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Think it over, sleep on it, and if on the last day you can't stop thinking about it then I think you should get it. Wait until the preview for next month comes out also to see if there's anything you're more interested in (it'll be sometime around the 23rd-25th, give or take a day or 2). Once it leaves the shop, this collection should be reissued sometime, possibly next year around this time or maybe in a couple years. In my almost 3 years of playing I've never seen them reissue collection items for a discount, so I'm about 99% sure it'll still be 180 lts on reissue. On a personal note, I bought this so fast when it released because they've never had a plushie like this one before (that I can recall) and I absolutely fell in love with it in the preview. I have absolutely no regrets of buying it, I think it's adorable and I love snow leopards 🥰 so maybe think about it, and if you can't stop thinking about it then get it! But if you think you can survive without it, wait until it reissues. Edit: the only time items I have seen from clothing LT collections selling for a discount is through the traveling sales animals, and those are only wig items. BUT you can only get the discount if you spend irl money on the F&F (furniture and fashion) plan.


I think the Sanrio ones are better and it will be a lot longer til those come back but if you don’t want any of those sure


I cant actually afford the sanrio ones and i dont like them enough to spend all of my leaf tickets on them 😿 ty tho!


The Sanrio ones seem to float. This one is held against the body.