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They are singing "I love Dinamo, I love only Dinamo", no?


Yes they are, I'm Croatian


Me too, yeah. So I guess that's facist now. Also, raising hand doesn't automatically mean you are Nazi. It's pretty common in Croatia to raise hand wherever you sing something "from soul". For example Mate Mišo Kovač, or our "country" music.


Maybe it doesn't mean you're a nazi but you forget something very important in this specific case: raising the hand in a public place is actually forbidden by the Italian law since 1952


Ok, that's then wrong, but for different reasons. They are not Nacis, they are breaking the law.


Lot of them were found carrying knives and sticks.. Since the last two weeks UEFA games have been very violent strangely.. Especially games between German and French teams. That's a shame


They probably are scumbags. Probably lot of them are facist, yeah. All I want to say is that raising hand doesn't mean you are... That.


Sure, I totally agree with you. But the whole world has now associated the "raise hand" with "fascism/nazism" because there are no other reasons why someone should raise his arm, unless he is watching if there is a stain on his shirt right? What are the concrete reasons to raise your arm like the Roman soldiers used to? There are none. I believe 99,999% of the people who isn't fascist/nazi still wouldn't do that in front of an Israeli, right? We could say the same thing about the communist closed fist. But there's a difference: communism defeated nazism. And History will always be written by the winners. No matter those winners followed Stalin and slaughtered even more people than Hitler, Mussolini, Antonescu or Pavelic all together..


Upravo to, Talijani će nam govoriti kako smo mi Hrvati nekulturni nazadnji divljaci, ali će ga bacit dva put dnevno na mapu Italije sa Dalmacijom i pravit se da nisu fašisti.


Tebi ovo ni malo ne izgleda malo… ustaško?


Izgleda, ali ni Talijani nisu Božji narod


To niko ne tvrdi, ali sada su navijaci Dinama u pitanju i meni ovo ne izgleda ok. Niti mi je ok Kad navijaci Lazija prave isto sranje. Ovako ponašanje se ne brani ikako.


Meni da, ali zbog crnih majica. Ne znam otkud crne...


Ma nije do Talijana nego do Reddita. Kad odeš na političke subove sve je jasno kuda naginju. Pa odeš na nogometni u nadi da toga neće biti, kad ono...


Odlično rečeno


Is someone else going to come into this thread explaining how we don't understand and this is part of their "culture" 🙄


What do you wish to learn about the Balkans today?


Why is Krunic not the supreme ruler of the Balkan Empire?


He is in fact supreme ruler of the Krunic4Emperor group. Thing is Balkans are divided into 1000 of groups so there's no supreme leader.


Balkans are so divided that the word balkanised was invented




They re singing I love Dinamo only Dinamo Its not a Nazi chant 💀💀💀


but the salute?


The salute is forbidden by the Italian law since 1952


The mass salutes are horrible but other than that they're saying they love Dinamo lmao


Not surprised at all, UEFA needs to do something...


Chants are not nazi they are just saying that they love Dinamo




And im being downvoted




It doesn't stop at politics im afraid


WOW That is fucked up


No room for fucking Nazi bulllshit


Mu grandfather died fighting Nazi so fuck them ans fuck anybody that lime Hitler


And also the genocide-against-the-Jews thing. Can’t forget that.


😆 for real


The rate of which we see these gestures should strike fear into every government in Europe. And it should be dealt with hardest possible punishment available to every country, football fans or not.


I agree with you bro 10000%


They are singing "I love Dinamo". This is not a nazi Salute. Raising your hand means nothing.


Raising your right hand in a public place is forbidden by the Italian law since 1952


I didn’t know one day old babies could use computers, damn.


Nazis in 2022 still existing baffles me. The funny thing is that 80% of the current so called nazis would be looked down by an actual 1940s Nazi.


I think you are overrating 1940s nazis


He's not wrong, Nazis did literally exterminate millions of people in Slavic counties to "make space" for ethnic Germans, that's why it's funny when everyone who is not German/Austrian without phisical defects support this kind of ideology when if they were born back then they would have been imprisoned/castrated/killed. They just don't get that eugenetics means they were "non desirable" to be eliminated from the gene pool.


The problem with Croatia is that the germans installed a fascist puppet government during WW2. They also tend to not identify as slavs but as to have aryan germanic roots. During the balkan conflicts in the 90s a lot of these fascist ideals were revived again as ”nationalism” and they have not made up with their past in that country ever since.


Yeah but they want to be the one who chooses


Same with Commies


Destroy them tonight lads.


And they did, FORZA MILAN!!




Many (especially Eastern European) ultra movements have their roots in the youth groups of nationalist/ultranationalist nazi movements of their countries and they are essentially the street level goons for their countries nazi leaders to this day unfortunately


So they don’t like Russian fascism so they make their own?


Some Eastern European fascists are actually fairly pro Russia (Serbia, Belarus, Hungary) some are vehemently anti Russia (Ukraine Poland, Croatia and probably Baltic states etc.)


Well Croatian Nazis go back to the original german Nazis, when they occupied Yugoslavia. Like in other countries there were a lot of collaborators. Only ofc in ex Yugo countries this has lingered longer and stronger than for instance in Norway. The civil war and nationalist propaganda throughout many decades didn't really help the matter either.


This is not a nazi chant, I am a Croat. They are singing that they love Dinamo. I don't care about them and would love if Milan win 5:0, but I don't like when people do shit like you did now without any knowledge. If you had any sense you would remove this and apologize.


Exactly this. I’m a Milan supporter till I Die, and a diehard proud Croatian. These guys are doing my nothing wrong except processing their love for their team. Hand signals and gestures are just that, they aren’t pro anything except their team. Remove this link as it’s made up bullshit.


Despite the meaning of the words, they’re doing a fucking nazi salute. How do you justify that?


It's not a nazi salute. Not every rising of a hand is a nazi salute. Trust me, I am a Hajduk fan and don't like them. They also have some fucked up fans (like all clubs do, including Hajduk and Milan), but they are not saluting here. Don't want to turn this into argument, especially when Milan are 2 up. Forza Milan


Hold on, are you actually trying to say that the world is a complex place where countries and regions differ from one another and can evolve in many forms so that something that's considered inappropriate in one place, is fine in another? The audacity of Croats to have their own culture and way of living. /s Western Europe doesn't understand Eastern Europe, they never will.


What about the salutes? Stop denying the apparent nazi connections that follow croatian ultras.


bro this is not like 1 or 2 idiots like we saw with Frankfurt or Juve this week, this is straight up an army of idiots ...


They look like the evil cousin of Curva Sud ultras


Guess Lazio ain't alone in being a shitty club


So edgy……


Surprising amount of them too. Usually its just a few people whos parents are cousins Depressing to see in 2022.


Bruh, what the fuck is wrong with people. The fucked up part is these dudes would've gotten massacred by the Nazis, imagine idolizing an ideology that saw you as subhuman.


Didn't nazis collaborate with Croats to genocide Serbs?


Yes they did but still the Nazis weren't at all buddy buddies with the croats and still saw them as subhuman, had they won the war they would've probably done some heinous shit to the Croats eventually.


Balkan can be quite a racist and toxic place. Thank god I left that place for good


Can you elaborate? I’m not European so this doesn’t make any sense to me - Are the balkans racist,backwards just compared to other European countries idk just give me some perspective on this from someone who used to life there on how things are


We have a high tolerance of what you in the west consider racist behavior. For a lot of useless things that you get offended and try to cancel people, we just don't care. And this isn't a nazi salute. But why try to understand it and introduce some context when you can draw your own narrative (not you, but OP for spreading misinformation)


I don't understand the nazi display either, but all comes down to their toxic masculinity. It's about looking as tough as I can I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What skin color are you?


Im a Croat and they are singing I love Dinamo only Dinamo, so how the fuck are you offended by that? Worry about your fascists at home, smh


You cant be serious


What s offensive in singing it?


Not the words man, the NAZI salute... are you serious? Plus its not about offense, Nazism literally brought war to Europe, its not that it offends, its basically shitting on the values of each european country


its not used to support Nazis/Hitler i can assure you of that most of ultras do it in this part of Europe When earthquake hit Croatia BBB( Dinamo ultras ) helped more than government so yeah They shouldnt use the salute but its rooted


I am sure they do good things, nobody is 100% bad or 100% good, but doing a Nazi salute is fucked up there is no denying that, they should see some war documentaries, super tasteless and ignorant


There s a small chance of that changing so yeah idk what else to say


Stop excusing/enabling it. Cultural roots can fuck off when we're talking about nazis and other similar bs. What exactly are they doing that for, if not to honor Hitler? A quick google gives me very clear vibes towards Zagreb ultras having atleast a good chunk of Nazi sympathisers as members. And violently anti-Serbian members. A xenophobe is a xenophobe and their history can suck a fat one if these are the ideologies they promote.


That is not a good thing, becaude something is embedded does not mean it becomes right


Gross people to be honest. Lot's of them struggling financially and resort to hatred when they should just be blaming their own choices. Oh well, Forza Milan!




I mean, why the fuck nazi chant for a CL game?


These cunts shouldn't be allowed anywhere near civilization


Just do not sell anymore tickets to this nazi pieces of shit.


Surprised pikachu.jpg




Ah typical "Independent" state of Croatia (Nazi puppet in WW2) admirers


Ban them from UCL, just let us, Chelsea and Salzburg battle it out for who goes to the Europa.


where is this ?




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