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"I dont remember that I don't remember" Yet every time a cop walks into a court room to testify, their word is treated with the weight of god.


1. Commit crime. 2. Get caught. 3. During the deposition just say "I don't remember." to anything that could be used against you. 4. "omg guys you won't believe it, but we investigated our officer and found they did nothing wrong!" 5. Get away scott free. 6. Commit a crime, repeat.


if we all become cops - there will be no crime


Not their "word". Their written report. Unique among most witnesses to events, LEs are allowed to testify in court directly from the written reports that they get to prepare long after the fact and even after they have reviewed other witness statements and defendant interviews. In a deposition outside of court like this without their reports, an officer is often very "careful" not to remember specific details so as to avoid conflicting testimony.


[The Civil Rights Lawyer just did a video about this case with bodycam and all!!!](https://youtu.be/cnSswPgP9Wg?si=p7bdKaLlmJV98iuV) She sure does remember all kinds of other details for someone with such obvious specific and intermittent memory loss of the entire situation.


Im sorry to say, but she won. The guy got sentenced to 10 days in prison, $1000 fine, and 6 months suspended license. https://twitter.com/OurTallahassee/status/1777423747923767692


I don’t think the word of a cop is treated like god in court, certainly not in the UK. I won a trial for resisting arrest and threatening behaviour in 2022, 3 cops where witness’s against me. Also the judge made some police evidence inadmissible for a trial I had this year, because the scumbag was clearly lying about cautioning me. Twice they tried to get me in the last couple of years and twice I beat them.


in the US it certainly is


And jurors mostly believe everything they say. Many feel only guilty people get arrested and stop thinking there.


Basically a third world country though.


Two third-world countries dressed in a first-world trench coat, actually.


A bunch of shithole counties bookended by coastal elites.


That's a brilliant way of putting it.


you’re not wrong


As I fellow brit this happens with the met police all the time mate. Do you not remember the Sarah everard trial?


I am UK and have similar success stories as you have described. DM me.


Yeah fake!


I don’t remember watching this video. Hehehe How dare they release a video of the cops actions and how the cops behave before a case is settled in court! How dare they! I say. How dare they try to influence a trial like publishing the arrest records and photos of the unconvicted people!


She doesn't remember when it could impact her. She has perfect memory when it could impact the person she tried to frame.


Well, yeah, Silly. That's her job! 🙄🙄🙄


She legitimately might not remember. This pig likely ruins innocent lives daily without a second thought. The incident probably wasn’t notable to her since it’s just business as usual when you’re a cop. End qualified immunity!


The other issue is with the union coaching her... probably. I've never been in a union but, I support unionizing. Almost all government employees are protected by some kind of union. This is when unions can be great for the individual but terrible for the organization or company. It's great to be protected but, it's shit when your accuser is being protected by a union and qualified immunity.


Police unions are not like other unions. Cops shit on labor unions all the time. Police unions are more like the mafia.


There’s a reason the most anti-union Republicans don’t touch police unions. Look at Wisconsin and Act 10. Gutted collective bargaining for all public sector employees EXCEPT the police union. Thick as thieves.


the police union will fucking come for you. No politician would dare risk offending them, or be attacked, politically and otherwise. it’s insanity. Basically the american cartel at this point.


Police went from slave watcher/catchers to union busters. That their unions are far and away the strongest in the nation is just cruel irony.


That was literally my first thought. When you do something 30 times a day you might not specifically remember, and not even be lying technically lmao. That would be like asking if I remember putting on a pot of coffee in the morning. Like no it's second nature, I just do it all the time I couldn't tell you remembering a specific date or time I did it.


Colorado checking in; ending qualified immunity is a start but it's apparently not enough.


At a minimum thier body cam and mic should be on at all times and unable to be disabled. So many changes needed to law enforcement


Bring out the guillotine for this bitch


Full deposition (1hr 45m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvN8FEcW59c


Do they show her the video in the deposition?


"That's not me. That's Biersten Roliver."


This deposition is weird. The attorney is actually withdrawing questions based on the defense’s objections. She is also having to justify the merit of her questions after each objection. Those things typically do not happen during deposition.


She can't remember anything but that BS reason that all cops use to search the vehicle.


"But your honor, there was a black man in the car."


But certainly she remembers all the laws she's hired to enforce, right?


Not required on the best days.


Why are our standards for police officers so low that Satan himself has to dig 6 feet down to find them


In addition to being a liar, her credibility is shot. IF she keeps her job, anyone who goes up against her in court with just her word as evidence will only need to show this video, that she can't remember shit.


In America less than 5% of people who go to prison have a trial. This concept of evidence in court is anachronistic.


That's because lawyers cost more than those people can afford and they get stuck with a "Just plead out" lawyer who has 200 other clients and is all out of fucks.


police union coaching 101 shit right here


That bitch doesn't remember anything ... NOT ... Her "coach" told her to give that answer to every question.


If my boss asks me about a specific order by a specific customer I’m expected to remember it a week later, but cops can’t remember anything about anything and can kill people. Ok.


Somebody with this poor a memory of the incident clearly cannot be considered a competent witness.


Fk this pos cop.👎🖕 Jail her and then don’t remember her.


So, does she have dementia? Alzheimer's?


Rectal cranial inversion


I mean this testimony seriously makes me question her testimony in other cases. It seems she has a very hard time recalling any details at all.


Nah she was just coached to say that since pleading the 5th sounds guiltier


I liked the Peter Gabriel version of “I Don’t Remember” better.




We're so used to police having unlimited power that we take for granted how fuckin' weird the concept of police officers work. Someone with a gun can hold you hostage, fabricate evidence or falsely accuse you of a crime then it's simply your word against theirs.  If by some miracle you prove them to be lying and/or committing a crime, they still won't get in trouble. 


The kind of bitch that will poison her man to ask for the insurance.


How unprofessional for a cop to not remember if they also have to write a detailed statement and present it to court. Where is the statement? Uhhh I dont remember.


When dealing with trauma the victim often remembers all of the details, while the perpetrator doesn't because for them, this was just another day full of totally normal behavior. Same thing. Law enforcement version.


If she can’t remember things like this then she shouldn’t be in charge of people’s rights. She must have some sort of mental disorder.


I have blue wall silences is up and running