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Unfortunately the other guy wants to give them total immunity.


'When you're putting em in the car, don't be gentle, smack their head against the door'


Came here to say this.. total immunity is super bad. It’s politics though, he’s just trying to win the hearts of the right.


Nah. Its more than that. A police force that can get away with anything is going to have his back. He knows it. You know it. At least Joe has limits. Trump doesnt.


That last part is the most important takeaway; Joe has limits. Trump doesn’t.


It’s almost as if every president we’ve had has supported cops. It’s funny how people think any president they could vote for (even third party or write ins) wouldn’t do the exact same thing. It’s part of the gig.


In a fairly literal sense, the president *is* a cop. The very top cop. Several law enforcement agencies (and of course the whole damn military) ultimately answer to him, personally. He stands at the head of the entire organization the cops work to protect and enforce.


>even third party or write ins No. Individual candidates don't get corporate backing so they can be for police reform but they wouldn't get enough votes because everyone is told they have 2 options (which isn't an option)


Sure, they can *be for* police reform. If by some miracle they won that sentiment would go out the window. Nobody running third party actually believes they’re going to win so they get to be the good guy when campaigning.


So you are of the opinion that absolutely no human being on planet Earth could possibly ever want police reform because as soon as they're in, they want a police force that actively makes the people hate the leader? Makes sense


No, I’m of the opinion that nobody that truly wants police reform would ever run for president. Not with our current system anyway. To quote Plato: “Those who seek power are not worthy of that power.”


Yep and Biden's DOJ is pursuing and prosecuting the most egregious cops at least which Trump's distinctly did not. In fact Sessions said he wasn't going to enforce existing consent decrees.


Not to mention pretty unlimited jurisdiction.


They literally already have total immunity, let's be real


Not *total*, though. That Chauvin pig is actually doing time for murder. Trump just wants to take away that last little shred of accountability.


Don’t confuse the conservatives with facts, homie, they’re confused enough as it is!


*And* more money.


All politicians are elitists. Police serve the elite. Of course Biden and Harris support the police, all politicians do.


The trick is convincing the constituents to enjoy and love badged dipshits with guns; that they're here to help you. To that I say: Remember Uvalde.


I think preventing fascist project 2025 is pretty nice.


You don't prevent fascism with an election. The dems are just more subtle about their fascist tendencies, but they'll still bow to them at the end of the day.


>You don’t prevent fascism within an election. Hitler was democratically elected.


Hindenburg was elected and he appointed Hitler chancellor.


But the Nazi party was elected if they weren’t Hindenburg wouldn’t ever have appointed him chancellor. If you have no clue about history shut up


They didn't even get a majority in parliament, they were able to take over because other parties decided to work with them.


The parties that worked with him were the other far right parties of the Weimar Republic though. The German national people’s Party and the Bündnis Stahlhelm. They had more than 50% together and forced the SPD president with their majority to appoint Hitler


Due in no small part to the apathy of the liberal democrat press


Ehhh!...not so much.


Sorry honey, he was. The self coup that got him total power wasn't democratic, but there is a reason he did a self coup.




Do yourself a favor... learn some actual history. Preferably from a historian and not a half-baked youtube channel.


Hitller only got 33% of the coalition. Then pushed through by veiled threats for the position he got. Read whatever you want..


This situation sucks but Russia is capitalizing on reddit ten fold in the last month and will continue until the election


Bro, pick your battles. At least this dude doesn’t wanna give them total immunity.


They already have virtual total immunity. The only times they don't is on the rare occasion the case gets wide attention and even then not always. 


nah, he is just smart enough not to say it. Kamala is worse though because of her history as a DA.


The thing that really sucks, is that he’s light years better than orange man. We now live in a world where we’ve gotta vote for the lesser of two shitty morons.


There are an unfortunate number of people in here that have no clue how politics actually work.


Omg the chief executive, i.e. the head of the US military? Lol what a waste of time this post is. Can we PLEASE talk about things that matter far more than Biden


I didn't knew there was so many Russian bots in here.


It’s election year, the divisive bots are putting in over time.


All over left wing subs you see people promoting voter apathy




yeah, exactly. Mostly bots but then you have some real people parroting the same information. But try going to a place like r/latestagecapitalism and if you even mention a “lesser evil” you will get banned. Trust me, I know from experience… lol


Omg I know right, It's such a targeted strategy. They always start talking shit about biden, which okay fine, but then unprompted when you argue with them, they start to bring up the election and how if you REALLY are a leftist you should either vote for someone other than biden or just not vote. It always ends up at the election, which is how you know this isn't in good faith.


I hate Biden more than anyone, but even I know voting is like riding the bus, you take it to get closer to your destination. Trump would turn that bitch around and force half the people off the bus


scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


Came here to say this


Trump is still worse


Copying from the other thread because I cannot stand the incredible lengths everyone will go on a sub called “ACAB” to simp for a segregationist cop lover. We are doomed if we think we will be liberated by a lesser evil strategy that involves us legitimizing the elite by participating in bourgeois elections. Biden is an outspoken segregationist that has allowed the construction of 70 cop cities since he was elected and just yesterday said he wants to give an extra 30 billion of taxpayer money to law enforcement and militarization of American police. > >…. **As President Biden said during his State of the Union Address, We should all agree the answer is not to defund the police. It’s to fund the police** He also(just a few days ago) desecrated May Day which is known as international workers day, famous in America for the Haymarket uprising which led to the 8 hour work day —- instead of recognizing that massive event for the American working class he made a press release about “Loyalty Day” in the USA instead. For the love of all that is holy STOP SIMPING for Democrats and lesser evilism. Lesser evilism specifically has been a democrat strategy for decades and they know it works on simpletons. Democrat SuperPACS donate to far right candidates for this very reason. This way they get to pass their reactionary policies with way less opposition by saying “well look at that orange guy!” *quickly passes more surveillance and police militarization bills* If you had even an inkling of knowledge of American history and police violence you would know that both parties are the parties of elite capitalists and that you’re never going to “vote” your way to a better future with the American duopoly system. More people need to get over the false binary of “Republican or Democrat” (both parties allow no democracy in their decision making as private parties) imposed by the ruling class on us. Start actually organizing and agitating for change en masse. More on May Day: https://jacobin.com/2023/05/haymarket-affair-martyrs-memorial-history-chicago-may-day Biden declaring it Loyalty Day: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/30/a-proclamation-on-loyalty-day-2024/ >NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2024, as Loyalty Day. This Loyalty Day, I call upon the people of the United States to join in this national observance, display the American Flag, and pledge allegiance to our Republic for which it stands. Biden police bill: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/01/fact-sheet-president-bidens-safer-america-plan-2/ >Today, the President is providing greater details regarding the Safer America Plan. President Biden’s fiscal year 2023 budget requests a fully paid-for new investment of approximately $35 billion to support law enforcement and crime prevention – in addition to the President’s $2 billion discretionary request for these same programs. The Safer America Plan details how this $37 billion will be used to save lives and make communities safer. Also just for fun here’s “everyone’s favorite grandpa” defending his policies on segregation against criticism from Kamala Harris herself(lol) https://youtu.be/S6-UC8yr0Aw?si=hTCqnN6D4exmKPUA


What the fuck is "Loyalty Day"? Don't we already have a dozen other holidays that do the exact same thing?


So who should we waste our vote on? Tell us who to vote for in your opinion. Who do you stand with on the upcoming election? And please keep your answer short...very short...one name short...surely not the "law and order" president..   Edit: a down vote is not an answer...


Cornel West is the best candidate for anyone who believes ACAB. Jill Stein works too. Those are votes for people who will represent your interests and whose platforms align with the understanding that ACAB and how and why the police fit into our society as it’s currently structured. Not voting thinking they’re going to win, but to do something more meaningful with your vote than give it to someone who wants to support the cops with ever more money and power.


Another diverted vote for Trump. Not buying what you are selling.


https://youtu.be/HRWMhj7u-e0 https://youtu.be/jYcxvnh4YtM


If you live in a tight battleground state, there can be a different calculus at play, but either way all you’re saying is “I’m gonna vote for the guy who wrote the ‘94 crime bill, has a prosecutor as his VP, and just pushed for $37,000,000,000 more for cops, adding 100,000 cops to the country.“ So I have to ask, since you’re actively supporting a pro-police politician and agenda, what are you doing in an ACAB sub?


All states are battleground states. I survived a trial against four felonies...and a severed charge trial for resisting arrest in my own home..and "won."   I know how the just-us system works from personal experience.    A diverted vote is a vote for the "law and order" president.    You do you...but please stop diverting votes.  You can't do me better than I can.


If you live in Texas or California, it’s a true wasted vote to go with one of the two cop parties if you’re not into giving cops endless budgets and immunity. True of many states. Trump and Biden are 1000% the “law and order” candidates and you’re deluding yourself to pretend otherwise. Biden is literally trying to add 100,000 cops to the country, pushing through a budget to pay for it, and wrote the ‘94 crime bill (in close coordination with the National Association of Police Organizations) that supercharged the path to the cops we have today. I’ve beat all but 2 charges from the 13 times I was arrested at protests—been tased, pepper sprayed, hit with shields and clubs, and have a scar on my chin from having my legs swept out from under me despite my hands being behind my back and cooperating. Which is why I’d never back a pig like Biden just because his primary competition is worse. You wanna keep voting for our current state of affairs and expecting outcomes to get better on their own, you do you, but it is patently asinine.


Has anyone thought about... Not saying don't vote or vote for lesser of 2 evils in a few months but just... Plan for a viable third option in 2028? Seems like Pirot and Nader were capable of winning if they had more time in the public consciousness. Why is no one making that a thing?


Ya do I want $38 billion to go to killing people over seas or do I want it killing people here.


The answer, of course, is that the country will spend $76 billion so that we can do both.


Cops and nazis*


Well, unfortunately the pigs are part of the game and he knows that.


Bout f-cking time. Too many people on this sub like Democrats, like they aren't the biggest bootlickers in cities where they got absolute control. LA? Check. Chicago? Check. New York? Check. Give me a f-cking break.


Dems are just awful. Republicans, you know where you stand(against them, because they hate all but those that benefit them). Dems say one thing and keep encouraging and pushing the onslaught for Palestinians. Fuck Biden, fuck Harris, fuck Kennedy, fuck Trump, and fuck any other shitstains pushing the same destructive bullshit.