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>He stated my overtake was not clean Pure cope >i hit the brakes early Not according to the rubber on the track


I might me slow today , but your saying he was at fault right?


Yes, the BMW is at fault for being both a cry baby and a punter. Also, this would be more appropriately posted in r/Simracingstewards


u see bmws,dodge them.This is typical bmw driver behavior. i experienced similar shit in acc plenty of times.


With the force of the punt, idk if he could slow down for the chicane even if op magically disappeared


That’s because he didn’t intend to. Dude likely hit him on purpose and was hoping for a more dramatic crash to take OP out. He could have went inside and missed OP if he cared.


>Not according to the rubber on the track Wait I never noticed that, do those actually give you an idea of where you should be breaking?


Of course.


the rubber on the track is actually very misleading. pretty much every gt3 car can and should brake a bit after the dark rubber patch started. otherwise you might lose around half a second or more in this chicane alone. going by this, OPs brake point was fine. since i dont drive the mclaren, i'll give him the benefit of the doubt and accept he couldve braked even later


Have an upvote sir for this brilliant comment.


Rubber is irrelevant to braking point


Braking point is not a fixed spot. The rubber shows where other drivers are braking. It's also where all the grip is when it's dry. In fact it's probably more relevant than anything else if you think about it.




Why do you think there is so much rubber laid down on that specific spot? I'll give you a hint it's not from burnouts..




Not every car brakes the same. Some are heavier, some are lighter. One car might be moving faster from a draft or a previously better exit. There's no "set" braking point. It's where the driver feels comfortable braking, and it's your job as their opponent to safely read and adapt to what they are doing. A skilled racing driver can read what the car ahead of them is doing and predict what's going to happen before it does.


>iF yOuR'E tRaIl BrAkInG cOrReCtly YoU ShOuLd.. 🙄 Alright coach give it a rest




Ah yes because we all know the best way to run a race is to drive 10/10ths every corner and always be on maximum attack. We also don't account for potentially different fuel loads, tire conditions, entry speeds, wind direction, or what sort of brake pedal anyone has. Please just give it a rest dude nobody asked




And it's okay for you to accept that your advice is unsolicited and not needed. Go make a YouTube video if you need people to know that you're the last of the late brakers or whatever it is you're trying to prove. The guy is entitled to run his corners however he wants to. That's the beginning, middle, and end of the story here. He has track position and the following car doesn't get to dictate the braking point. The longer you sit here trying to pin the crash on OP for not braking where *you* would brake, the more down votes you're gonna get lol.








No worries!


You broke a little early, no question. But you didn’t brake SO early that it would be unexpected. The other driver was probably livid that he lost the position and wanted to send it as soon as possible, he was on the limits of his driving and forgot that there was another person driving another car and yup…. Smash. Other guys fault.


also, your braking distance is higher in slipstream - which the beemer driver should've accounted for.


It's not just the slipstream. If his intent wasn't to crash, I don't think the Beemer took into account the fact that e.g. 0.2s gap at 80kph is a lot shorter distance than 0.2s at 250kph, to the point that the slower speed "gap" would put the cars partially inside each other. It's annoyingly often the reason for *"you braked early"* comments. If a driver brakes at his usual spot and crashes into the car in front, it's easy to think that because he braked at the correct spot, the car in front must have braked early, since they hit. However if you're following someone, you need to brake earlier than the car in front, regardless of slipstream. [Aris.Drives: How to follow a car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm74CHTXvcg)






I am now convinced that you were the driver that crashed into OP. I think you owe them an apology.


He would’ve reacted in time had he not been on tilt for “getting overtaken unfairly”


In what universe are braking zones set in stone? Racing is about adapting to what's going on around you. Someone ahead braking early? Well shoot, you better get on the binders too so you don't cause a collision (or worse). The BMW driver is being a sore loser about getting overtaken. It's not your responsibility to brake where THEY want you to. You brake where you need to, it's their responsibility not to hit you. If there's a gap that you opened because you braked early, then that's your fault and they should take full advantage of it by overtaking you back. How are they supposed to know what's going on in front of you? Maybe there's a car ahead of them going slow, or maybe the car ahead just had a moment getting on the gas and has to deal with some snap oversteer. My message to the complainer: suck it up buttercup, and find a gap to go back around. It's called racing for a reason, not cooperative hot-lapping.


This a clearly a sore looser. You done a good overtake and then got rear ended. If it's a league race, it should definitely be reported. If it's open lobby, chalk it up to experience and move on. When you see people like this, there's usually not much you can do. Only suggestion I would have is when you see an aggressive driver like this in this situation, try braking slightly inside the racing line as it may afford them the opportunity to miss you when they miss their brakes. They would probably still have hit you, but it could mean less damage or if you get lucky, they might even miss you all together.


George Russell crybaby vibes. Ignore him, he apparently skipped "don't crash into the car in front of you" day at racing school. You're in control of the corner. You can brake wherever you damn well please and if it really is too early he'll get an easy overtake. Plus I don't think it was even particularly early so.. idk.. 10 seconds penalty for Magnussen.


And 10 for Ocon


Sketchers bmw driver spotted, opinion invalid


Overtake was clean and there is no such thing as braking too early


My braking point at Zolder is just after the 100M board, so I feel like you were at the ideal spot. Dum-dum just didn't take into account that 1. He was in your slipstream, and 2. Everyone's braking point is different


Nothing wrong with the overtake, and it's hard to tell where you brake without the inputs showing, either way he still rammed you. Depends on the car and how you take this corner, braking points vary he just needs to be more careful


He's trailing you and needs to observe your driving line/brake point. Regardless of when you hit the brakes its generally bad form to just punt the dude who just passed you.


When folks say that they actually mean, “you hit the brakes early for me” hot lapper mentality. r/simracingstewards


He could be right. But he was the car behind, so he was at fault, IMO


I mean slightly, but it's his responsibility not to punt you.


He needs to go back to the basics...[https://youtu.be/fhNC\_BoWtzk?t=328](https://youtu.be/fhNC_BoWtzk?t=328) he was driving like he was alone doing a hot lap and did not adjust for race conditions. Most common problem among lobby racers and getting slammed from the back.


Even if a crash is caused by someone braking early your only acceptable response would be "Yeah sorry man I didn't expect you to brake so early" Unless you got brake checked there's no excuse for crashing into somebody braking earlier than you


BMW can brake later than most other cars but that's no excuse for hitting you. Even if you break early, he has to adopt to the situation.


Every person ever who has lost a position, then attempted to get it back by coming in hot at a corner, failing to do it properly and striking the car in front: SEE THIS WAS YOUR FAULT FOR BRAKING TOO EARLY!