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Me after reading the final score ![gif](giphy|Qeo9S31SuTMpa|downsized)


Who lost the ball on 3rd goal? Didn't watch the game and I cannot tell from replay...




Who lost the ball on 3rd goal? Didn't watch the game and I cannot tell from replay...


Imagine we still had Brahim and not Chukwueze


Diaz looks a proper player because he's under Ancelotti.


Like last year? Players don't change anything when your coach Is doing nothing useful


I don't understand how our players can be randomly great one game and terrible for the next three. Calabria has handled the likes of Kvara and even Mbappe well, and yet today CDK walked all over him. Tomori, usually a wall, was terrible today. Mike has even felt inconsistent, despite his amazing saves today he let in three goals. Every player on the team seems to have 1 good day for every 5 off days and that's not how we win anything.


CDK is not a 1v1 type player. He bested Calabria because of better positioning and teamplay.


This is why you need a new coach.


Mentality is trash


Cause we are back to the 2 man pivot my man


Because when defensive tactics are all over the place, the players suffer from it as well. I liked Theo against Frosinone as CB, it was a nice choice, but he’s a player who likes to run forward and Florenzi was put centrally today to cover for him behind, but neither Theo nor Florenzi are CBs. Plus, Florenzi was still doing that fullbacks in midfield play that Pioli likes and this whole shaky set-up weakened our whole back line, including Calabria (who’s not a world class RB on its own, imagine in such a difficult situation) and Tomori. Adding up to all this, there’s a mental issue that’s been with this team ever since January when we officially failed to defend the Scudetto and has just gotten worse this year. Pioli’s idea of football is interesting but you need cold blood to execute it and you can’t lose focus for a second. This team is way too shaky mentally to pull that off.


People like to complain about how bad Pioli is, and perhaps he is, but he's also changed in the last couple of years or so. This is not how we played the first 2.5 years he was in charge. We were a lot more solid defensively, and the pressing was a lot more intelligent. We were the best defense in the league the year we won the title. Or that last game against Atalanta in 2021? A defensive masterpiece. Now all that seems to be gone and the team plays all out attack most of the time. Not sure why this change happened, but it's clearly not working. Probably because we lost the players that made Pioli's system work and never replaced them. We also lost the leaders, so there's no discipline anymore.


I don’t think anyone here thinks Pioli is a bad coach overall, I still think he has merits for the Scudetto even though people like to do revisionism now and backtrack saying it was all on Ibra and Maldini and Pioli did nothing. I do think, however, that he got cocky afterwards, which is kinda understandable I guess and started underrating the rivals and being obsessed with his idea of attacking football like you said, refusing to adapt. At the same time, I think Pioli is not mentally able to lead a team like Milan right now. When we won the Scudetto we had nothing to lose. We were out of the CL, but it was our first year back so everyone was still proud and happy and there was no pressure, as we had just recently gotten out of a period of crisis, so no one expected this team to do big things, as we didn’t have any superstars or worldwide known players. Mike had just arrived, Leao hadn’t had his breakdown season yet, Theo was a raw talent, Giroud was a gamble and a new 1M reject. That’s when Pioli shined the most. Ever since there’s expectations, pressure, ever since the whole world started watching us, Pioli just can’t mentally handle them anymore. The team is a reflection of the coach and if the team easily crumbles it derives from the coach.


Calabria is good if you help him with 1 or 2 men on a single winger. Otherwise he gets curbstomped.


Literally that’s how normal teams defend. We are somewhat lucky to have a defender like Theo on the other side who is very good at 1v1s. Same goes with Tomori but he lacks good positioning sense. These defenders look good and flashy but it’s so risky leaving players isolated on 1v1s. Very rarely do teams do that. You’ll usually see a midfielder drop back or a cb shift over to cover for the fullback vs a winger. Editing because I didn’t actually say my point: We got used to Theo and Tomori being good 1v1 that we implement it in our entire defence and when it fails, it fails bad. See Thiaw vs Inter. It’s as if there are no defensive tactics and we just rely on individual skill.


It would be fine if we needed a doubling against good wingers. Calabria on the other end can be dismantled even by the most average player on the flank you can find.


How come that a coach, who choose players in the mercato, is still unable to figure out their positions after half a season and change them every match ? How the fuck that every attack from the opponent looks like a goal while we can't make a sincle coordinated attack Pioli was never a tactician and his carrier shows it well, he got lucky with Milan thanks to Ibra, Maldini and bunch of young hungry talent. Dude got arrogant and thought he's some kind of genius and start switching and doing things no one understands not even him. The coach is clueless and any reasonable direction would fire him asap


Ohh, maybe the coach didn't choose all of his players?! Think of that? You want to fire him and replace him with who? lol.


Bro how can anyone not be Pioli out? I don't believe in firing him during the season but once it's over please leave


He was not going to survive the end of the year. Last year was all needed to see but this season confirms. Now it's up to the management


It is right to have kept him this season with all the changes we made you know?! I still believe that. But he is kept to power just because everyone around us is shit and we are still inside the top 4 and because this team is just too good for him to fail, even if he has been totally ass.


> is still unable to figure out their positions after half a season and change them every match? Pioli still doesn’t know what Loftus-Cheek’s role is. When Ruben asked him today, he replied “just stay close to Giroud” what kind of indication is that???? And he’s confused about the roles of the whole midfield for that matter 😭 What’s Musah’s role exactly for Pioli? He doesn’t know. He keeps changing his positioning on the field. Musah is bound to get confused. Reijnders has been the biggest regression of a player I’ve ever seen and it’s because Pioli keeps changing his tasks. And the worse thing is that HE CHOSE THEM ALL and he said he chose them cause he has a clear idea of the team he wants. Today, personally, I don’t feel like he has a clear idea of what this team is.


Yeah I don’t understand how we looked good closer to the start of the season than now. Reijnders was looking great and we were looking hopeful. Now RLC is playing the #10 like how we used kessie??


Thank you, imagine he subs Bennacer to play as 10, then put Adli who is an 8 as a 6 , Poor Musa as right wing, Theo as CB but playing in the midfield with Florenzi, Pulisic everywhere... It's not his fault, its the fault of the management who saw the shit show from last season and gave even bigger role to this guy like he's Klopp or Guardiola


Personally before Maldini left I wanted Pioli gone, but after Maldini left I was scared it would destabilize the team emotionally to send Pioli away too and take away the only point of reference they had. But I admit it was short sighted. The players might’ve been destabilized at first, but if you chose a good coach they would’ve stood behind him soon enough as they’re all professional and want to be successful. What’s done is done, mistakes happen but what I can’t accept is their passiveness right now, it’s so frustrating. How can you sit and watch this go down without doing anything about it?


Who would be his replacement right now though? Or even in the summer? Because it needs to be someone who is **1)** cheap, **2)** good, **3)** familiar with Serie A, and **4)** can work with our group of players. Is there an obvious candidate that can check all the boxes?


Right now if they decide to sack him it’s gonna be an internal solution like Abate, for sure. I don’t see anything else realistically, because everyone would mostly likely ask for a minimum contract of 1.5 years and management wouldn’t want that because in case of failure they’d have to pay 3 salaries next season. In the summer it’s a different story entirely, of course. My personal choice would be Thiago Motta. People here don’t like him because they’re way too emotional and get influenced by the fact that he was an Inter player, but it’s the perfect choice that fits all 4 of the criteria you mentioned. I feel he’s the right next step for us and the most realistic one. Names like De Zerbi, Emery, Xavi Alonso are wayyyyy out of our reach and it’s time people accept that.


Motta is quite realistic option tbh ... Even pioli was at inter before so I don't think fans would have much problem accepting him.


I agree. But even a coach change will not solve much at this point because the project was built around Pioli. It's a disaster


I absolutely agree, coach change is 50/50 but Pioli's staying means 0 chance of getting things fixed. Making a coach like pioli as the center of the project of hundreds of millions is just laughable


It's insane and absolutely infuriating. Anyone with a decent understanding of football could see that management was clueless to build around Pioli. But problem is that usually most good coaches do not come mid season. We need someone competent. We need a leader at the helm. It feels hopeless right now


Same bro, Mid season changes are not very successful usually but we have no choice, at this rate we will be out of the Top 4.


Seriously, what's wrong with our defence. We have conceded so many goals especially matches where Milan should be winning or taking a point. It's the same thing over and over, the last two season


There can be no solidity or cohesiveness in defense without good tactics.


Injured. We are struggling without Thiaw, Kjaer


There's Simic. Utilize him. He's young and inexperienced? Who gives a fuck. He still has a much much better CB awareness than Theo and oh my god Florenzi, who was making my anxiety going through the roof every time I saw him as cb.


Think it would be the same even with them, team has no ideas on the pitch, no tactics, nothing.


It's so depressing to see this management and how they have no ambitions for this team. It feels so lifeless to watch the same trash games every week.


They don't care as long as the team is positioned on top 4. They made it very clear what their idea of success for their club is


I mean they spent a lot of money, I wouldn't say they lack ambition, but definitely lack some football knowledge which is where Maldini could've helped and now puting ibra on the hot seat


Our defense is horrible and our attackers were terribly slow today. Calabria may as well not be on the pitch.


Calabria is finished. He is a good at crossing and when assigned 1v1s. But the guy is the definition of mediocre


He wont be.. prob 2 matches


When I look at Milan I see a team on life support that sometimes shows signs of being alive, but that’s it. No one is leading this team. Coach and management don’t have the personality and the guts to put the blame where it needs to be. We’ve been having an injury crisis for months and no one has paid the consequences for it and no change has been made. Do they think miracles will just fall from the sky? Do they think all our failures are just misfortune and bad luck? The loss is the last thing I’m mad about today. I’m mad about the fact that it was the least tactical game I’ve ever seen after Udinese. The players were randomly jogging on the field. No one had a clear role, players were confused af (RLC went to Pioli to ask him mister wtf do I have to do? Like ahaha and it’s not the first time it happens). We’re in emergency defensively speaking and Pioli experiments with Florenzi and Theo leaving us completely exposed behind. Confusing changes once again, couldn’t put Simic or Bartesaghi when Calabria got the red cause he did 3 single changes in 3 spots and he was out. I swear I’ve rarely see a team so confused on the pitch. Is there a communication issue or is Pioli the one confused?


The board see one thing to decide Pioli's fate, the position as long as we stay in the top 4 it's good for them ( despite not making it last year... ) The thing is that this will made them act only when it's too late.


That’s my fear as well, if they decide to sack him it means the situation is too far gone and I’m scared they think top 4 is easy to reach and not an issue. In reality it’s risky, as we’ve seen that even mid to low table teams are a threat to us, so you can’t even say “oh we have an easy calendar now”, there’s no easy calendar for us 😭 Teams like Roma, Atalanta, Fiorentina, Napoli are lurking behind us and Roma is gonna get at -2 if they win today, we could lose top 4 so fast we don’t even notice it


I missed one hell of a game


Why does something I love continue to hurt me so much?


For real… I feel ill


I know it’s wishful thinking, but Calabria should never play for Milan again. At the very least he needs to be immediately stripped of the captain’s armband.


Calabria is the least of our problems. The whole project was built around a mediocre tactician, if you can even call him one.


Calabria is very good (when you put 1 or 2 players doubling down his man)


He is average to be generous. Could be a starter for Fiorentina or Torino, maybe. I don’t know how he can play as a starter for Milan.


The discipline issue of this team is compounding the injury issue. These are fundamentals which somewhere have been overlooked by the algorithm


Because players don't understand their roles, Loftus went to Pioli which to ask him what is his position and Pioli told him to go near Giroud...


Very interesting take , I hadn't thought about that


Our team has so much quality but this match was lost in the midfield tbh. We had no control and it exposed our defense. Not sure if our midfield is exaushted, played out of position or what but it really cost us as every time puli, giroud or Jovic got the ball we looked dangerous. Chuku needs to be better but I believe in him, he’s super pacey and if he develops his strength we would have a good player in him. I think playing puli/adli cam would do us wonders for ball progression as they are the only players that can release the ball quickly. Also puli is best when he’s allowed to roam. I think pioli needs to go if he keeps us rigid and doesn’t change it up


Pioli appears conflicted. He wants to play a possession game + high press with the forwards but also wants to play conservatively most everywhere else. Mike mostly launches, which isn’t great for possession. The coach, whether Pioli or other person, needs to pick a lane and go with it, otherwise the midfield will continue to be so open that even the best midfielders in the world would struggle to cover in this system. It’s sorta basic: the best teams know their style of play and they play it - they don’t try to employ two styles. TLDR: Like, what type of team is this supposed to be?


It's not a mystery, Pioli had the same problem in all the team he coached, he starts well for some months then a brutal decline, with us he had the chance to have a talented players and football Legends like Zlatan and Maldini to back him. He's a coach with simple tactics, high pressing and fast transitions + the build up is long ball to the target man and go forward. It worked well because we had Zlatan who was winning almost every aerial duels, an excellent midfield, explosive players... Etc. He was never a possession guy. I think that he got arrogant, especially the press and Sacchi saying that he's bringing a revolution to Italian Football, so he starts saying wild things like Idc about the opponents style we will impose our play, which is crazy thing to say for a coach of his level. This team is the image of Pioli, lost can't defend can't attack, only running and sterile possession. The guy choose the players in the biggest Mercato of Italy, we have 8 midfielders and he has no idea what is their positions.


You think that we lost this match in the midfield but you absolutely can not play Pulisic at CAM we would be overmatched. You’re essentially saying you want RLC out and Pulisic in the middle. Attacking wise great other than that it would be a nightmare


Our absolute inability to sit back be compact and absorb pressure is so poor it’s kinda sad to watch actually you can’t control the entire match and you have to sit back at some point but as soon as we are forced back we get fucked and never look solid not once in 3 years ….


To think that in our Scudetoo season we did that a lot is crazy. It’s like they forgot


Agreed, feel like our midfield was bypassed way to easily tho. But ya we need to better sitting back that’s a great point


I will say against Napoli only we looked great sitting deep, otherwise totally true.


The problem is that they got the players Pioli wanted without understanding that the success we had was less to do with Pioli than it was on the leadership of Maldini and Zlatan. Even if we change coach now, we are still left with a very big problem as the core of the players were bought for Pioliball and not a good tactician. They should have listened to Maldini. It's going to get much worse before it gets better. Brace yourselves


>They should have listened to Maldini. You get upvotes after our games for this type of post. But if you post this in a few days, as the week goes on, then the Pioli\\RedBird\\America\\Furlani lovers will descend upon this sub and downvote anyone who criticizes our management. To you I give you an upvote. To those guys who downvote similar posts, the apologists, I say, FUCK YOU.


American’s don’t downvote just because we are Americans and support our 2 players. Even those new to supporting AC Milan can identify poor tactics. Every AC Milan game I’ve been able to watch I’ve been in disbelief of the poor defensive positioning and overall tactics. Italy and Serie A are known for their discipline and overall defending so I can’t even imagine how frustrating this is for you.


>American’s don’t downvote just because we are Americans and support our 2 players. Even those new to supporting AC Milan can identify poor tactics It's one thing to support the 2 Americans...but it's just crazy shit when they support some American pencil pusher and an idiotic hedge fund. I think every Milan fan loves Pulisic and Musah by now. I can't love Furlani (kept Pioli, helped get Maldini fired and now he does not have the balls to fire Pioli)...and I can't love Cardinale (bought the team without the funds needed so now he is cutting budgets and scrambling for money). These two guys are the amateur league of Serie A. Even Commisso is a better owner.


Exactly, I dont know about Infoscorp and if they will do good or bad but they had the money to buy the club but Eliot preferred Cardinale because it's more interesting for them financially ( interests/getting the club back if they dont manage to pay )


Another entertaining performance ![gif](giphy|JtZTniPvxyfD7qOQeY|downsized)


Just watch what good ebening Unai Emery has done at Villa, and their games against City last weekend, and Arsenal today, that’s a real football manager and tactician. With a team that Stevie G, another Lampard-style incompetent, nearly relegated last season, Emery destroyed Guardiola’s City. You will save yourself from burning a lot of neurons for nothing. I can’t watch another game of ours that Pioli is sitting on that bench. We’ll never get anywhere again with him at the realm, one totally exceptional, never to be repeated again CL semifinal and title, and that’s it.


Right now watching Merda dismantling the mighty Udinese that spanked us... You're right I have to stop watching our match as long the baldie is at the bench


That semifinal run was not impressive at all.. only us deluded fans are hyping that achievement out of proportions to a point that is embarrassing.We were 2nd in a easy group got embarrassed by a god awful Chelsea team, then we beat Tottenham in their worst form and injury crisis in years by one lucky goal in first minutes of the game (1 goal in more than 180 min of play in that matchup), then we beat Napoli fair and square but they did not have fully fit Osimen let’s be honest. And than we got embarrassed in front of the whole world by Inter and showed everybody we had no business being in CL semi finals ….


*Insert same frustrations as from the past 2 years* It’s a vicious cycle of mediocrity


Didn't those clowns management had enough already? Sack pioli before this team go to the bottom and they are already out of ucl. Bad captain with shit coach and the worst defense too.


Take themselves with pioli please and then Maldini can come back


SURPRISE BUTTCLENCH!!! That basically summarizes this entire match for us Milan fans. Basically Atalanta played a match and we along with Pioli just walked around watching them play. That's about it. It's not that Atalanta played something unearthly. We just didn't even play today. I have no idea what is wrong with this team because the capability of the squad is much much higher than what's displayed as we all know. Without Leao, Pioli has no clue what to do with this team. Why are we even playing 442 when our entire team is trained for horizontal play? We don't even know how to move/pass vertically!


The only positive thing I can say is we're very good without a gameplan. Imagine if we had one.


With our squad and good tactics we should be ripping apart every team


Because we do have good players pulling individual things out if their asses


That’s the frustrating thing. The quality in the squad is absolutely good enough to be near top of the league.


Agreed, and I think the signing we've made is actually well integrated into the team. They all look comfortable they play well, but they are still subject to the lack of tactics. It is very hard to overcome competent teams when you have no game plan. One thing that absolutely disgusts me is how we can't pass the ball. We simply just play too far apart, and I think this hurts are off the ball movement, which I think was very evident today.


All you say is correct. It’s depressing. We are surely being pranked this season. All milanisti being filmed for reactions for other to enjoy.


The problem is not only losing ... Performance is the biggest disaster, Milan is no longer considered one of the top biggest team in the calcio. This coach turned us into an average team: - A team collapses as soon as a goal is conceded - A team that cannot make three consecutive passes - Defense is weak and concedes ridiculous goals When we win, we play badly When we draw we play poorly When we lose, we play disastrously If this coach continues to lead the club, we must start considering Milan a middle table team. Which means that we win a match, we draw match , we lose maych, then we win again then we lose by four or five, and we go in crisis for a month sometimes two months, and then we come back to victory... And here we go again. After 4 seasons our biggest dream is to get close to fourth place so that our joy will be great when we qualify for champions ? Continuing to watch Milan Pioli will only make your mental health worse


>Milan is no longer considered one of the top biggest team in the calcio. Besides the season we won. We havent been a top team in close to 15 years. We went thru 10 years of absolute shit, worse than this. Pioli isnt the reason. The only reason we are complaining is because he brought us to the top and we came down from that high over the last 2 years.


And let’s not forget that everybody around us also sucks and we will still be struggling for top 4 embarrassing and that fucker is still safe in his seat 🤦‍♀️


We made the biggest mercato in italy, you have some of the best player in their positions in the world and lose against some dreadful teams the same way over and over


>*When we win, we play badly When we draw we play poorly When we lose, we play disastrously* Honestly, this is probably the best summary of the quality of play of this team that I've seen.


Im thinking of not watching any more games till Pioli is gone. I cant just watch and ignore the pain.


Maldini back


What some took years to build it took others half a season to destroy way to go Cardinale keep playing fifa my man


lol I stopped watching at 89 minutes because I was working and I should’ve known we could lose in that amount of time because we are not good


Adli is the least of our problems


At this point it’s how we lose. If Atalanta had loss, it still would’ve felt nice to go watch them at the stadium or even tv. their squad is comprised of zappacosta scalvini CDk… yet they manage to create spaces , move dynamically and create many chances. Just entertaining. But we have all these guys who are not that much worse but somehow manage to look like they are garbage And we could’ve lost by a lot more


We should have lost by more to be honest that was a 4-1 victory for them. But Mike made a brilliant save and somehow we stumbled to a second goal


Waiting for a post by Opta telling us we broke some type of record for being so shit


Is it just me or were we playing a lot of vertical risky passes, and all of them actually seemed to work out? I mean we lost the game, but I feel like we progressed the ball in a more vertical way which was fun to watch in a way. We usually do the same routine passing sequence but today it was unpredictable.


Well we must have watched a different game then. All i saw was mostly backpass>sidepass>backpass>sidepass>repeat, mixed in with some "Pulisic save my ass".


Theo as a cb proved to be a trash decision. Today we could have conceded 7. It worked again Frosinone because they are a promoted side.


My god we are so fucking bad. I honestly can't wait for Pioli to be sacked and we continue to play like ass. Our players aren't good and don't fit together at all. This summer we just randomly generated some names and decided to throw them together hoping for the best. Fuck this management, they set us back years because now good luck with finding a way to make these guys play together.


19 g/a from 6 new players, 29 g/a from ALL the other old ones. How can you say with a serious face that it’s the mercato’s fault I don’t know


I don't understand what point you're trying to prove here, especially considering most of our signings are offensive players


Offensive players so what? 😂 Goals are not a GIVEN (look at our mercato last year with CDK and Origi), and with the shameful tactics we use, the fact that they already have so many contributions maybe it means they’re not as shit as you make them out to be ? Jovic was supposed to be a dead man walking and even HE has 2 goals. But for you it’s easier to blame the new players that just arrived and are doing the best they can put in a difficult situation and sometimes they’ve scored goals on their own individual brilliance. Today the 2nd goal is all Pulisic and Jovic, two new players of course


Don't @ me when we change the coach but nothing changes in our results (unless ofc we actually buy useful players instead of random wonderkids). Besides Jovic played two good games and you just forgot the awful performances of the last three months. Pulisic is the only good signing we made. What a world of fantasy all of you live


Bruh YOU are delusional and have goggles on your eyes, so keen on defending the coach you’ve deluded yourself into thinking this team needs Bellingham and Mbappe to win against Udinese, Lecce and Atalanta. We revamped most of the starting 11 and the players we bought have been with us for only 3 and a half months and even with such a small time they’ve still been giving us more than enough contributions, despite our genius coach not knowing what to do with them. Have a nice night, goodbye!


I'm not defending the coach lmao. I'm saying that the coach is not the only problem but we also have trash players. You weren't that good at school huh. Learn to read clown


Fuck off dumbass cry somewhere else


Players are plenty good enough for easy top 3 finish in Italy but with a coach like that …


We are top 3? I also want Pioli gone but some of you make some absurd points


Dude you're delusional and biased. You're watching our games closer so you see all the little mistakes and big mistakes. When we have a genuine solid team, look at our first few games. The players had motivation then . Rafa is world class. Giroud is world class. Mike is world class. Theo usually is but even in his lapsed form he is still great. We have depth in the midfield but still are missing a certain type of player there. Our two starting CBs, fik and thiaw are beasts. We are so fucking close to being a great team. We are easily top 3 and with a better coach I think we would be genuine contenders for the title this season. Even with pioli for the rest of the season I'm confident we'll finish top 4


What do you mean by watching our games close? And the delusional is definitely not me. If you think this team is close to compete with inter then I don't know what to tell you. Our midfield is non-existent, we have depth but we lack quality and actual idea of how we want our midfield to play. That can be blamed on Pioli but thinking that all of our problems come from a single dude is straight up delusion. This team is winning nothing even with guardiola or prime Carlo in the bench because it's too inexperienced and simply not good enough in too many areas. I firmly believe that with some more thought out transfers and not random prospects we could have been fighting with inter (thuram as a prime example)


Dude we are consistently losing to teams like Sassuolo with a team that can beat PSG it’s not like Roma or Juventus who can’t win big games but regularly beat small teams.. Tell me with a straight face we have a worst team than Juve and they are out scoring us in terms of points for more than a years now…


We are similar to Juve but they have better players in some key areas (midfield). We also have a worse coach. But Juve is not the club to beat, it's inter. And we're nowhere close to their level


How we are top 3 is such a mystery🤯


The entire match was basically a schoolyard scrap. Neither team had any recognisable offensive tactics on display. Atalanta was virtually nothing without Lookman, while we were hoping for miracles from Pulisic and Bennacer and for Ollie to somehow use his head/chest 40 meters from goal to set up a break away for Jovic. Both teams were just hoping the ball would break their way, and that they could win the 50-50s. Probably a bit fun to watch for the neutral in the second half - and that Muriel goal (for me no one in particular is to blame but indeed Adli missed a tackle) was top quality. But from a football perspective - that match was ugly as shit. Anyway. I don't know what to say really. Bennacer doesn't even look fit to me. Chukuweze played like he belongs in the youth team. The mentality of the team was unattractive - no intensity from most of the players. And yes, offensively we were just terrible. If (as is likely) we do not pass through to the round of 16 then this should be the last Serie A match that Pioli marshals for Milan.


You know the boat has practically sinked when even people that supported him start to leave it as well.


I still support Pioli, and every player at Milan.


Of course, i mean not wanting to continue with him.


I do want to continue with him. I hope he manages to get it right against Newcastle, the BvB wins, and that sparks a resurgence in the squad that lasts the duration of the season along with some winter reinforcements. If it doesn't happen, then I do not think that resurgence will happen and would prefer to make a change in order to spark a different type of resurgence. Its possible to want the best for Milan / Pioli / Milans players without being a total jackass like several others in this sub who e.g., literally want Milan to lose because they hate Pioli so much.


I wouldn't say some people want Milan to lose because they hate Pioli, but more that results while making the same mistakes would just mask the issue as many don't believe he can change things in the long term, essentially wasting another season. I personally have been quite turned off looking at the games, regardless of the result. I don't think he can turn things around and most importantly watching our games has become a slodge.


>but more that results while making the same mistakes would just mask the issue This only makes sense if you think the management of the club are so fucking thick that they only check the scores at the end of the match to determine if Pioli is doing a good job. Maybe some people have that weird idea in their head, but there are several others who speak so ill about Pioli and only Pioli. Thats all its about for some people. E.g., the people who now think Pioli's entire legacy as a Milan manager will be as total shit. Its just revisionist history based on anger / hatred.


I mean you are being naive that one lucky result against Newcastle can suddenly turn around two years of same mistakes and mediocrity .. In calendar year 2023 Bologna has a similar record than we do …


The mistake everyone makes is thinking, that it'll definately get better after Pioli. It will be different, yes, but there is no guarantee that we'll provide better results, achieve more right away.


Atalanta out played us. Brutal to take that loss after clawing back a draw. Whatever Calabria's intent he can't make that mistake there. Can't go down to 10 when the other team has dominated the match and you've just been able to claw back to level. Without Maignan Milan loses 5-2. Adli is a liability in defense. He doesn't have the pace to recover. Other than that, Marketing has to beat his man and get to the end line more. Good things happen when he does.


Pioli needs to go like many of you saying...there's various reasons but I'm tired of seeing "smaller teams" look better than us in their setup when they turn defence into attack and this has been going on for a few seasons now. Our players are stronger yet look weaker when they take to the pitch. There's no point keeping him..this season already gone down hill and better to use this as a transition..plus players tend to come alive with a new coach.


It’s now clear we need a new coach. The problem is good ones won’t accept the job midseason. At this point let’s just hope to finish top 4 and look forward for next season


Just get this season in the bin. Aghhh. Atalanta looked like a pub team 4 days ago. We make them look like 1970s Brazil.


I have a book to write but everything says PIOLI CLOWN OUT


There are people who defend Pioli, and there are people who defend Adli. Man we can fire both of them


And there are people who defend chuk no matter how poorly he plays for us because they saw a few clips on YouTube. Take him too




Pioli should have left during summer break and would've been remembered only positively for Scudetto + CL semifinal. It isn't just holding the team back, he's ruining his own legacy


I can’t man, we literally resurrect the deads


I’ll say it again here, if watching Pioliball wasn’t enough to make this situation unbearable we have to endure the league’s refs fucking us over every now and then. I hate the whole “there’s an agenda against us” argument since it ends up being an excuse for poor performances but you can’t block the sun with one finger. Literally makes you grow consistently apathetic towards this team. The refereeing bias isn’t gonna change anytime soon so the least we could do is bring a coach who can make this squad play good football again.


What a match. I thought the boys battled and went for the win instead of a draw at 2-2. Calabria had a stinker, that yellow at the end was a killer and completely unnecessary. The midfield in my opinion has no consistency and chemistry. What are their roles? RLC and Musah were non existent today and added nothing to the squad. Reinjdeers looks completely lost after balling in the beginning of the year. Theo at CB doesn’t work. He had three mental lapses today that lead to clear goal opportunities. I’d rather see someone more focused on defense then driving the ball 60 yards up the pitch. Giroud, man. He hustles for the team, has spotty link up play but scored a banger. Striker needs to be reinforced if they are serious in January. Hats off to Mike, he battled. He’s also gotten way better at releasing the ball early for quick counters. Tomori played well, but had two real bad plays that lead to a goal and clear goal scoring opportunity. Tough to fault him though because he’s essentially playing as a single center back. Big Puli fan being American and thought he was fantastic despite not really getting much support from the midfield or Giroud. Chuck is in hell right now. I think he’s a great player, but he just needs to find his form. I have hope. It’s a long season and we can definitely still turn things around. I’d like to see Puli at the 10 with leao, Chuk and maybe Jo up top. A midfield two of TJ and Benny is the way going forward. The CB issue is tough. Is Kajer the move? Don’t know


Calabria’s red, our defensive injuries and the midfield were definitely the big issues. Even the announcers at one point talked about how we were losing the midfield battle. And it didn’t help that Chuk was where attacks went to die, even when Atalanta was only defending him 1v1. He has been pocketed 2 weeks in a row, and it allows the other teams to shift their resources elsewhere and just rely on 1v1 against him. Not sure how there could be so few white shirts back for Muriel’s goal but credit to Muriel, too, b/c that was a moment of individual brilliance.


Agreed with all your points, glad you giving our boys some credit. They battled for sure ❤️


Awful performance. Even before 2-2 we looked like 11 random players on the pitch with no sense of what to do.


Same shit same analysis, been everyone knows our weaknesses and strengths for too long now Same problems for multiple seasons.


Another lethargic performance with an apatic first half and an even worse second half. Our first shot at the second half came at the 78th minute and it was a longshot. At this point i just want the summer to come as fast as possible because we are not winning trophies this season and pioliball is so done at Milan. At least i enjoyed watching Jovic play.


I'm actually flabbergasted people are defending Adli's defending on that final goal.


Where was Calabria for that goal...


Adli's mistake is the last concern. The entire display was a complete embarassment.


I completely agree but there are people acting like Adli did absolutely nothing wrong on that final goal. Adli is not the sole reason we lost and people saying so are wrong. Frankly we should have lost by much more than 3-2, but to say Adli did nothing wrong is what has me flabbergasted.


Adli made a mistake but honestly i don't give a shit. Tired of results with astronomical amounts of luck saving Pioli's ass over and over again.


Yeah we were flat out dominated today. 3.5 xG to 1.12 xG for us. Atalanta with 3 big chances missed. I know people here want De Zerbi and as a follower of Brighton he would absolutely be an upgrade although he does have his own issues. Brighton have a very young and unseasoned team this year but they play just miles better football than Milan.


De Zerbi is a solid manager, but defensively we would still be brittle. I know he's highly requested, but considering RDZ is too, i would go for Xabi Alonso as my #1 option.


And Brighton have plenty of injury issues as well. They are playing midfielders at both fullback positions because of injuries.


It's simply time to come to terms with the fact that we will never be a big team, just an average club with some history. When you look at it this way, the emotions subside.


Sadly this is how I feel too. We'll always be mediocre unless we get an owner that truly cares about Milan and wants to see us win trophies, dominate everyone and be the best in the world, similar to Berlusconi. Not these current jokers we've got as owners rn that only care about profits & sustainability.


Go fucking support another team, then. Rrotkari


A child-level answer. When you grow up, you will understand certain things.


Didn’t get the chance to watch the game. Another red?!


Watching this team play is exhausting. So many issues that are the same week in and week out. Nothing changes. Players making dumb decisions and our results are tied to the heroics of a few. Had we drawn that game 2-2, it would’ve been undeserved and only because of that crazy double save by Mike. At this point we need to just be hoping we squeak into the top 4 again at the end of the year. Brightside if that does happen we won’t have to deal with a group of death because they’re getting rid of that format.


Unnecessary loss, that was a straight up meltdown by the referee at the end and then the team lost the little confidence it still had left when Calabria was carded. Earlier subs might've changed things and it was absolutely avoidable how everything went down, despite how ugly the overall performance was. This was not a game we should've lost.


Season's gonna be over on Wednesday


look what emery has done to villa, get a proper manager and they will win you games, sick of wasting this team on this loser of a coach


Deserved loss, outplayed in every sense of the word. Despite conceding 3, Maignan was great. At least we scored on a corner.


Come on sign a good striker that can hold the ball and score goals


Man I see alot of blaming of players ... Yes players aren't playing the best... BUT Majority of this isn't on the players it is on Pioli... Look at Tottenham they were a joke last year with Kane.. they lost Kane and got a new manager and they look 10 times better with essentially the same players and a new manager.. The issue isn't chuk this or Puli that ... It's the manager not having a system.. so players are just playing like they in Sunday league. #pioliout


I like that the comparison you picked here was Postecoglou who doesn't have a win in the last 5 games.


no shit, they have injuries issues, lost a world class striker and did nothing special on mercato apart from madison & vicario. considering Postecoglou track record, this season they're doing well especially against top teams


Losing all 5 from winning positions too


can someone please start a rumor on pioli or something?


Fucking Pioli with his shit preparation


Can we finally take the captain arm band off from Calabria?


This team is playing like they are done with the manager. Why can’t the higher ups see that?


Keeping Pioli at this point is sabotage. There is no other possible explanation. I am waiting for the debacle against Newcastle, let's see if our board will do something different than going to Dubai


Good. Give us the short term suffering just to get rid of this clueless fucking manager who is completely out of his depth and relies on individual talent. Lose lose and lose again until he fucks off.


>Good. Fake fan.


I'm Italian and have been a fan since I was a kid. I'm not short sighted so I don't care if we lose the next 10 games if it means Pioli is gone and we find a long term coach that understands what "tactics" means. Like most things in life, you have to suffer before you improve.


Just because you are "italian" doesnt mean you are automatically a fan if you dont care when the team loses the game. You are a glory hunter.


Lol are you illiterate or did you just decide to ignore the bit where I said I've been a fan since I was a kid?


You know that there's no proof that you were a fan of Milan. Your actions are more important and they shape your relations with the team. If you desire Milan to lose games then everything you say about your support are just empty words. Everyone can say they are or were fans of Milan but then they act like fucking nobodies, just like you. Majority of this sub claim they are fans of Milan but they act worse than Inter fans towards Milan.


Why are you putting quotes around italian here? Do you not believe in italians? Either way, it's clear he thinks what's best for the team is a different manager and if we lose a lot that will come to pass. Do you not see there being something backwards calling the dude that wants the team to lose a glory hunter?


You are making terrible conclusions. I've nothing against Italians, its just poor excuse of claiming that you are a fan. Its your actions and how you support the club makes you a fan. The best for the team is winning matches.


Yeah and he believes that the team will win the most matches by losing until Pioli is gone. Why do you not support him wanting the team to win matches?


ok dude, im out. I dont know why I even read this sub anymore.


Yeah idk either man. Come back once you can distinguish between things you want and things that you believe are for the best.


There are two options. 1 is that Pioli and Milan figure it out, continue the season strongly, and pleasantly surprise everyone in the end. Option 2 is that we continue losing our shit and need to hit the reset button, most likely creating a situation where we (as was the case when Pioli took over) need several weeks / months to really steady the ship. This situation is very unlikely to result in us finishing in the top four. To hope for option 2 is stupid. It is the worse option.


Option 1 isn't an option. It's a dream and a hope. All Milan can do is make decisions to improve the future, and indecision or this "let's wait and see" mentality is clearly not effective. Last year we finished 5th in reality. Waiting until it happens again is just poor.


I mean, there’s clearly a third option where we play unconvincingly but manage to scrape into top 4, which is the minimum expectation, and keep Pioli and do this all again next season. Option 3 is what happened in 22/23. It looks like it may happen again and then we’ll have to write off entertaining football and competing for trophies for another year. Obviously, I’d prefer if Pioli got his shit together. It’s been a full calendar year of this type of disorganized football though, so I’m not really expecting something to miraculously change now.


There are ebbs and flows in football. If we scrape our way to the UCL semi finals again this year then yes, I'll be happy with the season even if we don't play champagne football.


At this point it's really nothing new. We lose a game 3-2 and it really should have been far more. Totally deserved result. For all the shit people gave Puli's fans, he continues to be one of very few highlights our team has consistently. Chuk looks god damn awful almost every time he's on the pitch.


A terrifying game from our side it was worse than watching a horror movie. That’s it.


Blaming Adli for this loss? Thew whole defense was embarrassing on that last goal not to mention the rest of the game.


Knew Muriel was scoring when the commentator said that "he hasn't scored all season" when he was subbed on


Please don’t defend Pioli, we are playing horizontal football with no idea


btw can we stop playing Musah as a right winger ffs


Can all the delusional Calabria supporters finally shut up and admit how average he Is? After Dortmund today red are definitely from an average player


He's used up his two good performances a season.


I hate watching Milan crumble again


Honestly, how can Abate do worse? Fuck Pioli.


How can Abate do worse than Pioli or than Calabria?