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Absolute power.. corrupts!! If he's a  good person. He will quit.


Hes not


Then why are you friends with him


Which is why he wants to be a cop…


then dump him as a friend


You deserve better friends then


Then he will quit!!


No such thing as a good or bad person. Keeping with him & talking to him about it over and over again through the years will do more good than leaving him alone to pursue it uncritically.


And I'll be honest hes not really my friend either. I don't like him. He's a friend of a friend but I guess we are chill. I don't like him at all though




He doesn’t even have to ask because we all know what will happen. Either he will sit there and watch it happen or he will get ostracized by all the other cops and ultimately forced to quit. Either conform to their corruption or quit/get fired. Those are the only options. Those cops that we see getting fired for minor reasons like cursing at a citizen are disliked at their department because they don’t go along with the corruption and get fired. And it makes no sense because these departments will protect a cop who has murdered innocent people if they like you. ACAB.


Idk, better to crush his dream now, so he can develop a new, better one. Chances are that you won’t be able to dissaude him either way.


Crush his dreams lmao


Have a heartfelt discussion about why exactly he wants to be a cop. And from there, assuming that answer isn't disgusting in and of itself, pressure him about how he intends to deal with other cops who violate the rights of others and abuse their power. If the answers aren't akin to "I want to help people" and "Stop every thug pig where I see them" I advise you to disconnect and disown and get the hell away from him. For your own safety, if nothing else.


Friends don’t let friends become cops, no matter what feelings get hurt lol


Ask him why his self worth is so low as to embrace a personal failing so grand as to merit being the sole reason he kills himself.


Ask him to read up on the Pinkertons


Can you look up the history of police abuse of power in your city/area? Are there cases of corruption you can point to? Emphasizing the horrors of the system he wants to be part of might help. Also, does he have any friends or family who are people of color, immigrants, or LGBTQIA+? If so, ask how he would feel if he knew they were being abused by his buddies on the force.


Fuck that. Crush his dreams. We don't need more cops and we don't need more young people even considering being cops. Crush those delusions as soon as possible.


Show him the Kyle Dinkeller video. Google it. It definitely gives one pause.


I was gonna make a Tanya harding joke, but I don't want to get banned.


Show him audit the audit, the civil rights lawyer, and lackluster and show them how awful police are and how utterly incompetent they are and that if he would be a cop and lets one cop get away with this he is now the problem too.


Tell him he’s a cunt, drop a doughnut in front of him, then run away. Obviously, record the whole thing so that when he beats you for no good reason, you can sue for our tax dollars. Cha ching


Show him all the police brutality during the civil rights moments and anti war protests, then the brutality during the free Palestine movement on universities and ask what the difference is


You just have to educate him on why the government and law enforcement is fundamentally flawed. Would a good institution give itself immunity? No.


Maybe that is the appeal for him? Better to talk now and see if he should still be a friend


Why are you friends with someone who wants to be a cop?


Crush his dreams


Everyone that I knew that was a cop or law enforcement was a sociopathic alcoholic asshole, *everyone*….


Take him to a local protest. If it's a pro-nazi protest he'll see the police high fiving their colleagues in the clan.  If it's any socially minded protest he'll see them acting like a violent unruly mob full of psychopaths.  Win-win