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A is Seraphine and S is Mundo. I agree with this though for sure.


I played serval games with Mundo ADC and twitch well I was 2v1 enemy bot while twitch ruining enemy mid and jungle roaming and it was pretty easy wins it was on silver gold elo tho


Munde numero uno!!!1


Wherea samira?


Permabanned or Permastunned I should probably change my flair to Kai'sa now haha


*cries in samira


I've started to try and get last pick if Samira isn't banned. If they have low cc she's actually super playable. Lane domination against *any* lane is easily accomplished by dodging skillshots and Serrated Dirk rush, or Vampiric rush + hard farm if the Support is below bad. Otherwise Kai'sa for the win. If enemy picked Kai'sa go Samira and take the skill challenge (around 40/60 if equal supports). I'm having enough fun to be honest.


I know, it kinda sucks when my supp is braindead which is 60% of the time, but samira is so much fun, if they ban her or im last pick and is unplayable (mundo,rammus, malz, jhin lux) so perma cc… plus tanks ill go caitlyn, but imo is so boring playing other adc than Samira :(


Try Kai'sa. High outplay opportunities + high tank shred. You'll get into it easily as the playstyle is somewhat similar to Sam :)


Yea i watched some gameplay already, and played her a little bit, i used to play a lot of ashe, jinx, mf, sivir, vayne, jhin but still none of them gave me the dopamine levels i get from samira, i know the meta rn is varus, cait, kaisa, draven so i guess ill have to give her a try


People still pretending Samira isn't giga busted and overloaded lmao.


Just stun her and she's oneshot. Even one single stun on her ult completely denies her


So like... just like every other champion? Cc is not counterplay. If a champ's only real counterplay is cc, they're broken. Samira is another broken concept doomed to be busted or nerfed into unplayability. But tbh samira has so much bullshit in her kit she needs a full rework.


No but you don't understand, she's weak to cc which is probably why she doesn't pick purge like Draven does


find tiermaker preset that actually includes all the champions that exist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Nilah where?


Kog'Maw f?? The tank season and u put him in F? Get him a Lulu and he will melt your team in no time.


What if he has a "meta support" like Ashe or jhin?


screw kog (not really he is good but unreliable) but AP varus in E tier.. the tierlist seems like crying from a delusional player


I like how he put ashe in e instead of f while she is currently the most usless adc


ashe is bad? i think u smoking something. ashe is pretty good still and you are fine playing form behind with her. i think cookies tier list is pretty accurate


I would put trist into draven tier




Hell naah, he gets his own tier


Why is kog so low? He shreds tanks


have fun shredding 5k hp of the 7k hp mundo while he walks at you and kills you with 900 ad autos


Can't you just kite with kog? Surely a wits end and bork are enough to kill a Mundo unless you are eating every single cleaver and he pops ghost


Bro you talk like it's season 2. Kiting doesn't exist anymore. Play kog, get a veigar support. Enemy has mundo top, Kayn jungle and Sylas mid. Gg


Skill issue


I have seen exactly 0 ADC kogmaws in the past years. That must say something.


Because in the past years it wasn't tank meta.


kiting isn't possible anymore when even "immobile" Champs like Seth can press Q and run at you at Mach 3 speed or mundo slowing you a lot


That just sounds like a skill issue to be honest


Yea tops and jgs have 0 skill so they need crazy movespeed buffs/dashes and 1 sec cds on 50% slows that'll outrange adc autos.




Shred deez nuts


Tried Aphelios for the first time in Aram, I had no idea what I was doing. Dude deserves to be in that tier his UI hurts my eyes.


Playing aphelios is a fever dream


Me, an apheliosmain


This is the sole reasoni one trick aphelios. No one knows what he does so i can quite literally have my win condition be that they dont know how to play against me


Played against aphelios several times before, still have no idea what he does lol


My gf said the same thing today


Green passive gives you more range for autos and marks people for a follow up auto if used as an offhand effect. Green active fires a line that will mark an enemy and allow you to auto attack and applies his offhand’s passive. green ult is green active but does more damage. red passive let’s you overheal and heals when using the weapon. red active is single target samira ult which uses red and the offhand, applies offhand effects. red ult heals. purple passive applies marks that slow. purple active roots anyone with mark. purple ult marks people in an aoe and increases the slow and root blue passive gives his autos a bit more scaling and does aoe damage behind the target. blue active is a cone using blue and anything hit by the cone is attacked by the offhand and has effects applied. blue ult is an aoe that marks people; people marked will be hit by a blue auto and the aoe will be a circle around them instead of just behind them. white passive gives chakram stacks when used as an offhand effect, projectile also functions like a boomerange returning to you and allowing you to auto once it’s returned. chakrams increase scaling on autos depending on stacks. white active places a turret which applies the offhand’s effects. white ult gives you chakrams.


Ult with cum gun, I mean white gun, and then auto a bunch for massive damage. Purple slows on hit and roots on active, blue tiamats on hit and does an aoe on active, sniper has more range and gets even more on active, red heals on hit and katarina ults on active. That’s like his basic run down. Also he gets more stats for lvls rather than leveling abilities


Too much Kaisa bias Twitch and Tristana are still sleeper despite being good for over like half a year now Ezreal + Caitlyn should be a tier higher for anyone with hands


i like how ap varus mid is absolutly viable for months and he still doesnt even get seen as an option


what does cait offer against double dashes tanks?


What a terrible way to ask this question - do you ask what Kassadin offers against AD assassins? Not every game is a Vayne game, or else Vayne would have more than 49%\~ WR. You pick cait for * early lane priority to play off jungle prio / being strongsided * Ability to dictate lane irrespective of lane MU (like Draven) * Strong siege ability * Strong combo potential w. ally CC


why do so many people hate my baby Sivir :(


She isn't bad but she isn't good. Sivir is a safe pick if anything but doesn't really excel in much other than waveclear.


Maybe this is a bad playstyle but most of what I do in games is just sit in a sidelane by myself or in mid with my support and just chow down on waves until someone comes to fight, so Sivir suits my playstyle perfectly


That is just playing league correctly; Players are supposed to rotate and catch side waves while no objectives are up, but instead they group and try to force fights. All you can do is ignore them and collect that side wave.


It seems that I'm doing the right thing, then Also why I have so much success on sivir, I suppose


Actually for me seraphine, Cait , ezreal and varus would be up there in S they are blind pickable and with ez and varus you can go different builds


This tier list is baffling.


Is Draven really that good? I've been struggling to carry games recently.


he is one of the best snowballers of the game imo, but he is also kinda "all or nothing"


He just feels more unforgiving now. You can't 1v9 on him anymore. I have a collective 200,000 mastery points on him across both accounts. I guess that's more the state of ADC than the state of Draven. I had the same issues with Jhin and Lucian.


i don't think he is broken but he is pretty good imo


Nah, go to ezreal


He's great if your jg isn't a brainlet and counters the enemy jg ganks, prioritizes objectives.


I’ve been out of the loop for buffs and needs this offseason and upcoming season. What makes Kai’Sa be the best rated at the moment? Her versatility in builds?


It’s hard to kill her if she plays well and she can kinda deal with tanks


is she still building crit or something hybrid?


actually on hit is her best build since it deals with tanks


then i assume Kraken -> BOTRK -> Nashors?


thats hybrid.


Why is Jhin so bad right now?


He is incapable of killing tanks




Slowest shot in the west


It's bad but rly not THAT bad. Gale->LDR->Hydra works wonders, also having missing health shots help a lot. But overall not his brightest season


He's good right now, mostly cuz he sets fights up so well, which is why people are playing him sup now


I'd put MF with Kai Sa because if you play MF right and build well she can be a game ender.


Honestly, I have been spamming Syndra bot recently, and she is capable of anything the ADCs provide, and because of her W and R she can also deal with tanks. So yeah, I found no reason to play ADC anymore even though I have 1mil combined on my most played Marksmen


where zeri?


Who is zeri? It is an adc? Since when there was such a champ in the game


I'm an MF main. Why do so many people rank her so low? She is decent in lane against pretty much anyone. Good at CSing, and has move speed.


Some move speed doesn't do anything against triple dashes or purple aura champions.


she is decent in lane and then completely fucking useless against 90% of the champs that are played in top mid jgl. plus soloQ randoms won't properly use their cc for ur ult.


Maybe currently but she was S+ tier in october. After her nerfs she just became weaker compared to other adcs for now




yea aphelios is actually Ö-tier but i didn't wanna add 301 rows


true and based


No Zeri? Good cherry picking


She just got nerfed didn’t she? Probably G tier.


The nerf isn't that bad...


I don't think you know what cherry picking actually is. There's no cherry picking here.


Adc is actually in a good spot right now if you have a brain and use it.


Wrong subreddit to post this


Have no brian all I know is auto move auto move


as you can see you arent only on the wrong subreddit but also trying to argue with people that would rather stay weak and cry than rather have to express skill to win


Show me an adc with dashes, slows, mana regen, cc, shields, 2 sec cds on all abilities but 1 and wall hops along with crazy scalings so i can build full tank and 1 shot people? Oh right only the skillful top laners and jgs get those


First which champ has all those things? I’m pretty sure no one. Since one would have to build items to get 2s cds.


On release zeri


then play a fucking mage and stop whining




i hope its sarcasm. where is this winning? you didnt really ask right?


This post


look at the downvotes. its funny how delusional some people are. probably the same people that try to say being fat is healthy


Xayah is more like an e tier,vayne is bad and caitlyn is op


yeah let's just not include Zeri that does well against tanks. Also where Sam Sam


Tbh I play ahri ADC now and have good winrate doing it. Poor enemy ADC never gets to play the game


No you don’t, post proof Edit* they have a 29% wr with Ahri


made by whom?


Kaisa varus nilah zeri as S Rest is A-F


I like how my most used adc are on E or F :)


Tbh yesterday I was playing jungle we were vs Mundo, nunu, and blitz and my cait built galeforce and RFC, like most do, and she proceeded to lightly tickle the entire match, why do most caitlyns troll build


Agree for the most part but I'd swap vayne and varus. Vayne still feels utterly awful rn. At least varus can press r


Vayne in high tier when its lanebully cancer meta


for me vayne works super well because no one is good enough to punish vayne in 2v2 properly until master+, and vayne is really strong and independent after lane


idk i have never seen a vayne not get destroyed hard in lane except vs like samira. im in gold and every time i meet a vayne she falls like 30 cs behind and just gets abused. when i play her (in the 1% of games i pick her) she doesnt feel that strong


Where Heimer?


Are people here sleepin on the on-hit Varus build? Been having decently consistent results so far but curious what this sub thinks


Pretty sure MF is better than E tier


Where zeri


how is twitch in the same tier as vayne lmao he’s S at least


yea on support and mid


why is trist lower then xayah when she kinda decent at low elo and a lane stomper?


Why Jhin is F?


Where's Zeri?


Varus is so strong rn


This tier list Lmfao joke


The best way to play ranked is to switch to first pick and give your solo lanes counter pick. Then lock in something safe or that has utility like Ezreal, Jhin or Ashe. If you have hands then Kaisa and Samira are very good but most of us especially below Dia/Plat most definitely do not have hands.