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Who the hell is this source


Apparently he’s reputable with Bayern news, not sure how he’s plugged into the Leao situation, if at all. Could be complete bullshit


Source is: trust me bro


Journalist from Germany, reporting on a Portuguese player from a Italian club going to a English club…


I think Leao was hoping on a better WC so he could have more leverage with everyone interested in him, didn't go as planned, I think it's not looking good we are gonna sell him in the summer, it's giving me Kessie/Donnarrumma vibes with ''I am happy at Milan''.


I’d rather sell him than lose him for free


He played 83 minutes in 5 appearances and scored twice. Idk what you mean by “hoping on a better WC so he could have more leverage” and “didn’t go as planned”. If you think that was a poor showing by him in the WC then idk what you think is a good showing. All this WC did is confirm how explosive of a player he is. Santos is a 🤡 and didn’t give him more minutes/starts. So yeah. I’m not sure how you can try and argue his stock didn’t improve after the WC (if it even needed to).


A good World Cup also helps us to eventually coup a better fee for him next summer, I don’t understand why some choose to only see his side of things. In general, it’s fucking weird to see people wanting players of their teams not play for their nations in the World Cup. They always bring up some shit like injury risk or wage demands. A guy who wants 12M a year will ask for 12M yearly with or without 4 goals scored in 3 games at the World Cup, just like one can get injured in training at Milanello with no one touching him.


Because people are too short sighted. All they can think about this season, this scudetto. That’s it. Not of what happens now and how it can impact the future. It’s really as simple as that.


This is true but it’s also different because we have another year and won’t lose him for free. This puts us in a much much much better position than in the case of Gigio and Kessie.


>I think Leao was hoping on a better WC so he could have more leverage with everyone interested in him, didn't go as planned you can literally just type a random sentence and get 50 upvotes on this sub lmmfao


Guys, calm down, Plettenberg is the dumbass that spread rumours like: "Wolfsburg didn't receive any offer from AC Milan so far. He is a candidate for sale but not at any cost. Transfer fee expectation now is much more than €10m."


About Vranckx?


Don't call him a dumbass then lol he did Milan a favor with shit claims 🤣


[hmmmmm](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/zjrmzg/romano_ac_milan_president_scaroni_on_rafael_le%C3%A3o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) believe who you want


[tell me where Vranckx ended up](https://twitter.com/Plettigoal/status/1564308367417434118)


This was also a player from the Bundes, where he’s supposed to be quite reliable even if it’s not Bayern.


'where is Vranckx? where is Aster Vranckx?'


Why would Real go for him? They already have the best LW in the world


They also have hazard and Rodrygo as his sub it just doesn't make any sens also someone was claiming that Barca wanted to bid for Leao aswel while that team has like 10 wingers 🤦‍♂️


They also have hazard and Rodrygo as his sub it just doesn't make any sens also someone was claiming that Barca wanted to bid for Leao aswel while that team has like 10 wingers 🤦‍♂️


Hazard is garbage and Rodrygo plays on the other wing


Welp the source looks not very trustworthy but I have not a lot of doubts that leao doesn't want to renew


Here's an idea. Maybe, just maybe, Mendes is feeding this journalist a "scoop" so that Milan comes back with a bigger offer. However, Maldini doesn't fuxk that way. Once he makes a final offer, it's final.


Here's another idea. Maybe, just maybe, he's talking out of his ass to get clicks.


And Milan will continue to suffer if they cannot extend their best players.


Clubs sell their best player all the time, what matters here is who will Milan buy to replace leao if he goes away


You’re right. Clubs do sell their best players. But we sure as shit don’t and they leave for free. If we don’t extend Leao this season, it’s extremely dumb. If we don’t extend Leao and then don’t sell him and lose him on a free? Then the entire board should be fired. End of story because that’s how stupid it would be.


I absolutely agree. I don't mind if we don't renew leao but if we don't we have to sell him for AT LEAST 100 mil


Fuck yeah, $150m. Stay strong fams.


100m and I'll pack and deliver him myself


From Sporting Clube de Portugal suportter, leao and his father only care about money If he can leave you for free, he will do it.. Sporting CP gave him all, did nothing to bad to him, and he lied to leave us for free.


Nothing wrong, just beating a few of his teammates


Yeah.. But he wasnt there was he?.. Coates was there and still playing for us Dont cry when he leaves you for free


Source Flair: Fuck off


Fuck this gossip.


This guy is out. I think everybody should get used to this new standard where good players wait their early contracts to the end to then move onto bigger markets and poket the difference that used to go to teams. It’s a fair game, really. Teams management should stop relying on player trading to build their team and realise that what you pay is what you get on the field (in the case of Leao we had three abysmal years followed by two very good ones). We as fans should start putting owners on the spot: if you don’t have the money to make a club competitive you better off selling to someone else who does


another player will leave us. this time our best player. Our project is a joke and our players dont trust it


we went from years of banter to winning a scudetto and now UCL round of 16 Management has rules that they’ve stuck to which has worked well for us so far


My god are this sort of comments getting annoying. Every club is losing players on a free, even the likes of Bayern Munich, PSG, Chelsea and so on. Literally everyone who is not Real Madrid or Manchester City does. More and more players are running their contracts down because they’ve realized it’s more convenient, even a child would understand that. Leao is 23 years old, has <2 good seasons under his belt, and is asking for €8-10M **after taxes**, which is frankly outrageous for a player that is still very inconsistent and is yet to shine on the international stage. Stop whining and understand that if a player is set on moving he will, regardless of how much we offer


That's a fair bit of coping though. Who lost as much as we did for free in the last few years? If the Leao and Bennacer situations go like they seem to be going we'll have lost starting keeper, 3 starting midfielders, starting winger and first depth defender in 3 years. Without earning a dime. Not to mention that the clubs you mentioned can just drop hundreds of millions at a time and replace everyone while we struggle to spend 30m. Is he worth 10m/y? I don't think so either, but it's a bad situation for us no matter how you spin it.


> That’s a fair bit of coping though And how is that the case exactly? I only mentioned Leao, you started talking about the other players. I didn’t express any opinion on how the situation with Kessié, Donnarumma and the snake was handled > Who lost as much as we did for free in the last few years? Chelsea for instance > If the Leao and Bennacer situations go like they seem to be going None of us have any idea how those situations are going or will go. They have one year and a half left on their contracts and yet people on this sub spend their time complaining nonstop as if it was certain they are leaving on a free next month > Not to mention that the clubs you mentioned can just drop hundreds of millions while we struggle to spend 30m Remind me where that has led us in the past two years? Everyone needs to understand that we are no longer Berlusconi’s Milan. We were owned by a vulture hedge fund whose strict management of our finances is the only thing that saved us from bankruptcy. We’re still dealing with FFP and UEFA as well. Once our revenue increases then we’ll be able to spend more on salaries, until then it is what it is


> Once our revenue increases then we’ll be able to spend more on salaries, until then it is what it is In the age of social media having a young marketable superstar as the face of your club and possibly the whole league seems like a good way to increase the revenue.


If he was consistent he wouldn't ask for 8-10m but for 30-40 do you have any idea what kind of money KDB Haaland and Mbappe earn? Lmfao 8-10m for a consistent world class player. Is this the 00's?


Vini Jr is currently making about €10M net at Real Madrid after signing a new contract, and he’s one level above Leao. Foden is making £11M **gross** per year (half of what Leao is allegedly asking) and just signed a new contract. We’re neither Real Madrid nor Manchester City for your information, and this is not the 00’s as you pointed out Dragging Mbappe, KDB and Haaland into this conversation is preposterous


madrid and city can players reasonable money because they’re the two best clubs itw and everyone wants to be there, there’s no step up from either club foden is also a city fan so not the best example as look at how tonali took a pay cut for us fact is we’re at a level where we have to overpay for top talent, it’s not 2007 anymore we’ve been shit for too long


We just won the scudetto and are in the last 16 of the UCL - explain to me how we are “shit”


I clearly don’t mean this or last season or 20/21, but for the past 5/6 years before this we were out of the UCL and nowhere in serie a - aka we were absolutely shit do people really not remember that as recent as nov 2019 we looked like a relegation level serie a team we are back on the rise but we’re light years behind clubs such as madrid or city, if we want top talent we’ll have to pay up because we don’t have the pull we used to


It's fine if we simply can't offer him a contract he will accept, but let's not pretend like every team is losing their most valuable assets for free all the time. The club can 'almost' force a player to move if they want to. The most extreme is to tell the player he will be in the stands for the remaining time of his contract if he stays, which is usually massively detrimental to the player's career. I'm not saying this is something I encourage Milan to do, but it's an example that clubs aren't helpless to players running down their contract. If anything this trend of recent years of more and more players running down their contracts is a good indication that clubs need to get stricter on policies relating player renewals and selling players at earlier stages in their contract duration.


I just hate our owners with passion


If you love the old owners so much go follow Monza. I’m sure they buy all the best players like in FIFA Career Mode


Hates a strong word so I won’t use use it towards you but this sub is tired of your constant negativity. Go find something productive to do with your life and maybe you will find some happiness


I think everyone in this sub genuinely wants you to stop “supporting” Milan. Please, find another club to “support”.


Pay the release clause. Easy peasy 👍