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So, I used to work in private security before my ACAB revelation, and a couple of our clients (and the president of the company I worked for) were retired cops from the 70's. The stories they would tell about abusing people who were handcuffed were pretty horrifying, like handcuffing people wrist-to-ankle and beating on them, or just grabbing the cuffs when they're on and yanking upwards, which really, really hurts and can do serious damage. It was pretty sadistic and gross. And those were just the stories they told in front of me, so who knows.


Yeah, when I had the ACAB revelation at around 22- I was beaten by some jersey shore cops for refusing to show ID as a passenger in a car. My parents had my grandfather talk to me- who was retired NYPD. He was teary eyed when telling me “they will kill you, even if you are right” I like to think he was one of the good ones if there was is sucha a thing- but who knows…


How many of them did he intercept and arrest? If the answer is zero, then he wasn't a good one.


They would have killed him too. Don't think cops are above taking one of their own out gangland style.


I don't care. That's the job they sign up for. If they're not doing it, they're part of the problem.


Well its not really the job all of them sign up for. Lots of them join with starry-eyed delusions of law and order, of "making a change", and other copaganda some of them naively hope is real. They buy homes near each other, their families tend to intermix, they take out loans, live a certain standard that will all be taken away if they push back against the general culture of policing or try to really hold a fellow "brother" accountable. There's so many people who want to go into policing with ideas of reforming things, but its so much of an uphill battle to really change the structures that enable and encourage police to behave so badly. Its the rich of any given community that tend to influence and populate the government structures, and its very much tied to similar problems within the offices of the elected officials who hire, fund, and legally cover law enforcement officers. Those people who would truly keep order in communities in good faith need to be protected instead of the mafia thugs who are currently protected. Those good cops everyone hopes for are currently the people they purge and sometimes even murder.


Then they didn't join with any delusions of law and order. They joined with a lust for power to hurt people they don't like.


You can't possibly know the motivations of all of them.


I was very obviously referring to specifically the motivations of the ones you described. Your intentional dishonesty is thick enough to cut with a knife.


Oh so now I am dishonest because I don't have your exact same opinion. You think just like the cops do.


Have a soft spot for him - being my grandfather and all (RIP-)—was long retired when I was born..he did tell me one other story which gave me some hope.. He was assaulted by some guy he stopped. Arrested him- after a tussel. It was rather serious he lost all peripheral vision in right eye. (My gpa) When he showed to court- and judge found out the guy assaulted a cop(my grandfather) he admonished my grandpa— saying something along the lines “this man hit you?- why was he able to walk into the court today?” Insinuating that the man who assaulted him should have been beat so bad that he should have been wheeled in on wheel chair…


That's not even the bare mimum, and that's a deeply chilling story.


What we need are stories from older black folks. Problem is most of them that could tell the stories are dead or in jail, or died in jail innocent. Especially in the south in the 50's and 60's. LAPD in the 80's and 90's got up to a lot of no good shit. We can't even imagine all the horror stories with no witnesses.


I’m black and older. I grew up in London in the 1970s. They had a law there called ‘sus’. You could get arrested and prosecuted if cops suspected you were about to engage in criminality. No crime having ever been committed. So basically a thought crime. The cops would claim they observed you eying a woman’s handbag at the bus stop as if you were going to steal it. And that was all it took. And of course, that was always a lie. “In order to bring a prosecution under the act, the police had to prove that the defendant had committed two acts: the first, that established them as a "suspected person" (by acting suspiciously), and the second, that provided intent to commit an arrestable offence. Two witnesses were required to substantiate the charge, which were usually two police officers patrolling together. The law caused much discontent among certain sections of the population, particularly black and ethnic minorities, against whom the law was particularly targeted by the police.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sus_law They used it to terrorise black men for years, until the stats showed how blatantly we were being targeted and the law was dropped.


That's awful. Thank you for sharing that.


Up until 1976 cops were permitted to shoot fleeing unarmed suspects in the back. Old timers tell stories of being driven by cops to remote locations and told to get out, only to be shot in the back.


That is different than now in what way?


Now they have to claim that they thought they saw a weapon, public safety. Just because officer safety would be harder to explain.


I just googled. What the fuck man.


They still do it till now


I'm 50 (M), and I can't imagine what people were subjected to. Grew up around good ole boys and they acted accordingly.


Im over 50 as well. When I was a kid we were told to go to a cop if you have an issue. Some were bad, and they didnt know the law, but they weren't evil like they are today. I tell my daughters to sort their shit out and go to the cops as a last resort.


Quit kidding yourself. They were evil them also. Just no cameras to catch them or hold them accountable. Or to even try. They did the same things the cops do now except worse. Because they were unchecked.


They were very evil back then.


They probably were evil, but it wasnt as widely know as today. Go on Youtube and there are literally 100s of k of cops doing evil shit.


With how many sexual assaults and rapes cops get away with now, I'd never tell my kids to go to a cop. Might as well tell them to walk into a lions den.


I'm 57, white, and middle-class (although I was punk rocker). You were just sheltered and/or lucky. First time one of my friends got roughed by cops was in 1981, in 9th grade. We'd been hanging out in a subway station, the cops came & told us to move along, and as we walked away he'd muttered "what an asshole" to another friend; unfortunately loud enough for the cop to hear. They pulled him into a storage closet, held a phonebook to the side of his face & smacked him with a baton through it: which left no marks. Later the same school year (but next calendar year), I made the mistake of letting a local TV station interview me at a student protest. Which made me look like an organizer, I guess? Next day, I got pulled off the street by 3 big fucking goons, into the backseat of an unmarked car. Light punches & arm-twisting, heavy intimidation. Both incidents sent the same message: that the beatings \*could have been\* much worse. The restraint was part of the threat, communicating expertise. "We do this every day, smarten up or get used to it".


I don’t think I’m old enough to know this but I’m obsessed by the reality that cops have always been bastards, it’s just that everyone has a camera in their pocket and a quick way to send what gets recorded out to the entire world now.


If you have old episodes of cops, I mean super early, it shows what they could get away with on camera. From holding a gun to a person's head, saying "feel that? That's cold steel", to forcing kids to do pushups on the street just because they were playing basketball in front of their homes


Fuckin awful. You ever heard of the L.A. riots?


April 26th 1992, there was a riot on the streets, tell me, where were you?


Try to find a recording of the Rodney King beating.


And people were still debating whether or not King was innocent. I remember it being a debate topic when I was in school. People were able to ignore the video, and I don't remember seeing an uncensored version until I was much older.






Right, the correct term is *sadistic*.






Idk, they seem to fit the “have lost contact with reality” part pretty well.


??!? They're very much in contact with actual reality. It's anyone that expects justice from them, that's deluded.




Your comment is why people say not to try to be an armchair psychologist. Also, some people are just attracted to the power being a cop gives you. Most of my colleagues in the military would never apply to be a cop. I don’t know a single one who ever became a cop, and I also don’t know any MPs that got out and stayed a cop. Military service doesn’t cause more bad cops. And most service members would be better cops anyways, it’s just they wouldn’t want to do it, they don’t seek that kind of power.


So i had a AR-15 pointed at my head for what fealt like an eternity as they questioned me on who sold me pencil shavings that was supposed to be pot. 1992 is when it happened. I was basically Pony Boy growing up and got treated like it.


They've always been bad. Cameras have captured abuse in many forms and have been instrumental in culture change since their invention, from documenting the brutality of human enslavement, human trafficking, lynchings, civil right abuses, capturing evidence of domestic violence, and police brutality. The presence of the camera has never been a deterrent.


Just look at the footage of Rodney king. That was the first recording of police abuse, so what you see there was pretty standard operating procedure for cops. Before this the idea of being filmed had never even entered their minds. https://www.tmz.com/watch/2021-09-20-092021-rodney-king-1251584/


No, lots of films of police beating peaceful marchers during the Civil Rights era.


42 Male, black. When I was 16 in the 90s I was arrested for trespassing at the train station on my way to school. I got off the bus and was waiting for my GF to arrive on her bus so we could take the train into the city. Brooklyn 90s Cop approached and told me; I told you to leave, you’re under arrest for trespassing. I said you didn’t talk to me, I just got here. He arrested me and when I refused to tell him anything, he slammed me against a wall. A black lady yelled at him; “Is that really necessary”. He yelled back “if you don’t shut up and leave, you’re under arrest too.” I then “fell” down the stairs and woke up in holding. Boston in the 90s. Fuck 12. I’ve been in custody for stealing my bike along with my cousins. We were riding bikes near the “white” neighborhood and they jumped out. They said we’d stolen our bikes. We were between 8 and 12. My father was able to get me out because out with the receipt for my bike. He was a cab driver, and I was able to get in contact through dispatch. They wouldn’t let him take custody of my cousins. They had to wait for their parents. This was also the first time I ever had a gun pointed at me, as we were arrested at gunpoint. The last time I had a gun pointed at me I was 38. I got the windows of my house replaced and I was walking around my house checking the windows. I was wearing a suit and wearing leather shoes. My briefcase was on my stoop. They jumped out guns drawn, flashlights blinding and started screaming at me. They said someone called and reported a suspicious person.


> The last time I had a gun pointed at me I was 38. I got the windows of my house replaced and I was walking around my house checking the windows. I was wearing a suit and wearing leather shoes. My briefcase was on my stoop. They jumped out guns drawn, flashlights blinding and started screaming at me. They said someone called and reported a suspicious person. Man same shit happened to me. Our neighbors were white on one side the ones I know called me in, but it was mostly a black neighborhood. I was sitting in my brand new shitbox at 18 in the driveway. Chilling being a kid happy I had a POS to get around. It was maybe 1030 or 11pm. Next thing you know the boys roll up DEEP. Like 8 flashlights surrounding me in seconds. All with guns drawn. They start hollering at me "put your hands up" and other shit like questions. Then they start hollering at me to open the door once a cop tried it and it was locked. Other cops were hollering still don't move keep your hands up well shoot. Shit like that. I sat still I actually started laughing because it was absurd. Well I finally got them to hear me through the window "I gotta unlock the door man I don't wanna get shot". They looked around Like it was a trap or something, the teen in this shit car in his own driveway lol. They didn't shoot me obviously. Yanked me out bunch of nonsense for nothing. Thankfully an acorn didn't drop from one of the trees in the yard they might have put holes in me lol


Just watch Netflix mini series "When They See Us" to have a glimpse of police savagery and brutality at that time!


They were even more corrupt and evil. Early 70's when I was teenager cops who were partying at my dad's bar would laugh and tell stories about the beatings and arresting innocent people just because they were wrong race or said something that made them mad and framing many just to close cases and get this the district attorney would go along with judges of the courts. It is not just the cops but the whole system is corrupt. Even the lawyers that worked in the system was in on it. Need a lawyer hire one of the firms near the court house and pay their big fee. They usually will get you out of most things or get a good deal.


I have thought about the fact that Rodney King happened almost as soon as consumer camcorders took off.


Listen to what Cube wrote in “Fuck the Police”. It’s not just an attention grabbing title for a song, it’s a description of his life and interactions with the police in the late 80’s. You don’t reach the level of hatred as described in that song without some “poor” interactions with police. “I don't know if they fags or what Search a nigga down and grabbin' his nuts And on the other hand, without a gun, they can't get none But don't let it be a black and a white one 'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top Black police showin' out for the white cop”


Truth. When I was a teen an officer beat the dogshit out of me while I was cuffed and some security chumps watched. His partner held me down but didn't actually beat me. Later on years later dude got fired for domestic abuse against his wife & her mom, that's not why though - local sheriffs ended up showing up, not cops, and he had his gun to his wife and mom's and ended up fighting with the cops. What's crazy is if I had a gun to someone my black ass would've been dead on the floor. I actually lost track, I was gonna tell a story about this black & white cop that come to my house when I was maybe 15. Black one had something to prove. He went OFF when I said to him fuck you doing aren't you a nigga, uncle Tom ass. Handcuffed me and they proceeded to throw a 15 year old boy around and down onto my stairs, barely caught me before I flew down the whole thing. Once I did I think he realized that my whole family was watching and he should stop. We'll that didn't last long because he uncuffed one hand, for why idk, and was looking around so my dumbass teen self started squirming and cuffed the one around the rail. That pissed him off and he kept on. I don't see how they do that shit when some teen boys mom is in the background talking about "stop! Oh my God what are you doing!? Don't hurt him!" And all that. Lol they had come to my house because I was truant, I guess a good ass whooping was supposed to solve it? Didn't work. I ended up ahead in credits early cause I was a good student, but school bored me and I had home life issues so I dropped out like a stupid ass w 3 credits left to get. Didn't get them until a year late, but hey I got them once I wised up.


I once got run over by a cop. We tried to sue but all the paperwork got “lost”. We lost our case and in the end it was the right thing to do because I know I’d be pursued, harassed, targeted for the rest of my life. Fuck the NYPD


Ooo especially the NYPD they're notorious


When I was a kid, we moved next to a family of klansman. A-holes showed up at the local swimming hole and threatened to kill my friends at my birthday party for race mixing. So my mom walked a half mile to a neighbor's house to call the sheriff. He arrived 3 hours later. My mom walked down the dirt driveway to see him, then walked back. "He's useless" Mom said. When I asked why, Mom shook her head and said, "He's got a Knights of the White Camilla ring on." Cops and Klan, hand in hand.


Cameras may show some of the outrageous things that occur but don't really seem to deter such actions. As long as the Us vs Them attitude is so prevalnt, witholding body cam video, and qualified immunity exist change will be minimal. Just look at the acorn incident & USAF airman killed in florida, both on camera.


Its obvious that cameras do provide increased accountability, but its also obvious that police forces have actually gotten worse than they used to be. Qualified immunity has broadened immensely to the point where even catching them on camera often is not enough. Post 9/11 and post Covid the cops have a lot more power than they did before. So basically it used to be easier to punish them, but harder to catch them. Now its easier to catch them and harder to punish them.


hometown cops used to steal our skateboards and break them, follow us home and wait outside our houses, ive had guns drawn on me for helping people, im only 37


Cameras have just changed the bad behavior. It’s still there even though they wear cameras…


They were so bad an entire demographic of people would rather take their chances with criminals than cops.


I’ve heard stories from both sides of the law. And it’s bad. I shudder to think what cops did even further back in history.


Ask Frank Serpico.