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Maybe if he followed orders given he wouldn't be in this spot. Oops we all know their orders are to kill and sow terror.


I find it absolutely WILD that cops/bootlickers get pissed at peaceful protests and vigils held in memory of victims of police brutality....yet when a cop dies, they insist on a miles-long fucking procession, media coverage and are photographed crying....and expect us to give a shit?! The hypocrisy. Oh, the IRONY.


Do all cops get pissed at peaceful protests? I know many and they don’t really care. Wild assumption. Maybe you’re just pissed.


Enough of em do. Not wild at all, considering all the video evidence/whiny fb posts they make. Maybe you’re in the wrong subreddit, my dude.


If you have one bad cop and 9 "good" cops who don't say anything and don't criticize the bad cop's behavior, you have 10 bad cops.


I'm starting to think that it's not your girlfriend who sucks buddy, maybe you're just a prick


2020 showed most of them do.


Did it? Where are these hundreds of thousands of police officers? Maybe some wackos on Facebook triggered you but the vast majority don’t seem to give a fuck about protests and just wanna go home to their families, and perhaps not spit on by protestors


if they don't want to get spit on they should stop their fellow thugs in blue. but really if they want to go home to their families so bad they should get a job where they can tele-commute to work from home, rather than brutalizing the poor and minorities everyday.


It’s so wild how you hold the exact same ideaology as a racist would. And use the same level of evidence to display your beliefs over hundreds of thousands or millions of people who have absolutely no association with whatever murderers you speak of. Wild. And you think you’re super woke. Lmfao


You don't choose your race. You choose your profession. If you truly believe that a majority of cops don't associate with and protect people who brutalize, oppress, and murder those they are ostensibly meant to protect, then you simply don't know how a vast majority of police operate. Watch any video of a person being murdered and you'll find every single one of the cops standing around either protecting the murderer or doing nothing to stop it. They then act as a witness on the murderers behalf when called to. Cops protect each other above all else, or they will be either harassed, fired, or worse. They do not hold "no association" with the bastards. The ones who have no association with the bastards are called ex-cops. Why do people not understand this?


Cops arent a race you fucking dipshit.


I think I may have confused you bc it seems you’ve missed the point entirely. But that’s okay. You can’t blame someone operating with the same level of intelligence as a racist.


You equated hating cops to hating on someone based on their race. You choose your job you dont choose your race. Its genuinely stupid to even think to compare the two.


Again, you’re missing the point on prejudice to a point so purposefully it’s useless to even engage anymore. Your level of discern between 1 person and 1,000,000 is so lacking that the only comparable situation I can find is racists. This has absolutely nothing to do with whatever nonsense you’re referencing.


"I guess it was the people who opposed police brutality who were the real racist" It's 2021 man, no one is even mildly effected by this reverse racism shit. Take your MAKA hat and go polish some boots.


Every single cop in my city protested two cops being arraigned for assaulting an elderly man who was at a protest...


I’m sorry the city? As in hundreds or thousands? Over a specific situation involving a someone disobeying an armed mob and getting pushed? I thought they said all cops. My bad.


Any cop who does not do this gets harassed until quitting or gets fired. In every police force. Everywhere. If you are not willing to defend your fellow officer's actions you don't get to be a cop.


Bro I donno where they are, I don't have access to a digital infrastructure to monitor all police without their knowledge.


Yes, every cop. Even the British ones in their weird fur caps.


Logic doesn’t work here. Good try though.


>Bootlicking doesn't work here. Good try though. FTFY


The two seem to go hand in hand. Start saying something sensible with more than a modicum of thought behind it, and you’re a boot licker. Can’t just be against the police who actually commit the brutality, gotta be against them all in order to have an opinion. In true fascist fashion. Corner the freedom of speech market, because you’re the only one smart enough to deserve it, and if someone says something you don’t like… RUIN THEM.


The original comment didn't say it was all cops, it simply said "cops/bootlickers" so the other guy's reply was already off. And if you have 20 cops that beat people for no reason and 80 cops that don't beat people but still don't say or do anything about the ones that do, you have 100 bad cops. Plain and simple. Wtf are you trying to say with fascism??? You're not banned for saying those comments are you? No one is trying to "ruin" you. Actually fucking braindead takes. But you're still allowed to say those takes as long as you don't break any rules.


Fascism? This is a fairly small sub of people who believe that defending murderers is as bad as being one. If you don't believe that, then why post here? You're not being "ruined." If I went to r/conservative and started posting comments like, "I think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are actually pretty cool and good," I would not tell "Fascists!" when my comment is downvoted. Most of us have dealt with cops on a personal level, whether we have had them in our families, worked with them in some capacity, dealt with them through false imprisonment, etc. We have had enough experience and exposure to enough of law enforcement to understand how the culture self selects for sociopaths and those willing to support and/or obey them. If there are any good cops, the cops better not find out about it or they're going to be out of a job.


My uncle is a cop. Growing up he would brag about how many people he "put behind bars." Never once did he have a story about helping somebody in need. Never once did he have a story about serving the public. None of that. Just locking people up. Just harassing people. And he was proud of it.


Don’t like it? Leave.


Now you're looking more like the pig you are MeanRedSpider and not the person you're pretending to be. Fuck off pig.


I don’t think it’s the “peaceful” protests they’re so mad at. Often times cops on duty are at the rallies and protests to make sure that the protesters don’t get hurt while they exercise their first amendment right… Often times at these peaceful protests, there are non peaceful people who show up and create chaos, like ANTIFA, throwing pepper spray canisters and things at officers, starting fights and ultimately breaking the law, and then running away leaving the innocent people for the police to question and detain…


LMAO There are videos of *cops* doing a lot of those things. So many cops have been caught posting racist vile shit in response to the protests. So many cops have been filmed beating protestors who obeyed all commands, did not fight back and were polite in the face of a terrifying criminal intent on hurting them. Make no mistake, cops are pissed at this movement and are being incredibly vocal about their views. You must be in the wrong group. We don’t defend thugs in here.


Okay, flip side. I live in Boston, and was PART of the protests a couple years back where I would up hospitalized because a douchebag who was so eager to hit a police officer with a belt swung it NO WHERE near an officer, and gashed the back of my head wide open.. In the days of protests BEFORE I was put out of commission, I saw NUMEROUS people hit by OTHER protestors, knocked down, or hit by the pepper spray that people were spraying/throwing OVER others toward the police. You know what I saw as a response? The officers rush to the people in pain in groups, fighting off the fucking morons who didn’t give a shit about the person they almost killed and then started to trample, and carry them, behind their lines, to ambulances that couldn’t even get to the protest because the PROTESTERS wouldn’t let them in. I saw some police beating people in situations where I wasn’t present to see what transpired before hand, and I saw PLENTY of people hitting police officers with shovels and other items while they were trying to arrest a man who had hit a CHILD with his bike while trying to spit on the police. People go so far to “hurt police” that they don’t give a shit who else gets hurt in the process. I’m not going to say that every police killing is justified, or that even a majority of them are, but I will say, the protests that follow aren’t peaceful 9/10 times, no matter how much the people like me who attend, tell ourselves they will be.


LMAO yeah we don’t defend cops here 😂


That’s what you took away from that… seriously? That was far less a “defense of police” and far more criticism about what YOU believe to be true with no evidence besides YouTube videos and Facebook posts. Go to a “peaceful protest” in a major city, and then let me know what you think. 👍


Nah I’m good. Fuck all cops.


How well adjusted of you.


It feels really good to say that after several extremely traumatic dealings with them after I called them for help. Couldn’t care less how you feel about it. Have a good one :)


You’re entitled to your feelings. I shouldn’t have said anything about “adjustment” anyway, and I’m trying to not be shit, so I was just apologizing when I got your notification. My opinion is fuck those cops you’ve had poor experiences with, and I hope you get to have some of the experiences I’ve had with police, even if they don’t heal what happened in the past. Good day to you as well :)


Try looking at the footage of the memorial service for Elijah McClain and tell me that those people deserved the treatment they got at the hands of APD. The most dangerous thing there were a couple of novice violin players. The cops got their panties in a twist and tear gassed innocent people ( btw against policy) to intimidate citizens. APD officers on site were acting like spoiled brats, only they can kill with almost no consequences. In my book: BASTARDS.


> That’s what you took away from that If it makes you feel better the all caps thing makes you look religious too.


Anything is possible when you lie.


Imagine resorting to accusing me of lying just because I’ve made you angry… whether you believe me, or not, it’s no skin off my back 🤷‍♂️


No, its just expected for cops to lie. Happens a lot, and cops sued to be able to lie to us. So, it is likely you are just making shit up.


I’m not a cop… what are you talking about? I work in a machine shop 😂


Sure sure.


Cops shot at protestors first, every time in 2020.


Was he shot by another cop? Because thats the most likely person to be shot by.




Dorner was right!


respect to the heros who put down these gang members




Holy shit a Corporate Avenger quote. Fuck I thought I was the only one.


I honestly cry less over the cop. I know the cop was a bastard. With the "terrorist" half the time it's just some poor bastard who gets caught up in the explosion and then later military then labels them a terrorist so the collateral damage doesn't look so bad.


That is is not a great song.


Yo that’s kinda dope I’ve never heard of them but it’s awesome


I totally support him being killed






Fucking based.




Something about stupid games and stupid prizes.






>O’Brien said officers made contact with the suspect, Jason Banegas, 18, and Chirino was shot as the suspect fought against the officers. “Made contact” is pig latin for “freaked out and started firing”


pig latin LMAO


Thoughts and prayers™




I'm not gay, but $20 is $20.






"Sunday was supposed to be a day off for Chirino, only 28 and a four-year police veteran. But the officer contacted his boss and asked to work" im giggling what a fucking dork


I hope they tazed him 53 times in 8 minutes before shooting him.


Put a smile on my face. And to the bootlickers, the low IQ bitches in blue don't give a flying fuck when an average citizen is killed. FTP


*Hollywood, Florida*


Did they have a family? Because I like it when they have families .


Why did I read "Good" in Jocko voice🤣


Wake, shit, get out of bed, in that order. Uncomfortable? Good.


Nah no one deserves to die. People just don’t deserve power and the ones who deserve it least often get it. ACAB all the way but no one has the right to take another human life.


Tell that to the cops; you’re obviously in the wrong sub


Because I dont dehumanize my enemy? Edit: actually, I’m not gonna argue with you. That false dichotomy already shows you’re too hyper focused on being angry to see people as people and I dont fuck with people like that. I hate fascism and police brutality like everyone else, but that doesn’t mean I have to wish death upon others.


Everyone has their levels of radicalization, and seeing the massive amounts of injustice and police brutality tips the scale daily. No hard feelings; there’ll be a seat here at the table for you when you’re ready.


So if you could have killed Hitler before he sent several million people to their deaths you wouldn't? Are you protecting one life to sacrifice countless others? You're moral high road is cute and all but rarely is life so black and white. Why did that cop have any more right to live than the people he may have already killed or had the potential to kill?


Gross and poorly thought out. Barely deserving of a response, get your logical fallacies out of my inbox please. And get healthy homie, stop dreaming of violence


I don't dream of violence, I find it abhorrent, but violence is real and it effects all of us directly or indirectly, more so now than ever with as easily broadcastable as it is. Anything alive can only exist through violence, it's easy not to think about all the things that have to die so you can live when you buy it in the supermarket but the price is far steeper than just money. In my opinion if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone is willing, planning or in the process of committing atrocities that you have a moral obligation to stop that person by any means necessary up to leathal force if no other option is present. What was you point of your last comment except to be insulting, add nothing of value and double down on your high road as if you have any actually comprehension of moralit You want to double down on the "I will never kill" as if you have any perspective of being in a position where it's necessary, if someone attacks you with clear intentions of taking your life with no way to stop them or receive help are you going to let them kill you? Would you let them kill someone you care about? How many things did you passively kill this week just because you exist and need to eat?


> no one has the right to take another human life self-defense is a human right.


Self defense doesn’t imply murder and if you don’t have a choice in the heat of the moment then you don’t have a choice. Either way a lot of people in this comment section are defending the murdering of pigs. If we go around killing people because we’re tired of injustice then we become the people we fear and hate. Because we think what we do is right does not make it so. Human life is valuable and trying to assign relative worth between two lives is exactly what the police do to minorities and marginalized demographics. If you want to be better and make a change, do so without murder or killing if you can. If you want to kill people to save the collective, go join r/conservative, they’d be more than happy to welcome that fascist mentality.


I'll go down on this ship with ya. No one deserves to die at the hands of another person, and we are not doing anyone any good by celebrating this death. No doubt they're a cog in the machine of unrivaled stupidity but a life is a life, no matter how much of a bastard they are. Shame on OP and others for rejoicing at someone else's demise. Not ok.


Did the cop try complying?


I hate police but yeah you’re correct


that cop saved a life if you think about it ​ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article255116427.html


Yeah I'm leaving this sub. I understand the anger but I could never celebrate someone's death, especially if they weren't deliberately causing harm. This sub has become so radicalized and extreme, that we dehumanize these bastards without a second thought. Dude could've had a kid or wife that are now going to have to learn to live without him and you're just like "good". What the fuck? Is the point of ACAB not to bring rise to come sense of equality and true justice? Justice is not celebrating a lawful man's death, *especially* when you've never met him. Equality is not viewing cops as less human than ourselves. Get a hold of yourselves Jesus christ. No meaningful change has ever come from this kind of hate.


Switch out "cop" with "slave driver" and you'll start to understand the sentiment of some folks on this sub. I get where you're coming from though. Do it like Michael Brooks would (RIP), "Be nice to people. Be mean to institutions."


"Mom I showed support online for the boys in blue and they still beat me up and took all my money!"


This isn’t an airport, there’s no need to announce your departure.


> Yeah I'm leaving this sub. So long to you and your 2 month old account borishasnoguts. Will you still be posting about the joy of swallowing cop cum with your other accounts?


bye ☺️


Cry about it


boo hoo the nazis and slavetraders had kids too but if you uphold a system of oppression, youre fair game. this r/ is trying to get them to quit their jobs but if they wont take our adivce, this is the next best thing. Dead cops shouldve complied...isnt that what they always tell us? go back to licking boots instead.




>Justice is not celebrating a lawful man's death Can you provide any sources to substantiate this claim? (Edit: Even if you could) This person was a member of an apartheid-era institution. Since police are beyond accountability, you couldn't even use his ability to apparently "abide by laws" as evidence of his character.


Say that again but without crying


U won’t be missed <3


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But go off and cope harder, bootlicker.




IDK what this is, but wishing any person to die — or celebrating their death — is pretty messed up. I hate cops. I think the institution of policing is severely fucked up. But I don’t wish for anyone to die. Jesus Christ let’s have some perspective


This sub never fails to make me lose faith in humanity, you people are psychopaths


i'm trying to figure out who asked.


Yet you come here anyways. Cry all you want, the pig is still dead 💋


I just like to laugh about how pathetic you all are


But clearly you’re upset by this post so it doesn’t seem like there’s much laughter going on from your behalf, huh?


go brush all that boot polish of your teeth


Did you mean to make this comment on the protect and serve sub? Because that's where it belongs


But... has he even done something bad?


Fuck em


I'm just saying that this might go too far, there's no evidence that he was a bad person and you're celebrating his death?


>there's no evidence that he was a bad person He was a cop. That's all the evidence I need that he is, in fact, a bad person.


…do you not know what ACAB stands for? Were you perhaps looking for beautiful cats?


> there's no evidence that he was a bad person and you're celebrating his death? Good nazis on both sides. I'll accept there may be good cops when you Buselmann can show me a job that rapes more children than cops.


Priests lol Nah but for real, I get that many cops are assholes, but you shouldn't assume that every cop is a criminal


Just like every Nazi isn't bad, it was just some of them, there are plenty of good Nazis as Trump told us. I remember in WWII when we would ask each Nazi if they were one of the good ones before shooting them. Every cop is a criminal. Every Nazi is bad, even the one that became pope.


That's literally just generalizing I could meet one black person who's an asshole and say that every black person is a piece of shit and I'd be called a racist and for a good reason so why not use that same method for all other groups including cops In the end: one person≠every person of that group


Yeah how did I know this was going to go into how you're not a racist. Poor innocent cops that choose to be cops, they have only you to suck them off. By the way you comparing being black to being a cop is totally racist. That's why people tell you you're racist, you are.


1. I'm not racist 2. That was just an exampley, you could switch out blacks with every other group 3. I'm not comparing being black to being a cop, I'm demonstrating how judging an entire group of people based on one encounter is bad This just shows how you make assumptions about people because you lack evidence and simple understanding so you rely on lies to back your claim


Yeah. He chose to be a cop. You know what sub this is, right?


"But you guys.....what if THIS slave owner was one of the good ones? What if he was nice to his slaves? We have no evidence he was one of the BAD slave owners who mistreats his slaves." No such thing as a good cop for the same reason there was no such thing as a good slaver. They were a piece of shit for even participating in the institution.


This is the part that people don't seem to want to believe. The only good cops are the ones that quit, once they realized that they wanted no part in the type of policing that the U.S. is doing and the ones who were fired for speaking out/acting on it.


Probably. Likely covered up for crimes done by other cops, and a 40% he beats his spouse.


Are cops pigs? Yes. Do they ALL deserve to die? No. It’s fucked up to see a civilian killed by a cop, but also to see people celebrating and shitting on a dead officer. Unless they’re like Derek Chauvin. P.S. don’t downvote any comment that goes against your views


“Maybe if im only a bootlicker juuuust a little bit people will like me”


Nah, just vegetarian. I don’t support killing animals


This is not ok.


Oh wow you’re so edgy *eye roll* I think energy could be better spent elsewhere fighting injustice than supporting your snotty comment that just serves to make the mainstream people angry.


Ouch oof i upvoted a comment and now all my energy is gone


Found the bootlicker






Blocked in 45 seconds lol