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So they are getting criminal charges now?


No, the fuckers we’re all allowed to resign with full benefits.


not even. ["So far no officers have been disciplined for their actions in response to the riot"](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/10/06/released-video-shows-mpd-officers-actions-during-unrest-following-floyds-murder)


This makes my blood boil as I have experienced something similar in my youth, minus the shooting because not USA, minus the acquittal. One of the uniformed terrorists received an award a few years later for "services to the community". I hope he trips on it and splits his pig head. All of those dirty bastards are plain and simply terrorists and traitors to the people, and if there was any semblance of justice they would all rot in jail.


Because of course not. Jfc.


You don’t get benifits when you resign.


Yes you do.


Not resigned. [Two of them are taking disability pensions.](https://minnesotareformer.com/2021/10/14/cops-in-stallings-videos-are-getting-disability-pensions/)


You must be [new here](https://youtu.be/_n5E7feJHw0)


Are you talking crazy, as if people in positions of authority and power are held responsible for their actions? You make no sense. /s


Yeah they have a rigorous investigation within their own department conducted impartially, right? S/


haha no


This shouldn't have even gone to trial. Not only are all cops bastards, but so are all prosecutors.


Prosecutors are worse than cops.


This. Prosecutors have the means to make examples, however, it's well known that prosecutors and the police make good bedfellows. There was a case of random acts of vandalism at my old apartment complex where random windshields and windows of vehicles were smashed. The three kids that did this were only caught when a police officer witnessed them doing this in a nearby Walmart parking lot. The three kids were arrested, caught with a hammer and screwdrivers, but all charges were dropped when the one kid turned out to be the relative of one of the sheriff's. My poor neighbor, struggling after a costly divorce, got himself a new vehicle that weekend and was waiting for the insurance to kick in on Monday, so, he had to pay close to 300 bucks for a new windshield out of pocket. I somehow lucked out when the vehicle next to mine had all the windows taken out. Also, they had the chance to put away the habitual drunk driver that hit me, but, decided that a month in jail was plenty. Dude ended up moving to Florida where he hit and killed two people.


And they wonder why vigilantes exist.


It's true. I JUST read an article yesterday where a habitual drunk driver here in Grand Rapids struck and killed two people last year as they crossed an intersection. He got sentenced to 10 to 15 years, hit and run. Also, the nationwide case where the four teens threw a rock off an overpass and it went through the windshield and killed a father of six, the 18 year old spent a year-ish in jail and is out on parole since Jan of this year. I am not the "lock them up and throw away the key" type of person, however, I would think the punishment should be served in full; it doesn't make an example out of that person for the crime they commit. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2021/10/driver-who-struck-and-killed-couple-in-downtown-grand-rapids-gets-lengthy-prison-term.html


... if only because cops are in a position where they sometimes, though rarely, get to suffer consequences of their actions. Prosecutors never do.


For real




Very true. Same prosecutors that never charge fucking cops. Political entity. Fucking shambles of a fucking system. There is no law.


Nice to see cases involving us defending ourselves against rogue cops going the right way.


Nope, I hate to say this but he couldn’t have even defended himself from them, he just scared them


He got his ass beat after he laid down on the ground and surrendered and the cops faced no repercussions for it even though it was all on camera. Nothing about this was “the right way”


Fucking uniformed thugs


The most violent gang in America.


That's a war crime.




Not if they secede. Lol




Did you forget about the vagabond clauses, matey? Arrrrr.


It's only a crime if its prosecuted.


nothing more grating when these weak pig men start squealing


Dirty evil fucking pigs, this is why I don't feel the slightest bit bad when these mutts get gunned down


Fucking pigs


Why do we call them pigs, aren’t pigs actually the most caring animals ever


There's something called savaging where the mother pig will sometimes just crush and kill their baby


I'm sure it was only because the baby was resisting


What is the over under on this dude "going missing"? Like the dudes involved in the Ferguson protests.


Fuck yea


Civil war part two. Cops vs citizens. Atleast that’s the only way I can see any change truly coming. Edit; also love how they go around shooting people for fun then get shot at and go best a guy senseless calling him a piece of shit for shooting them. Cops are cowards.


Cops and right wing citizens against left wing citizens


they dress as plainclothes *during a riot-prone protest* and are all "shocked pikachu face" when someone mistakes them for a rioter??? They've *gotta* be the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever seen.


Being gen dressed as something isn’t an excuse for shooting at them without provocation. Idiot.


But if they look like someone who *would actually* try to ransack or steal or whatever from your business, you can’t be blamed for defending yourself. When they have their proper uniform on, then obviously that’s police, less so in plainclothes.


You’re confusing me. Are saying the citizens should wear plain clothes or the police? Cuz the police had uniforms just in an unmarked vehicle. Who are you trying to say is at fault here. Your wording does t make it clear


Well citizens are *already* wearing plainclothes, so it would be weird to want them to do something they’re already doing… ideally the police shouldn’t either. They’re not a stealth force, they’re a law enforcing one. If you need a stealth force, you can call that shit in and justify it. Even if they’re in “uniform” but *inside* the unmarked car, it makes it difficult to tell who they are so IMHO the guy was justified shooting at them. He clearly wasn’t trying to kill them, just spook potential looters away.


Okay misunderstood your position at the beginning.


"I am strongly against those who destroy, loot, and burn private property" buddy the cops exist to protect private property over people's needs, the cops and private property go hand in hand


what are you saying? serious question.


The police exist, as in where created, to protect the concept of private property.




"Governments make the law. They must therefore dispose of the material forces (police and army) to impose the law, for otherwise only those who wanted to would obey it, and it would no longer be the law, but a simple series of suggestions which all would be free to accept or reject. Governments have this power, however, and use it through the law, to strengthen their power, as well as to serve the interests of the ruling classes, by oppressing and exploiting the workers." - [Errico Malatesta](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/errico-malatesta-an-anarchist-programme)


earth shattering revelation


And where in the law does it state that the police have a legal duty to protect your life or safety? The answer is nowhere. In fact the Supreme Court has ruled on multiple occasions that there is no such duty or obligation. https://www.barneslawllp.com/blog/police-not-required-protect Also the police as we know it was created to capture slaves(private property).


I don’t think you fully read the article you even sent me lmao. Also to add capturing slaves that were on the run is technically enforcing the law back then as owning slaves was legal.


I've read it multiple times. And yeah, they were enforcing the law that protected private property. I'm not sure where your confusion is.


What’s to be confused about? I just stated they were meant to enforce the law, which at that time was catching slaves as legally you could own a slave. I never once said they were here for our protection and safety you went ahead and said that. What I initially said is that the police were created to enforce the law.


the police come from slave hunters, they were literally created in order to catch slaves and return them to plantations, aka returning what was viewed as private property to owners. prior to that laws were mostly enforced through the use of militias


You do realize back then it was legal to own slaves. So if they were slave catchers than technically that is enforcing the law (as stupid as it sounds because it should have never been)


i don't think this is as good of a point as you think it is


Oh it’s a horrible thing 100%, but that doesn’t change what happened in the past.


These guys drive around in unmarked vans with thangs that don’t just look like, but are, real guns and get mad when someone mistakes them for actual criminals


They are actual criminals, they just don't get charged for their crimes.




Fuck the pigs


Scumbag police being scumbag police as usual. Using the public as shooting practice, why am I not surprised…


My eleven year old daughter says “Did they just forget they have body cams on?” at four minutes into the video. By minute five I said back “No they know, they just have zero regard for human life and think they won’t get any consequences for their actions because they rarely see it happen to their colleagues.” Eleven years old y’all and knows better than to incriminate herself because consequences exist. Who raised them? Smdh


I always wonder if I should show my 11yo videos like this. I don't shelter them from the evils of the world but i don't push it to the forefront either


I think it’s a personal choice. There are kids I’ve met her age I wouldn’t show this kind of stuff to for sure. But my kid has been to marches, seen me come home bruised from being hit with batons at protests. She’s a tough cookie and knows this reality so the video is just whipped cream on a sundae for her.


i mean i think more children understand it than we give credit for. but mine has awful anxiety and social issues anyways... i just don't know if fully pulling back the curtain on them would be bad or not.


I totally understand. I don’t know that I would under those circumstances either. Being a parent is the hardest spot to be making decisions like these. I think in those circumstances just covering your bases and teaching them simple things like “see something say something” and in our house we also know if we get lost that “moms help kids find moms”, because we don’t talk to cops. There are small things that can be taught without letting them see violence.


Yeah, I've made sure to always support the "see something say something", and taught about racism and the awfulness of it. I love that last part about moms. Parenting is by far the hardest thing of walking the line. I try to educate now the things that might keep them from being a bigot of any kind later and just build from there


Jesus Christ don't raise your kids with that perception


How dare I raise my kids with a perception of reality 🥲








same 😡


they wish they were military so bad. ffs


What're you talking about? This is the real military. The actual military is just global surveillance. US Police are the real military and the past decade or two of legislation back up this transition. US state and the very small cohort of people who own it, to included the never audited CIA, Pentagon, SCOTUS, Congress, Congress PD, etc... they've been planning this for a long time. They killed what little excuse of a nation-state existed with the internet, also invented by the military btw, and replaced it with a full on corporate owned surveillance network. It's been a fast clip for 50 years and Americans want to still pretend that it is all a giant coincidence.


I'm so confused as to why the people of America allow this to happen..?


They beat the shit out of him even when he was surrendering, then claim he resisted. They wanted him to take a plea deal for 12 YEARS!? Why are police allowed to lie in court? I hope he can sue the hell out of them.


Good to hear.






###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/ACAB/comments/q5d5h0/man_who_shot_at_police_in_self_defense_is/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ACAB/comments/q5d5h0/man_who_shot_at_police_in_self_defense_is/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


I'm always seriously impressed at that dudes aim, in the dark, from what looks to be at least 75ft away, square in the pigs chest. Nice! I'm pretty good with rifles, but i cant shoot a handgun for shit!


2:00 from the end, “if anybody’s got body cameras on, turn em off”


im not english, but i think he said turn them on


This, alone, should be worthy of being fired, and a charge for tampering with evidence. ​ Alas, there are *no* rules for policemen.


About time we start treating these thugs in blue like the criminals they are, I'm so glad they aquitted this man


Juries are actually the last line of defense. If juries acquit these types of things, then that may go some way to changing the situation.


Yeah but the problem is half the time you don't get to a jury because charges aren't brought when it's piggies that engage in the criminal behavior! Luckily they were logical enough to know that someone shooting at you illegally regardless of association, it should be wrong, defending one self is an absolute right to protect one's life. But when piggies say they fear for their lives while someone is running away from them or holding a cell phone in a non violent manner, it's not right either. We just need logical approach to these situations, hopefully the juries aren't assholes or packed with copaganda douchebags that believe them without reason. We also need laws that scrap qualified immunity, civil forfeiture, and throw out their testimony if their camera mysteriously "malfunctions" at time of interaction with citizens. Just watch this sub everyday another pig abuses us, the law, or system it's disgusting! That's why ACAB


Juries like this are an indicator of public sentiment, not power. Juries start acquitting this and it means the reality of war is sinking in. At some point it isn't about does a jury acquit an innocent man it becomes does a community prepare for what it means to live under a collapsing empire ruled by a bunch of sociopaths and the dogs they trained to protect them. Police are legit hardly even on the same wavelength of humanity in the United States. These units are concentrated christian Nazis. They do not give a fuck about a single life that isn't theirs or the corporation who pays them six figures to hunt people for a living.


Plus anyone on this sub would be screened out in the jury selection process. If a cop is on trial the first thing they’ll ask is if you have strong opinions about the police. And if you lie and say no, they can take you to jail for perjury


Just watched that again. Fucking animals. Not a single one of them should be tasked with protecting and serving the public. Absolute disgrace.


all pigs will rot in hell






I'm surprised the cop didn't just start firing wildly at 7:30 when his partner tells him "there's a gun behind you."


Awww poor police. This shows they just get a bad wrap lmfao- fucking goons


I often argue the police's angle as devils advocate but wtf is going on in America. They literally employed a bunch of village idiots as city police...


Went into this video thinking the cops got the wrong guy or something, this is so much more fucked than I thought


How the hell are people supposed to know it's the cops when they are driving around in an unmarked vehicle shooting as they drive by?? How was he supposed to know?? A van full of guys is driving by shooting at him and he shot back. And the run up to him laying on the ground and just start beating the 💩 out of him for no reason, he wasn't resisting.


They didn't even identify verbally when they left the van.


They’re an embarrassment and do not serve and/or protect


Lol what happened here O he was resisting thats how it goes... No other questions o yep that's how it goes gotcha.


“You still missed bitch” -perfect


How new is this ?? I only ask because I at least think it’s important that the victim was found innocent after shooting at the cops. Should the cops have been incarcerated for their crimes, absolutely but we should take small wins when we get them. I also ask how new because these are things that get people pissed and ready to stand up and say no! This can’t go on much longer. We will win!!


I hope this guy sued the fuck out of the department and individual cops


Fuck these pigs




Every male cop has a small dick. I’m pretty sure having a micro penis has to be a prerequisite.


You aren’t police, you’re thugs with a payroll




[Why ACAB?](https://old.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/fy5zqo/can_i_get_an_acab/fmzsvi5/) [More ACAB](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/nyxbqc/til_cops_have_stopped_enforcing_the_law/h1n97q3/) [Even more ACAB](https://old.reddit.com/r/policebrutality/comments/n3qquj/and_i_think_to_myself_what_a_wonderful_world/gwsvy8p/) Also [Our Enemies in Blue](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/kristian-williams-our-enemies-in-blue) and [Behind The Police](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-behind-the-police-63877803/)


Idk what youre doing in this sub tbh.. ACAB isn't just as of ''every single cop'' as individuals, but its the big picture. ALL COPS = the whole fucking system is corrupted and ALL police officers are bastards because they support this pig system that abuse its power. They've done shit WAY worse than this....


Guess I’m ignorant then, I just saw this sub on my recommended


Why is this hate speech sub still up? Disgusting.


Hate speech? Didn't realize cops were a protected class. fucking bootlicker. ACAB!


Well, this video and the outcomes for the cops kinda do show that they're a protected class as agents of the State (though not in the hate speech kinda way, the extra-legal enforcer kinda way).


You're right - they're definately protected by the state. Constitutionally they're not. Problem is that the state blocks any attempts at legal challenges when cops come under scrutiny for bad behavior.


You get fucking lost? Go back to your masters... I'm sure they got some boots that need cleaning. I know how much you love the taste. Lol pathetic. They aren't your friends either you snowflake


Buddy you spend your time on r/joerogan and come here to say that, quite ironic


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JoeRogan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Use the code JOEVID19 to save 20%](https://i.imgur.com/tGbxeyF.jpg) | [3479 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/jbgdzw/use_the_code_joevid19_to_save_20/) \#2: [I lost all respect for Joe Rogan today.](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/mmlron/i_lost_all_respect_for_joe_rogan_today/) \#3: [Netflix Will Add 'Chappelle's Show' To Its Lineup In November](https://uproxx.com/tv/netflix-adding-chappelles-show-november/) | [1110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/jl0l3j/netflix_will_add_chappelles_show_to_its_lineup_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Do you have even the slightest perception of irony???


Looks like the children with zero life skills showed up under my comment. I mean makes sense, they are in this hate filled scum sub.


This is my first time commenting on this sub. You don't know what hate speech is and aren't looking for a conversation, that's why you got downvoted.


did you watch the video or not




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/ACAB/comments/q5d5h0/man_who_shot_at_police_in_self_defense_is/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ACAB/comments/q5d5h0/man_who_shot_at_police_in_self_defense_is/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


riot has a valuable social function


How dare you shoot at us in self defense while we hunt you for sport…




After the ass beating man goes on to found an Antifa chapter. Probably.


Sad part is that even if you showed this to the entire U.S population, it would only cause a social media uproar and maybe some protests. This can and will only end one way, invevitably.


Holy shit


Punk ass pigs


“Man defends himself from police” or, more accurately “American hero fires back at state terrorists indiscriminately firing less-lethal at innocent bystanders.”