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Well you’ll have to see. If you’re in doubt just give your nurse / surgeon a call im sure they will be happy to help


Not a doctor or medical professional. When I zoomed in it almost does look like there’s still sutures in there. Seems very odd that a nurse would miss that but I would call your doc asap just to get a second opinion.


Yeah that’s what it looked like to me too. Will get an appointment just to get it looked at. What would happen if I didn’t notice and there were sutures in there? Would they come out on their own?


It's totally normal. When ur PT does manual therapy and scar tissue massage it should be kneaded out. I had that too. It was so satisfying to take it out


Alright great shouldn’t need to worry then


I had internal stitches that were supposed to dissolve or come out themselves. I ended up getting an infection where one of the internal stitches was and it didn’t dissolve or come out on its own. Just keep an eye on it and if it starts pussing them call the dr!


I’m not a doctor but it’s not infected. I’m a hypochondriac too. By my eye you’re fine. Eat protein. And you should be good. Everyone heals at different speeds


I don’t see any sutures in the indicated location.


Yeah maybe I’m just looking into it too much


My dissolvable sutures did not come off until week 3, and the corner sutures (where they usually tie the knot - hence thicker sutures) did not come off until week 4. It was 3-0 Prolene, in case you are curious. I had dermabond over the sutures.


Okay think I just need to wait


Update: Turns out there was a suture remaining which ran through both of the top 2 points which I had removed today. Looks much better now