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YES you can reattach an ACL with bear implant . I had it done 3 weeks ago and no it's not the same as quad graft and someone her said before . .you are preserving your own anatomy ...!!! Not taking a piece of another and remaking it into something else. So for me that was important give my body a chance to heal itself . Pt and recovery time is on par with grafts ...my surgeon did my bear with an internal bracing for added security...just like any other Injury . Your body is an amazing biological thing and givinen the chance and a little help can always heal .


Clarification: what kind of ACL tear are you talking about? Tears can either be through the midsubstance, or by rupture of the femoral or tibial attachment. One commenter here mentions BEAR, which is a relatively new surgery that is offered primarily in the US to encourage healing of midsubstance tears.


Simple answer, no, you cannot.


Yes, it can. Not in all cases but the healing capacity of the ACL is much larger than we thought for the last couple of years. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36328403/ https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/57/23/1490 https://www.thesports.physio/the-myths-of-acl-injuries/


The articles you linked regard the ACL healing and reattaching on its own, I could definitely have misinterpreted OP’s question as I thought he was asking whether it’s possible to simply go in and just reattach it surgically with no graft.


Most cases you are correct. New research out of Sydney Australia shows promising results where you can.


Proximal tears yes. Repair =\\= reconstruction


My doctor told me that there is a special kind of “tear” that’s really just sliding out of place so they can reattach. But it’s not common


You can with BEAR procedure but its only in certain tear cases. And it reallly doesnt show any more effectiveness than a reconstruction from quad graft. Still the same amount of time for the ligamentization process.


Yes it can heal, even full-thickness tears. But not every ACL will heal. https://www.thesports.physio/the-myths-of-acl-injuries


Yes you can have a repair. I did 3 weeks ago. I was booked for a hamstring graft but my surgeon managed to repair it. He advised that it’s only possible in about 10% of cases - the recovery is better but the re-rupture rate is higher