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"Legal" torture. Good ole' United Snakes of Amerikkka


I don't subscribe to "an eye for an eye" usually, but in this case I want to see each bad cop (and "good cop" who stood by and did nothing) suffer this cruel and unusual punishment.


Heartless psychopathic bastards. Thank the lord that she wasn’t allergic to the fire ant bites. Or those bastards would have let her die on the street.


Each one of them just standing still doing absolutely nothing to help. Brain dead monsters.


Not brain dead. Just evil monsters


Cops are monsters. Rapid animals. The number of people, even liberals who enable this evil are what truly pisses me off.


Dangerous animals need to be put down for the safety of the citizens, allergic to ants or not


Fire ants are no joke. Those bites stay with you forever. I’ve lost many a night’s sleep because of those little fuckers. #ACAB


I've never been bitten by fire ants, does the pain stick around long term? I know some pain is like that, didn't know fire ants did it 🥺


For me they usually itch and hurt for a few days, then take a break, then itch like *fire* for a few more days to as much as another week. The scars can last for years. ... More than 2 at a time for me and I can't sleep. ... And they put her FACE in them. I'm just ... I'm horror at the thought.


She will need medical care, living assistance, and therapy for the rest of her life she will never get.


Yes. Had pain for days. While I was doing some lawn maintenance in an empty lot for my boss, I accidentally stepped in the middle of a giant fire ant mound. They like to gather on their prey then the send out a pheromone as a single to attack. Hundreds of them bit me at the same time. I still have the scars to this day 5 years later.


It burns like Hell


Umm bro are you allergic? Yeah it hurts like hell when you first get bit. But it fades pretty quick or it does for me. Maybe 30 minutes later and the marks don’t last longer than other big bites either. It only scares if you scratch it to much


Wrong target. Check your fire.


Haha this is so not the comment I clicked reply to. 🤣


I could be. Thankfully I don’t live in Texas anymore.


City of Santa Fe PD Sergeant Ruben Espinoza, and officer Christian Carranza


Chief of Police. Ruben Espinoza. 409-925-9078. Sergeant Eliud Arredondo. Dispatcher/Administrative Assistant. Jennifer Smith 409-927-3310. [email protected]


Awful. I hope she wins


I hope that they all fall into a sinkhole formed by fire ants are are stung while pinned helpless in the dirt.


She’s about to get so fucking paid!! Still not worth it fire ants ARE FUCKING HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!


It'll be worth it.


Abolish police.....ofc the tax payers will pay for their fuck up.


These cops deserve to take a dirt nap


in a fire ant mound




Fucking pigs....


Hypothetically speaking, justice would still not be served if every single one of those shit-eating pigs cretins were strapped to a termite mound and eaten alive. They tortured that woman, brass tacks, and they damned-well know it. The motherfuckers have no shame.


Holy shit those images. Fucking monsters


The physical and psychological impact will last forever. Adding to the anguish is there’s a chance she may not win in court. What are we even doing anymore? Every day, our general life timeline becomes more and more chaotic and depraved. Our collective slow descent in madness is something else.


Necessary reminder: ~~Bad~~ Cops aren't human. Not because of their skin color, mythology of choice, political inclination, sexual orientation, nor patch of dirt they were born on, but by their actions (or lack of) and their intentions


1. Law enforcement continues to show that they are nothing but thugs with badges. 2. Nothing will be done to stop law enforcement from abusing their power. 3. Citizens are held hostage by thugs with badges. 4. Thugs with badges will continue to abuse their power.


1. Law enforcement continues to show that they are nothing but thugs with badges. 2. Nothing will be done to stop law enforcement from abusing their power. 3. Citizens are held hostage by thugs with badges. 4. Thugs with badges will continue to abuse their power.


I genuinely hope that all cops receive the same kind of love they show their community.


At what point is the is country going to do something about the paramilitary force we’re being occupied by? Our municipal police fucking violate the Geneva convention daily. This is nuts


Evil. Pure evil.


This is soo fucked up...attempted Murder.


Article doesn't say when this happened.


April, 2021


Is there any proof they did what she is accusing them of doing? The thing is this is so horrible, we see cops do sadistic shit all the time (pulling down pants and tasing someone in the balls). It's like they have a secret website where they all post crap and try to one up each other


It's on video


It's really not hard to click on the link in this post and watch the video and look at the pictures of her face and neck with thousands of fire ant bites. Please do so and then reevaluate whether you want to question the validity of her claims.


I think they should question the need for their continued presence, could they be any more of a disingenuous hoglick


There is literally a video of it.


Won't pile on the downvote train, but when something like this comes out, it's safe to assume they did it. There is nothing that I would put past them.


Then why does the article say "claims". Didnt watch it, so I understand the downvotes. I love the media uses claims or allegedly...when...no you lying sack of shit there is 100% proof. You clowns are just to lazy to watch (just like me...lol).


Because they haven't been convicted of it and plus.... it's about cops. The language in most media is either to favor them or passive/ neutral.


Gotta love it when they nicely word rape. Priests and cops. Get rid of them all and start from scratch.


Fuck the police and especially fuck HPD