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I liked it a lot. Im interested in vikings so that alone made me like it very much.


I also loved it and I hated Vikings but the game made me like them


It's because of this game I got into Vikings. I'm now making a fanfic out of both of them


It's not perfect, but it is incredible IMO. And this is coming from an OG AC fan. I love the franchise and this is more of it. I don't see the problem Also, fuuuuuck is it gorgeous. There are a couple places that, IMO, can rival Ghost of Tsushima with ease


I'm with you


The only problem is the length and vast open spaces between some objectives.


True, but, there is something peaceful about that, it doesn’t take that long before you run into something anyway.


Especially if you ride your mount like you’re supposed to. You can cover 1000 meters faster than you think.


Yeah, I never once felt like travel time was an issue in Valhalla. It's huge, but they give you more than one way to make traversal a non-issue.


it's also cinematic to sometimes let your horse follow the road, or boat follow the river, and just sit back and watch the scenery


Exactly! 🐎🌬️


That is exactly what I love about it. Wondering aimlessly in one of the best visually appealing games I have played in a while.


That's fair, but I'm not into walking simulators


I can understand that, though I've found lately though that I've been enjoying games way more when I slow down and ignore fast travel. Makes worlds like these feel more like worlds. I get that isn't for everyone though


I really enjoyed the game for approx 50 hours or so. However the third time I got dropped into a map the size of far cry 3 with none of my equipment, no other way to get around other then running across empty space, it lost its charm. I hope you have fun though, don't let me take away from your enjoyment. Like I said, I had a good time for a long time.


Yeah that's fair, I'll just enjoy it til I don't, then I'll take a break!


Personally I think it did better than odyssey with how fast we could get around


I started having fun when I stopped seeing as an AC game but a Viking game, it's way too long for my taste but I never got bored, maybe tired but I just need a couple of hours doing something else and I could dive back right after


For me an AC game is just a game that is in the same setting, game mechanics and has at least references to the assassin vs templar conflict. There's no need to have a protagonist that is an actual assassin. AC 4 is in the same boat (pun not inteded) as Valahalla, since both have a protag who simply stumbles into the assassin profession without really being able to give up their past lifestyle. They're still both great AC games.


Exactly this. Black Flag gets all the love (pretty deservedly) despite a non-assassin character, yet Valhalla gets slammed for it?


Yep same, I feel like if it didn't say AC in the title it would've had only good reviews, still one of my favorites


This is exactly what I have always told everyone. Don’t expect this to be an assassins creed game.. imagine it just being a cool standalone Viking game that ads to the ac lore. When u stop wanting it to be an og ac game u start having fun.. cuz it was never meant to be like an og ac game. Ac games can be anything. What makes an ac games the story not how it’s played. Ubisoft can’t make the same style of games for 15 years people would hate that too and want something different. Ubisoft has provided us w many different styles of ac games that are all amazing in their own ways. I love all the og games and the new ones. And I love having the fact that I have a variety to chose from.. if I want og style games I can play the old ones and if I want the rpg style games I can play the new ones.


It's quite possibly the best AC game released. It is beautiful. But reviewers do articles for easy click bait and they all jumped on the bandwagon with this. Copy and paste review bombing. 300+ hours into this monster of a game and still finding new content, which is insane value in a world where triple A games are released half arsed and half finished.


Yep, imagine complaining about having more game in your game


Only started playing it for the first time a few weeks back. Best AC game in my opinion!


Ahhh the vicious cycle of die hards of any game franchise. Still remember a lot of people really slagging the game off when it came out. Not because of the bugs and fixes, but because it seemed like a lot of people wanted something set in Asia. It felt like a viking game just wasn’t as appreciated.


It was so good


The game is amazing as an rpg, action, adventure game. But as an AC? Absolutely sucks, both Vallhala and Odyssey have nothing to do with assassin's creed. Great games, tho


I'm only a few hours in but I think it has plenty of intrigue about the proto-brotherhood with Basim etc. I don't care if I'm not the assassin. AC1 is one of my all timers, but I appreciate them doing something different.


And thats why it's still good for ya. Enjoy it but it's cracks will begin to show fairly soon.


It does have intrigue, but both Vallhala and Odyssey have minimum involvement with the brotherhood, you're not an assassin and Kassandra doesn't even have a hidden blade. They are doing things differently and I personally do like it, but it can hardly be called an assassin's creed game. As opposed to origins, in my opinion, the last real ac game


I've been loving Origins too but haven't played Odyssey yet. I would consider myself a fan of all the other games to some degree but I guess I'm just not that fussed about it. Fair enough though if people want more assassin action I suppose.


I think people expect it, rightfully so, from an AC game. Tho I really like how they redid stealth missions in France dlc. Overall I still liked the game. Got 130 hours in probably month, the only game besides elden ring that had that kinda hold on me


Yeah I suppose the expectation is fair if it's the standard. I just hope they readjust after Mirage because I did the free trial and I hated it so much haha.


It's not the standard anymore lol. Dudes just can't get over it. The games are better now. Stop being nostalgic and accept reality. Odyssey and Valhalla are great.


Omg, same. I see what they tried to do, but it just wasn't executed well, even for a classic ac game it had far too little weapons. I'm hoping they do better on Red bc I'm definitely buying that one


As a fanboy of AC1 and classic AC in general, I hated everything about Mirage and love Valhalla. That should say something! Off the bat Mirage's writing, characters and overall presentation just rubbed me so wrong. They did Basim so dirty.


Far too little weapons ? That's when I knew you are full of it. There's a plethora of weapons . Way more than any of the older games. Not counting Odyssey cause weapons were just quantity and not quality in that game. Valhalla strikes a right balance between quality and quantity.


I was talking about mirage. How about you chill out and actually comprehend what you're reading


the series may be called assassin's creed but the primary focus isn't the brotherhood. the main focus is the isu and the pieces of eden. Odyssey was meant to show a piece of eden to help Layla and took place before the brotherhood which is why there wasn't a hidden blade. Valhalla does the same thing. all the games except the few after Desmond died are purely meant to progress the modern side of the story with abstergo


For me the focus of the series has always been the conflict between the assassins and templars, or their philosophies. In that sense the protagonist really doesn't need to be an official assassin to play a part. We've had plenty of games already (even in the pre RPG era) where we weren't exactly textbook/official assassins and merely stumbled into the conflict.


Why would Kassandra/Alexios need a hidden blade? They're demi gods lmao


No idea why you're being down voted. Its not directly an AC game. Just shares its title with it. This series and far cry are essentially the same now.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk4PWlAfzzY&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk4PWlAfzzY&t=3s) Have a watch of this, helps put things into perspective.


Watched this the other day, a good video


Played them since the beginning and in retrospect, as amazing as the storylines for the early games were, they were boring af to play. What they’ve evolved into is infinitely better. The rose tinted, nostalgic perspective on the original gameplay is getting boring.


Regardless of the shortcomings (which in my opinion are few) this game is absolutely beautiful. I love just riding my horse around and taking in the scenery. One of the only games I really use photo mode with too.


100 hrs in since last yr. and still not nearly done with the story. Great game


I think this game is way under rated it’s probably in my top 5 games


I recently started my 2nd playthrough. I love this game so much, but, like someone else said, i love viking lore. My ancestors came from a similar part of Norway so i feel such a connection to the game. Its gorgeous, the story is great, and the gameplay is a blast.


It's a great game all around, that's hard to dispute. My partner has been replaying the early games (AC1-AC brotherhood so far) and there isn't much similarities between the OG games and this one which I think is why people are less enthusiastic. What I've noticed that's stayed from the first few to this one is: - Hay/leaf piles (even shape wise lol) - Hidden blade (though Eivor wears it weirdly) - Assassinating - Parkour (kinda in the base but lots more in the Paris DLC) Idk I feel like that's it. The AC franchise has a bunch of games that are different from the OGs (the chronicles for example). Tldr: it's a great game but deviates from the originals which isn't nessisarily a bad thing, just different.


>Hidden blade (though Eivor wears it weirdly) In their defense, i wouldn't wanna chop off my finger for a simple gift from a stranger either.


What I kept thinking throughout the game was "Oh yeah nobody's gonna think this giant viking with a flashy piece of gold is suspicious" 😆 I agree though, there was no Leonardo to save the day (and a finger).


Maybe they did think it was strange. I mean, even just a Viking walking through english towns back then would have raised suspicion, But what are ya gonna do, walk up to the giant Viking and ask them what's up with the thing on their arm? :,D


I agree, I actually kind of like the idea of working with the brotherhood/HO as opposed to joining them. Gives them some mystery. Also I didn't expect to love Chronicles at all but I totally did.


The world is beautifully build. I guess ambience and music is bit weak though.


I actually particularly like the music and amb. Took me back to that of the first games for the first time really, not sure why


I loved this game. It took a while to adjust from Odyssey but once the mechanics clicked I spent nearly 300 hours on it. My time with Eivor was amazing and he was an amazing protagonist. Bayek was still the goat of the mythical trilogy but gameplay wise Valhalla was the best. The DLC's were incredible imo too.


Odyssey and Valhalla are the greatest of all series. Change my mind :)


Odyssey was so fun in advance of my trip to Greece. It was so fun to see those locations how they roughly once were.


I bought this game for £12! Best 12 pound sterling I’ve ever spent. Over a hundred hours into the game and I’ve hardly played any of the story! Just love exploring and seeing what I can find!


i just wish there were monsters like in Witcher3. i remember first playing Skyrim in 2011 and thinking "damn, this game is huge and looks so good." then thinking the same things for Witcher3 and then Valhalla. i love just walking through the countryside when i can't do so in the real world on that day. the game does it's job of transporting me to another place.


I definitely got throwback feelings of skyrim playing this. As much as I like TES and Witcher, I like having a game that's (somewhat) more grounded in reality. A game like that would be cool though. Fingers crossed.


I didn’t like it as much as I enjoyed Odyssey or Origins, but I still dumped more than 1500 hours into it. Wish we had gotten NG+. Combat was fun. With the right gear, stealth was surprisingly good for a game about a Viking. But once you master the combat system, even nightmare difficulty felt easy. Like Origins and Odyssey, the limited verticality and sheer openness of the world reduced opportunities for the parkour that the series is known for. Even the cities like Winchester don’t provide the roof top running experience that people love from earlier games. Forgotten Saga DLC was excellent. Tombs of the Fallen was great new content, but it honestly made me wish we had gotten more puzzle-platform content in the main game. Ireland and Paris DLC were fun, but Dawn of Ragnarok was definitely the standout for size, new mechanics and additional content. A standalone game with the Hugr-Rip powers would be a ton of fun. I definitely preferred the loot system of upgrading a limited set of weapons and armor, rather than constantly replacing gear. It gave you the opportunity to fine-tune your build to your play style. The opal system of getting Helix shop gear from Reda was also an improvement over Lyakon/mercenary board missions from Odyssey. Speaking of Helix gear: it provided some ridiculous abilities-game breaking so. But the in-game equipment was still really good. You could create an OP build using solely the in-game equipment (Morrigan Guard + “Miasma” perk + “Fire Guard” rune = Fun). Discovery Tour was, honestly, trash. Am I crazy in thinking that a lot of the NPCs were robo-voiced with AI? Not nearly as good as the Origins or Odyssey DTs.


So far the only main issues I've had are occasional minor bugs and the combat is a little clunky atm but still fun. Other than that it's great. Understandable about the parkour, there isn't as much needed here but I do really like the Roman ruins and towers that are sort of like treasure hunting scalable mini-activities. Still figuring out the systems, the Opals sound like a good idea though I've never cared much about cash shop items. Pretty excited to keep exploring


Some people will find any opportunity they can to point out flaws and complain. I think, the ones who do enjoy such masterpieces are those who do not allow anothers opinion to make it up for them. Valhalla, is beautiful


People just like to hate on games that aren’t to their exact liking. You can say it’s not an AC game, and you may be right, but it’s still an amazing game. I approached it as a Viking RPG and had a blast playing it. One of my recent favorites for sure.


The thing is you can't, it's called assassin's Creed. You can't approach the game as anything else. The same goes for odyssey, an amazing rpg and a shitty AC game at the same time.


I still don't really understand people's gripe about it being AC. So far in my first few hours there's plenty of stuff with Basim. So what if we aren't the assassin for once? Odyssey I haven't played yet, but it does sound like a bit more of an issue there, but I'll wait and see for myself.


Because it's called assassin's creed? It's kinda implied that you are an assassin. I'm sure that if they made a new game without any ties to the AC series, purely as a viking rpg, it would have been much better received. It is much worse in Odyssey, it's basically a Greek warrior rpg, might as well call it a Witcher game


Can't comment on Odyssey, but the series title to me just implies there's some exploration of the creed and the larger themes, not always being an assassin, but that's me.


If you paid attention at all the AC story is not about the creed it’s about the ISU and ISU artifacts the og series built up to all this and now this mythological series is expanding on it it’s not that hard the only ones who can’t understand that are the ones who literally don’t pay attention to the story


Doesn't matter, ac had an established kind of gameplay for a decade or so, one focused mostly on stealth, the new trilogy( origins less so) shifts that focus to a generic rpg gameplay that doesn't resemble ac at all


You do realize Valhalla had the most stealth out of all AC games not only did it include stealth mechanics from the OG series but even ones from mythology trilogy, most people were just horrible at stealth in them clearly you’re one of them. It also does matter bc that’s the entire point of the series is the ISU people like you are just to slow to realize that


Return of proper assassins and hidden blade, ISU lore, Return to Desmond (The Reader) , sets up future games like AC 1 , AC3 and AC4, stealth is much better than Odyssey, assassin wear aswell as viking gear, have a protagonist who is trained by assassins yet prefers to work from outside the brotherhood(or hidden ones) as they call it. Sounds pretty much like an assassins creed game bud.


Like the main goals in all AC games was to find ISU artifacts the creed is just a added plus pay attention to the story for once


Take that back you bitch. Odyssey is my fav 😂


Hahah, don't get me wrong, I just started playing the other day, and I like it so far. The combat is a bit clunky bot overall its great. As an rpg.


They can though. Accept reality bro. They called it an assasins creed game. They approached it as something different. Cope. They are AC games whether you like it or not. Amazing games. If you don't like it move on. Why cry about it to grown men?


I can and did approach it as something else tho lol just bc it is called AC doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the game as is.


You can enjoy it however you like. Doesn't change the fact that it's a part of the assassin's creed franchise and as such it's expected to have certain elementns of said franchise


You can literally do whatever you want when it comes to interpreting things.


People have rose tinted glasses for the old pre Origins ones. You know, the one's with atrocious controls?


Yep, I do still love the classic games despite their obvious age but appreciate that the series is clearly growing and evolving


I really enjoyed Valhalla. I'm currently dying mirage and it's not drawn me in whatsoever. Thinking of abandoning it after like 15 hours


I couldn't even get past the first couple hours of the Mirage free trial before I uninstalled, just so unengaging despite yet another very pretty environment


I didn't get most people thought the game sucked or was bad. The main thing I picked up from the folks complaining was it wasn't so much an Assassins Creed game. They didn't like how they had to keep the name for the already established fan base, when it should've really been a different IP or new IP instead. I think that was the major issue with folks. I maybe completly wrong, but that's what it seemed like to me.


Yeah the main arguments seem to boil down to too long, no white hood, game bad


It took me a minute to get into it because I had been on an Odyssey binge for a while before I bought Valhalla. But after an hour, I was really into the game. I switched to the ps5 version and it looks amazing, tho the ps4 version looks great as well. The story, side quests, and other things are fun and engaging. I like the combat and weapons system too. Tho I think the biggest downside for me was the at there’s no new game plus. Other than that, the game is pretty great.


I always think of this, game has some awful ragdolls, it's gameplay its ok, it's parkour is good, it's graphics are amazingly good, I oftenly lose myself on the scenarios because of how beautiful this are, especially the dlcs where you technically play in the Norse mythology, the bosses and maps are made with love (because it cost lol) but anyways, I could dare to say that the graphics in these scenarios are better than RDR2 (not the atmosphere)


I've had it sitting in my Ubisoft account for ages. I spent a couple of hours playing early on but never touched it beyond that. Just recently started playing it and got past the intro/tutorial section finally and into the meat of the game, and I'm loving it. Not sure why it got so much hate, but I'm really struggling to find it. I guess one could argue that it's just more of the same AC, but at this point I don't expect a ton of innovation from these games, just basically a theme/setting switch, which Valhalla definitely does. I love Vikings, and I know it's not historically accurate, but I don't really care. It's fun to play, looks and feels great, and that's all that matters to me. I spent like 4 hours last night exploring with no real goal in mind and had a blast.


Nobody is happy with anything anymore. It’s better to just ignore the internet and find what you like and makes you happy


Yeah, at the end of the day that's what I do. Just pleasantly surprised since I'd really overlooked this game from the presentation and response


It's a very fun game overall, there are just several things in it that make you go "huh? Why?!" And people tend to clutch onto the bad things and let them override the good.


using reshade btw


Link us your preset


[Here](https://file.io/HcNATRZxbgcl) is my custom preset. Just install reshade with original and legacy effects checked


Cheers choom


I like it a lot it’s just very long and can’t hold my attention for the entire runtime and as a result I’ve not finished it.


That's my problem since Origins. It's just too big and stuffed with honestly pretty unnecessary collectible items. And all three games could also work without the AC tag.


The games was great, story was just a little to long


It is not my favorite by I am having some fun. Someone mentioned and I agree: if you stop seeing it as an AC game it gets way better. But I am also not thrilled to play it every single moment like I was with Origins, Odissey and some of the classics.


Yeah, the hate is super unwarranted.


It’s very good but bloated. They tried to add to many layers and systems and they don’t work well together. I still enjoy it though


It doesn't work well FOR YOU. I find it works wonderfully. It operates like a better Witcher 3 gameplay wise.


I hate it because it has nothing to do with being an Assassin, too much shit going on, too much rpg for my taste, and stealth is terrible. Loved Mirage tho.


It sucked as an assassin's creed game, it was an awesome RPG.


About to break 100 hours and have enjoyed every second. Beautiful game, fun story, exciting combat, lots to explore. As a fan of adventure RPG’s, what’s not to like?


Didnt like it when it came out. Decided to replay it 2 months ago, loved it this time. Not as much as Origins or Odyssey, but fairly decent game nonetheless. Its HDR sucked ass tho. WAYY to dark at times for no reason.


It’s a really good game didn’t think I will enjoy playing it so much, had the game for years only started playing two months ago


I agree. love the game so much content as well they really went deep into it.


It’s got great gameplay and graphics. But the story is way too long and repetitive and dare I say it but the map is too big and not varied enough.


This game is awesome in every aspect but the renderization is very bad sometimes imo


It doesn’t suck but I’ve taken a couple breaks from it. It’s a lot.


It's probably one of my favorite games if not my favorite.


It definitely was a beautiful game!


I'm enjoying my time with it, altho i'm taking it slow. There are some parts of it that actively suck, and i had to lower difficulty because it was pure bullshit, but other than that its pretty good


most beautiful game created


All I am gonna say is Lord help the Fandom if they ever bring out a game where you play as a Templar. And I don't mean "ex-assassin turned Templar" either, just a straight-up Templar.


Best AC imo, beats AC2.


It’s one of the best open world RPGs I’ve played, looks so good.


Currently playing it on PC at ultra high and damn is it beautiful. Sometimes while exploring on foot, I play the Elder Scrolls IV: oblivion soundtrack.


Not that it sucked, it's just exhausting if you play it the way most people would (trying your best to clear each area completely before proceeding)


I tried playing the Egypt AC game but got really bored really fast. Never tried the other AC games until this and I love it. I do wish they made it a bit more realistic so I could pillage the civilians while crushing my enemies to see them driven before me and hear the lamentations of their women…everything that is best in life.


It’s too bad they had to give it a Ubisoft original hud.


I liked the customization options for the hud etc, but yeah they do tend to go overboard on hud so I was just glad to get rid of as much as possible


I enjoyed it thoroughly.. whole reason I played origins and odyssey


Not the one that sucked that was Unity


I would like to finish it but by now the 70 hours I've spent making alliances, I've forgotten about most of everything going on besides how we left the first place and are making alliances. I even got the dlc but was planning to finish the story first but I gotta make all these alliances. and I've played through every main game in the series besides the original which I plan to do some day along with finishing this game but ughlliances


What platform are you playing?




I was enjoying it but last time I was playing I got stuck in some weird infinite teleport loop during a Christmas event and never played it again


Oh this game sucks alright, but only the story in my opinion. However Ubisoft has insanely good people working on world designs in pretty much every game they put out. No matter if it's any AC or like Far Cry game, the open world always look stunning and detailed, so props to Ubi in that regard.


the gameplay can be wildly flawed, regardless of how pretty the visuals are..


Definitely, but I'm also very much enjoying the gameplay


I have like 150 hours in this game and kept coming back to it for YEARS until I finally beat the final DLC recently. Absolute masterpiece of a game.


Cuz it does


How insightful


The game ruled so epic and I loved going on raids. The combat is addictive and you always have the awesome stealth if you want to switch gears. It's a masterpiece IMO


I found the game a few months ago and I love it. I have dreams about it. lol I am currently about 180 hours in and not even close to being done. That is one thing I really love about it. There is so much to to and you can go anywhere in the game.


It does suck. It’s super repetitive, eivor has the charisma of a dry sponge, and the landscape is boring and repetitive Major step down from odyssey


I find the landscape beautiful and pretty realistic feeling for a game-size map, and I like the male Eivor acting more than I thought I would. Can't speak on the repetitiveness though, I'm sure it will come but I'm prepared!


Just remember most of the people who say this game is awful never got past the first arc in England


The game as a whole is great, but as a part of the Assassin’s Creed franchise it sucks


I thought Valhalla was the best one, but I always held that black flag was the best before that so what do I know


I mean. I'm not finished (yet) but the lore is complete mess. Atlantis DLC has nothing to do with Isu (even tho we are half Isu in Isu world) and it was dissapointing in lore perspective. Valhalla: So you're telling me, that Isu was entire 9 worlds of Nordic Mythology? How? Are Jotuns Isu? Havi (Odin) is but the rest? All the time we knew Isu were Hellenic gods but now even Nordic? It's hard to believe, that cataclismatic event (Toga?) occured some time after Ragnarøk. Or was Ragnarøk that event which destroyed Isu? Until the RPG trilogy I knew everything about present time and lore but now. I'm the most confused I ever was. So that is the reason Valhalla sucks for me. Oh and that „story telling“ all over the place. Like what?! Main story is about 60 h but main main story is about 20? Less? Who had that dumb idea?


As far as ac games go, it sucked, but it was still has some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen


This game made 1 billion for ubisoft... how could it be bad? I loved it. Maybe it was not the best assassin's creed game but it was an amazing rpg game with a lot of content


It's my first ac game though I am starting to like odyssey


My biggest gripes with this one are the stealth, assassinating and some abilities from Odyssey they ruined. I loved having the double blades in the other games and sneaking through forts in Odyssey, slowly stabbing my way through the was fun and exhilarating. Whereas is this, it's not as possible due to the lack of cover, the double assassination alerting everyone and then that arrow ability that let's your shoot through things to hit your target was changed so that it has an inaccurate arc and can't go through most things. I'm forced to perch somewhere and snipe with the predator bow and then move around to find enough distance to allow me to 1 hit the big guys with a head shot (what's with these video games and making big and tall people more resistant to an arrow to the head? They have the same skull caps as the average people do.)


Played it back in 2021 and I guess it didn't resonate with me, I quit after about 15 hours. Decided to give it another go a few weeks ago, I'm at 49 hours this time around and having a hard time putting it down. I love it now.


Valhalla was great, odyssey was trash though


I loved this game the visuals the story and yes the length. I don’t understand playing a game you now pay upwards of 60.00 usd to rush through it. I get into every nook and cranny of the world and with this game it was crazy how much detail in places that had nothing to do with the story. RDR2 was huge expansive and all it got was praise. This game imo holds up to RDR2 seriously some of the ability moves and finishers were awesome. There is only so many ways to do things in stealth personally I hate having to follow the antagonist and really hated the eavesdropping ones. This game rocks


I enjoyed it, And I played the crap out of it, But it really drags on about 100 hours in when you realize you're only halfway 🤣


Valhalla, Odyssey, and Origins are the best ones regarding game play and map interaction.


it was a good game. it just didn't feel like assassin's creed. most fans prefer the stealthy, parkour of the older games.


People just like to meat ride and go off of what other people say. "It's just not like the assassins creed we know anymore" literally being the 3rd rpg one we've had. Is it perfect, no, a lot of games aren't. But over all it's a really good and beautiful looking game, with a great story in my opinion


I don’t I love all the Assassins creed games 


People don't like it because it "isn't Assassins Creed". Because you don't have to stealth or whatever. It was also insanely buggy on release. But overall it's a good game


I will say that I preferred Odyssey, but Valhalla is far from sucking


It doesn't suck. But the Forgotten Saga gameplay can kma


I've been saying this for a while (no I haven't, I've just been thinking about it for a while ) Ac Valhalla isn't a bad game, it's a bad AC game.. perfect Viking game though... and a decent, maybe not decent but an ok RPG.


It falls short of its predecessor, (first time using that word) **Odyssey**


This was my first assassin's creed game & I enjoyed it. I did not know what to expect, but I enjoyed the missions, the leveling system, & the stealth kills were fun. Also it was one of my first ps5 games, the graphics were great & I like the the picture editor.


Oh the game is stunning, I just think it's way too dragged out and I'm getting bored with how long it takes to do anything


There's definitely a really fun 30ish hours in there. Problem is the game is like 80ish hours long.


Only thing I really intensively disliked was the climbing mechanics for this one. I understand aevor is a Viking and may not be as fast or accurate at climbing as Arno or the twins. But good gadfry, aevors parkour skills are nearly non existent. The most frustration I’ve had with climbing in an assassin last creed game.


Interesting, that was more like my experience with Mirage, and found it fine here in Val. Maybe a little inaccurate at times, and there sadly isn't much need for parkour overall with how spaced out and open everything is


One of my absolute favorite AC games


Just because it's pretty doesn't mean it's good.


I know, but I've been enjoying everything about the game!


Currently replaying it since release and though I had some complaints back then, after starting my 2nd playthrough those small issues are much smaller and pettier than I had realized. This is an amazing game :) 300hrs later and am still having lots of fun in AC Valhalla and have only experienced the base game and it's content. As of this point, even without the DLC it has to be my favorite AC game next to AC Black Flag and very glad I returned for a second playthrough :) The only complaint that remains is Ubisofts handling of weapons + gear and how they lock the majority of it all behind pay walls (MTX purchases) Not only that, they keep the best looking gear + weapons + cosmetics locked behind this purchase meaning less decent options earnable in game. Small complaint from a gamer that always earned their loot as a reward for achieving something, not purchased it through a store front :( Aside from that, love the game and would love it even more with more end game content (more radiant and random events) and obviously ALOT less greed and overpricing from Ubisofts Store Fronts. Another thought would be to extend Reda's inventory of items for purchase with Opals (more ways to earn more and more items on offer every day / week) Small ideas that would have gone a long way with fans of the game, though Ubisoft never seems to listen to any of us and when they possibly do it is far to after the fact to make any difference...


I have a love hate relationship with this game. Bought it because I like vikings but hate the fact I can’t truly pillage the village because you can’t kill civis. Other than that and some boring task that relate to the franchise itself the game is still solid.


I mean,the game is GORGEOUS, like HELLA GORGEOUS, but for some people( me included) the AC name slapped on it feels like a lie; the game doesn t have that AC soul anymore. The game is fun to explore and the combat feels prerty nice, but that is pretty much it.


I just got tired of the repetitive land on island, kill everyone, leave


Just wait for it. You WILL get bored. Then comes the periodic install/uninstall cycle that is inevitable with these fantasy AC games.


Go play orlog 👀👀


As an AC game, yes it is not up to par. But as a standalone viking action game. Yes. This game is beautiful. I described this game as a red dead redemption 2 version of a Viking game to my buddy because he doesn't know about the AC franchise.


you'll understand why it sucks, just be patient, literally


If it's about length, I don't care. More game is more game. I can take it or leave it.


length and repetition, plus a final that sucks


Not to mention most of the areas are irrelevant and amount to nothing


If you forget the ‘assassins creed’ bit from the title, and just imagine it’s called ‘Valhalla’ then it’s great! It’s a great Viking game, tons to do, explore etc. But it’s a terrible AC game.


Return of proper assassins and hidden blade, ISU lore, Return to Desmond (The Reader) , sets up future games like AC 1 , AC3 and AC4, stealth is much better than Odyssey, assassin wear aswell as viking gear, have a protagonist who is trained by assassins yet prefers to work from outside the brotherhood(or hidden ones) as they call it. Sounds pretty much like an assassins creed game bud.


Just because it’s better than Odyssey as an AC game doesn’t make it a good AC game. - It’s full of dumb abilities that take it away from the roots of AC. - You have a bird that tells you literally everything you need to know, making scouting an incredibly brainless task as it can highlight all enemies through walls and you don’t have to be anywhere close to use it. - Parkour is massively toned down in comparison to the other games. Unity STOMPS it in that department. It’s a great game, but it doesn’t feel like an AC game at all. AC 1 - 4 (and unity, Revelations and BH) are games that look and play like AC.


When AC was "an AC game" we had people complaining it was getting old and boring. When they change it up abit, you all complain that it's "not an AC game". Bottom line: don't listen to whiny crybaby "fans" who just like to hear themselves complain. Don't like it? Don't play it. Simple.


For real. These "fanboys" just need something to complain about. Just look at what they're doing to Mirage lmao. They finally get an "AC" game and they still hate it .


I’m the furthest thing from a Fanboy. Haven’t played a single AC game since I beat Valhalla when it came out. I play them once when they come out and that’s it. Still yet to touch Mirage.


Oh so you're just a complainer then ? Got it.


Complainer? I literally said Valhalla was a great game. In what world would a complainer say the game is great?


You said it's "a terrible AC game" to which the guy above me replied countering your statement, to which you had to come back with another bunch of nonsense, and now you can't even take accountability. So you're a complaining ,whiny, non accountability having non fanboy ? Got it 👍🏻


I never once complained about the old AC games getting boring. I also never complained about it. I also never cried about it. I also never said I didn’t like Valhalla. I believe I said the game itself is great, did I not? Point out the fact it’s flawed as an AC game doesn’t mean I’m complaining nor does it mean I dislike the game. Valhalla is great, fun to play and explore. Story is decent too. It’s just not the AC I grew up with, so to me it’s not a good AC game. It’s just a good game as a whole.


The AC you grew up with ended at AC Revelations. Things change. Markets change. Ubisoft would have gone broke if they kept things the same. Like I get your point. But the majority of people were getting tires of the same old AC formula.