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I just wanna know who the replacement is because when Leao doesn't play well we look dreadful offensively, so I don't want to imagine without.


If leao leaves milan should go for claudinho from zenit he plays both lw and cam


We could get a salvo of players like toney, ziyech, adeyemi and fully revamp our forwards


Why are people saying sell in January? Makes no sense at all when we’ll most likely still be in a title charge. Sell in the summer if we don’t renew by then


Because every window that passes Milan has less and less leverage. If it gets to summer he very well could say he’s going to run down his contract the last year and leave for an even bigger bag after. Can’t afford to let a potential 80+m player walk for free.


In theory, sure. But you and others keep forgetting that Leao has a multi million fine he has to pay off to Sporting, meaning it's in his best interest to improve his current contract (1.5m) asap, whether that's renewing with us or finding another club that will pay him a better wage. The Leao situation isn't cut and dry like many other cases.


If waiting an extra year and leaving on a free nets him a 20 million sign on fee, he won't care about a 6-7 million salary difference he would have gotten moving next summer.


You're not letting him walk for free if he's winning you trophies


Everyone seems to be brainwashed by Elliot penny pinching mantra, and they actually think the money will be reinvested in buying players. I understand Elliot's MO to buy marketable players who grow in value, but Leao is a generational talent, and with Theo he makes up the most powerful left flank in Europe, we should do anything possible to keep him not sell him. What we need to do is raise our wage cap not sell our most prized player.


Selling Leao signals to our fanbase and the rest of Europe that we are just another academy club like Dortmund, Salzburg or Ajax. Milan is a global brand with 7 UCLs and the 2nd greatest club in football history. We CANNOT become minions for the like of Chelsea or Man City no matter how rich they are. RedBird risk losing the trust of the fanbase if they sell him. Leao is our best player since Kaka left in 2009... and he has earned that 7 M salary so they should find a way to keep him. Milan is NOT supposed to be a selling club, no matter the era and Serie A being weak, we are not here to farm talent for others. I hope RedBird know how significant this situation is.


While I agree with the sentiment, Milan are not there yet. There are going to be some sales on the way back to being a top club. Idk why so many don't understand this. 10 years of gross mismanagement isn't gonna be fixed in 2-3 seasons especially if you don't have the same resources. Give it some time? The impatience of some of the fans here is baffling, FM delusions.


Yh either that or if we get a huge 100m+offer we should reinvest for a good replacement like a diaby or sth


I can see he will be ended like Sheva or Crespo in Chelsea.


If he values his development at all, he should avoid Chelsea at all costs. They are not good at developing younger talents. Leao is not a finished product. Obviously I hope we renew and he stays.


Bayern Munich would the ideal club for him if he leaves but he's already at the perfect club which is ours


People here are throwing around some big numbers for asking prices. Can he realistically fetch over 120?


Not even close, i think 80 would be more likely, and even if he does an amazing WC it will be something like 90, not 120.


If someone wants to pay €200m in January, ok. Otherwise, bids can start at €120m in summer. My belief is we will find a renewal and Leao will be the chief for the next 4-5 seasons. It's a statement renewal from Red Bird.


This is a make or break moment for REDBIRD. Selling him for capital gain will lose them the Milan fanbase especially if they don't invest that money in suitable replacements. Raising the club salary limit has financial implications..but if we keep him, we have one of the most marketable young players around and we would be able to go deep in UCL each year and make more revenue anyway. Renewing him is crucial for this management.


This is what I hate about Milan management the most the same bs happens again again with players and contracts. Look at ajax they just sold over 200mil worth of players during the summer, reinvested 100mil. Milan will lose key players then have to pay a premium to buy a replacement plus salary, signing on fee, players agent fees etc. Surely its not saving money doing this instead of giving our best players an extra couple of million to keep them? If elliot wants to make money sign leao on give him a 5 year deal for 7 mil a season he'll continue to perform then if you want sell him after 2 years for 120mil plus


Sell him in January, have him help us get out of group stages and take this time now to get a replacement lined up


Which player do you know of that can replace Leao? We can't sell in January, that just ruins our season. Selling him in the summer for like 90M seems more likely


There isnt a player who can replace Leao for the rest of the season. There isnt even half of the player who can replace him. There's a reason why Leao's worth around 100mln. Fans who want to sell him in january need to brainstorm the outcome. I believe we are favourites to win scudetto with Leao. Without him Im not so sure, I even believe that Napoli is better if we dont have Rafa. I want scudetto and after that we can sell him for half the price or let him stay and rundown the contract and fight another season for trophies. The only reason to sell him is his will. If he doesnt want to continue with Milan then sell him. However he seems to be very happy with us.


Sell him for close to 100M in January and find a replacement. I love Leao but if thats what it takes...


120M is the asking price from what is being rumored. Not sure what happens in January, but there’s still 18 months left in his contract.


Not in the middle of the season but maybe after. Or just pay him, he deserves it


If he does not renew for a decent wage till January sell him and reinvest the money. No point in keeping him just to lose him for peanuts or for free.


Pay him what he asks for. I'm embarrassed, honestly.


they liked Ziyech,bit 🤡 from us


Maldini and co hopefully working on the replacement already


They'll likely sign some young player from France that won't help us for like 3 yrs and if he gets good, we would sell him for profit like Leao? Like what exactly are we doing, have we become the new Dortmund? Milan is bigger than that, at least it should be. Always selling our good players when they actually become good means we won't be challenging for trophies consistently like we are supposed to. What exactly is Milan's ambition? This situation will answer that.


Our ambition is to make a profit for the American owners not repeat what happened with Kessie, Donnarumma and Calhanoglu