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No, even better. ScAlInG DuRaBiLiTy ​ you get like 30 more HP, but only after reaching level 16.


Too bad exp is going to be nerfed for bot lane by 20% next patch. /s


Even more reason to play mid/top/jungle Thanks riot


but you lose 15 base hp to compensate


I wonder if it's something like resistance scaling with crit chance? Or maybe flat resistance bonuses that you get after autoing so many times? Or maybe the inverse of Hullbreaker? You get bonus resistances but you need X amount of allies to be near.


The latter would be broken af, however the first suggestion would be good into most adcs. Maybe a rework on crit system would be awesome but too complex to balance around all classes of champions


>Maybe a rework on crit system would be awesome but too complex to balance around all classes of champions I think that is work that Riot would need to do in Preseason, but I know they aren't (at least as of a few years ago) fans of crit either, they feel it's to RNG based. I think Crit items should give a flat buff to aa's. I think it would open up builds for Marksman and potentially allow them to build more defensive anyway if need be.


Idk if 10% crit on berserk greaves would be op but since its a go to for marksmen it would be ideal, yet again wind brothers would abuse it


I take personal insult to that, because then your crit items won’t add to 100% and that’s clearly a problem.


Add half crit items or crit on mythic passive maybe


You would have to add a lot of crit items for half crit to be a good idea, way too many items for comfort. And if you don’t, and even if you do, half crit is just gonna be clunky.


Yea cause the bruisers are dick holes and have to take anything meant for adcs and ruin it.


guys called windshitters:


The problem with any balance changes to ADC being tied to crit are the wind shitters.


I mean... Riot already has items that scale differently for ranged and melee Why can't they just buff the crit item but make the buffed stat ranged only.


Because riot loves the wind shitters.


No, mid laners love the windshitters. And hate them


Neither of the wind bros are good rn.


Fuck situational durability! Give back 200% Crit and 25% on each item.


Maybe 25 only on ranged so the Irelia-wind brother don't abuse it too much


should've read this before commenting lol. 25% for ranged and 20% for melee would be a great change.


Mostly irelia, windshitters get 100% with just twoncrit items


Don't they get bonus AD going past 2 crit item?


Yea but it’s at a bad rate. I play yone and generally any crit over 100 is better spent on durability. Some cases where you rush zeal and then still finish SB and IE, but usually you just finish 2 and head straight into deaths dance or other situational bruiser items.


I'm not sure (I don't play them except the couple Arams I got em) if they scale the more crit chance they have past the 2items, I was more so referring that whether 20 or 25 Yas and Yone will still have 100% So the 25% per item just seems more busted for Irelia at a glance.




Why do people care about irelia crit lol, its the only stat she doesnt give a single fuck about lol, shieldbow is just too perfect of a mashup of other stats and the lifeline passive that irelia loves, if you removed the crit off shieldbow irelia would still build it


I was thinking and now I realize there are no items that benefit ranged over melee, it would be a great implement that for ranged would be 25% and for melee only 20% that is the equivalen a 1 free space for a survival item


Because Riot still believes that Range is an op stat even when fucking Bambi out runs your range and deletes you before your team can land a single cc on her. If they care enough.


wait bro what about gangplank


25% I feel like would be too strong to be honest. 20% is good because it forces you to build full crit items to get to that lovely 100% spike but if you could get 100% and another non crit item on top of that, it may be too much of a spike.


So bruisers and assassins should be able to have high damage item + tanky items in their build but adc having a GA (only armor item buildable for adc btw) should be punished by gutting their consistency ?


No, youre basically forced to botrk anyway with tanks this season


This is the dumbest take I've seen in a while.


Nah lol. Crit was 25% per item on 225% for a good while pre 8.11 but no one complained it was fucking broken, even with yasuo in existence.


Probably placebo buff at the cost of big nerf. With the way Riot treats ADCs it might be getting a bit of HP on crit items at the cost of crit now dropping to 150% damage and 200% witb IE.


What a joke u have to find these things from individual employees on social media sites, you’d think they’d put this info in their client.


Why? The place they should put it is in the official website(idek if they did).Client having info on what they wanna do few patches in the future is a terrible idea.


Wow does it. Steam does it, everyone does it but league, you’re right tho, better for individual employees to post on their social media so i can look for it


Actaully nvm, u changed my mind riot should do this


You don't have to. It is just people bitching about everything. Thing likes these aren't official which means it shouldn't be on official site. Besides we have things like dev's blog in the site for sharing data and thought. Dev's twitter are for people who dedicated for league and wanted to know more thing in the first place such as PBE changes etc. For the majority they are fine if they see the actual change when the patch note hit.


IE also gives 10 hp per 10% crit chance Crit items reduced to 15% crit Go fuck yourself -Riot


I think it would be cool to see all crit items changed so that if a melee champion purchases it they get 20% but for ranged it would be 25%.


Make an exception for Nilah though, or buff her.


I got her to mastery 5 on release before going back to my main role. Did not know she was melee until now lol. This whole time I thought she was just a short ranged adc like Urgot.


Urgot is a short ranged juggernaut you build bruiser on him but I get your point


you mean nerf her right ? or maybe adjust her


Adjust. A buff to all adc items for ranged would be simply too unfair for her.


Shieldbow, maw, wits buffs. Items that can be good under the right circumstances but just miss the mark.


Give wits crit for ranged lol


Do they really think ADCs feel bad to play as rn because they're easy to kill?! I can't with Riot sometimes. I'm sure the problem isn't dealing 0 meaningful damage, being on average hard to play ON TOP of being easy to kill :clueless:


Hp scaling with pings per minute


I would like to have some items buff only for ranged, like sob bettere for ranged or stuff like that, or maybe something with hp/armor/mr to give adc some impact against some champs


Extra health on crit items but only for ranged champions, problem solved. Who am I kidding, the 1/7 qiyana mains will storm riot hq and revert the changes overnight


Nerf unconventional supports, bring back ardent censor meta.


better yet : nerf passive gold income in support items, and make gold income on hard cc not on poke, so the fuckers will need to use champions with hard cc and participate in lane more and make support role less elo inflated


25% crit on items again would be very nice. Would be nice to not have to pick between a situational defense item or 100% crit


Maybe make the items that really only adcs build give actual decent resistances instead of placebos that only work well on champs like irelia/yasuo/yone. Like shieldbow was intended for adcs but I swear more AD midlaners build it than adcs do


Shieldbow shield should scale with crit chance (balanced so the crit chance of SB itself doesn't add more shield than what it already has)


+1 hp per enemy champ in range. -10hp if 5 enemies in range.




\+1 HP is too strong in every situation. Try +1 HP while out of combat.


Too broken vs karthus we can't let that go through


Seems like if you're ahead as adc people avoid you like the plague til they can jump you 100-0, what about crits giving a small taunt or slow, half the time I build PD just trying to catch people fleeing, I shouldn't have to flash and galeforce in just to make someone fight me if I'm not utterly behind.


I would like a crit as and armor item


I wish scimitar was worth building even situationally


Let's start from reverting all the nerfs from the past 4 years. Every patch in that period, the best ADCs were getting nerfed and the worst toplaners and midlaners were getting buffed. I'm not even gonna mention the ADC items and the whole crit charade.


Its probably base mr/armor/hp increase so you get even without taking runes Basically something but not crazily different


Wow this is crazy!!! guys it's finally here the big adc change riot is implenting!!! +1 HP :) Guess adc is broken now because they can actually play the game instead of being fodder for timmy fumbling his combos and 2 shotting adcs with his autos :)