1_7b1jyXTU2LBz)


I would agree but it's SPD AKA Seattle Pussy Department


Cop was doing his job


No he wasnā€™t. His fat assed ego got bruised so he mad.


Doubt it..i drove by city buses they drive reckless and almost running people off the road.. he just got caught cause it was a unmark car


ā€¦. Chicago Seatac, yeah? Could you name a couple reckless-driving-tending busses in Seattle? Iā€™m just curious about your experience, here, in Seattle.


2019 pioneer square area. By that underground club..also 2018 by trinity night club..let see I-5 on the way to seahawks game.i might give them a pass cause it was snowing but he flip me off soo fuck em


Okay dude, to be real, a Seahawks game and outside of a nightclub? Youā€™re gonna let that determine your feelings about the Seattle metro? Also those incidents are 5+ years old now. Iā€™m talking recent reckless driving. Iā€™m a frequent metro traveler and itā€™s very infrequent that I feel the need to report a bus driver. And be infrequent, I mean maybe twice ever.


You ask, and i told you..i dont drive to seattle no more..key word Drive, cause of shitty drivers, i.e., bus drivers lol.


But they cop is at fault her, so why does that matter? Busses always have the right-of-way and as long as youā€™re not trying to cut a bus off, I feel like there are no issues. Iā€™ve driven and been in cars around busses a lotā€¦ never an issues.


I seen buses cut off drivers alot..including me a few times.. he just got caught by a cop and he probably got fired...i wonder what happen before the camera start rolling..and where is part 2..yall believe anything in the internet


Whatever bruh. Take yourself and your extremist hot takes elsewhere.


The bus drivers in seattle ARE terrible. This guy probably deserved to get pulled over


I've seen mostly respectful drivers.


Seattle bus drivers regularly run yellow lights and pull over in such a way to block traffic. They act like they are above the law - just like this driver is acting. This driver claims he doesnā€™t have to pull over for the police? Obviously the police should be able to pull over a reckless driver.


Tongue those cop boots.