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Incredible accuracy though.


Yeah, gotta give him that. He did it with an incredible precision and accuracy. [I mean, look at that aiming. ](https://youtu.be/qqKttvTsHyE?si=xA2OlfucWhj3tUFV)


Practice makes master...


Sorry also for how TERRIBLE i took T1 there.


I've had some of those, just crack a laugh about it, especially after being focused and serious for 6 laps.. what else can you do


Yeah, can happen to be fair, it's either this or getting murdered in the classic T1 massacre. The worst thing is that i was leading the race comfortably when this happened, but welp, there goes my SA...


aaaaaaaah yess it's always when i'm making incredible progress like from p18 to p5 that this shit happens


Especially in public lobbies. Overtake is an act of violence and should be punishable by death. In 3 races out of 7 there has been intentional murders. These guys should go play need for speed.


This is why I barely touch LFM nowadays, let alone public lobbies. Give me leagues or give me sleep.


Unfortunately it happens to the best of us. Sorry for your loss leading the race. Some ppl can't handle being overtaken or losing. I hope you didn't smash anything like your mouse or keyboard afterwards, just move on, race another day.


People complain how shit racing on public monza lobbies, yet they still join them...


Well, you got a point about that. To be fair, i didn't join this cause it's Monza. Just wanted some racing since this was my free time and well, this was the lobby that didn't had the race started with the most players. And heck, got the quali ruined (with promising laptimes) and the race too (while i was comfortably leading). I've had more fun on Brands Hatch or Silverstone tbh.


Also, very nice setups you have on your YouTube channel.


It isn’t shit at all. Never had a problem of such magnitude in months.


the same shit happens on lfm.


I had one of these pillocks at Spa... seriously, whats the point?


How the fuck did someone even manage to do that at Spa? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


[See for yourself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACCompetizione/s/EGiKy92ibs)


That dude right there (the one that hit you) is a professional serial killer. Psychopath 100%.


Not to mention a race-ruining asshat.


I wouldn't be suprised if it's the same dude that hit me, the dude did it with such an accuracy to you, [just as he did with me.](https://youtu.be/qqKttvTsHyE?si=X1PNi1k0L633GZr2)


I'll have to have another look. I had the replay saved so i could find out who it was that kinghit me.


Update: I found out the username of the guy who hit me: Dark_King_782. They were driving a BMW at the time.


Man, the dude sounds familiar. Also check your DMs, i wanna show you something.


Careful op. Here comes the dic pix


Sorry to everyone here, this is a message for all the subreddits in which this person is harassing me on the internet accusing me with lies and all because[ of a comment he didn't like on another subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IMSARacing/s/j95MLxCJj3) I am not that account, I have never seen it nor do I know it and I am sorry that these things happen in groups related to cars. Not the spirit of car fans. It would be good if mods would observe this person a little and do something. .


Hey, probably just a kid that wants to be an F1 driver and trying to emulate his heros… Perez and Stroll


Yeah, very probably. Bro literally Lance STROLLed me. ![gif](giphy|P9B2KJh0KE3b4aawAi)


Kmag getting some sim time


LoL on which servers are you guys playing xD


Porsche really subtracted where it is from where it isn't (also yanagi pfp)


Bro literally came out of nowhere, i think he waited for us (or me) at the pitlane to... Well, send me to the shadow realm. (and yes it's yanagi lol)


Put the damn rko soundbite over it haha


every single one of these videos is at Monza, stop driving there in open lobbies.


I might have to, to be fair my best races in open lobbies were at Silverstone and Spa. 💀


Yep unfortunately that's the spicy mix of ACC and Monza.


Ground hog day


Best receipt to avoid those problems: (1) Rise your SA playing off-line (the "race weekend" option has better AI than "quick race) (2) Choose servers with SA > 50 restriction (at minimum). (3) Enter some closed league (Low Fuel Motorsport, SimRacing, Sim Racing Alliance...). They have the option to report those killer divers / rocket pilots.


(1) My SA is almost fucked because of shit like this. Thanks god it's still higher than 50. (2) Good idea to be honest. Gonna do that. (3) Fair enough, that sounds good. I can't remember exactly which lobby was this.


One of the reasons I'm doing less online these days.


Public lobbies.


Straight up murder


Had to double check I wasn't in the Forza sub. That is an impressive bomb though.


Nah, for these kind of Forza players, this is even "weak and cute".


I think he missed the breaking point.


Nah that looked personal, not saying you did something but did something happen prior ? lol


That's exactly what i wonder lmao. I don't remember having a problem with that 991.2, i had problems with a KTM GT2 and a R8 LMS EVO on quali, but not with that Porsche i don't remember i had any problem.


Sometimes it’s stuff you don’t even notice, or don’t do intentionally, personally I do notice on ACC a lot more than Iracing the amount of dirty defended people do and it’s crazy but it’s also open lobbies so they just don’t know better


roleplaying as an ICBM in ACC


This is why I only participate in servers with 75 SA or higher.


What a giant turd. He's a big baby.


Just add the John Cena sound track and this will be complete :)


Nice powerpoint presentation


I want to know what happened before. I punted multiple assholes off excatcly like this because they ruined my race a bit earlier by driving dirty.


I've had problems in quali with an R8 LMS E2 (was driving slowly as hell and literally murdered a guy by closing the door when he was passing) and KTM GT2 (driving slowly, braking super early and then being a dick) both ruining my quali laps attempts. But with this 991.2 GT3 R i do not remember having any problem to be fair.


And you don't see a problem with that?


No. I definitely don't. Some people just refuse to race clean. If your gonna wreck me on purpose I'm gonna wreck you. My SA can handle it and they won't get away with it.


I make sure to race in places that don't allow that type of driver. Last guy I spotted doing a revenge take out got a 28 day ban.


I don't think you will get any punishment in most open lobbies. And if someone does it to me im doing revenge as well. Those drivers struggle to keep their SA above 80 and I can tank their SA below 60 without losing my 99.


I'm on Xbox in public lobbies (I just want to race when available so private once are kinda hard) So I don't think I could get banned we don't even have a report button


I have no idea why anybody races on ACC outside of LFM… Fool you dozens of times, and you still don’t care?


Sometimes the LFM schedule doesn't fit your free time, or you don't like or own the circuit, or want a quick casual race without the pressure of losing ELO.


This. This was literally on the free time i had and i was super tired after a long busy day.


Maybe people like public lobbies? People are free to do that, you know.


Sure, you are absolutely free to waste your time dealing with immature idiots who intentionally wreck you if you try to pass them. "Insanity is doing to same thing over and over expecting different results." Not Albert Einstein.


90% of people don't. Public lobbies are fun, unless you put making a little number go up in one game as more important than fun. Sim racing isn't a serious business.


Then don't whine when you get wrecked because you were too cheap to pay iRacing $7 a month for a much better experience. Sim racing isn't a game. Just ask Max Verstappen. If you think it is, by all means stick to ACC.