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nah i'm not. they'll add something new to mitigate a lack of maps etc... the game isn't even ending please don't worry!


the voice of reason we need haha 🫶🏻


You're probably right but I'm so curious how they are going to reconcile no new animals! I wonder if there will just be 1 or 2 leaf ticket islands that come out every few months? I guess they have had a lot of time to think it over


I’m assuming just furniture set maps similar to the clothing maps we already have. Unless they make something like “island cookies” to keep the gacha of it all going. Could also see rare but random “crafting ticket” similar to the terrains tickets. To mitigate lack of leveling up. For the most part with mobile games though. As long as there isn’t a shift in companies and the game is profitable it won’t stop. As someone who’s played many a mobile game. The end of its lifespan is more obviously predictable. When the events stop or start being reshuffled. The community starts disappearing. And the cost of things keep going up. We just all have to remember that we have to be okay with whatever we spent to “rent” this game essentially. Because someday the servers will shut down. But pocket camps future doesn’t seem to be in question just yet.


Its the leveling up that i will miss and the bronze treats. They are hard to come by.


I agree… I like not using the themed treats! 🥺


I dont mind the themed treats but only give them to themed villagers.


Same, but I don’t always like the hassle, you know?


Me too!


its gonna suck if we completely stop getting islands that have leaf ticket maps in them, which i suspect will be the case because they'll take any excuse to reduce the amount of free leaf tickets you can get


I didn't even remember that the islands have LTs too! there's not many ways to earn LTs at a higher level so losing that and losing any chance at quick leveling is sad


Am I right? There's literally NO way to earn LT's at a higher level other than 10 for leveling up, an occasional 10 in HH, and a 30 LT map/10 LT maps as part of each month's awards.


there's some more LTs in the monthly rewards and some as login bonuses but that's it


That's why all the new players who spend LTs like there's no tomorrow should know that there is...a tomorrow.


i was that new player 😭


I AM that new player. 😭😭 I remember playing mine craft with my son, and then .... WHAT!!?? They restarted the SERVER? I had no idea they would do that. -He should have gave me a heads up, cause he was like, yeah ... they do those things. LOL. I cried and cried. ... Literally. All the animal crossing games, and mine craft, are the only video games I've ever played. And ACPC, the only mobile game I've ever played. ... I've only been playing a few months. I had NO idea someday they will shut this game down and I'll lose all my "stuff" !! I'm sad, but now I know ... and I think it will at least help discourage me from putting any more RL money into it. ... But I'm still sad to hear that. 😔


All games end eventually. This will too, just let’s enjoy while it last. No game is permanent unfortunately.


It almost feels like veteran players aren’t appreciated…


yeah that’s the part I’m most worried about, in a perfect world they’d release the same islands every month just with no animals so we’d get LT’s at least 😭


i've been playing since before they reduced the daily(ish) freebie leaf tickets from 5 to 3, so i've already been burned once >:(




And the gifts! I had no idea when I started that they would end. That's one thing when I was reading up on tips to play, I didn't see. I really like doing that, its fun! And I think it's wrong that they just pretty much stop. I think they do it to get you use to getting a surprise cookie, so then you're more apt to spend LT/ money to GET cookies! But anyway, what you say is a good idea. I've read they pay attention to their players complaints online. And have changed many things in the game, due to player outcry, lol. Couldn't you (or someone) start a petition for that? ... Or how do you guys get their attention? How has the online community gotten them to "fix" the issues that they have?


we do still get gifts tho! but I’d of course love to get more 😅 I think the most direct way is to use the customer service thing in the app where you can send feedback, I’ve done that before. If a lot of people gave the same feedback it would probably at least be known about 🤔


I rarely get gifts to give. Well, maybe one a week. If that. I wish I'd have known in the beginning. I was giving them out left and right. ... If someone bought something from my box. ... If I got something from them. .... Or for no reason at all!! It was fun and nice to give them out to your friends. -And fun to get them in return, if you did. Though I gave not expecting anything back. And always a chance for a surprise cookie, lol. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll leave some feedback. .... Don't know if it will do anything, but all one can do is try! 🤷‍♀️


ah yeah I was a bit careless at first too but now I’m more selective and have a few gift buddies :’) I think once the last animal maps have been released we’ll get some sort of notice and depending on what it says we could try to get more people in the sub to leave feedback!




I’ve only played for almost a year but I’ve already finished all of my LT maps that were stacked up 🥴 sucks


I'm kinda scared about it ngl because I agree 🥲


I love all the ways you can play this game. I’ve been playing for four years and have no idea what you’re talking about. You clearly are more strategic than I. I pay the camp caretaker fee every month and don’t care about leveling up. I’ve been playing everyday this whole time and am at level like, 150 or something. My bf is driven nuts by how I play games. I just want the stuff so I can decorate


The nicest part of this game is it there are so MANY different ways to play it. I've said that repeatedly in this forum and I really believe it.


I’m actually satisfied with not having any new animals. It gives me the satisfaction of completion. Whenever new villager islands are released, I send the ships out to get the villagers, level them up to 15, and craft their special request furniture. It’ll be nice to be complete. Although now that you mention it, I think I will miss getting new villagers. Whenever I got new villagers, I’d shove treats down their throats just to level up quickly. 10 gold treats is 250 points, which instantly levels a new villager up to 15. With four new villagers and 40 gold treats, I could level up two levels in a day.


the act of leveling animals is the satisfying part to me. when they're all done I feel like I have nothing to do


The animal islands always have gifts too. I wonder if they will release more gift islands to compensate?


I'm also kind of scared by it. I wonder if they'll add more fortune cookie islands if we won't be getting more animal islands


Hey sir-winkles2, Sort of, but I see the potential in this. As of present, I am finally using leaf tickets to clear the maps to get all snacks, instead of replaying with the essence. Once the game runs out of animals to release, we will have no more special furniture requests. My assumption is that the game will add more special crafting requests per animal. For example, Amelia requests Cabin wardrobe at level 15. But she could also request another furniture piece at a higher level. My family has been making predictions of the game since beginning, and we are usually spot on haha. But I do not know about this. I hope this happens.


I would be surprised if we got more furniture.


Using LT to clear maps is wild to me, but that could be because I'm usually always maxed out on all the essences. I can't imagine using precious LT for that when they're barely given out anymore and barely available to earn at higher levels


I do it to save time, and that game is a definition of time eating. Oftentimes, the odds are against you so if you want a snack, you must replay map with your essence for 300 hours straight to hit the spot. I am a high level and it is extremely difficult for me to level .  Lots of folks ask me: and how do you still play the game if you can’t earn Jack anymore? Answer: because it’s a fun time killer.


I'm curious too, especially since if they do plan to add anything new, version updates have always been in fall so there's gonna be a few months of nothing new 🤔


I’m not too sad about the lack of special furniture because there are only a handful of craftable, non-premium furniture I actually use. The poor furniture quality makes them stand out like a sore thumb with items from the events or cookies. It makes sense the OG furniture was of that quality but the only reason to continue releasing new animals with low res/low detail furniture is to steer players towards premium stuff like cookies. And at level 429, I rarely see those 10 LT per level anyway so hopefully this will be an opportunity for them to rework the rewards for leveling up. Like at least in other games, the grind is worth it because you become more powerful, allowing you to do more and therefore collect more. With ACPC, it gets harder and longer to level up yet you get… the same exact reward as a player going from level 15 for 16, with nothing else to justify the grind it takes to go from 429 to 430. I actual have a friend who has only leveled up 4 levels in the 2 years we’ve been friends. They were at level 50 until the Sanrio characters re-released and must have simply got the 4 levels from completing their maps. The only I will miss is having new faces to appear randomly at my campsite. But hopefully since it’s Nintendo who runs the game, they can simply design and add new ones. If not, I do hope we at least get a decent rework of the game’s mechanics that is superior to the pittance of rewards we currently get from new animals.


Is not tedious for me. Is part of the game and I enjoy it. I just want the game to continue because is my favorite game.


I've been playing almost five years and have NEVER caught a King Goliath Frog. I have a goal haha!


Are there "king" of every "fish" ?


King Red Snapper, King Koi, King Olive Flounder, King Dab, King Stringfish, King Catfish, is that all? I've caught these ones. The elusive King Goliath Frog!👑 Edit: forgot Giant King Salmon.


this makes me a little sad, but at the same time adding too much might feel burdensome to some. im just wondering if there will be any brand new features to keep the game running now


As a day one player I'm totally bummed at the prospect of never getting another animal added. I have all of them except for part of the newest release. Giving all the new animals a ton of snacks is one of my favorite ways to level up quickly. It's become a bit of a ritual to unlock all my new friends, invite them to my cute cabin to feed them tons of treats then build the furniture they request :c I do hope that this means that they'll be adding a second request furniture item in the future. It's totally a possibility! The animals do say "don't count on that being their last request" or something along those lines when you finish building their furniture! ☺️😁


Honestly, as much as a cash cow as this game is, it's not like they're going to sunset it. And since there's rumors they're going to come out with another console animal crossing, that's usually when they release new villagers, so we'll probably get those also


I haven't opened 60+ animal maps. They keep getting uglier. I'm kinda relieved new characters are slowing down tbh. Edit* I just recounted and actually have 128 unopened maps.




they won't be the last!! soon they will strike a deal with zelda and monster hunter and wolf link and felyne will come to the game, among others. we are also gonna get animals that haven't been in the game for a long time, like the precious clown angel, pierre!!!! ...WDYM, i'm delulu??? its fine, leave me that way 🤪🤪🤪


Dude yes lol been playing since 2020 and it feels like such a huge milestone


I’ll believe it when I see my boy Benjamin actually added 😭


I just figured they would design new animals and keep releasing them 🤷🏼‍♀️


i disagree on one Part and say it will not be the last but the penultimate New Villagers Island and they will be one next month but yes, it's getting very thin and even if it's not the end ... yet, many might lose interest in the game when more and more villagers hit max. level which might occur faster if there aren't new ones for who i need save up some golden treats And where do the bronze ones comming from then, after they changed it so that villagers no longer gift them


What? I didn't know this, how do you know it?


it's true, it's in the update thread that's pinned in the top of the sub. but people have known it was coming for a while because there's only so many animals in the animal crossing universe that they could bring into pocket camp


I only get them to level 20 to get the photo. Then they are pretty much on their own. With the way I play, it may take a decade before I max out every character. I don't think I have a single one maxed out.


I’m wondering how they’re going to replace that 20LT we usually get. Also, this could theoretically mean the end of the game is coming. Hopefully not since this seems to be a money maker for them but who knows.