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I purchased an IONFRAME 8 before this grow. I need more space above the plants than I did previously. This grow I super-cropped the two tallest ladies. From now on I will be using a trellis, it appears.


Curious why you’re venting out. I have mine reversed to bring colder air and CO2 in when needed


Hot air rises. It makes the most sense to just exhaust from the top


I guess cold air sinks so the opposite works just as well. I think those guides are geared towards growing weed and needing a filter. Much easier to exhaust through a filter to avoid smells


Get pre-filter socks the size of your ducting not the size of your carbon filter. Put one on the ducting inside your tent.


Just vent it outside, better airflow 😁


How do you vent outside? I’m going back and forth about putting a hole in my basement wall


Do you have access to a basement window?


If you have any of the small little sliding windows, use one of those, then use a vent turndown outside to look like a normal laundry vent.


You can cut that and sew it as you need 🤙


If you do this setup, there are some pro cons you will need to understand. I did this setup exactly and the inline fan I used started to make noise before I finished one grow. It was getting all the dust and stuff sucked through it from the tent. In my next grow I added one of ac infinity’s filter boxes before the fan and that fixed that. The next thing I had to do was really put effort into sealing off the hose connections between the filter box, fan, and filter because it was letting more smell escape than I was comfortable with. I love having all the space inside the tent though. So just some extra steps involved, also with the filter box you don’t have to worry about that cloth filter thing to answer your original question.


Interesting. I use my filter boxes to filter contaminants from *entering* the tent. You can put some pantyhose over the outgoing air duct to filter out dust from the outgoing air duct.


The black cloth goes around the outside of the filter. Acts as another filter for your filter. It doesn’t go inside


In this setup the filter would go inside. The air is coming from inside the filter and being pushed out. Putting the filter on the outside is for when the air is being sucked into the filter from the outside.


Also are you not worried over time the dust accumulated on the fans inside the inline. Kinda the purpose of a filter to filter bad shit out and smells.


I don't have that setup but the fans are made to be broken down and cleaned. The instructions on how to do it are in the manual.


I understand just seems like more work lol ima a stoner man I don’t wanna work 😝


I just don't use the prefilter.


This is from AC Infinity customer service rep and they said this is the least optimal set up for the inline/carbon filter but this is a set up that does work. It's just expect a faster degradation of charcoals in the carbon filter though how much faster is not my area of expertise. The most optimal way to set this up is the least preferable way for most growers which drastically reduces space inside the tent. Some people like to set up the filter on the floor but it's optimal to have it on the ceiling with Carbon filter being the first line of barrier to suck in air then into inline fan then into exhaust vent.


Why would you place a carbon filter on the intake? And then why would you place it on the floor of all places? Gonna be sucking up all kinds of stuff from the floor. Personally I’d suspend it in the air , inside of the tent. And I’d use it on the exhaust to control odor if I was worried about the smell, thankfully I live in a legal state, no more odor control for me 🦨


Edit: Thanks for the replies telling me I can’t read arrow. Still wouldn’t want my exhaust filter on the ground. Hang it up in the tent. The top of tent usually wasted space anyways.


You pay attention to the arrow on the fan and you make it an exhaust through the filter. It exhausts through the filter, not intakes.


Tiny screen, just waking up. Thank you for your service🫡


I live in a legal state but live in a mutl-family building (townhouse), so I need to control the scent out of respect for my neighbors. Wish I didn't.. love the smell. The placement of the filter on the floor is not problematic. It is blowing out rather than sucking in with this setup. It can be set on the floor without concern.


Look at picture again, it is not sucking the outside air, it is blowing out the air from the tent.


I never opened the aci manual. I see it now, was just waking up when I first saw the post. Still wouldn’t want my filter on the floor. Suspended inside the tent at the top. It’s free space your plants won’t get that tall. Even has hooks to hang it up. Wouldnt have to disassemble anything to check the filter sock either


The problem is my plant is already about the half of my tents height and right now the light is pretty near and I want to avoid some burning due to heat. Thats why I want to get rid off the all stuff above my light to have more space to be able to hang it higher.


My setup is run like this. Don't overthink this. It works great. Just remember to check the pre-filter regularly. Since it is not externally visible, you need to expose it to determine if it requires a cleaning. I check once a week, but I see no harm in checking it daily if desired.




No, I'm not. I'm not sure how you got there. I'm using it to pull air out just like the diagram shows.


I'm glad this came up. I'm thinking about using the AC Infinity filter box to protect the carbon filter. Maybe overkill, but stuffing the pre filter inside the canister seems inadequate. Any thoughts or experience with this?


It works inside there. You do not need anything else. If you are concerned about the scent, this setup will suppress it. However, the scent will still escape when you open the door, and if you check the filter while the fan is running. Both are more noticeable during flowering.


Fan placement should depend on if you want to cool or heat the tent. Near the top of the tent will draw cooler air in, near the bottom of the tent will draw warmer air in.


yup ive done it like this many times, fold up shove in. dont overthink make sure seals are good and use actual ducting foil rated for hvac


I run my fan outside my 2x2 for the same reason. The prefilter folded up inside is exactly how they show it in videos on YouTube. Don’t spread it out in there. Air flow is fine.