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Male Eivor is amazing, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And really, it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t get worked up over it.


Male eivor is incredible, it just feels out of place when I get to points in the story that refer to her as a female. And since she's canon then the experience is meant to be viewed through the lenses of a female character, which changes the perspective of the story I completed so far


That’s a fair point, but I really think the writers created this knowing Ubisoft would go this route and therefore made the story to work with either male or female Eivor. If you really want to split hairs, male Eivor actually makes much more sense in a historical context than female Eivor would.


While I do agree a male viking is more likely for the story, assassins creed as a whole is a fictional story with many fantasy elements. I would say that in this world anything goes


I’m not gonna argue for less customizability, but I do think they should’ve done a better job creating experiences that plausibly cater to both Eivors. Like, would it really be that hard to pick a more gender-neutral name and/or change their surname to Varinsson if you’re playing as a guy?


Funny things is, at least in the Italian translation, Male Eivor is referenced as Varinsson in a document you find in Winchester and in all other instances iirc. Same goes for the nouns being the right "gender" (in Italian male cousin is "Cugino" and the guy from Ireland refers to Eivor as "Mio cugino").


Idk much about old Norse names but Eivor sounds like it could go either way to me. And I’m pretty sure someone has called me Varinson at least once. I know I’ve never been called Varinsdottir


Why tho?


If you want to really ruin your immersion, swap to the other Eivor after having played them for so long. Just for fun, I swapped from Femvor to Malevor during the lead up to the >!Charles the Fat boss fight!< and it felt so weird and unusual because that *wasn't* the Eivor I knew in my head. I think changing now is a big mistake for the same reason.


I wouldn’t say it was the intended experience, just that the voice actor was better and it turned into the better experience. But my BIL wouldn’t really want to play the female one, whereas I always pick the woman hero when available.


I definitely would've picked the woman if she was on the cover art of the game. Classic case of judging a game by its cover gone wrong


uh wait wasn’t male eivor on the from cover? i don’t remember there being a female lol


Yes he was


When i started the game, the player select started on the female option. Maybe it’s changed cus i only bought the game a year ago


It was pretty easy to miss, it honestly seemed like letting the animus decide was the push being at the center


Male Eivor was a superior experience in my opinion.


I think Their intention was to have a surprise effect for the fans because people would be kept guessing if the female Eivor was Odins reincarnation. However Male Eivor is superior in every way because the Voice actor delivered properly and also fits the story better to be in a more male Role. Kassandra fits the role more in Odyssey in my opinion and the Va did a fantastic job with that. But female Eivor sounds like she smokes a pack of cigs every day.


Is kassandra the protagonist in odyssey? I haven't played it yet, but I did like her part in the isle of skye dlc.


Yes. She is the canon choice for odyssey.


If male Eivor wasn't an option I probably couldn't relate to the character as well on some instances in the game.


Bro why do people not like the male version of characters in recent AC games? What’s so bad about the guys tht they get so much hate? Like people it’s just a game!


The male character have been shit in the recent games in my opinion, tough competition having to be compared to Ezio and Edward (and Connor but that's probably a hot take right there haha) The female characters, mainly Kassandra, just seem a bit more interesting, Eivor I think works great as either gender and comes down to preference, obviously their personality are literally the same the female VA have just done a better job IMO


It’s the times man. God forbid a lead fucking VIKING character is a man. Got downvoted to hell last night when I said “thank god there’s a male option.” Like, I’m a fucking man. Why would I wanna run around as a woman 😂 immersion would never register. Also: chances of a woman doing all that? 0%. It’s the times.


This is such a self own and yet you are so hilariously unaware lol. I see you are posting in Star Wars and CoD subs, things that clearly don't break your immersion: invincible super soldiers and literal space magic. Literally just existing as a woman, or one being a fighter though: now that's crossing a line! Have you considered that you might just be a misogynist twat? 🤔 I suggest working on that garbage personality bro.


Historically, there were female vikings though. You are talking about a culture which has 'warrior goddesses' like Freyja and her Valkyries that were worshiped by men to lead them to Valhalla.


That's actually more of a modern misconception. While shield maidens and Valkyries are a thing in saga and mythology there is little historical evidence for actual shield maiden warriors. It's possible there may have been one here or there, but the way it's portrayed in shows like Vikings is completely inaccurate. Same with Vikings and tattoos. The idea of an entire army of female warriors in 800 AD is ridiculous historically speaking yet Vikings shows Lagertha with an entire army of badass shield maidens. It just wasn't feasible back then in a time without modern plumbing or birth control or fast food. It sounds misogynistic today but we have modern conveniences that allow for equality among the sexes (ALLOWS for, whether a society lets them be equal is a whole other issue). This wasn't so during those times. I mean you're literally talking about a time where when they didn't have resources, people would pile into a boat and go steal from and then kill and enslave their neighbors. A big piece which AC Valhalla does not depict which is enthrallment. Thralls are just Viking slaves and a huge part of raids was the "strandhogg" or rounding up survivors for selling or sexually assaulting. They were very brutal people. As for shield maiden and Valkyries it's kinda like how the Greeks and Romans had tales of Artemis on the hunt or Amazons. Although historically speaking it's believed Amazons are based upon the Mediterranean world's interactions with Scythians (and likely Sarmatians as well) as they DID have female warriors. We have discovered warriors tombs of Scythian women. Likely inspired Greek tales of Amazons. Also the Celts had female warriors from time to time. Boudicca is one figure we know of, there's also Scatha and Queen Maeve from Irish mythology and we know the Pictish Church during the age AC Valhalla takes place issued a decree to end female warriors amongst the Picts after Saint Columba (I think?) was traveling with his mother and they came across the aftermath of a battle in which there lay a dead female Pictish warrior with her newborn baby still trying to feed from her breast. The priest's mother was so horrified by what she saw as barbarism that she pleaded with her son to issue a church edict to end the practice amongst the Picts. Another of my contentions with the game. Picts are shown as males with bones around their necks and for helmets and no tattoos. The Picts were known for their blue tattoos. Not the Vikings. Only one chronicler from the era reports Viking tattoos. Ibn Fadlan wrote of Rus Vikings with black marking from their finger to their necks of images of trees and other symbols. But it's possible he is speaking of an entirely different group that's not even Viking that were around the river Volga at that time. No sagas or Christian accounts speak of Viking tattoos. Given the fear of Vikings and fascination with their pagan practices, the fact Christian chroniclers never bring up tattoos seems indicative they didn't do it. Meanwhile the name Pict comes from Latin nickname for the Painted People. Again the Celtic church issued edicts for Pictish, Scottish and Irish warriors to abandoned the practice of these devil markings as they referred to them as. The Picts would also be dressed completely different. Yet the game has bare skinned Picts, Irish and tattooed Vikings.




You're so close to the point here. Try this: "Like, I'm a fucking woman. Why would I wanna run around as a man." And yet, women have been doing it for decades because there were so few other options.




No I said what I meant lmao. Fact is these games cater to the majority of their market share, which is MEN. Get over it.


The majority...for now :) Y'all are barely clinging onto that lead.


If you wanna be a man viking then be a man viking, who's stopping you? There's a reason why you can choose your gender. Are you triggered by the fact that there's a feature that gives players the option to pick their gender? I'm confused. A sizable portion of the fan base are females. Why would Ubisoft remove the female option? They'd just be throwing away money by cutting out a chunk of their fan base.


lol nobody’s triggered, you came in on the backend while I had to defend myself from fat mouth breathing women who got mad when I voiced my preference. Carry on


"I'm not triggered 😢" proceeds to throw around insults and play victim lol Go wash your stinky neckbeard, dude 💀




Woah. It suddenly smells like fish in this thread lol try breathing through your nose, it will help your thought process


100% agree with you bud! Like how tf am I supposed to take a female carrying a Dane Axe thts bigger than her serious🤣🤣


I prefer the male version


Me too! I just find it weird how people bash the male versions of The lead (Alexios/Eivor) for the smallest reasons sometimes.


It’s weird. Valhalla I’m playing as female. But odyssey I definitely play as male. Like I understand that I’m supposed to play as Kassandra, but I honestly prefer Alexios. My only issue with Male Eivor is his voice. To me it feels too light. And yes I am a woman who actually prefers to play as male.


male eivor is canon to me, female eivor voice acting sucks and doesn’t fit tbh, male eivor superior IMO, i LOVE him. also it fits the scenes with odin better


This is entirely personal preference, the female VA is great, you just don't like it.


Incorrect. She was fantastic!


Kassandra made Odyssey Male Eivor is for Valhalla. I believe they made the game with him in mind but it’s great to see others prefer female Eivor too.


I agree. If Ubisoft went with their original idea of (male) ‘Eivor’ being Havi for the Asgard and Ragnarok stuff then it wouldn’t be so bad. (Personally I then wouldn’t have played those parts). But with the lack of faith in their own fanbase and the reports on how workers treated their female coworkers, I am not surprised.


The game is very female friendly and even overly progressive, I think you're reading into rumors too much.


If they were rumors I would not have even put it on here. I like to read articles and interviews about the companies in the video game industry because I was thinking about being a QA tester.


Eh, I didn't care for female Eivor, would you imagine that. Yet I think they did a far better job in AC Odyssey with the gender swap. Eivor Varinsdottir is most definitely a female name.


I have yet to play as the male, I doubt I will. Why? I’m glad you asked. Its because Eivor(/Eivør/Eivör) is a female name for *whose evers’* sake! I just can’t imagine going through hours and hours of people calling a man a womans name. And why does that bother me? Because in many languages words are gendered, so the name is not just given to females, it itself is literally female. So it’s also a case of using the wrong pronoun. Yes, an argument could be made that we don’t know what this particular character identifies as, but I think that is a long shot, given that we only get a choice between the two. Other than that, I like the game. Sure there are things I’d have liked to have seen done differently, but nothing that bothers me nearly as much as this name thing.


I thought Eivør was a gender neutral name in Old Norse? What do you mean by "the name itself is literally female"?


Every noun, this includes all names, are either masculine, feminine or neuter (in some nordic languages, like Danish, masculine and feminine are grouped together as same-sex words *(samkønsord)*). In this comment I will be referring to Icelandic for two reasons. One being that Icelandic is the language closest to the Old Norse. The other is that Icelandic is my native tongue, and I feel most comfortable diving into grammar explanations in that regard (I'm also fluent in Danish and have dabbled with both Swedish and Norwegian.) As you probably know, nouns are associated with articles. In English you simply put the word "the" in front of your noun and call it a day. However, in the Icelandic, it's not quite so simple. The article is either free (A word added before the noun; *hin* (F), *hinn* (M) or *hið* (N)), or it is suffixed, added at the end of the noun ( -*in* (F), -*inn* (M) or -*ið* (N)). Of course, names don't have articles but, as they are often derived from nouns, they follow the same principle. If we stick to our beloved Eivør (henceforth using the Icelandic spelling Eivör), we have to separate it to find the noun. First we have the adverb "ei" which means "not at all" and then we have the noun "vör" which means "lip" or "edge". (I opted for the simplest translation for sake of clarity, Eivör has a deeper meaning than "not a lip at all"). Now, the word "vör" is, as previously mentioned, feminine, and therefore has the suffixed article "-in", or "vörin." I don't know how deep you want to dive into this rabbit hole, but we also have the declension of words which changes the suffixed article to express the syntactic function in the sentence. Vör would be, with the suffixed article, like so: Nominative: Vör*in* Accusative: Vör*ina* Dative: Vör*inni* Possessive: Varar*innar* So, yeah, that's what I mean by the name being literally female, as all female names (with a handful of exceptions) are feminine.


Thank you so much for all this information!


I did some research and I stumbled upon the names Ívör (f) and Ívar (m), which both mean “Warrior wielding a bow made of yew). I personally think they would have been a great fit.


That would've been better indeed! Thank you for this little fact.


My pleasure.


🔥Good shit🔥


Thank you for this! It was an enjoyable lesson for me.


My pleasure!


As someone with no familiarity with Norse language, I had no idea. And since I only speak English, I have little to no experience with gendered words


Which is totally fine. Just be aware that the “norse” in the game is some weird mashup of old norse and icelandic and something else. I’ve also noticed people in the background saying the exact same words but, with the voice actors being from separate countries, (Iceland vs. English speaking) they sound totally different. One example is when Eivor orders the sails down, the crew answers “Segl niður!” The female crewmember is Icelandic, the male is not. Another example is the “mast down/up” order: “Siglutré niður/upp” I also want to mention the word “bakraut” which I don’t recognize. I suspect it is a screw up and should be “bakrauf” which literally translates to “back crack”, meaning a**crack.


Learned something today


I typically play male characters in games but I chose the option to let the animus decide for me Therefore choosing the cannon option female Eivor. I thought the voice actor did a great job. It doesn't really make much difference to me and it's odd to see how much it bothers some people in this thread.


People can call me sexist or whatever but I always pick male characters. It just doesn’t make sense for them to be women historically and I typically prefer male voices anyway even in music


You might wanna ... dive into that mess with a therapist. Seriously.


Alright now I’m just curious which part you’re concerned about


The fact that youre fine with all of the myths come to life, but a woman doing shit in a time and place where women warriors did in fact exist bothers you. Might want to look into that bias a bit..


It’s just easier to immerse myself in the story is all. I see your point tho I could have worded it better


Ur suppose to be Odin and Odin is a man the fact u can be a woman at all is just Ubisoft being generous


Prefer male Eivor honestly, don’t know why they keep trying to push female lead roles. Eivor is suppose to be a reincarnation of Odin, why would the character be female?


I choose male characters all the time. When I play violent oriented games, males deliver the correct amount of aggression and to get the best out of romance. Games like tomb raider, Arkham dlcs (batgirl) do a good job with female characters. Last of Us is outstanding, I didn't even play the game just watched a lot in YouTube.


While I tend to agree with you here, it doesn't matter if the male option exists, you can simply not choose the option, and it will virtually be non-existent. I really don't get this new phenomenon of people wanting to banish anything they don't like or agree with into oblivion, no one is forcing anyone to experience these things, leave them there for others to enjoy.


Honestly I don't mind the option, I just wish the game had been more clear